CPU Upgrade
CPU Upgrade
{ | |
"Members": { | |
"Countries": [ | |
"Algeria", | |
"Angola", | |
"Antigua And Barbuda", | |
"Argentina", | |
"Armenia", | |
"Australia", | |
"Azerbaijan", | |
"Bahrain", | |
"Bangladesh", | |
"Barbados", | |
"Benin", | |
"Bosnia And Herzegovina", | |
"Brazil", | |
"Burkina Faso", | |
"Cambodia", | |
"Cameroon", | |
"Canada", | |
"Chile", | |
"China", | |
"Colombia", | |
"Comoros", | |
"Cook Islands", | |
"Costa Rica", | |
"Cuba", | |
"Cote D'Ivoire", | |
"Democratic Republic Of The Congo", | |
"Dominican Republic", | |
"Ecuador", | |
"Egypt", | |
"El Salvador", | |
"Equatorial Guinea", | |
"Eritrea", | |
"Eswatini", | |
"Ethiopia", | |
"Fiji", | |
"France", | |
"Gabon", | |
"Gambia", | |
"Georgia", | |
"Germany", | |
"Ghana", | |
"Grenada", | |
"Guatemala", | |
"Guinea", | |
"Guinea Bissau", | |
"Honduras", | |
"Iceland", | |
"India", | |
"Indonesia", | |
"Iraq", | |
"Islamic Republic Of Iran", | |
"Israel", | |
"Italy", | |
"Jamaica", | |
"Japan", | |
"Jordan", | |
"Kazakhstan", | |
"Kenya", | |
"Kiribati", | |
"Kuwait", | |
"Libya", | |
"Madagascar", | |
"Malawi", | |
"Malaysia", | |
"Maldives", | |
"Mali", | |
"Marshall Islands", | |
"Mauritius", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Micronesia", | |
"Moldova", | |
"Monaco", | |
"Mongolia", | |
"Montenegro", | |
"Morocco", | |
"Nauru", | |
"Nepal", | |
"New Zealand", | |
"Niger", | |
"Nigeria", | |
"North Macedonia", | |
"Norway", | |
"Oman", | |
"Pakistan", | |
"Palau", | |
"Panama", | |
"Papua New Guinea", | |
"Paraguay", | |
"Peru", | |
"Philippines", | |
"Qatar", | |
"Republic Of Congo", | |
"Republic Of Korea", | |
"Republic Of Moldova", | |
"Romania", | |
"Russian Federation", | |
"Rwanda", | |
"Samoa", | |
"Saudi Arabia", | |
"Senegal", | |
"Seychelles", | |
"Sierra Leone", | |
"Singapore", | |
"Solomon Islands", | |
"Somalia", | |
"South Africa", | |
"Sri Lanka", | |
"State Of Palestine", | |
"Switzerland", | |
"Syrian Arab Republic", | |
"Thailand", | |
"Timor-Leste", | |
"Togo", | |
"Tonga", | |
"Trinidad And Tobago", | |
"Tunisia", | |
"Turkey", | |
"Tuvalu", | |
"Uganda", | |
"Ukraine", | |
"United Arab Emirates", | |
"United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland", | |
"United Republic Of Tanzania", | |
"United States Of America", | |
"Uruguay", | |
"Venezuela", | |
"Vietnam", | |
"Yemen", | |
"Zambia", | |
"Zimbabwe" | |
], | |
"International and Regional State Associations": [ | |
"Asia-Pacific States", | |
"European Union (EU) And Its 27 Member States", | |
"Federated States Of Micronesia", | |
"Gulf Cooperation Council", | |
"High Ambition Coalition", | |
"Latin American And Caribbean Group (GRULAC)", | |
"Like Minded Countries", | |
"Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS)", | |
"Alliance Of Small Island States (AOSIS)", | |
"The Federated States Of Micronesia", | |
"The Group Of African States", | |
"Western European And Other States", | |
"Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA)" | |
] | |
}, | |
"Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee": [ | |
"Executive Secretary Of The INC", | |
"Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee" | |
], | |
"Observers and Other Participants": [ | |
"10YFP Secretariat (One Planet Network)", | |
"ABIPLAST - Brazilian Association Of The Plastic Industry", | |
"ACTS Organization", | |
"ASTM International (ASTM)", | |
"AWTAD Anti-Corruption Organization", | |
"Aaina", | |
"Action Et Education Pour Tous (AEPT)", | |
"Action On Smoking And Health (ASH)", | |
"Africa Climate And Environment Foundation (ACEF)", | |
"African Alliance For Health Research Economic Development", | |
"African Environmental Network", | |
"African Petroleum Producers\u2019 Organization (APPO)", | |
"Aguaclara", | |
"Alianza Basura Cero", | |
"Alianza Latinoamericana De Asociaciones De La Industria De Alimentos Y Bebidas (ALAIAB)", | |
"All-China Environment Federation", | |
"Alliance Panafricaine Multi-Acteurs Sur La Pollution Plastique", | |
"Alliance Pour Le Controle Du Tabac En Afrique (ACTA)", | |
"American Chemistry Council", | |
