MotionCLR /
EvanTHU's picture
1fd6914 verified
history blame
20.9 kB
import spaces
import gradio as gr
import sys
import os
import torch
import numpy as np
from os.path import join as pjoin
import utils.paramUtil as paramUtil
from utils.plot_script import *
from utils.utils import *
from utils.motion_process import recover_from_ric
from accelerate.utils import set_seed
from models.gaussian_diffusion import DiffusePipeline
from options.generate_options import GenerateOptions
from utils.model_load import load_model_weights
from motion_loader import get_dataset_loader
from models import build_models
import yaml
import time
from box import Box
import hashlib
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
ckptdir = './checkpoints/t2m/release'
os.makedirs(ckptdir, exist_ok=True)
mean_path = hf_hub_download(
std_path = hf_hub_download(
model_path = hf_hub_download(
opt_path = hf_hub_download(
os.makedirs("tmp", exist_ok=True)
os.environ['GRADIO_TEMP_DIR'] = './tmp'
def generate_md5(input_string):
# Encode the string and compute the MD5 hash
md5_hash = hashlib.md5(input_string.encode())
# Return the hexadecimal representation of the hash
return md5_hash.hexdigest()
def set_all_use_to_false(data):
for key, value in data.items():
if isinstance(value, Box):
elif key == 'use':
data[key] = False
return data
def yaml_to_box(yaml_file):
with open(yaml_file, 'r') as file:
yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(file)
return Box(yaml_data)
HEAD = """<div class="embed_hidden">
<h1 style='text-align: center'> MotionCLR User Interaction Demo </h1>
edit_config = yaml_to_box('options/edit.yaml')
os.environ['GRADIO_TEMP_DIR'] = './tmp'
CSS = """
.retrieved_video {
position: relative;
margin: 0;
box-shadow: var(--block-shadow);
border-width: var(--block-border-width);
border-color: #000000;
border-radius: var(--block-radius);
background: var(--block-background-fill);
width: 100%;
line-height: var(--line-sm);
.contour_video {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
z-index: var(--layer-5);
border-radius: var(--block-radius);
background: var(--background-fill-primary);
padding: 0 var(--size-6);
max-height: var(--size-screen-h);
overflow: hidden;
def generate_video_from_text(text, opt, pipeline):
width = 500
height = 500
texts = [text]
motion_lens = [opt.motion_length * opt.fps for _ in range(opt.num_samples)]
save_dir = './tmp/gen/'
filename = generate_md5(str(time.time())) + ".mp4"
save_path = pjoin(save_dir, str(filename))
os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True)
start_time = time.perf_counter()
gr.Info("Generating motion...", duration = 3)
pred_motions, _ = pipeline.generate(texts, torch.LongTensor([int(x) for x in motion_lens]))
end_time = time.perf_counter()
exc = end_time - start_time
gr.Info(f"Generating time cost: {exc:.2f} s, rendering starts...", duration = 3)
start_time = time.perf_counter()
mean = np.load(pjoin(opt.meta_dir, 'mean.npy'))
std = np.load(pjoin(opt.meta_dir, 'std.npy'))
samples = []
root_list = []
for i, motion in enumerate(pred_motions):
motion = motion.cpu().numpy() * std + mean
# 1. recover 3d joints representation by ik
motion = recover_from_ric(torch.from_numpy(motion).float(), opt.joints_num)
# 2. put on Floor (Y axis)
floor_height = motion.min(dim=0)[0].min(dim=0)[0][1]
motion[:, :, 1] -= floor_height
motion = motion.numpy()
# 3. remove jitter
motion = motion_temporal_filter(motion, sigma=1)
i = 0
title = texts[i]
motion = samples[i]
kinematic_tree = paramUtil.t2m_kinematic_chain if (opt.dataset_name == 't2m') else paramUtil.kit_kinematic_chain
plot_3d_motion(save_path, kinematic_tree, motion, title=title, fps=opt.fps, radius=opt.radius)
gr.Info("Rendered motion...", duration = 3)
end_time = time.perf_counter()
exc = end_time - start_time
gr.Info(f"Rendering time cost: {exc:.2f} s", duration = 3)
video_dis = f'<video controls playsinline width="{width}" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" src="./file={save_path}"></video>'
style_dis = video_dis + """<br> <p align="center"> Content Reference </p>"""
global edit_config
edit_config = set_all_use_to_false(edit_config)
