commited on
Delete index.js
Browse files
@@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
1 |
const {
2 |
default: makeWASocket,
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
generateMessageID, makeInMemoryStore,
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
} = require('@whiskeysockets/baileys')
22 |
23 |
24 |
const l = console.log
25 |
const { getBuffer, getGroupAdmins, getRandom, h2k, isUrl, Json, runtime, sleep, fetchJson } = require('./lib/functions')
26 |
const fs = require('fs')
27 |
const ff = require('fluent-ffmpeg')
28 |
const P = require('pino')
29 |
const config = require('./config')
30 |
const qrcode = require('qrcode-terminal')
31 |
const StickersTypes = require('wa-sticker-formatter')
32 |
const util = require('util')
33 |
const { sms,downloadMediaMessage } = require('./lib/msg')
34 |
const FileType = require('file-type');
35 |
const axios = require('axios')
36 |
const { File } = require('megajs')
37 |
const { fromBuffer } = require('file-type')
38 |
const bodyparser = require('body-parser')
39 |
const os = require('os')
40 |
const Crypto = require('crypto')
41 |
const path = require('path')
42 |
const prefix = config.PREFIX
43 |
44 |
const ownerNumber = ['263719647303']
45 |
46 |
const tempDir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'cache-temp')
47 |
if (!fs.existsSync(tempDir)) {
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
const clearTempDir = () => {
52 |
fs.readdir(tempDir, (err, files) => {
53 |
if (err) throw err;
54 |
for (const file of files) {
55 |
fs.unlink(path.join(tempDir, file), err => {
56 |
if (err) throw err;
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
// Clear the temp directory every 5 minutes
63 |
setInterval(clearTempDir, 5 * 60 * 1000);
64 |
65 |
66 |
if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + '/sessions/creds.json')) {
67 |
if(!config.SESSION_ID) return console.log('Please add your session to SESSION_ID env !!')
68 |
const sessdata = config.SESSION_ID.replace("SUBZERO-MD~", '');//Do not touch this
69 |
const filer = File.fromURL(`${sessdata}`)
70 |
-, data) => {
71 |
if(err) throw err
72 |
fs.writeFile(__dirname + '/sessions/creds.json', data, () => {
73 |
console.log("SubZero Session downloaded ✅")
74 |
75 |
76 |
const express = require("express");
77 |
const app = express();
78 |
const port = process.env.PORT || 9090;
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
async function connectToWA() {
83 |
console.log("[ ❄️ ] SubZero Connecting to WhatsApp ⏳️...");
84 |
const { state, saveCreds } = await useMultiFileAuthState(__dirname + '/sessions/')
85 |
var { version } = await fetchLatestBaileysVersion()
86 |
87 |
const conn = makeWASocket({
88 |
logger: P({ level: 'silent' }),
89 |
printQRInTerminal: false,
90 |
browser: Browsers.macOS("Firefox"),
91 |
syncFullHistory: true,
92 |
auth: state,
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
conn.ev.on('connection.update', (update) => {
97 |
const { connection, lastDisconnect } = update
98 |
if (connection === 'close') {
99 |
if (lastDisconnect.error.output.statusCode !== DisconnectReason.loggedOut) {
100 |
101 |
102 |
} else if (connection === 'open') {
103 |
console.log('[ ❄️ ] 🛠️ Installing Plugins.')
104 |
const path = require('path');
105 |
fs.readdirSync("./plugins/").forEach((plugin) => {
106 |
if (path.extname(plugin).toLowerCase() == ".js") {
107 |
require("./plugins/" + plugin);
108 |
109 |
110 |
console.log('[ ❄️ ] Plugins installed successful ✅')
111 |
console.log('[ ❄️ ] SubZero MD connected to whatsapp ✅')
112 |
113 |
let up = `*Hi Owner😇, Congrats SubZero Connected Successfully🧸! \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffb* \n\n> Light, Cold, Icy, Fast & Rich Loaded With Features, SubZero W.A Bot.\n\n *Thanks for using SUBZERO-MD ❄️* \n\n> Join WhatsApp Channel :- 🛠️\n \n\n\n- *ყσµɾ ɓσƭ ρɾεƒเא ➜* ${prefix}\n\nDont forget to star our repo☺ \n\n\n\n> © 🎐ᴘϙᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴍʀ ꜰʀᴀɴᴋ ᴏꜰᴄ ⚡`;
114 |
conn.sendMessage(, { image: { url: `` }, caption: up })
115 |
116 |
117 |
conn.ev.on('creds.update', saveCreds)
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
conn.ev.on('messages.upsert', async(mek) => {
122 |
mek = mek.messages[0]
123 |
if (!mek.message) return
124 |
mek.message = (getContentType(mek.message) === 'ephemeralMessage')
125 |
? mek.message.ephemeralMessage.message
126 |
: mek.message;
127 |
if (config.READ_MESSAGE === 'true') {
128 |
await conn.readMessages([mek.key]); // Mark message as read
129 |
console.log(`Marked message from ${mek.key.remoteJid} as read.`);
130 |
131 |
132 |
mek.message = (getContentType(mek.message) === 'ephemeralMessage') ? mek.message.ephemeralMessage.message : mek.message
133 |
if (mek.key && mek.key.remoteJid === 'status@broadcast' && config.AUTO_STATUS_SEEN === "true"){
134 |
await conn.readMessages([mek.key])
135 |
136 |
if (mek.key && mek.key.remoteJid === 'status@broadcast' && config.AUTO_STATUS_REPLY === "true"){
137 |
const user = mek.key.participant
138 |
const text = `${config.AUTO_STATUS_MSG}`
139 |
await conn.sendMessage(user, { text: text, react: { text: '💜', key: mek.key } }, { quoted: mek })
140 |
141 |
let jawadik = mek.message.viewOnceMessageV2
142 |
let jawadik1 = mek.mtype === "viewOnceMessage"
143 |
if (jawadik && config.ANTI_VV === "true") {
