[AppSettings] | |
APP_VERSION = "0.6.0" | |
CSS_PATH = "app.css" | |
[InformationMessages] | |
NOTI_VIDEOS = "Select the video(s)" | |
PRACTICAL_TASKS_INFO = "Choose a practical task" | |
PRACTICAL_SUBTASKS_INFO = "Choose a practical subtask" | |
NOTI_IN_DEV = "In development" | |
THRESHOLD_PROFESSIONAL_SKILLS_INFO = "Set value from 0 to 1.0" | |
DROPDOWN_PROFESSIONAL_SKILLS_INFO = "What professional skill are you interested in?" | |
DROPDOWN_DROPDOWN_COLLEAGUES_INFO = "What colleague are you interested in?" | |
TARGET_SCORE_OPE_INFO = "Set value from 0 to 1.0" | |
TARGET_SCORE_CON_INFO = "Set value from 0 to 1.0" | |
TARGET_SCORE_EXT_INFO = "Set value from 0 to 1.0" | |
TARGET_SCORE_AGR_INFO = "Set value from 0 to 1.0" | |
TARGET_SCORE_NNEU_INFO = "Set value from 0 to 1.0" | |
EQUAL_COEFFICIENT_INFO = "Set value from 0 to 1.0" | |
[OtherMessages] | |
CALCULATE_PT_SCORES = "Calculation of Big Five personality traits scores" | |
CALCULATE_PRACTICAL_TASK = "Solving a practical task" | |
CLEAR_APP = "Clear" | |
EXAMPLES_APP = "Examples" | |
EXPORT_PT_SCORES = "Export Big Five personality traits to a CSV file" | |
EXPORT_PS = "Export ranking professional skill results to a CSV file" | |
EXPORT_WT = "Export ranking effective work teams results to a CSV file" | |
NOTI_CALCULATE = "You can calculate Big Five personality traits scores" | |
[Labels] | |
PRACTICAL_TASKS_LABEL = "Practical tasks" | |
PRACTICAL_SUBTASKS_LABEL = "Practical subtasks" | |
THRESHOLD_PROFESSIONAL_SKILLS_LABEL = "Polarity traits threshold" | |
TARGET_SCORE_OPE_LABEL = "Openness target score" | |
TARGET_SCORE_CON_LABEL = "Conscientiousness target score" | |
TARGET_SCORE_EXT_LABEL = "Extraversion target score" | |
TARGET_SCORE_AGR_LABEL = "Agreeableness target score" | |
TARGET_SCORE_NNEU_LABEL = "Non-Neuroticism target score" | |
EQUAL_COEFFICIENT_LABEL = "Equal coefficient" | |
[TabCreators] | |
"App" = "app_tab" | |
"About the Authors" = "about_authors_tab" | |
[Filenames] | |
PT_SCORES = "personality_traits_scores.csv" | |
PT_SKILLS_SCORES = "personality_skills_scores.csv" | |
COLLEAGUE_RANKING = "_colleague_ranking.csv" | |
[Settings] | |
DROPDOWN_PROFESSIONAL_SKILLS = ["Analytical", "Interactive", "Routine", "Non-Routine"] | |
DROPDOWN_COLLEAGUES = ["major", "minor"] | |
[Values] | |
TARGET_SCORES = [0.527886, 0.522337, 0.458468, 0.51761, 0.444649] | |
[Links] | |