return video_dis, video_dis, video_dis, video_dis, style_dis, video_dis, gr.update(visible=True)
def reweighting(text, idx, weight, opt, pipeline):
global edit_config
edit_config.reweighting_attn.use = True
edit_config.reweighting_attn.idx = idx
edit_config.reweighting_attn.reweighting_attn_weight = weight
gr.Info("Loading Configurations...", duration = 3)
model = build_models(opt, edit_config=edit_config)
ckpt_path = pjoin(opt.model_dir, opt.which_ckpt + '.tar')
niter = load_model_weights(model, ckpt_path, use_ema=not opt.no_ema)
pipeline = DiffusePipeline(
opt = opt,
model = model,
diffuser_name = opt.diffuser_name,
width = 500
height = 500
texts = [text, text]
motion_lens = [opt.motion_length * opt.fps for _ in range(opt.num_samples)]
save_dir = './tmp/gen/'
filenames = [generate_md5(str(time.time())) + ".mp4", generate_md5(str(time.time())) + ".mp4"]
save_paths = [pjoin(save_dir, str(filenames[0])), pjoin(save_dir, str(filenames[1]))]
os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True)
start_time = time.perf_counter()
gr.Info("Generating motion...", duration = 3)
pred_motions, _ = pipeline.generate(texts, torch.LongTensor([int(x) for x in motion_lens]))
end_time = time.perf_counter()
exc = end_time - start_time
gr.Info(f"Generating time cost: {exc:.2f} s, rendering starts...", duration = 3)
start_time = time.perf_counter()
mean = np.load(pjoin(opt.meta_dir, 'mean.npy'))
std = np.load(pjoin(opt.meta_dir, 'std.npy'))
samples = []
root_list = []
for i, motion in enumerate(pred_motions):
motion = motion.cpu().numpy() * std + mean
# 1. recover 3d joints representation by ik
motion = recover_from_ric(torch.from_numpy(motion).float(), opt.joints_num)
# 2. put on Floor (Y axis)
floor_height = motion.min(dim=0)[0].min(dim=0)[0][1]
motion[:, :, 1] -= floor_height
motion = motion.numpy()
# 3. remove jitter
motion = motion_temporal_filter(motion, sigma=1)
i = 1
title = texts[i]
motion = samples[i]
kinematic_tree = paramUtil.t2m_kinematic_chain if (opt.dataset_name == 't2m') else paramUtil.kit_kinematic_chain
plot_3d_motion(save_paths[1], kinematic_tree, motion, title=title, fps=opt.fps, radius=opt.radius)
gr.Info("Rendered motion...", duration = 3)
end_time = time.perf_counter()
exc = end_time - start_time
gr.Info(f"Rendering time cost: {exc:.2f} s", duration = 3)
video_dis = f'<video controls playsinline width="{width}" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" src="./file={save_paths[1]}"></video>'
edit_config = set_all_use_to_false(edit_config)
return video_dis
def generate_example_based_motion(text, chunk_size, example_based_steps_end, temp_seed, temp_seed_bar, num_motion, opt, pipeline):
global edit_config
edit_config.example_based.use = True
edit_config.example_based.chunk_size = chunk_size
edit_config.example_based.example_based_steps_end = example_based_steps_end
edit_config.example_based.temp_seed = temp_seed
edit_config.example_based.temp_seed_bar = temp_seed_bar
gr.Info("Loading Configurations...", duration = 3)
model = build_models(opt, edit_config=edit_config)
ckpt_path = pjoin(opt.model_dir, opt.which_ckpt + '.tar')
niter = load_model_weights(model, ckpt_path, use_ema=not opt.no_ema)
pipeline = DiffusePipeline(
opt = opt,
model = model,
diffuser_name = opt.diffuser_name,
width = 500
height = 500
texts = [text for _ in range(num_motion)]
motion_lens = [opt.motion_length * opt.fps for _ in range(opt.num_samples)]
save_dir = './tmp/gen/'
filenames = [generate_md5(str(time.time())) + ".mp4" for _ in range(num_motion)]
save_paths = [pjoin(save_dir, str(filenames[i])) for i in range(num_motion)]
os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True)
start_time = time.perf_counter()
gr.Info("Generating motion...", duration = 3)
pred_motions, _ = pipeline.generate(texts, torch.LongTensor([int(x) for x in motion_lens]))
end_time = time.perf_counter()
exc = end_time - start_time
gr.Info(f"Generating time cost: {exc:.2f} s, rendering starts...", duration = 3)
start_time = time.perf_counter()
mean = np.load(pjoin(opt.meta_dir, 'mean.npy'))
std = np.load(pjoin(opt.meta_dir, 'std.npy'))
samples = []
root_list = []
progress(0, desc="Starting...")