144 |
if (jawadik.message.imageMessage) {
145 |
let cap = jawadik.message.imageMessage.caption;
146 |
let anu = await conn.downloadAndSaveMediaMessage(jawadik.message.imageMessage);
147 |
return conn.sendMessage("[email protected]", { image: { url: anu }, caption: cap }, { quoted: mek });
148 |
} if (jawadik.message.videoMessage) {
149 |
let cap = jawadik.message.videoMessage.caption;
150 |
let anu = await conn.downloadAndSaveMediaMessage(jawadik.message.videoMessage);
151 |
return conn.sendMessage("[email protected]", { video: { url: anu }, caption: cap }, { quoted: mek });
152 |
} if (jawadik.message.audioMessage) {
153 |
let anu = await conn.downloadAndSaveMediaMessage(jawadik.message.audioMessage);
154 |
return conn.sendMessage("[email protected]", { audio: { url: anu }, caption: cap }, { quoted: mek });
155 |
156 |
157 |
const m = sms(conn, mek)
158 |
const type = getContentType(mek.message)
159 |
const content = JSON.stringify(mek.message)
160 |
const from = mek.key.remoteJid
161 |
const quoted = type == 'extendedTextMessage' && mek.message.extendedTextMessage.contextInfo != null ? mek.message.extendedTextMessage.contextInfo.quotedMessage || [] : []
162 |
const body = (type === 'conversation') ? mek.message.conversation : (type === 'extendedTextMessage') ? mek.message.extendedTextMessage.text : (type == 'imageMessage') && mek.message.imageMessage.caption ? mek.message.imageMessage.caption : (type == 'videoMessage') && mek.message.videoMessage.caption ? mek.message.videoMessage.caption : ''
163 |
const isCmd = body.startsWith(prefix)
164 |
const command = isCmd ? body.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(' ').shift().toLowerCase() : ''
165 |
const args = body.trim().split(/ +/).slice(1)
166 |
const q = args.join(' ')
167 |
const isGroup = from.endsWith('')
168 |
const sender = mek.key.fromMe ? (':')[0]+'' || : (mek.key.participant || mek.key.remoteJid)
169 |
const senderNumber = sender.split('@')[0]
170 |
const botNumber =':')[0]
171 |
const pushname = mek.pushName || 'Sin Nombre'
172 |
const isMe = botNumber.includes(senderNumber)
173 |
const isOwner = ownerNumber.includes(senderNumber) || isMe
174 |
const botNumber2 = await jidNormalizedUser(;
175 |
const groupMetadata = isGroup ? await conn.groupMetadata(from).catch(e => {}) : ''
176 |
const groupName = isGroup ? groupMetadata.subject : ''
177 |
const participants = isGroup ? await groupMetadata.participants : ''
178 |
const groupAdmins = isGroup ? await getGroupAdmins(participants) : ''
179 |
const isBotAdmins = isGroup ? groupAdmins.includes(botNumber2) : false
180 |
const isAdmins = isGroup ? groupAdmins.includes(sender) : false
181 |
const isReact = m.message.reactionMessage ? true : false
182 |
const reply = (teks) => {
183 |
conn.sendMessage(from, { text: teks }, { quoted: mek })
184 |
185 |
186 |
conn.decodeJid = jid => {
187 |
if (!jid) return jid;
188 |
if (/:\d+@/gi.test(jid)) {
189 |
let decode = jidDecode(jid) || {};
190 |
return (
191 |
(decode.user &&
192 |
decode.server &&
193 |
decode.user + '@' + decode.server) ||
194 |
195 |
196 |
} else return jid;
197 |
198 |
199 |
conn.copyNForward = async(jid, message, forceForward = false, options = {}) => {
200 |
let vtype
201 |
if (options.readViewOnce) {
202 |
message.message = message.message && message.message.ephemeralMessage && message.message.ephemeralMessage.message ? message.message.ephemeralMessage.message : (message.message || undefined)
203 |
vtype = Object.keys(message.message.viewOnceMessage.message)[0]
204 |
delete(message.message && message.message.ignore ? message.message.ignore : (message.message || undefined))
205 |
delete message.message.viewOnceMessage.message[vtype].viewOnce
206 |
message.message = {
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
let mtype = Object.keys(message.message)[0]
212 |
let content = await generateForwardMessageContent(message, forceForward)
213 |
let ctype = Object.keys(content)[0]
214 |
let context = {}
215 |
if (mtype != "conversation") context = message.message[mtype].contextInfo
216 |
content[ctype].contextInfo = {
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
const waMessage = await generateWAMessageFromContent(jid, content, options ? {
221 |
222 |
223 |
...(options.contextInfo ? {
224 |
contextInfo: {
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
} : {})
229 |
} : {})
230 |
await conn.relayMessage(jid, waMessage.message, { messageId: })
231 |
return waMessage
232 |
233 |
234 |
conn.downloadAndSaveMediaMessage = async(message, filename, attachExtension = true) => {
235 |
let quoted = message.msg ? message.msg : message
236 |
let mime = (message.msg || message).mimetype || ''
237 |
let messageType = message.mtype ? message.mtype.replace(/Message/gi, '') : mime.split('/')[0]
238 |
const stream = await downloadContentFromMessage(quoted, messageType)
239 |
let buffer = Buffer.from([])
240 |
for await (const chunk of stream) {
241 |
buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, chunk])
242 |
243 |
let type = await FileType.fromBuffer(buffer)
244 |
trueFileName = attachExtension ? (filename + '.' + type.ext) : filename
245 |
// save to file
246 |
await fs.writeFileSync(trueFileName, buffer)
247 |
return trueFileName
248 |
249 |
250 |
conn.downloadMediaMessage = async(message) => {
251 |
