''' This code merges SwissModel model summary files (metadata) into one file to be used in feature vector creation. Please run this code in the folder wherein downloaded .tar files are downloaded. Merged file will be found under extract_swissmodel_structures folder that will be created when this code is run. ''' import tarfile, glob, os, shutil import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ASCARIS') parser.add_argument('-folder_name', '--folder_name', help='Enter the directory where meta-data is found.', default=1) args = parser.parse_args() meta_data = args.folder_name def swissmodel_file(): os.makedirs('input_files/extract_swissmodel_structures/', exist_ok=True) all_swissmodel = open('input_files/swissmodel_structures.txt', 'w') all_swissmodel.write('UniProtKB_ac iso_id uniprot_seq_length uniprot_seq_md5 coordinate_id provider from to template qmeandisco_global seqid url') all_swissmodel.write('\n') for f in glob.glob(f'{meta_data}/*.tar.gz'): name = f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] with as tar: tar.extractall(f'input_files/extract_swissmodel_structures/{name}') with open(f'input_files/extract_swissmodel_structures/{name}/SWISS-MODEL_Repository/INDEX') as x: lines = (x.readlines())[7:] for line in lines: all_swissmodel.write(line) shutil.rmtree('input_files/extract_swissmodel_structures/') if __name__ == '__main__': swissmodel_file() |