for i, motion in enumerate(pred_motions):
motion = motion.cpu().numpy() * std + mean
# 1. recover 3d joints representation by ik
motion = recover_from_ric(torch.from_numpy(motion).float(), opt.joints_num)
# 2. put on Floor (Y axis)
floor_height = motion.min(dim=0)[0].min(dim=0)[0][1]
motion[:, :, 1] -= floor_height
motion = motion.numpy()
# 3. remove jitter
motion = motion_temporal_filter(motion, sigma=1)
video_dis = []
i = 0
for title in progress.tqdm(texts):
title = texts[i]
motion = samples[i]
kinematic_tree = paramUtil.t2m_kinematic_chain if (opt.dataset_name == 't2m') else paramUtil.kit_kinematic_chain
plot_3d_motion(save_paths[i], kinematic_tree, motion, title=title, fps=opt.fps, radius=opt.radius)
video_html = f'''
<video class="retrieved_video" width="{width}" height="{height}" preload="auto" muted playsinline onpause="this.load()" autoplay loop disablepictureinpicture src="./file={save_paths[i]}"> </video>
i += 1
for _ in range(24 - num_motion):
gr.Info("Rendered motion...", duration = 3)
end_time = time.perf_counter()
exc = end_time - start_time
gr.Info(f"Rendering time cost: {exc:.2f} s", duration = 3)
edit_config = set_all_use_to_false(edit_config)
return video_dis
def transfer_style(text, style_text, style_transfer_steps_end, opt, pipeline):
global edit_config
edit_config.style_tranfer.use = True
edit_config.style_tranfer.style_transfer_steps_end = style_transfer_steps_end
gr.Info("Loading Configurations...", duration = 3)
model = build_models(opt, edit_config=edit_config)
ckpt_path = pjoin(opt.model_dir, opt.which_ckpt + '.tar')
niter = load_model_weights(model, ckpt_path, use_ema=not opt.no_ema)
pipeline = DiffusePipeline(
opt = opt,
model = model,
diffuser_name = opt.diffuser_name,
width = 500
height = 500
texts = [style_text, text, text]
motion_lens = [opt.motion_length * opt.fps for _ in range(opt.num_samples)]
save_dir = './tmp/gen/'
filenames = [generate_md5(str(time.time())) + ".mp4", generate_md5(str(time.time())) + ".mp4", generate_md5(str(time.time())) + ".mp4"]
save_paths = [pjoin(save_dir, str(filenames[0])), pjoin(save_dir, str(filenames[1])), pjoin(save_dir, str(filenames[2]))]
os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True)
start_time = time.perf_counter()
gr.Info("Generating motion...", duration = 3)
pred_motions, _ = pipeline.generate(texts, torch.LongTensor([int(x) for x in motion_lens]))
end_time = time.perf_counter()
exc = end_time - start_time
gr.Info(f"Generating time cost: {exc:.2f} s, rendering starts...", duration = 3)
start_time = time.perf_counter()
mean = np.load(pjoin(opt.meta_dir, 'mean.npy'))
std = np.load(pjoin(opt.meta_dir, 'std.npy'))
samples = []
root_list = []
for i, motion in enumerate(pred_motions):
motion = motion.cpu().numpy() * std + mean
# 1. recover 3d joints representation by ik
motion = recover_from_ric(torch.from_numpy(motion).float(), opt.joints_num)
# 2. put on Floor (Y axis)
floor_height = motion.min(dim=0)[0].min(dim=0)[0][1]
motion[:, :, 1] -= floor_height
motion = motion.numpy()
# 3. remove jitter
motion = motion_temporal_filter(motion, sigma=1)
for i,title in enumerate(texts):
title = texts[i]
motion = samples[i]
kinematic_tree = paramUtil.t2m_kinematic_chain if (opt.dataset_name == 't2m') else paramUtil.kit_kinematic_chain
plot_3d_motion(save_paths[i], kinematic_tree, motion, title=title, fps=opt.fps, radius=opt.radius)
gr.Info("Rendered motion...", duration = 3)
end_time = time.perf_counter()
exc = end_time - start_time
gr.Info(f"Rendering time cost: {exc:.2f} s", duration = 3)
video_dis0 = f"""<video controls playsinline width="{width}" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" src="./file={save_paths[0]}"></video> <br> <p align="center"> Style Reference </p>"""
video_dis1 = f"""<video controls playsinline width="{width}" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" src="./file={save_paths[2]}"></video> <br> <p align="center"> Content Reference </p>"""
video_dis2 = f"""<video controls playsinline width="{width}" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" src="./file={save_paths[1]}"></video> <br> <p align="center"> Transfered Result </p>"""
edit_config = set_all_use_to_false(edit_config)
return video_dis0, video_dis2
def main():
parser = GenerateOptions()
opt = parser.parse_app()
device_id = opt.gpu_id
device = torch.device('cuda:%d' % device_id if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
opt.device = device
# load model
model = build_models(opt, edit_config=edit_config)
ckpt_path = pjoin(opt.model_dir, opt.which_ckpt + '.tar')
niter = load_model_weights(model, ckpt_path, use_ema=not opt.no_ema)
pipeline = DiffusePipeline(
opt = opt,
model = model,
diffuser_name = opt.diffuser_name,
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=7):
text_input = gr.Textbox(label="Input the text prompt to generate motion...")