let mime = (message.msg || message).mimetype || ''
252 |
let messageType = message.mtype ? message.mtype.replace(/Message/gi, '') : mime.split('/')[0]
253 |
const stream = await downloadContentFromMessage(message, messageType)
254 |
let buffer = Buffer.from([])
255 |
for await (const chunk of stream) {
256 |
buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, chunk])
257 |
258 |
259 |
return buffer
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
* @param {*} jid
265 |
* @param {*} message
266 |
* @param {*} forceForward
267 |
* @param {*} options
268 |
* @returns
269 |
270 |
271 |
conn.sendFileUrl = async (jid, url, caption, quoted, options = {}) => {
272 |
let mime = '';
273 |
let res = await axios.head(url)
274 |
mime = res.headers['content-type']
275 |
if (mime.split("/")[1] === "gif") {
276 |
return conn.sendMessage(jid, { video: await getBuffer(url), caption: caption, gifPlayback: true, ...options }, { quoted: quoted, ...options })
277 |
278 |
let type = mime.split("/")[0] + "Message"
279 |
if (mime === "application/pdf") {
280 |
return conn.sendMessage(jid, { document: await getBuffer(url), mimetype: 'application/pdf', caption: caption, ...options }, { quoted: quoted, ...options })
281 |
282 |
if (mime.split("/")[0] === "image") {
283 |
return conn.sendMessage(jid, { image: await getBuffer(url), caption: caption, ...options }, { quoted: quoted, ...options })
284 |
285 |
if (mime.split("/")[0] === "video") {
286 |
return conn.sendMessage(jid, { video: await getBuffer(url), caption: caption, mimetype: 'video/mp4', ...options }, { quoted: quoted, ...options })
287 |
288 |
if (mime.split("/")[0] === "audio") {
289 |
return conn.sendMessage(jid, { audio: await getBuffer(url), caption: caption, mimetype: 'audio/mpeg', ...options }, { quoted: quoted, ...options })
290 |
291 |
292 |
293 |
conn.cMod = (jid, copy, text = '', sender =, options = {}) => {
294 |
//let copy = message.toJSON()
295 |
let mtype = Object.keys(copy.message)[0]
296 |
let isEphemeral = mtype === 'ephemeralMessage'
297 |
if (isEphemeral) {
298 |
mtype = Object.keys(copy.message.ephemeralMessage.message)[0]
299 |
300 |
let msg = isEphemeral ? copy.message.ephemeralMessage.message : copy.message
301 |
let content = msg[mtype]
302 |
if (typeof content === 'string') msg[mtype] = text || content
303 |
else if (content.caption) content.caption = text || content.caption
304 |
else if (content.text) content.text = text || content.text
305 |
if (typeof content !== 'string') msg[mtype] = {
306 |
307 |
308 |
309 |
if (copy.key.participant) sender = copy.key.participant = sender || copy.key.participant
310 |
else if (copy.key.participant) sender = copy.key.participant = sender || copy.key.participant
311 |
if (copy.key.remoteJid.includes('')) sender = sender || copy.key.remoteJid
312 |
else if (copy.key.remoteJid.includes('@broadcast')) sender = sender || copy.key.remoteJid
313 |
copy.key.remoteJid = jid
314 |
copy.key.fromMe = sender ===
315 |
316 |
return proto.WebMessageInfo.fromObject(copy)
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
* @param {*} path
323 |
* @returns
324 |
325 |
326 |
conn.getFile = async(PATH, save) => {
327 |
let res
328 |
let data = Buffer.isBuffer(PATH) ? PATH : /^data:.*?\/.*?;base64,/i.test(PATH) ? Buffer.from(PATH.split `,` [1], 'base64') : /^https?:\/\//.test(PATH) ? await (res = await getBuffer(PATH)) : fs.existsSync(PATH) ? (filename = PATH, fs.readFileSync(PATH)) : typeof PATH === 'string' ? PATH : Buffer.alloc(0)
329 |
//if (!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) throw new TypeError('Result is not a buffer')
330 |
let type = await FileType.fromBuffer(data) || {
331 |
mime: 'application/octet-stream',
332 |
ext: '.bin'
333 |
334 |
let filename = path.join(__filename, __dirname + new Date * 1 + '.' + type.ext)
335 |
if (data && save) fs.promises.writeFile(filename, data)
336 |
return {
337 |
338 |
339 |
size: await getSizeMedia(data),
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
346 |
conn.sendFile = async(jid, PATH, fileName, quoted = {}, options = {}) => {
347 |
let types = await conn.getFile(PATH, true)
348 |
let { filename, size, ext, mime, data } = types
349 |
let type = '',
350 |
mimetype = mime,
351 |
pathFile = filename
352 |
if (options.asDocument) type = 'document'
353 |
if (options.asSticker || /webp/.test(mime)) {
354 |
let { writeExif } = require('./exif.js')
355 |
let media = { mimetype: mime, data }
356 |
pathFile = await writeExif(media, { packname: Config.packname, author: Config.packname, categories: options.categories ? options.categories : [] })
357 |
await fs.promises.unlink(filename)
358 |
type = 'sticker'
359 |
mimetype = 'image/webp'
360 |
} else if (/image/.test(mime)) type = 'image'
361 |
else if (/video/.test(mime)) type = 'video'
362 |
else if (/audio/.test(mime)) type = 'audio'
363 |
else type = 'document'
364 |
await conn.sendMessage(jid, {
365 |
[type]: { url: pathFile },
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
}, { quoted, ...options })
370 |
return fs.promises.unlink(pathFile)
371 |
372 |
373 |
conn.parseMention = async(text) => {
374 |
return [...text.matchAll(/@([0-9]{5,16}|0)/g)].map(v => v[1] + '')
375 |
376 |
377 |
conn.sendMedia = async(jid, path, fileName = '', caption = '', quoted = '', options = {}) => {
378 |
let types = await conn.getFile(path, true)
