LocoLama2 / wordgame.py
DrDomedag's picture
Initial commit.
import random
from words import words
class WordGame:
def __init__(self):
self.points = 0
self.target_word = ""
self.attempts = 3
def generate_task(self):
self.attempts = 3
self.target_word = random.choice(words)
# print(f"New target word: {self.target_word}")
return self.target_word
def check_input_for_word(self, string):
if self.target_word in string.lower():
# print(f"The player input the target word and the task was reset.")
self.points -= 1
# self.update_status(message="You input the target word yourself, so you lost one point and the game reset.")
return True
# print(f"The player did not input the target word, so that's good.")
return False
def check_output_for_word(self, string):
# print(f"Checking for '{self.target_word}' in '{string}'.")
if self.target_word in string.lower():
self.points += self.attempts
# print(f"The player scored {self.attempts} points and has a total of {self.points}.")
score_gained = self.attempts
return f"Success! You earned {score_gained} points!"
# self.update_status(message=f"Success! You earned {score_gained} points!")
# print("The response did not contain the word.")
self.attempts -= 1
# print(f"Remaining attempts: {self.attempts}")
if self.attempts <= 0:
# print(f"The player ran out of attempts.")
return f"You did not win in three attempts. Generating new target word."
# self.update_status(message=f"You did not win in three attempts. Generating new target word.")
# print(f"The player has attempts left.")
return "That didn't quite hit the mark. Try again!"
def update_status(self, message=""):
return f'Current score: {self.points}\nRemaining attempts: {self.attempts}\nTarget word: "{self.target_word}"\n{message}'