ComparePDFs /
viboognesh's picture
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7.72 kB
import streamlit as st
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader
from anthropic import Anthropic
from prompts import DIFFERENTIATE_PROMPT
def extract_differences(input_text):
input_text = input_text.strip()
qa_pairs = input_text.split('</difference>')
# Initialize an empty list to hold the parsed dictionary objects
parsed_data = []
# Iterate over each QA pair
for pair in qa_pairs:
# Check if the pair has both question and answer (ignoring the last one)
if '<text1_section>' in pair and '</text1_section>' in pair and '<text2_section>' in pair and '</text2_section>' in pair and '<explanation>' in pair and '</explanation>' in pair:
# Extract the question and answer text
text1 = pair.split('<text1_section>')[1].split('</text1_section>')[0]
text2 = pair.split('<text2_section>')[1].split('</text2_section>')[0]
explanation = pair.split('<explanation>')[1].split('</explanation>')[0]
# Create a dictionary for the current pair and append it to the list
parsed_data.append({'text1': text1.strip(), 'text2': text2.strip(), 'explanation': explanation.strip()})
return parsed_data
def make_llm_api_call(prompt):
client = Anthropic()
message = client.messages.create(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": [{"type": "text", "text": prompt}]}],
return message
def get_llm_response(extractedtext1, extractedtext2):
prompt = DIFFERENTIATE_PROMPT.format(text1=extractedtext1, text2=extractedtext2)
message = make_llm_api_call(prompt)
message_text = message.content[0].text
differences_list = extract_differences(message_text.split("<differences>")[1].split("</differences>")[0].strip())
except Exception as e:
differences_list = extract_differences(message_text)
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", e)
return message_text, []
# display_text = f"{before_differences}\n\n{difference_content}\n\n{after_differences}"
return differences_list
def extract_text_with_pypdf(pdf_path):
reader = PdfReader(pdf_path)
text = []
for page in reader.pages:
return text
def main():
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # Enable wide layout
if "differences_data" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.differences_data = []
if "display_data" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.display_data = {"file1": None, "file2": None, "i": 0}
if "file1" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.file1 = None
if "file2" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.file2 = None
st.markdown('<div style="text-align: center;">' + '<h1>PDF Upload and Compare App</h1>' + '</div>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Create columns for side-by-side buttons
col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 2])
# Add upload button to left column
st.session_state.file1 = col1.file_uploader("**Text 1**", type="pdf")
# Add upload button to right column
st.session_state.file2 = col2.file_uploader("**Text 2**", type="pdf")
# Check if both files are uploaded
if st.session_state.file1 and st.session_state.file2:
# Get filenames from uploaded files
filename1 =
filename2 =
if st.session_state.display_data["file1"] != st.session_state.file1 or st.session_state.display_data["file2"] != st.session_state.file2:
st.session_state.display_data = {"file1": st.session_state.file1, "file2": st.session_state.file2, "i": 0}
extracted_text1 = extract_text_with_pypdf(st.session_state.file1)
extracted_text2 = extract_text_with_pypdf(st.session_state.file2)
with col1.expander(filename1):
with col2.expander(filename2):
st.success(f"Content of files **{filename1}** and **{filename2}** have been extracted successfully.")
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error saving files: {str(e)}")
with st.spinner("Processing Pages within the PDFS"):
# display_text, parsed_data = process_concurrently(extracted_text1, extracted_text2)
# display_text, parsed_data = get_llm_response(extracted_text1, extracted_text2)
for i,(etext1, etext2) in enumerate(zip(extracted_text1, extracted_text2)):
if i >= st.session_state.display_data["i"]: break
data = next((d for d in st.session_state.differences_data if d['etext1'] == etext1 and d['etext2'] == etext2), None)
if data:
pdata = data['pdata']
dext1 = data['dext1']
dext2 = data['dext2']
pdata = get_llm_response(etext1, etext2)
dext1 = etext1
dext2 = etext2
for diff in pdata:
diff_text1 = diff['text1'].strip()
diff_text2 = diff['text2'].strip()
if diff_text1 == "" or diff_text2 == "": continue
diff_text1_phrase = "\n".join([f"<span style='background-color: grey;'>{t}</span>" for t in diff_text1.splitlines()])
diff_text2_phrase = "\n".join([f"<span style='background-color: grey;'>{t}</span>" for t in diff_text2.splitlines()])
dext1 = diff_text1_phrase.join(dext1.split(diff_text1)) if diff_text1 in dext1 else dext1
dext2 = diff_text2_phrase.join(dext2.split(diff_text2)) if diff_text2 in dext2 else dext2
st.session_state.differences_data.append({"etext1": etext1, "etext2": etext2, "pdata": pdata, "dext1": dext1, "dext2": dext2})
reverse_pdata = [{'text1': d['text2'], 'text2': d['text1'], 'explanation': d['explanation']} for d in pdata]
st.session_state.differences_data.append({"etext1": etext2, "etext2": etext1, "pdata": reverse_pdata, "dext1": dext2, "dext2": dext1})
display_text = "\n\n\n".join([f"**Text1:**\n\n{d['text1']}\n\n**Text2:**\n\n{d['text2']}\n\n**Explanation:**\n\n{d['explanation']}\n\n----------------------\n" for d in pdata])
with st.expander(f"**Page {i+1}** - {filename1}"):
st.markdown("\n\n".join(dext1.splitlines()), unsafe_allow_html=True)
with st.expander(f"**Page {i+1}** - {filename2}"):
st.markdown("\n\n".join(dext2.splitlines()), unsafe_allow_html=True)
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error finding differences: {str(e)}")
# Add button at the bottom to run Find Differences function
if st.button("Find Differences"):
st.session_state.display_data["i"] = st.session_state.display_data["i"] + 5
if __name__ == "__main__":