379 |
let { mime, ext, res, data, filename } = types
380 |
if (res && res.status !== 200 || file.length <= 65536) {
381 |
try { throw { json: JSON.parse(file.toString()) } } catch (e) { if (e.json) throw e.json }
382 |
383 |
let type = '',
384 |
mimetype = mime,
385 |
pathFile = filename
386 |
if (options.asDocument) type = 'document'
387 |
if (options.asSticker || /webp/.test(mime)) {
388 |
let { writeExif } = require('./exif')
389 |
let media = { mimetype: mime, data }
390 |
pathFile = await writeExif(media, { packname: options.packname ? options.packname : Config.packname, author: ? :, categories: options.categories ? options.categories : [] })
391 |
await fs.promises.unlink(filename)
392 |
type = 'sticker'
393 |
mimetype = 'image/webp'
394 |
} else if (/image/.test(mime)) type = 'image'
395 |
else if (/video/.test(mime)) type = 'video'
396 |
else if (/audio/.test(mime)) type = 'audio'
397 |
else type = 'document'
398 |
await conn.sendMessage(jid, {
399 |
[type]: { url: pathFile },
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
}, { quoted, ...options })
405 |
return fs.promises.unlink(pathFile)
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
* @param {*} message
410 |
* @param {*} filename
411 |
* @param {*} attachExtension
412 |
* @returns
413 |
414 |
415 |
conn.sendVideoAsSticker = async (jid, buff, options = {}) => {
416 |
let buffer;
417 |
if (options && (options.packname || {
418 |
buffer = await writeExifVid(buff, options);
419 |
} else {
420 |
buffer = await videoToWebp(buff);
421 |
422 |
await conn.sendMessage(
423 |
424 |
{ sticker: { url: buffer }, ...options },
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 |
429 |
conn.sendImageAsSticker = async (jid, buff, options = {}) => {
430 |
let buffer;
431 |
if (options && (options.packname || {
432 |
buffer = await writeExifImg(buff, options);
433 |
} else {
434 |
buffer = await imageToWebp(buff);
435 |
436 |
await conn.sendMessage(
437 |
438 |
{ sticker: { url: buffer }, ...options },
439 |
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 |
444 |
* @param {*} jid
445 |
* @param {*} path
446 |
* @param {*} quoted
447 |
* @param {*} options
448 |
* @returns
449 |
450 |
451 |
conn.sendTextWithMentions = async(jid, text, quoted, options = {}) => conn.sendMessage(jid, { text: text, contextInfo: { mentionedJid: [...text.matchAll(/@(\d{0,16})/g)].map(v => v[1] + '') }, ...options }, { quoted })
452 |
453 |
454 |
455 |
* @param {*} jid
456 |
* @param {*} path
457 |
* @param {*} quoted
458 |
* @param {*} options
459 |
* @returns
460 |
461 |
462 |
conn.sendImage = async(jid, path, caption = '', quoted = '', options) => {
463 |
let buffer = Buffer.isBuffer(path) ? path : /^data:.*?\/.*?;base64,/i.test(path) ? Buffer.from(path.split `,` [1], 'base64') : /^https?:\/\//.test(path) ? await (await getBuffer(path)) : fs.existsSync(path) ? fs.readFileSync(path) : Buffer.alloc(0)
464 |
return await conn.sendMessage(jid, { image: buffer, caption: caption, ...options }, { quoted })
465 |
466 |
467 |
468 |
469 |
* @param {*} jid
470 |
* @param {*} path
471 |
* @param {*} caption
472 |
* @param {*} quoted
473 |
* @param {*} options
474 |
* @returns
475 |
476 |
477 |
conn.sendText = (jid, text, quoted = '', options) => conn.sendMessage(jid, { text: text, ...options }, { quoted })
478 |
479 |
480 |
481 |
* @param {*} jid
482 |
* @param {*} path
483 |
* @param {*} caption
484 |
* @param {*} quoted
485 |
* @param {*} options
486 |
* @returns
487 |
488 |
489 |
conn.sendButtonText = (jid, buttons = [], text, footer, quoted = '', options = {}) => {
490 |
let buttonMessage = {
491 |
492 |
493 |
494 |
headerType: 2,
495 |
496 |
497 |
498 |
conn.sendMessage(jid, buttonMessage, { quoted, ...options })
499 |
500 |
501 |
conn.send5ButImg = async(jid, text = '', footer = '', img, but = [], thumb, options = {}) => {
502 |
let message = await prepareWAMessageMedia({ image: img, jpegThumbnail: thumb }, { upload: conn.waUploadToServer })
503 |
var template = generateWAMessageFromContent(jid, proto.Message.fromObject({
504 |
templateMessage: {
505 |
hydratedTemplate: {
506 |
imageMessage: message.imageMessage,
507 |
"hydratedContentText": text,
508 |
"hydratedFooterText": footer,
509 |
"hydratedButtons": but
510 |
511 |
512 |
}), options)
513 |
conn.relayMessage(jid, template.message, { messageId: })
514 |
515 |
516 |
517 |
518 |
* @param {*} jid
519 |
* @param {*} buttons
520 |
* @param {*} caption
521 |
* @param {*} footer
522 |
* @param {*} quoted
523 |
* @param {*} options
524 |
525 |
526 |
527 |
if (isCmd && config.READ_CMD === "true") {
528 |
await conn.readMessages([mek.key]) // Mark command as read
529 |
530 |
531 |
532 |
533 |
if(isReact) return
534 |
535 |
536 |
537 |
//==========public react============//
538 |
// Auto React
539 |
if (!isReact && senderNumber !== botNumber) {
540 |
if (config.AUTO_REACT === 'true') {
541 |