"American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM)", | |
"And Colectivo Jaguares De Nuestra Madre Tierra", | |
"Aotearoa Plastic Pollution Alliance (APPA)", | |
"Arctic Monitoring And Assessment Programme (AMAP)", | |
"Armenian Women For Health And Healthy Environment", | |
"Arnika", | |
"Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact And Indigenous Peoples", | |
"Asian Marine Conservation Association", | |
"Asociaci\u00f3n Ecol\u00f3gica Santo Tom\u00e1s", | |
"Asociaci\u00f3n Sustentar", | |
"Association For Promoting Sustainability In Campuses And Communities (APSCC)", | |
"Association For Rural Area Social Modification, Improvement And Nestling (ARASMIN)", | |
"Association For Supporting The SDGs For The United Nations", | |
"Association Institute Of Total Environment (INTEV)", | |
"Association Nationale Du Civisme", | |
"Association Of Leadership You-Lean", | |
"Association Of Plastic Recyclers", | |
"Association Of Solidarity Through Humanitarian Imperative Actions International (ASHIA)", | |
"Association Pour L'Integration Et La Developpement Durable Au Burundi", | |
"Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO)", | |
"Azul", | |
"BAN Toxics", | |
"BVRio", | |
"Barranquilla + 20", | |
"Basel Action Network (BAN)", | |
"Beijing Greenovation Institute For Public Welfare Development (GHub)", | |
"Brazilian Chemical Industry Association", | |
"Break Free From Plastic", | |
"Breathe Free Detroit", | |
"Bridgers Association Cameroon", | |
"Bureau Of International Recycling", | |
"Business And Industry Major Group Presented By World Business Council For Sustainable Development", | |
"Business Coalition For A Global Plastics Treaty Convened By The Ellen MacArthur Foundation And WWF, In Collaboration With Aligned Businesses And Financial Institutions, And Supported By NGO Partners", | |
"CAIRPLAS, C\u00e1mara Argentina De La Industria De Reciclados Plasticos", | |
"CDP", | |
"CEMPRE Colombia \u2013 Compromiso Empresarial Para El Reciclaje", | |
"CESTA", | |
"Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe", | |
"Center For Biological Diversity", | |
"Center For Coalfield Justice", | |
"Center For International Environmental Law (CIEL)", | |
"Center For International Law And Governance", | |
"Center For Islamic Studies Of Universitas Nasional, Jakarta", | |
"Center For Oceanic Awareness, Research, And Education (COARE)", | |
"Center For Public Health And Environmental Development (CEPHED)", | |
"Centre De Recherche Et D\u2019Education Pour Le D\u00e9veloppement (CREPD)", | |
"Centre D\u2019Accompagnement Des Alternatives Locales De D\u00e9veloppement (Caald)", | |
"Centre For Environmental Justice", | |
"Centre For Human Rights And Climate Change Research", | |
"Centre For Science And Environment (CSE)", | |
"Centre International De Droit Compar\u00e9 De L\u2019environnement", | |
"Centre International De Droit Compar\u00e9 De L\u2019environnement", | |
"Chemical And Allied Industries\u2019 Association (CAIA)", | |
"Chia Funkuin Foundation", | |
"Children And Youth Major Group (CYMG)", | |
"Children\u2019s Environmental Health Foundation", | |
"China Biodiversity Conservation And Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF)", | |
"Circular Economy For Flexible Packaging In Europe Initiative (CEFLEX)", | |
"Citeo", | |
"Citizen Consumer And Civic Action Group (CAG)", | |
"Civil Society And Rights Holder Coalition", | |
"Civil Society Organizations In Africa", | |
"Civil Society Organizations In Asia Pacific", | |
"Civil Society Organizations In Latin America", | |
"Co-habiter", | |
"Comision Centro Americana", | |
"Comit\u00e9 National Contre Le Tabagisme", | |
"Community Action Against Plastic Waste (CAPws)", | |
"Congregations Of St Joseph", | |
"Consciente Colectivo", | |
"Consumer Goods Forum", | |
"Consumers International", | |
"Contact Group 1", | |
"Contact Group 2", | |
"Convention On Biological Diversity (CBD)", | |
"Corporate Accountability", | |
"Council For Scientific And Industrial Research", | |
"C\u00e1mara De La Industria Qu\u00edmica Y Petroqu\u00edmica (CIQyP\u00ae), Miembro Del Concejo Internacional De Asociaciones Qu\u00edmicas (ICCA) Y EURECA", | |
