const { cmd, commands } = require('../command'); | |
const config = require('../config'); | |
// repo info | |
cmd({ | |
pattern: "repo", | |
alias: ["sc", "script", "info"], | |
desc: "Info about the bot repository", | |
category: "main", | |
react: "🗂️", | |
filename: __filename | |
}, | |
async (conn, mek, m, { from, quoted, body, isCmd, command, args, q, isGroup, sender, senderNumber, botNumber2, botNumber, pushname, isMe, isOwner, groupMetadata, groupName, participants, groupAdmins, isBotAdmins, isAdmins, reply }) => { | |
try { | |
let dec = `*Hello There SUBZERO W.A BOT User! 😄👋* | |
> Simple, Icy, Cold & Rich Loaded Bot With Amazing Features, SubZero WhatsApp Bot. ❄️ | |
*Thanks for using SubZero MD🌹🫶* | |
> Don't forget to star & fork the repo🌟🍴 | |`; | |
await conn.sendMessage(from, { image: { url: `` }, caption: dec, contextInfo: { mentionedJid: [m.sender], forwardingScore: 999, isForwarded: true, forwardedNewsletterMessageInfo: { newsletterJid: '120363304325601080@newsletter', newsletterName: '『 sᴜʙᴢᴇʀᴏ ᴍᴅ 』', serverMessageId: 143 } } }, { quoted: mek }); | |
// Send audio | |
await conn.sendMessage(from, { | |
audio: { url: '' }, | |
mimetype: 'audio/mp4', | |
ptt: true | |
}, { quoted: mek }); | |
} catch (e) { | |
console.log(e); | |
reply(`${e}`); | |
} | |
}); | |