const reactions = ['😊', '👍', '😂', '💯', '🔥', '🙏', '🎉', '👏', '😎', '🤖', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', "🕴️", '💼', '📊', '📈', '📉', '📊', '📝', '📚', '📰', '📱', '💻', '📻', '📺', '🎬', "📽️", '📸', '📷', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '🔧', '🔨', '🔩', '🔪', '🔫', '👑', '👸', '🤴', '👹', '🤺', '🤻', '👺', '🤼', '🤽', '🤾', '🤿', '🦁', '🐴', '🦊', '🐺', '🐼', '🐾', '🐿', '🦄', '🦅', '🦆', '🦇', '🦈', '🐳', '🐋', '🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🐙', '🐚', '🐜', '🐝', '🐞', "🕷️", '🦋', '🐛', '🐌', '🐚', '🌿', '🌸', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌻', '🌴', '🏵', '🏰', '🏠', '🏡', '🏢', '🏣', '🏥', '🏦', '🏧', '🏨', '🏩', '🏪', '🏫', '🏬', '🏭', '🏮', '🏯', '🚣', '🛥', '🚂', '🚁', '🚀', '🛸', '🛹', '🚴', '🚲', '🛺', '🚮', '🚯', '🚱', '🚫', '🚽', "🕳️", '💣', '🔫', "🕷️", "🕸️", '💀', '👻', '🕺', '💃', "🕴️", '👶', '👵', '👴', '👱', '👨', '👩', '👧', '👦', '👪', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', "🕴️", '💼', '📊', '📈', '📉', '📊', '📝', '📚', '📰', '📱', '💻', '📻', '📺', '🎬', "📽️", '📸', '📷', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '🔧', '🔨', '🔩', '🔪', '🔫', '👑', '👸', '🤴', '👹', '🤺', '🤻', '👺', '🤼', '🤽', '🤾', '🤿', '🦁', '🐴', '🦊', '🐺', '🐼', '🐾', '🐿', '🦄', '🦅', '🦆', '🦇', '🦈', '🐳', '🐋', '🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🐙', '🐚', '🐜', '🐝', '🐞', "🕷️", '🦋', '🐛', '🐌', '🐚', '🌿', '🌸', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌻', '🌴', '🏵', '🏰', '🏠', '🏡', '🏢', '🏠', '🏡', '🏢', '🏣', '🏥', '🏦', '🏧', '🏨', '🏩', '🏪', '🏫', '🏬', '🏭', '🏮', '🏯', '🚣', '🛥', '🚂', '🚁', '🚀', '🛸', '🛹', '🚴', '🚲', '🛺', '🚮', '🚯', '🚱', '🚫', '🚽', "🕳️", '💣', '🔫', "🕷️", "🕸️", '💀', '👻', '🕺', '💃', "🕴️", '👶', '👵', '👴', '👱', '👨', '👩', '👧', '👦', '👪', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', "🕴️", '💼', '📊', '📈', '📉', '📊', '📝', '📚', '📰', '📱', '💻', '📻', '📺', '🎬', "📽️", '📸', '📷', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '🔧', '🔨', '🔩', '🔪', '🔫', '👑', '👸', '🤴', '👹', '🤺', '🤻', '👺', '🤼', '🤽', '🤾', '🤿', '🦁', '🐴', '🦊', '🐺', '🐼', '🐾', '🐿', '🦄', '🦅', '🦆', '🦇', '🦈', '🐳', '🐋', '🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🐙', '🐚', '🐜', '🐝', '🐞', "🕷️", '🦋', '🐛', '🐌', '🐚', '🌿', '🌸', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌻', '🌴', '🏵', '🏰', '🏠', '🏡', '🏢', '🏣', '🏥', '🏦', '🏧', '🏨', '🏩', '🏪', '🏫', '🏬', '🏭', '🏮', '🏯', '🚣', '🛥', '🚂', '🚁', '🚀', '🛸', '🛹', '🚴', '🚲', '🛺', '🚮', '🚯', '🚱', '🚫', '🚽', "🕳️", '💣', '🔫', "🕷️", "🕸️", '💀', '👻', '🕺', '💃', "🕴️", '👶', '👵', '👴', '👱', '👨', '👩', '👧', '👦', '👪', '🙂', '😑', '🤣', '😍', '😘', '😗', '😙', '😚', '😛', '😝', '😞', '😟', '😠', '😡', '😢', '😭', '😓', '😳', '😴', '😌', '😆', '😂', '🤔', '😒', '😓', '😶', '🙄', '🐶', '🐱', '🐔', '🐷', '🐴', '🐲', '🐸', '🐳', '🐋', '🐒', '🐑', '🐕', '🐩', '🍔', '🍕', '🥤', '🍣', '🍲', '🍴', '🍽', '🍹', '🍸', '🎂', '📱', '📺', '📻', '🎤', '📚', '💻', '📸', '📷', '❤️', '💔', '❣️', '☀️', '🌙', '🌃', '🏠', '🚪', "🇺🇸", "🇬🇧", "🇨🇦", "🇦🇺", "🇯🇵", "🇫🇷", "🇪🇸", '👍', '👎', '👏', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', '🤝', '🙏', '👑', '🌻', '🌺', '🌸', '🌹', '🌴', "🏞️", '🌊', '🚗', '🚌', "🛣️", "🛫️", "🛬️", '🚣', '🛥', '🚂', '🚁', '🚀', "🏃♂️", "🏋️♀️", "🏊♂️", "🏄♂️", '🎾', '🏀', '🏈', '🎯', '🏆', '??', '⬆️', '⬇️', '⇒', '⇐', '↩️', '↪️', 'ℹ️', '‼️', '⁉️', '‽️', '©️', '®️', '™️', '🔴', '🔵', '🟢', '🔹', '🔺', '💯', '👑', '🤣', "🤷♂️", "🤷♀️", "🙅♂️", "🙅♀️", "🙆♂️", "🙆♀️", "🤦♂️", "🤦♀️", '🏻', '💆♂️', "💆♀️", "🕴♂️", "🕴♀️", "💇♂️", "💇♀️", '🚫', '🚽', "🕳️", '💣', '🔫', "🕷️", "🕸️", '💀', '👻', '🕺', '💃', "🕴️", '👶', '👵', '👴', '👱', '👨', '👩', '👧', '👦', '👪', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', "🕴️", '💼', '📊', '📈', '📉', '📊', '📝', '📚', '📰', '📱', '💻', '📻', '📺', '🎬', "📽️", '📸', '📷', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '�', '🏯', '🏰', '🏠', '🏡', '🏢', '🏣', '🏥', '🏦', '🏧', '🏨', '🏩', '🏪', '🏫', '🏬', '🏭', '🏮', '🏯', '🚣', '🛥', '🚂', '🚁', '🚀', '🛸', '🛹', '🚴', '🚲', '🛺', '🚮', '🚯', '🚱', '🚫', '🚽', "🕳️", '💣', '🔫', "🕷️", "🕸️", '💀', '👻', '🕺', '💃', "🕴️", '👶', '👵', '👴', '👱', '👨', '👩', '👧', '👦', '👪', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', "🕴️", '💼', '📊', '📈', '📉', '📊', '📝', '📚', '📰', '📱', '💻', '📻', '📺', '🎬', "📽️", '📸', '📷', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '🔧', '🔨', '🔩', '🔪', '🔫', '👑', '👑', '👸', '🤴', '👹', '🤺', '🤻', '👺', '🤼', '🤽', '🤾', '🤿', '🦁', '🐴', '🦊', '🐺', '🐼', '🐾', '🐿', '🦄', '🦅', '🦆', '🦇', '🦈', '🐳', '🐋', '🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🐙', '🐚', '🐜', '🐝', '🐞', "🕷️", '🦋', '🐛', '🐌', '🐚', '🌿', '🌸', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌻', '🌴', '🌳', '🌲', '🌾', '🌿', '🍃', '🍂', '🍃', '🌻', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌸', '🌴', '🏵', '🎀', '🏆', '🏈', '🏉', '🎯', '🏀', '🏊', '🏋', '🏌', '🎲', '📚', '📖', '📜', '📝', '💭', '💬', '🗣', '💫', '🌟', '🌠', '🎉', '🎊', '👏', '💥', '🔥', '💥', '🌪', '💨', '🌫', '🌬', '🌩', '🌨', '🌧', '🌦', '🌥', '🌡', '🌪', '🌫', '🌬', '🌩', '🌨', '🌧', '🌦', '🌥', '🌡', '🌪', '🌫', '🌬', '🌩', '🌨', '🌧', '🌦', '🌥', '🌡', '🌱', '🌿', '🍃', '🍂', '🌻', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌸', '🌴', '🏵', '🎀', '🏆', '🏈', '🏉', '🎯', '🏀', '🏊', '🏋', '🏌', '🎲', '📚', '📖', '📜', '📝', '💭', '💬', '🗣', '💫', '🌟', '🌠', '🎉', '🎊', '👏', '💥', '🔥', '💥', '🌪', '💨', '🌫', '🌬', '🌩', '🌨', '🌧', '🌦', '🌥', '🌡', '🌪', '🌫', '🌬', '🌩', '🌨', '🌧', '🌦', '🌥', '🌡', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '🔧', '🔨', '🔩', '🔪', '🔫', '👑', '👸', '🤴', '👹', '🤺', '🤻', '👺', '🤼', '🤽', '🤾', '🤿', '🦁', '🐴', '🦊', '🐺', '🐼', '🐾', '🐿', '🦄', '🦅', '🦆', '🦇', '🦈', '🐳', '🐋', '🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🐙', '🐚', '🐜', '🐝', '🐞', "🕷️", '🦋', '🐛', '🐌', '🐚', '🌿', '🌸', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌻', '🌴', '🏵', '🏰', '🏠', '🏡', '🏢', '🏣', '🏥', '🏦', '🏧', '🏨', '🏩', '🏪', '🏫', '🏬', '🏭', '🏮', '🏯', '🚣', '🛥', '🚂', '🚁', '🚀', '🛸', '🛹', '🚴', '🚲', '🛺', '🚮', '🚯', '🚱', '🚫', '🚽', "🕳️", '💣', '🔫', "🕷️", "🕸️", '💀', '👻', '🕺', '💃', "🕴️", '👶', '👵', '👴', '👱', '👨', '👩', '👧', '👦', '👪', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', "🕴️", '💼', '📊', '📈', '📉', '📊', '📝', '📚', '📰', '📱', '💻', '📻', '📺', '🎬', "📽️", '📸', '📷', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '🔧', '🔨', '🔩', '🔪', '🔫', '👑', '👸', '🤴', '👹', '🤺', '🤻', '👺', '🤼', '🤽', '🤾', '🤿', '🦁', '🐴', '🦊', '🐺', '🐼', '🐾', '🐿', '🦄', '🦅', '🦆', '🦇', '🦈', '🐳', '🐋', '🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🐙', '🐚', '🐜', '🐝', '🐞', "🕷️", '🦋', '🐛', '🐌', '🐚', '🌿', '🌸', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌻', '🌴', '🏵', '🏰', '🐒', '🦍', '🦧', '🐶', '🐕', '🦮', "🐕🦺", '🐩', '🐺', '🦊', '🦝', '🐱', '🐈', "🐈⬛", '🦁', '🐯', '🐅', '🐆', '🐴', '🐎', '🦄', '🦓', '🦌', '🦬', '🐮', '🐂', '🐃', '🐄', '🐷', '🐖', '🐗', '🐽', '🐏', '🐑', '🐐', '🐪', '🐫', '🦙', '🦒', '🐘', '🦣', '🦏', '🦛', '🐭', '🐁', '🐀', '🐹', '🐰', '🐇', "🐿️", '🦫', '🦔', '🦇', '🐻', "🐻❄️", '🐨', '🐼', '🦥', '🦦', '🦨', '🦘', '🦡', '🐾', '🦃', '🐔', '🐓', '🐣', '🐤', '🐥', '🐦', '🐧', "🕊️", '🦅', '🦆', '🦢', '🦉', '🦤', '🪶', '🦩', '🦚', '🦜', '🐸', '🐊', '🐢', '🦎', '🐍', '🐲', '🐉', '🦕', '🦖', '🐳', '🐋', '🐬', '🦭', '🐟', '🐠', '😀', '😃', '😄', '😁', '😆', '😅', '🤣', '😂', '🙂', '🙃', '😉', '😊', '😇', '🥰', '😍', '🤩', '😘', '😗', '☺️', '😚', '😙', '🥲', '😋', '😛', '😜', '🤪', '😝', '🤑', '🤗', '🤭', '🤫', '🤔', '🤐', '🤨', '😐', '😑', '😶', "😶🌫️", '😏', '😒', '🙄', '😬', "😮💨", '🤥', '😌', '😔', '😪', '🤤', '😴', '😷', '🤒', '🤕', '🤢', '🤮', '🤧', '🥵', '🥶', '🥴', '😵', "😵💫", '🤯', '🤠', '🥳', '🥸', '😎', '🤓', '🧐', '😕', '😟', '🙁', '☹️', '😮', '😯', '😲', '😳', '🥺', '😦', '😧', '😨', '😰', '😥', '😢', '😭', '😱', '😖', '😣', '😞', '😓', '😩', '😫', '🥱', '😤', '😡', '😠', '🤬', '😈', '👿', '💀', '☠️', '💩', '🤡', '👹', '👺', '👻', '👽', '👾', '🤖', '😺', '😸', '😹', '😻', '😼', '😽', '🙀', '😿', '😾', '🙈', '🙉', '🙊', '💋', '💌', '💘', '💝', '💖', '💗', '💓', '💞', '💕', '💟', '❣️', '💔', "❤️🔥", "❤️🩹", '❤️', '🧡', '💛', '💚', '💙', '💜', '🤎', '🖤', '🤍', '💯', '💢', '💥', '💫', '💦', '💨', "🕳️", '💣', '💬', "👁️🗨️", "🗨️", "🗯️", '💭', '💤', '👋', '🤚', "🖐️", '✋', '🖖', '👌', '🤌', '🤏', '✌️', '🤞', '🤟', '🤘', '🤙', '👈', '👉', '👆', '🖕', '👇', '☝️', '👍', '👎', '✊', '👊', '🤛', '🤜', '👏', '🙌', '👐', '🤲', '🤝', '🙏', '✍️', '💅', '🤳', '💪', '🦾', '🦿', '🦵', '🦶', '👂', '🦻', '👃', '🧠', '🫀', '🫁', '🦷', '🦴', '👀', "👁️", '👅', '👄', '👶', '🧒', '👦', '👧', '🧑', '👱', '👨', '🧔', "🧔♂️", "🧔♀️", "👨🦰", "👨🦱", "👨🦳", "👨🦲", '👩', "👩🦰", "🧑🦰", "👩🦱", "🧑🦱", "👩🦳", "🧑🦳", "👩🦲", "🧑🦲", "👱♀️", "👱♂️", '🧓', '👴', '👵', '🙍', "🙍♂️", "🙍♀️", '🙎', "🙎♂️", "🙎♀️", '🙅', "🙅♂️", "🙅♀️", '🙆', "🙆♂️", "🙆♀️", '💁', "💁♂️", "💁♀️", '🙋', "🙋♂️", "🙋♀️", '🧏', "🧏♂️", "🧏♀️", '🙇', "🙇♂️", "🙇♀️", '🤦', "🤦♂️", "🤦♀️", '🤷', "🤷♂️", "🤷♀️", "🧑⚕️", "👨⚕️", "👩⚕️", "🧑🎓", "👨🎓", "👩🎓", "🧑🏫", '👨🏫', "👩🏫", "🧑⚖️", "👨⚖️", "👩⚖️", "🧑🌾", "👨🌾", "👩🌾", "🧑🍳", "👨🍳", "👩🍳", "🧑🔧", "👨🔧", "👩🔧", "🧑🏭", "👨🏭", "👩🏭", "🧑💼", "👨💼", "👩💼", "🧑🔬", "👨🔬", "👩🔬", "🧑💻", "👨💻", "👩💻", "🧑🎤", "👨🎤", "👩🎤", "🧑🎨", "👨🎨", "👩🎨", "🧑✈️", "👨✈️", "👩✈️", "🧑🚀", "👨🚀", "👩🚀", "🧑🚒", "👨🚒", "👩🚒", '👮', "👮♂️", "👮♀️", "🕵️", "🕵️♂️", "🕵️♀️", '💂', "💂♂️", "💂♀️", '🥷', '👷', "👷♂️", "👷♀️", '🤴', '👸', '👳', "👳♂️", "👳♀️", '👲', '🧕', '🤵', "🤵♂️", "🤵♀️", '👰', "👰♂️", "👰♀️", '🤰', '🤱', "👩🍼", "👨🍼", "🧑🍼", '👼', '🎅', '🤶', "🧑🎄", '🦸', "🦸♂️", "🦸♀️", '🦹', "🦹♂️", "🦹♀️", '🧙', "🧙♂️", "🧙♀️", '🧚', "🧚♂️", "🧚♀️", '🧛', "🧛♂️", "🧛♀️", '🧜', "🧜♂️", "🧜♀️", '🧝', "🧝♂️", "🧝♀️", '🧞', "🧞♂️", "🧞♀️", '🧟', "🧟♂️", "🧟♀️", '💆', "💆♂️", "💆♀️", '💇', "💇♂️", "💇♀️", '🚶', "🚶♂️", "🚶♀️", '🧍', "🧍♂️", "🧍♀️", '🧎', "🧎♂️", "🧎♀️", "🧑🦯", "👨🦯", "👩🦯", "🧑🦼", "👨🦼", "👩🦼", "🧑🦽", "👨🦽", "👩🦽", '🏃', "🏃♂️", "🏃♀️", '💃', '🕺', "🕴️", '👯', "👯♂️", "👯♀️", '🧖', "🧖♂️", "🧖♀️", '🧗', "🧗♂️", "🧗♀️", '🤺', '🏇', '⛷️', '🏂', "🏌️", "🏌️♂️", "🏌️♀️", '🏄', "🏄♂️", "🏄♀️", '🚣', "🚣♂️", "🚣♀️", '🏊', "🏊♂️", "🏊♀️", '⛹️', "⛹️♂️", "⛹️♀️", "🏋️", "🏋️♂️", "🏋️♀️", '🚴', "🚴♂️", '🚴♀️', '🚵', "🚵♂️", "🚵♀️", '🤸', "🤸♂️", "🤸♀️", '🤼', "🤼♂️", "🤼♀️", '🤽', "🤽♂️", "🤽♀️", '🤾', "🤾♂️", "🤾♀️", '🤹', "🤹♂️", "🤹♀️", '🧘', "🧘♂️", "🧘♀️", '🛀', '🛌', "🧑🤝🧑", '👭', '👫', '👬', '💏', "👩❤️💋👨", "👨❤️💋👨", "👩❤️💋👩", '💑', "👩❤️👨", "👨❤️👨", "👩❤️👩", '👪', "👨👩👦", "👨👩👧", "👨👩👧👦", "👨👩👦👦", "👨👩👧👧", "👨👨👦", '👨👨👧', "👨👨👧👦", "👨👨👦👦", "👨👨👧👧", "👩👩👦", "👩👩👧", "👩👩👧👦", "👩👩👦👦", "👩👩👧👧", "👨👦", "👨👦👦", "👨👧", "👨👧👦", "👨👧👧", "👩👦", "👩👦👦", "👩👧", "👩👧👦", "👩👧👧", "🗣️", '👤', '👥', '🫂', '👣', '🦰', '🦱', '🦳', '🦲', '🐵'];
542 |
543 |
const randomReaction = reactions[Math.floor(Math.random() * reactions.length)]; //
544 |
545 |
546 |
547 |
548 |
// Owner React
549 |
if (!isReact && senderNumber === botNumber) {
550 |
if (config.AUTO_REACT === 'true') {
551 |
const reactions = ['😊', '👍', '😂', '💯', '🔥', '🙏', '🎉', '👏', '😎', '🤖', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', "🕴️", '💼', '📊', '📈', '📉', '📊', '📝', '📚', '📰', '📱', '💻', '📻', '📺', '🎬', "📽️", '📸', '📷', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '🔧', '🔨', '🔩', '🔪', '🔫', '👑', '👸', '🤴', '👹', '🤺', '🤻', '👺', '🤼', '🤽', '🤾', '🤿', '🦁', '🐴', '🦊', '🐺', '🐼', '🐾', '🐿', '🦄', '🦅', '🦆', '🦇', '🦈', '🐳', '🐋', '🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🐙', '🐚', '🐜', '🐝', '🐞', "🕷️", '🦋', '🐛', '🐌', '🐚', '🌿', '🌸', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌻', '🌴', '🏵', '🏰', '🏠', '🏡', '🏢', '🏣', '🏥', '🏦', '🏧', '🏨', '🏩', '🏪', '🏫', '🏬', '🏭', '🏮', '🏯', '🚣', '🛥', '🚂', '🚁', '🚀', '🛸', '🛹', '🚴', '🚲', '🛺', '🚮', '🚯', '🚱', '🚫', '🚽', "🕳️", '💣', '🔫', "🕷️", "🕸️", '💀', '👻', '🕺', '💃', "🕴️", '👶', '👵', '👴', '👱', '👨', '👩', '👧', '👦', '👪', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', "🕴️", '💼', '📊', '📈', '📉', '📊', '📝', '📚', '📰', '📱', '💻', '📻', '📺', '🎬', "📽️", '📸', '📷', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '🔧', '🔨', '🔩', '🔪', '🔫', '👑', '👸', '🤴', '👹', '🤺', '🤻', '👺', '🤼', '🤽', '🤾', '🤿', '🦁', '🐴', '🦊', '🐺', '🐼', '🐾', '🐿', '🦄', '🦅', '🦆', '