"Danimer Scientific", | |
"EDANA And INDA", | |
"EPS Branchen-en Del Af Plastindustrien (Denmark)", | |
"EPS Industry Alliance", | |
"EURECA", | |
"Earth Day", | |
"Earth Law Center", | |
"Ecoplas", | |
"Ecoproject Partnership", | |
"Ellen MacArthur Foundation", | |
"Endocrine Society", | |
"Engineers Australia", | |
"Entidad Especializada En Pl\u00e1sticos Y Medio Ambiente Para Una Econom\u00eda Circular (ECOPLAS)", | |
"Entidades Unidas Reafirmando La Econom\u00eda Circular En Argentina (EURECA)", | |
"Environmental And Social Development Organization (ESDO)", | |
"Environmental Coalition On Standards (ECOS)", | |
"Environmental Development Association (FASEEL)", | |
"Environmental Investigation Agency", | |
"European Bioplastics (EUBP)", | |
"European Manufacturers Of EPS", | |
"European Manufacturers Of Expanded Polystyrene (EUMEPS)", | |
"Expanded Polystyrene Australia", | |
"Fauna and Flora International", | |
"Fauna and Flora International And Zoological Society Of London (ZSL)", | |
"Fenceline Watch", | |
"First Modern Agro Tools Common Initiative Group ( FI.MO.AT.C.I.G)", | |
"Fondation De La Mer", | |
"Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations (FAO)", | |
"Food And Livestock Initiative (FLI Asbl)", | |
"Forum On Trade, Environment and The SDGs (TESS)", | |
"Foundation Of Fokus Nexus Tiga (Nexus3 Foundation)", | |
"French Water Partnership (Partenariat Fran\u00e7ais Pour L\u2019eau)", | |
"Friends World Committee For Consultation (FWCC)", | |
"Fronteras Comunes", | |
"Fundacion Avina", | |
"Fundaci\u00f3n Ambiente Y Recursos Naturales", | |
"Fundaci\u00f3n Interamericana Del Coraz\u00f3n (FIC)", | |
"GRID-Arendal", | |
"Galapagos Conservation Trust", | |
"Gallifrey Foundation", | |
"Geneva Cities Hub (GCH)", | |
"Gerakan Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik (GIDKP) - The Indonesia Plastic Bag Diet Movement", | |
"Global Alliance For Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA)", | |
"Global Alliance On Health And Pollution (GAHP)", | |
"Global Cement And Concrete Association", | |
"Global Council For Science And The Environment (GCSE)", | |
"Global Plastics Policy Centre, University Of Portsmouth", | |
"Global Youth Coalition On Plastic Pollution (GYCPP)", | |
"Green Africa Youth Organization", | |
"Greenpeace International", | |
"GroundWork South Africa (GroundWorkSA)", | |
"Haitelmex Foundation", | |
"Hasiru Dala In Collaboration With Eleven Other Civil Society Organizations", | |
"Health And Environment Justice Support (HEJSupport)", | |
"Health Care Without Harm (HCWH)", | |
"Healthy Hospitals Project - PHS", | |
"Human Rights Watch", | |
"ICLEI - Local Governments For Sustainability", | |
"India Institute For Critical Action Centre In Movement (CACIM)", | |
"India Water Foundation", | |
"India Youth For Society", | |
"Indigenous Caucus", | |
"Indigenous Peoples And Their Communities Major Group", | |
"Indigenous Peoples Representatives", | |
"Indonesian Centre For Environmental Law (ICEL)", | |
"Innovazing Vision", | |
"Institute For Sustainable Development And Research (ISDR)", | |
"Integrated Strategies Forum", | |
"Interamerican Heart Foundation", | |
"International Air Transport Association", | |
"International Alliance Of Waste Pickers (IAWP)", | |
"International Alliance Of Waste-pickers", | |
"International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)", | |
"International Center Of Comparative Environmental Law (CIDCE)", | |
"International Centre For Environmental Education And Community Development (ICENECDEV)", | |
"International Chamber Of Commerce (ICC)", | |
"International Council Of Beverages Associations (ICBA)", | |
"International Council Of Chemical Associations (ICCA)", | |
"International Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution (IKHAPP)", | |
"International Labour Office", | |
"International Labour Organization (ILO)", | |
"International Maritime Organization (IMO)", | |
"International Medical Crisis Response Alliance (IMCRA)", | |
