Runtime error
Runtime error
import numpy as np | |
import math | |
import pandas as pd | |
import geopandas as gpd | |
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Polygon | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
class Grid(): | |
RADIUS_EQUATOR = 6378.137 # km | |
def __init__(self,dist,latitude_range=(-85,85),longitude_range=(-180,180),utm_definition='bottomleft'): | |
self.dist = dist | |
self.latitude_range = latitude_range | |
self.longitude_range = longitude_range | |
self.utm_definition = utm_definition | |
self.rows,self.lats = self.get_rows() | |
self.points, self.points_by_row = self.get_points() | |
def get_rows(self): | |
# Define set of latitudes to use, based on the grid distance | |
arc_pole_to_pole = math.pi * self.RADIUS_EQUATOR | |
num_divisions_in_hemisphere = math.ceil(arc_pole_to_pole / self.dist) | |
latitudes = np.linspace(-90, 90, num_divisions_in_hemisphere+1)[:-1] | |
latitudes = np.mod(latitudes, 180) - 90 | |
# order should be from south to north | |
latitudes = np.sort(latitudes) | |
zeroth_row = np.searchsorted(latitudes,0) | |
# From 0U-NU and 1D-ND | |
rows = [None] * len(latitudes) | |
rows[zeroth_row:] = [f'{i}U' for i in range(len(latitudes)-zeroth_row)] | |
rows[:zeroth_row] = [f'{abs(i-zeroth_row)}D' for i in range(zeroth_row)] | |
# bound to range | |
idxs = (latitudes>=self.latitude_range[0]) * (latitudes<=self.latitude_range[1]) | |
rows,latitudes = np.array(rows), np.array(latitudes) | |
rows,latitudes = rows[idxs],latitudes[idxs] | |
return rows,latitudes | |
def get_circumference_at_latitude(self,lat): | |
# Circumference of the cross-section of a sphere at a given latitude | |
radius_at_lat = self.RADIUS_EQUATOR * math.cos(lat * math.pi / 180) | |
circumference = 2 * math.pi * radius_at_lat | |
return circumference | |
def subdivide_circumference(self,lat,return_cols=False): | |
# Provide a list of longitudes that subdivide the circumference of the earth at a given latitude | |
# into equal parts as close as possible to dist | |
circumference = self.get_circumference_at_latitude(lat) | |
num_divisions = math.ceil(circumference / self.dist) | |
longitudes = np.linspace(-180,180, num_divisions+1)[:-1] | |
longitudes = np.mod(longitudes, 360) - 180 | |
longitudes = np.sort(longitudes) | |
if return_cols: | |
cols = [None] * len(longitudes) | |
zeroth_idx = np.where(longitudes==0)[0][0] | |
cols[zeroth_idx:] = [f'{i}R' for i in range(len(longitudes)-zeroth_idx)] | |
cols[:zeroth_idx] = [f'{abs(i-zeroth_idx)}L' for i in range(zeroth_idx)] | |
return np.array(cols),np.array(longitudes) | |
return np.array(longitudes) | |
def get_points(self): | |
r_idx = 0 | |
points_by_row = [None]*len(self.rows) | |
for r,lat in zip(self.rows,self.lats): | |
point_names,grid_row_names,grid_col_names,grid_row_idx,grid_col_idx,grid_lats,grid_lons,utm_zones,epsgs = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] | |
cols,lons = self.subdivide_circumference(lat,return_cols=True) | |
cols,lons = self.filter_longitude(cols,lons) | |
c_idx = 0 | |
for c,lon in zip(cols,lons): | |
point_names.append(f'{r}_{c}') | |
grid_row_names.append(r) | |
grid_col_names.append(c) | |
grid_row_idx.append(r_idx) | |
grid_col_idx.append(c_idx) | |
grid_lats.append(lat) | |
grid_lons.append(lon) | |
if self.utm_definition == 'bottomleft': | |
utm_zones.append(get_utm_zone_from_latlng([lat,lon])) | |
elif self.utm_definition == 'center': | |
center_lat = lat + (1000*self.dist/2)/111_120 | |
center_lon = lon + (1000*self.dist/2)/(111_120*math.cos(center_lat*math.pi/180)) | |
utm_zones.append(get_utm_zone_from_latlng([center_lat,center_lon])) | |
else: | |
raise ValueError(f'Invalid utm_definition {self.utm_definition}') | |
epsgs.append(f'EPSG:{utm_zones[-1]}') | |
c_idx += 1 | |
points_by_row[r_idx] = gpd.GeoDataFrame({ | |
'name':point_names, | |
'row':grid_row_names, | |
'col':grid_col_names, | |
'row_idx':grid_row_idx, | |
'col_idx':grid_col_idx, | |
'utm_zone':utm_zones, | |
'epsg':epsgs | |
},geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(grid_lons,grid_lats)) | |
r_idx += 1 | |
points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(points_by_row)) | |
# points.reset_index(inplace=True,drop=True) | |
return points, points_by_row | |
def group_points_by_row(self): | |
# Make list of different gdfs for each row | |
points_by_row = [None]*len(self.rows) | |
for i,row in enumerate(self.rows): | |
points_by_row[i] = self.points[self.points.row==row] | |
return points_by_row | |
def filter_longitude(self,cols,lons): | |
idxs = (lons>=self.longitude_range[0]) * (lons<=self.longitude_range[1]) | |