🦇', '🦈', '🐳', '🐋', '🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🐙', '🐚', '🐜', '🐝', '🐞', "🕷️", '🦋', '🐛', '🐌', '🐚', '🌿', '🌸', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌻', '🌴', '🏵', '🏰', '🏠', '🏡', '🏢', '🏠', '🏡', '🏢', '🏣', '🏥', '🏦', '🏧', '🏨', '🏩', '🏪', '🏫', '🏬', '🏭', '🏮', '🏯', '🚣', '🛥', '🚂', '🚁', '🚀', '🛸', '🛹', '🚴', '🚲', '🛺', '🚮', '🚯', '🚱', '🚫', '🚽', "🕳️", '💣', '🔫', "🕷️", "🕸️", '💀', '👻', '🕺', '💃', "🕴️", '👶', '👵', '👴', '👱', '👨', '👩', '👧', '👦', '👪', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', "🕴️", '💼', '📊', '📈', '📉', '📊', '📝', '📚', '📰', '📱', '💻', '��', '📺', '🎬', "📽️", '📸', '📷', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '🔧', '🔨', '🔩', '🔪', '🔫', '👑', '👸', '🤴', '👹', '🤺', '🤻', '👺', '🤼', '🤽', '🤾', '🤿', '🦁', '🐴', '🦊', '🐺', '🐼', '🐾', '🐿', '🦄', '🦅', '🦆', '🦇', '🦈', '🐳', '🐋', '🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🐙', '🐚', '🐜', '🐝', '🐞', "🕷️", '🦋', '🐛', '🐌', '🐚', '🌿', '🌸', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌻', '🌴', '🏵', '🏰', '🏠', '🏡', '🏢', '🏣', '🏥', '🏦', '🏧', '🏨', '🏩', '🏪', '🏫', '🏬', '🏭', '🏮', '🏯', '🚣', '🛥', '🚂', '🚁', '🚀', '🛸', '🛹', '🚴', '🚲', '🛺', '🚮', '🚯', '🚱', '🚫', '🚽', "🕳️", '💣', '🔫', "🕷️", "🕸️", '💀', '👻', '🕺', '💃', "🕴️", '👶', '👵', '👴', '👱', '👨', '👩', '👧', '👦', '👪', '🙂', '😑', '🤣', '😍', '😘', '😗', '😙', '😚', '😛', '😝', '😞', '😟', '😠', '😡', '😢', '😭', '😓', '😳', '😴', '😌', '😆', '😂', '🤔', '😒', '😓', '😶', '🙄', '🐶', '🐱', '🐔', '🐷', '🐴', '🐲', '🐸', '🐳', '🐋', '🐒', '🐑', '🐕', '🐩', '🍔', '🍕', '🥤', '🍣', '🍲', '🍴', '🍽', '🍹', '🍸', '🎂', '📱', '📺', '📻', '🎤', '📚', '💻', '📸', '📷', '❤️', '💔', '❣️', '☀️', '🌙', '🌃', '🏠', '🚪', "🇺🇸", "🇬🇧", "🇨🇦", "🇦🇺", "🇯🇵", "🇫🇷", "🇪🇸", '👍', '👎', '👏', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', '🤝', '🙏', '👑', '🌻', '🌺', '🌸', '🌹', '🌴', "🏞️", '🌊', '🚗', '🚌', "🛣️", "🛫️", "🛬️", '🚣', '🛥', '🚂', '🚁', '🚀', "🏃♂️", "🏋️♀️", "🏊♂️", "🏄♂️", '🎾', '🏀', '🏈', '🎯', '🏆', '??', '⬆️', '⬇️', '⇒', '⇐', '↩️', '↪️', 'ℹ️', '‼️', '⁉️', '‽️', '©️', '®️', '™️', '🔴', '🔵', '🟢', '🔹', '🔺', '💯', '👑', '🤣', "🤷♂️", "🤷♀️", "🙅♂️", "🙅♀️", "🙆♂️", "🙆♀️", "🤦♂️", "🤦♀️", '🏻', '💆♂️', "💆♀️", "🕴♂️", "🕴♀️", "💇♂️", "💇♀️", '🚫', '🚽', "🕳️", '💣', '🔫', "🕷️", "🕸️", '💀', '👻', '🕺', '💃', "🕴️", '👶', '👵', '👴', '👱', '👨', '👩', '👧', '👦', '👪', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', "🕴️", '💼', '📊', '📈', '📉', '📊', '📝', '📚', '📰', '📱', '💻', '📻', '📺', '🎬', "📽️", '📸', '📷', "🕯️", 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'🌿', '🍃', '🍂', '🌻', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌸', '🌴', '🏵', '🎀', '🏆', '🏈', '🏉', '🎯', '🏀', '🏊', '🏋', '🏌', '🎲', '📚', '📖', '📜', '📝', '💭', '💬', '🗣', '💫', '🌟', '🌠', '🎉', '🎊', '👏', '💥', '🔥', '💥', '🌪', '💨', '🌫', '🌬', '🌩', '🌨', '🌧', '🌦', '🌥', '🌡', '🌪', '🌫', '🌬', '🌩', '🌨', '🌧', '🌦', '🌥', '🌡', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '🔧', '🔨', '🔩', '🔪', '🔫', '👑', '👸', '🤴', '👹', '🤺', '🤻', '👺', '🤼', '🤽', '🤾', '🤿', '🦁', '🐴', '🦊', '🐺', '🐼', '🐾', '🐿', '🦄', '🦅', '🦆', '🦇', '🦈', '🐳', '🐋', '🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🐙', '🐚', '🐜', '🐝', '🐞', "🕷️", '🦋', '🐛', '🐌', '🐚', '🌿', '🌸', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '����', '🌴', '🏵', '🏰', '🏠', '🏡', '🏢', '🏣', '🏥', '🏦', '🏧', '🏨', '🏩', '🏪', '🏫', '🏬', '🏭', '🏮', '🏯', '🚣', '🛥', '🚂', '🚁', '🚀', '🛸', '🛹', '🚴', '🚲', '🛺', '🚮', '🚯', '🚱', '🚫', '🚽', "🕳️", '💣', '🔫', "🕷️", "🕸️", '💀', '👻', '🕺', '💃', "🕴️", '👶', '👵', '👴', '👱', '👨', '👩', '👧', '👦', '👪', '👫', '👭', '👬', '👮', "🕴️", '💼', '📊', '📈', '📉', '📊', '📝', '📚', '📰', '📱', '💻', '📻', '📺', '🎬', "📽️", '📸', '📷', "🕯️", '💡', '🔦', '🔧', '🔨', '🔩', '🔪', '🔫', '👑', '👸', '🤴', '👹', '🤺', '🤻', '👺', '🤼', '🤽', '🤾', '🤿', '🦁', '🐴', '🦊', '🐺', '🐼', '🐾', '🐿', '🦄', '🦅', '🦆', '🦇', '🦈', '🐳', '🐋', '🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🐙', '🐚', '🐜', '🐝', '🐞', "🕷️", '🦋', '🐛', '🐌', '🐚', '🌿', '🌸', '💐', '🌹', '🌺', '🌻', '🌴', '🏵', '🏰', '🐒', '🦍', '🦧', '🐶', '🐕', '🦮', "🐕🦺", '🐩', '🐺', '🦊', '🦝', '🐱', '🐈', "🐈⬛", '🦁', '🐯', '🐅', '🐆', '🐴', '🐎', '🦄', '🦓', '🦌', '🦬', '🐮', '🐂', '🐃', '🐄', '🐷', '🐖', '🐗', '🐽', '🐏', '🐑', '🐐', '🐪', '🐫', '🦙', '🦒', '🐘', '🦣', '🦏', '🦛', '🐭', '🐁', '🐀', '🐹', '🐰', '🐇', "🐿️", '🦫', '🦔', '🦇', '🐻', "🐻❄️", '🐨', '🐼', '🦥', '🦦', '🦨', '🦘', '🦡', '🐾', '🦃', '🐔', '🐓', '🐣', '🐤', '🐥', '🐦', '🐧', "🕊️", '🦅', '🦆', '🦢', '🦉', '🦤', '🪶', '🦩', '🦚', '🦜', '🐸', '🐊', '🐢', '🦎', '🐍', '🐲', '🐉', '🦕', '🦖', '🐳', '🐋', '🐬', '🦭', '🐟', '🐠', '😀', '😃', '😄', '😁', '😆', '😅', '🤣', '😂', '🙂', '🙃', '😉', '😊', '😇', '🥰', '😍', '🤩', '😘', '😗', '☺️', '😚', '😙', '🥲', '😋', '😛', '😜', '🤪', '😝', '🤑', '🤗', '🤭', '🤫', '🤔', '🤐', '🤨', '😐', '😑', '😶', "😶🌫️", '😏', '😒', '🙄', '😬', "😮💨", '🤥', '😌', '😔', '😪', '🤤', '😴', '😷', '🤒', '🤕', '🤢', '🤮', '🤧', '🥵', '🥶', '🥴', '😵', "😵💫", '🤯', '🤠', '🥳', '🥸', '😎', '🤓', '🧐', '😕', '😟', '🙁', '☹️', '😮', '😯', '😲', '😳', '🥺', '😦', '😧', '😨', '😰', '😥', '😢', '😭', '😱', '😖', '😣', '😞', '😓', '😩', '😫', '🥱', '😤', '😡', '😠', '🤬', '😈', '👿', '💀', '☠️', '💩', '🤡', '👹', '👺', '👻', '👽', '👾', '🤖', '😺', '😸', '😹', '😻', '😼', '😽', '🙀', '😿', '😾', '🙈', '🙉', '🙊', '💋', '💌', '💘', '💝', '💖', '💗', '💓', '💞', '💕', '💟', '❣️', '💔', "❤️🔥", "❤️🩹", '❤️', '🧡', '💛', '💚', '💙', '💜', '🤎', '🖤', '🤍', '💯', '💢', '💥', '💫', '💦', '💨', "🕳️", '💣', '💬', "👁️🗨️", "🗨️", "🗯️", '💭', '💤', '👋', '🤚', "🖐️", '✋', '🖖', '👌', '🤌', '🤏', '✌️', '🤞', '🤟', '🤘', '🤙', '👈', '👉', '👆', '🖕', '👇', '☝️', '👍', '👎', '✊', '👊', '🤛', '🤜', '👏', '🙌', '👐', '🤲', '🤝', '🙏', '✍️', '💅', '🤳', '💪', '🦾', '🦿', '🦵', '🦶', '👂', '🦻', '👃', '🧠', '🫀', '🫁', '🦷', '🦴', '👀', "👁️", '👅', '👄', '👶', '