"International Movement For Advancement Of Education Culture Social and Economic Development (IMAESED)", | |
"International Network For Bamboo And Rattan (INBAR)", | |
"International Organization For Standardization (ISO)", | |
"International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN)", | |
"International Science Council (ISC)", | |
"International Society Of Doctors For The Environment (ISDE)", | |
"International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)", | |
"International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)", | |
"International Union For Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources (IUCN)", | |
"Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC)", | |
"Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA)", | |
"King Abdullah Petroleum Studies And Research Center (KAPSARC)", | |
"Krityanand UNESCO Club, Jamshedpur", | |
"La Grande Puissance De Dieu", | |
"Latin American Organizations - Alianza Basura Cero", | |
"Ligue Camerounaise Des Droits De L'Homme", | |
"Litter4tokens South Africa NPO", | |
"Local And Subnational Government Working Group", | |
"Local Authorities", | |
"Loop", | |
"Major Alliance Education Centre (MAEC)", | |
"Major Group For Children And Youth", | |
"MarViva", | |
"Marine Ecosystems Protected Areas (MEPA) Trust", | |
"Members Of Microplastics Working Group", | |
"Mexican Network Of Ecological Action", | |
"Minderoo Foundation", | |
"Ministry Of Environment And Wildlife - Southwest State Of Somalia", | |
"Moms Clean Air Force", | |
"Multifaith Action Group On Pollution", | |
"NGO Major Group", | |
"NORCE On Behalf Of The North Atlantic Microplastic Centre (NAMC)", | |
"National Old Folks Of Liberia (NOFOL)", | |
"National Retail Association (NRA)", | |
"Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)", | |
"Neste", | |
"Nexus For Health, Environment, And Development (Nexus3) Foundation", | |
"Nipe Fagio", | |
"No Balloon Release Australia", | |
"No More Butts", | |
"Norwegian Academy Of International Law (NAIL)", | |
"Norwegian Institute For Water Research", | |
"Norwegian Institute For Water Research (NIVA)", | |
"Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE)", | |
"ONG Jeunesse Active De Guin\u00e9e (JAG)", | |
"Occidental Arts And Ecology Center (OAEC)", | |
"Ocean Conservancy", | |
"Ocean Recovery Alliance", | |
"Ocean. Now", | |
"OceanCare", | |
"OceanCare Global Ghost Gear Initiative", | |
"Office Of The UN High Commissioner For Human Rights (OHCHR)", | |
"OpenOceans Global", | |
"Organisation For Economic Co-operation And Development (OECD)", | |
"Organization Of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)", | |
"Organization Of The Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)", | |
"Our Sea Of East Asia Network (OSEAN)", | |
"Out For Sustainability", | |
"PCX Solutions (HOPEx Environment Group, Inc)", | |
"Pacific Environment And Resources Center (Pacific Environment)", | |
"Pan American Neuroendocrine Society", | |
"Partnerships For Change", | |
"Paryavaran Mitra", | |
"PetStar", | |
"Planeteer Alliance And Captain Planet Foundation", | |
"Plastalliance - Alliance Plasturgie Et Composites Du Futur", | |
"Plastic Change", | |
"Plastic Free Foundation", | |
"Plastic Free Future", | |
"Plastic Oceans Australasia", | |
"Plastic Pollution Coalition", | |
"Plastics Federation Of South Africa", | |
"Plastics Industry Association", | |
"PlasticsEurope", | |
"Plasticulture", | |
"ProDelphinus", | |
"Public Services International (PSI)", | |
"RAPAL", | |
"Rapal Uruguay", | |
"Recycling Partnership", | |
"Red De Acci\u00f3n Ecol\u00f3gica De M\u00e9xico", | |
"Red De Acci\u00f3n Por Los Derechos Ambientales", | |
"Red Mexicana De Accion Ecologica (Accion Ecologica)", | |
"Regions4 Sustainable Development", | |
"Reloop Platform", | |
"Resolve", | |
"Royal Society Of Chemistry", | |
"Samo Foundation", | |
"Sanid Organization For Relief And Development (SORD)", | |
"Sasakawa Peace Foundation", | |
"Saudi Green Building Forum", | |
"Sciaena", | |
"Scientists\u2019 Coalition For An Effective Plastics Treaty (Scientists\u2019 Coalition)", | |