with gr.Column(scale=3):
sequence_length = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=9.6, step=0.1, label="Motion length", value=8)
with gr.Row():
generate_button = gr.Button("Generate motion")
with gr.Row():
video_display = gr.HTML(label="η”Ÿζˆηš„θ§†ι’‘", visible=True)
tabs = gr.Tabs(visible=True)
with tabs:
with gr.Tab("Motion (de-)emphasizing"):
with gr.Row():
int_input = gr.Number(label="Editing word index", minimum=0, maximum=70)
weight_input = gr.Slider(minimum=-1, maximum=1, step=0.01, label="Input weight for (de-)emphasizing [-1, 1]", value=0)
trim_button = gr.Button("Edit reweighting")
with gr.Row():
original_video1 = gr.HTML(label="before editing", visible=False)
edited_video = gr.HTML(label="after editing")
fn=lambda x, int_input, weight_input : reweighting(x, int_input, weight_input, opt, pipeline),
inputs=[text_input, int_input, weight_input],
with gr.Tab("Example-based motion genration"):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=4):
chunk_size = gr.Number(minimum=10, maximum=20, step=10,label="Chunk size (#frames)", value=20)
example_based_steps_end = gr.Number(minimum=0, maximum=9,label="Ending step of manipulation", value=6)
with gr.Column(scale=3):
temp_seed = gr.Number(label="Seed for random", value=200, minimum=0)
temp_seed_bar = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=100, step=1, label="Seed for random bar", value=15)
with gr.Column(scale=3):
num_motion = gr.Radio(choices=[4, 8, 12, 16, 24], value=8, label="Select number of motions")
gen_button = gr.Button("Generate example-based motion")
example_video_display = []
for _ in range(6):
with gr.Row():
for _ in range(4):
video = gr.HTML(label="Example-based motion", visible=True)
fn=lambda text, chunk_size, example_based_steps_end, temp_seed, temp_seed_bar, num_motion: generate_example_based_motion(text, chunk_size, example_based_steps_end, temp_seed, temp_seed_bar, num_motion, opt, pipeline),
inputs=[text_input, chunk_size, example_based_steps_end, temp_seed, temp_seed_bar, num_motion],
with gr.Tab("Style transfer"):
with gr.Row():
style_text = gr.Textbox(label="Reference prompt (e.g. 'a man walks.')", value="a man walks.")
style_transfer_steps_end = gr.Number(label="The end step of diffusion (0~9)", minimum=0, maximum=9, value=5)
style_transfer_button = gr.Button("Transfer style")
with gr.Row():
style_reference = gr.HTML(label="style reference")
original_video4 = gr.HTML(label="before style transfer", visible=False)
styled_video = gr.HTML(label="after style transfer")
fn=lambda text, style_text, style_transfer_steps_end: transfer_style(text, style_text, style_transfer_steps_end, opt, pipeline),
inputs=[text_input, style_text, style_transfer_steps_end],
outputs=[style_reference, styled_video],
def update_motion_length(sequence_length):
opt.motion_length = sequence_length
def on_generate(text, length, pipeline):
return generate_video_from_text(text, opt, pipeline)
fn=lambda text, length: on_generate(text, length, pipeline),
inputs=[text_input, sequence_length],
fn=lambda: [gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True)],
outputs=[video_display, original_video1, original_video4]
if __name__ == '__main__':