steer-hexter /
LeeHarrold's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
50e2012 verified
# general imports
import os
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
import as px
# package import
from torch import Tensor
from transformer_lens import utils
from functools import partial
from jaxtyping import Int, Float
# device setup
if torch.backends.mps.is_available():
device = "mps"
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
print(f"Device: {device}")
from transformer_lens import HookedTransformer
from sae_lens import SAE
# Choose a layer you want to focus on
# For this tutorial, we're going to use layer ????
layer = 0
# get model
model = HookedTransformer.from_pretrained("tiny-stories-1L-21M", device = device)
# get the SAE for this layer
sae = SAE.load_from_pretrained("sae_tiny-stories-1L-21M_blocks.0.hook_mlp_out_16384", device = device)
# get hook point
hook_point = sae.cfg.hook_name
sv_prompt = " Lily"
sv_logits, activationCache = model.run_with_cache(sv_prompt, prepend_bos=True)
sv_feature_acts = sae.encode(activationCache[hook_point])
print(torch.topk(sv_feature_acts, 3).indices.tolist())
# Generate
sv_prompt = " Lily"
sv_logits, activationCache = model.run_with_cache(sv_prompt, prepend_bos=True)
tokens = model.to_tokens(sv_prompt)
# get the feature activations from our SAE
sv_feature_acts = sae.encode(activationCache[hook_point])
# get sae_out
sae_out = sae.decode(sv_feature_acts)
# print out the top activations, focus on the indices
print(torch.topk(sv_feature_acts, 3))
# get the neurons to use;
print(torch.topk(sv_feature_acts, 3).indices.tolist())
# choose the vector -- find this from the above section
steering_vector = sae.W_dec[10284]
example_prompt = "Once upon a time"
coeff = 1000
sampling_kwargs = dict(temperature=1.0, top_p=0.1, freq_penalty=1.0)
# apply steering vector when the model generates
def steering_hook(resid_pre, hook):
if resid_pre.shape[1] == 1:
position = sae_out.shape[1]
if steering_on:
# using our steering vector and applying the coefficient
resid_pre[:, :position - 1, :] += coeff * steering_vector
def hooked_generate(prompt_batch, fwd_hooks=[], seed=None, **kwargs):
if seed is not None:
with model.hooks(fwd_hooks=fwd_hooks):
tokenized = model.to_tokens(prompt_batch)
result = model.generate(
stop_at_eos=False, # avoids a bug on MPS
return result
def run_generate(example_prompt):
editing_hooks = [(f"blocks.{layer}.hook_resid_post", steering_hook)]
res = hooked_generate([example_prompt] * 3, editing_hooks, seed=None, **sampling_kwargs)
# Print results, removing the ugly beginning of sequence token
res_str = model.to_string(res[:, 1:])
print(("\n\n" + "-" * 80 + "\n\n").join(res_str))
steering_on = True
# evaluate features
import pandas as pd
# Let's start by getting the top 10 logits for each feature
projection_onto_unembed = sae.W_dec @ model.W_U
# get the top 10 logits.
vals, inds = torch.topk(projection_onto_unembed, 10, dim=1)
# get 10 random features
random_indices = torch.randint(0, projection_onto_unembed.shape[0], (10,))
# Show the top 10 logits promoted by those features
top_10_logits_df = pd.DataFrame(
[model.to_str_tokens(i) for i in inds[random_indices]],
# [7195, 5910, 2041]
top_10_associated_words_logits_df = model.to_str_tokens(inds[5910])
# See the words associated with feature 7195 (Should be "Golden")