"Secretariat For The Pacific Regional Environment Programme", | |
"Secretariat Of The Basel, Rotterdam And Stockholm Conventions", | |
"Secretariat Of The Convention On The Protection And Use Of Transboundary Watercourses And International Lakes (Water Convention)", | |
"Secretariat Of The Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)", | |
"Secretariat Of The WHO Framework Convention On Tobacco Control", | |
"Secretariats Of The Basel, Rotterdam And Stockholm Conventions", | |
"Shenzhen Zero Waste", | |
"Smoke Free Partnership, A Member Of The Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance (STPA)", | |
"Sociedad Peruana De Derecho Ambiental (Peruvian Society Of Environmental Law)", | |
"Somali Sustainable Development Organisation (SOSDO)", | |
"Somali Youth Development Foundation (SYDF)", | |
"South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme", | |
"Stand Earth", | |
"Stevenson Holistic Care Foundation (SHCF)", | |
"Stichting CEFLEX \u2013 The Circular Economy For Flexible Packaging Initiative", | |
"Stiftelsen Stockholm International Water Institute", | |
"Styrenics Industry", | |
"Sustainable Coastlines Charitable Trust", | |
"Sustainable Environment Food And Agriculture Initiative", | |
"Swedish Society For Nature Conservation (SSNC)", | |
"Systemiq", | |
"T/A Plastics SA", | |
"Take 3 For The Sea", | |
"Taller Ecologista", | |
"Tangaroa Blue Foundation", | |
"Tearfund", | |
"Thailand", | |
"The Australian Marine Conservation Society", | |
"The Center For Oceanic Awareness, Research, And Education (COARE)", | |
"The Descendants Project", | |
"The Fletcher School", | |
"The Global Organization For PHA (GO!PHA)", | |
"The Nature Conservancy", | |
"The Ocean Cleanup", | |
"The Pew Charitable Trusts", | |
"The Sea Cleaners", | |
"The Society Of Native Nations", | |
"The Terracycle Foundation", | |
"The Vinyl Institute", | |
"Toxics Link", | |
"Toxisphera, Mingas Por El Mar", | |
"Trade Unions Major Group", | |
"Trash Hero World", | |
"Trash4tokens NGO", | |
"Tufts University", | |
"U.S. Council For International Business (USCIB)", | |
"UN Women\u2019s Major Group", | |
"UNESCO Association - Guwahati", | |
"UNESCO Chair For Ocean Sustainability", | |
"Udisha", | |
"Unbutton Fashion", | |
"Unions Workers And Wastepickers", | |
"United Nations Association of Spain and the Government of Catalonia", | |
"United Nations Conference On Trade And Development (UNCTAD)", | |
"United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)", | |
"United Nations Economic Commission For Europe (UNECE)", | |
"United Nations Global Compact", | |
"United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)", | |
"United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)", | |
"United Nations Institute For Training And Research (UNITAR)", | |
"United Nations Office For Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)", | |
"United Nations Office On Drugs And Crime (UNODC)", | |
"United States Council For Business (USCIB)", | |
"University Of Wollongong", | |
"Unplastify", | |
"Verra", | |
"Vital Strategies", | |
"WWF-Australia", | |
"Waste Free Oceans", | |
"Whole World", | |
"William Ruto", | |
"Women In Informal Employment Globalizing And Organizing (WIEGO)", | |
"Women Working Group", | |
"Wonjin Institute For Occupational And Environmental Health (WIOEH)", | |
"Workers And Trade Unions Major Group", | |
"Working Group On Marine Litter (WGML) Of Coordinating Body On The Seas Of East Asia (COBSEA)", | |
"World Against Single Use Plastic (WASUP)", | |
"World Business Council For Sustainable Development (WBCSD)", | |
"World Economic Forum And Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP)", | |
"World Health Organisation", | |
"World Health Organization, Including The Secretariat Of The WHO Framework Convention On Tobacco Control", | |
"World Plastics Council (WPC)", | |
"World Welfare Association", | |
"World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)", | |
"Wrap", | |
"Youth Alive Uganda", | |
"Youth Focus Group", | |
"Yunus Environment Hub", | |
"Zero Waste Europe", | |
"Zoological Society Of London (ZSL)" | |
] | |
} |