cols,lons = cols[idxs],lons[idxs] | |
return cols,lons | |
def latlon2rowcol(self,lats,lons,return_idx=False): | |
""" | |
Convert latitude and longitude to row and column number from the grid | |
""" | |
# Always take bottom left corner of grid cell | |
rows = np.searchsorted(self.lats,lats)-1 | |
# Get the possible points of the grid cells at the given latitude | |
possible_points = [self.points_by_row[row] for row in rows] | |
# For each point, find the rightmost point that is still to the left of the given longitude | |
cols = [poss_points.iloc[np.searchsorted(poss_points.geometry.x,lon)-1].col for poss_points,lon in zip(possible_points,lons)] | |
rows = self.rows[rows] | |
if return_idx: | |
# Get the table index for self.points with each row,col pair in rows, cols | |
idx = [self.points[(self.points.row==row) & (self.points.col==col)].index.values[0] for row,col in zip(rows,cols)] | |
return rows,cols,idx | |
return rows,cols | |
def rowcol2latlon(self,rows,cols): | |
point_geoms = [self.points.loc[(self.points.row==row) & (self.points.col==col),'geometry'].values[0] for row,col in zip(rows,cols)] | |
lats = [point.y for point in point_geoms] | |
lons = [point.x for point in point_geoms] | |
return lats,lons | |
def get_bounded_footprint(self,point,buffer_ratio=0): | |
# Gets the polygon footprint of the grid cell for a given point, bounded by the other grid points' cells. | |
# Grid point defined as bottom-left corner of polygon. Buffer ratio is the ratio of the grid cell's width/height to buffer by. | |
bottom,left = point.geometry.y,point.geometry.x | |
row = point.row | |
row_idx = point.row_idx | |
col_idx = point.col_idx | |
next_row_idx = row_idx+1 | |
next_col_idx = col_idx+1 | |
if next_row_idx >= len(self.lats): # If at top row, use difference between top and second-to-top row for height | |
height = (self.lats[row_idx] - self.lats[row_idx-1]) | |
top = self.lats[row_idx] + height | |
else: | |
top = self.lats[next_row_idx] | |
max_col = len(self.points_by_row[row].col_idx)-1 | |
if next_col_idx > max_col: # If at rightmost column, use difference between rightmost and second-to-rightmost column for width | |
width = (self.points_by_row[row].iloc[col_idx].geometry.x - self.points_by_row[row].iloc[col_idx-1].geometry.x) | |
right = self.points_by_row[row].iloc[col_idx].geometry.x + width | |
else: | |
right = self.points_by_row[row].iloc[next_col_idx].geometry.x | |
# Buffer the polygon by the ratio of the grid cell's width/height | |
width = right - left | |
height = top - bottom | |
buffer_horizontal = width * buffer_ratio | |
buffer_vertical = height * buffer_ratio | |
new_left = left - buffer_horizontal | |
new_right = right + buffer_horizontal | |
new_bottom = bottom - buffer_vertical | |
new_top = top + buffer_vertical | |
bbox = Polygon([(new_left,new_bottom),(new_left,new_top),(new_right,new_top),(new_right,new_bottom)]) | |
return bbox | |
def get_utm_zone_from_latlng(latlng): | |
""" | |
Get the UTM ZONE from a latlng list. | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
latlng : List[Union[int, float]] | |
The latlng list to get the UTM ZONE from. | |
return_epsg : bool, optional | |
Whether or not to return the EPSG code instead of the WKT, by default False | |
Returns | |
------- | |
str | |
The WKT or EPSG code. | |
""" | |
assert isinstance(latlng, (list, np.ndarray)), "latlng must be in the form of a list." | |
zone = math.floor(((latlng[1] + 180) / 6) + 1) | |
n_or_s = "S" if latlng[0] < 0 else "N" | |
false_northing = "10000000" if n_or_s == "S" else "0" | |
central_meridian = str(zone * 6 - 183) | |
epsg = f"32{'7' if n_or_s == 'S' else '6'}{str(zone)}" | |
return epsg | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
dist = 100 | |
grid = Grid(dist,latitude_range=(10,70),longitude_range=(-30,60)) | |
from pprint import pprint | |
test_lons = np.random.uniform(-20,50,size=(1000)) | |
test_lats = np.random.uniform(12,68,size=(1000)) | |
test_rows,test_cols = grid.latlon2rowcol(test_lats,test_lons) | |
test_lats2,test_lons2 = grid.rowcol2latlon(test_rows,test_cols) | |
print(test_lons[:10]) | |
print(test_lats[:10]) | |
print(test_rows[:10]) | |
print(test_cols[:10]) | |
# Make line segments from the points to their corresponding grid points | |
lines = [] | |
for i in range(len(test_lats)): | |
lines.append([(test_lons[i],test_lats[i]),(test_lons2[i],test_lats2[i])]) | |
lines = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gpd.GeoSeries([LineString(line) for line in lines])) | |
lines.to_file(f'testlines_{dist}km.geojson',driver='GeoJSON') | |
grid.points.to_file(f'testgrid_{dist}km.geojson',driver='GeoJSON') | |