🧒', '👦', '👧', '🧑', '👱', '👨', '🧔', "🧔♂️", "🧔♀️", "👨🦰", "👨🦱", "👨🦳", "👨🦲", '👩', "👩🦰", "🧑🦰", "👩🦱", "🧑🦱", "👩🦳", "🧑🦳", "👩🦲", "🧑🦲", "👱♀️", "👱♂️", '🧓', '👴', '👵', '🙍', "🙍♂️", "🙍♀️", '🙎', "🙎♂️", "🙎♀️", '🙅', "🙅♂️", "🙅♀️", '🙆', "🙆♂️", "🙆♀️", '💁', "💁♂️", "💁♀️", '🙋', "🙋♂️", "🙋♀️", '🧏', "🧏♂️", "🧏♀️", '🙇', "🙇♂️", "🙇♀️", '🤦', "🤦♂️", "🤦♀️", '🤷', "🤷♂️", "🤷♀️", "🧑⚕️", "👨⚕️", "👩⚕️", "🧑🎓", "👨🎓", "👩🎓", "🧑🏫", '👨🏫', "👩🏫", "🧑⚖️", "👨⚖️", "👩⚖️", "🧑🌾", "👨🌾", "👩🌾", "🧑🍳", "👨🍳", "👩🍳", "🧑🔧", "👨🔧", "👩🔧", "🧑🏭", "👨🏭", "👩🏭", "🧑💼", "👨💼", "👩💼", "🧑🔬", "👨🔬", "👩🔬", "🧑💻", "👨💻", "👩💻", "🧑🎤", "👨🎤", "👩🎤", "🧑🎨", "👨🎨", "👩🎨", "🧑✈️", "👨✈️", "👩✈️", "🧑🚀", "👨🚀", "👩🚀", "🧑🚒", "👨🚒", "👩🚒", '👮', "👮♂️", "���♀️", "🕵️", "🕵️♂️", "🕵️♀️", '💂', "💂♂️", "💂♀️", '🥷', '👷', "👷♂️", "👷♀️", '🤴', '👸', '👳', "👳♂️", "👳♀️", '👲', '🧕', '🤵', "🤵♂️", "🤵♀️", '👰', "👰♂️", "👰♀️", '🤰', '🤱', "👩🍼", "👨🍼", "🧑🍼", '👼', '🎅', '🤶', "🧑🎄", '🦸', "🦸♂️", "🦸♀️", '🦹', "🦹♂️", "🦹♀️", '🧙', "🧙♂️", "🧙♀️", '🧚', "🧚♂️", "🧚♀️", '🧛', "🧛♂️", "🧛♀️", '🧜', "🧜♂️", "🧜♀️", '🧝', "🧝♂️", "🧝♀️", '🧞', "🧞♂️", "🧞♀️", '🧟', "🧟♂️", "🧟♀️", '💆', "💆♂️", "💆♀️", '💇', "💇♂️", "💇♀️", '🚶', "🚶♂️", "🚶♀️", '🧍', "🧍♂️", "🧍♀️", '🧎', "🧎♂️", "🧎♀️", "🧑🦯", "👨🦯", "👩🦯", "🧑🦼", "👨🦼", "👩🦼", "🧑🦽", "👨🦽", "👩🦽", '🏃', "🏃♂️", "🏃♀️", '💃', '🕺', "🕴️", '👯', "👯♂️", "👯♀️", '🧖', "🧖♂️", "🧖♀️", '🧗', "🧗♂️", "🧗♀️", '🤺', '🏇', '⛷️', '🏂', "🏌️", "🏌️♂️", "🏌️♀️", '🏄', "🏄♂️", "🏄♀️", '🚣', "🚣♂️", "🚣♀️", '🏊', "🏊♂️", "🏊♀️", '⛹️', "⛹️♂️", "⛹️♀️", "🏋️", "🏋️♂️", "🏋️♀️", '🚴', "🚴♂️", '🚴♀️', '🚵', "🚵♂️", "🚵♀️", '🤸', "🤸♂️", "🤸♀️", '🤼', "🤼♂️", "🤼♀️", '🤽', "🤽♂️", "🤽♀️", '🤾', "🤾♂️", "🤾♀️", '🤹', "🤹♂️", "🤹♀️", '🧘', "🧘♂️", "🧘♀️", '🛀', '🛌', "🧑🤝🧑", '👭', '👫', '👬', '💏', "👩❤️💋👨", "👨❤️💋👨", "👩❤️💋👩", '💑', "👩❤️👨", "👨❤️👨", "👩❤️👩", '👪', "👨👩👦", "👨👩👧", "👨👩👧👦", "👨👩👦👦", "👨👩👧👧", "👨👨👦", '👨👨👧', "👨👨👧👦", "👨👨👦👦", "👨👨👧👧", "👩👩👦", "👩👩👧", "👩👩👧👦", "👩👩👦👦", "👩👩👧👧", "👨👦", "👨👦👦", "👨👧", "👨👧👦", "👨👧👧", "👩👦", "👩👦👦", "👩👧", "👩👧👦", "👩👧👧", "🗣️", '👤', '👥', '🫂', '👣', '🦰', '🦱', '🦳', '🦲', '🐵'];
552 |
const randomOwnerReaction = reactions[Math.floor(Math.random() * reactions.length)]; //
553 |
554 |
555 |
556 |
557 |
// custum react settings
558 |
559 |
if (!isReact && senderNumber !== botNumber) {
560 |
if (config.CUSTOM_REACT === 'true') {
561 |
// Use custom emojis from the configuration
562 |
const reactions = (config.CUSTOM_REACT_EMOJIS || '🎐,🎊,🎉,❄️,🌟').split(',');
563 |
const randomReaction = reactions[Math.floor(Math.random() * reactions.length)];
564 |
565 |
566 |
567 |
568 |
if (!isReact && senderNumber === botNumber) {
569 |
if (config.CUSTOM_REACT === 'true') {
570 |
// Use custom emojis from the configuration
571 |
const reactions = (config.CUSTOM_REACT_EMOJIS || '🎐,🎊,🎉,❄️,🌟').split(',');
572 |
const randomReaction = reactions[Math.floor(Math.random() * reactions.length)];
573 |
574 |
575 |
576 |
577 |
if(!isOwner && config.MODE === "private") return
578 |
if(!isOwner && isGroup && config.MODE === "inbox") return
579 |
if(!isOwner && !isGroup && config.MODE === "groups") return
580 |
581 |
// take commands
582 |
583 |
const events = require('./command')
584 |
const cmdName = isCmd ? body.slice(1).trim().split(" ")[0].toLowerCase() : false;
585 |
if (isCmd) {
586 |
const cmd = events.commands.find((cmd) => cmd.pattern === (cmdName)) || events.commands.find((cmd) => cmd.alias && cmd.alias.includes(cmdName))
587 |
if (cmd) {
588 |
if (cmd.react) conn.sendMessage(from, { react: { text: cmd.react, key: mek.key }})
589 |
590 |
try {
591 |
cmd.function(conn, mek, m,{from, quoted, body, isCmd, command, args, q, isGroup, sender, senderNumber, botNumber2, botNumber, pushname, isMe, isOwner, groupMetadata, groupName, participants, groupAdmins, isBotAdmins, isAdmins, reply});
592 |
} catch (e) {
593 |
console.error("[PLUGIN ERROR] " + e);
594 |
595 |
596 |
597 |
- => {
598 |
if (body && command.on === "body") {
599 |
command.function(conn, mek, m,{from, l, quoted, body, isCmd, command, args, q, isGroup, sender, senderNumber, botNumber2, botNumber, pushname, isMe, isOwner, groupMetadata, groupName, participants, groupAdmins, isBotAdmins, isAdmins, reply})
600 |
} else if (mek.q && command.on === "text") {
601 |
command.function(conn, mek, m,{from, l, quoted, body, isCmd, command, args, q, isGroup, sender, senderNumber, botNumber2, botNumber, pushname, isMe, isOwner, groupMetadata, groupName, participants, groupAdmins, isBotAdmins, isAdmins, reply})
602 |
} else if (
603 |
(command.on === "image" || command.on === "photo") &&
604 |
mek.type === "imageMessage"
605 |
) {
606 |
command.function(conn, mek, m,{from, l, quoted, body, isCmd, command, args, q, isGroup, sender, senderNumber, botNumber2, botNumber, pushname, isMe, isOwner, groupMetadata, groupName, participants, groupAdmins, isBotAdmins, isAdmins, reply})
607 |
} else if (
608 |
command.on === "sticker" &&
609 |
mek.type === "stickerMessage"
610 |
) {
611 |
command.function(conn, mek, m,{from, l, quoted, body, isCmd, command, args, q, isGroup, sender, senderNumber, botNumber2, botNumber, pushname, isMe, isOwner, groupMetadata, groupName, participants, groupAdmins, isBotAdmins, isAdmins, reply})
612 |
613 |
614 |
615 |
616 |
617 |
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
618 |
res.send("[ 🤖 ] SUBZERO MD BOT ONLINE ✅");
619 |
620 |
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Server listening on port http://localhost:${port}`));
621 |
setTimeout(() => {
622 |
623 |
}, 4000);
624 |