Runtime error
Runtime error
[ | |
{ | |
"dataset": "cola", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 77.8, | |
"origin_prompt": "Is the provided sentence grammatically correct? Respond with 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable'.", | |
"atk_acc": 68.6, | |
"atk_prompt": "Is the provided semtence rammatically corrct? Respond with 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable'. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 86.6, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 85.7 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "cola", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 75.7, | |
"origin_prompt": "While performing grammar analysis, classify the grammar of the following sentence as 'acceptable' for correct grammar or 'unacceptable' for incorrect grammar.", | |
"atk_acc": 70.5, | |
"atk_prompt": "While hperforming grammNar anlaysis, classfiy the grammar of the foBlowing sentence as 'acceptable' for corrept grammgar or 'unacceptable' for incborrect grMammar. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 86.4, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 86.3 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "mrpc", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 83.09, | |
"origin_prompt": "Evaluate whether the two provided sentences convey the same meaning by answering 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", | |
"atk_acc": 78.92, | |
"atk_prompt": "Evaluate whether the two provided senetnces convey the same meaning by answering 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 85.7843137254902, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 85.5392156862745 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "mrpc", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 81.37, | |
"origin_prompt": "As a semantic comparison expert, evaluate the given pair of sentences and determine if they are 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", | |
"atk_acc": 76.72, | |
"atk_prompt": "As a semantic comparisKon experEt, evaluate the given pari of sentence and determine if they are 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 85.04901960784314, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 84.80392156862744 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "qnli", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 89.3, | |
"origin_prompt": "Based on the provided context and question, decide if the information supports the answer by responding with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", | |
"atk_acc": 39.5, | |
"atk_prompt": "Baesd on the prohided conteMt and questino, dRcide if the infzrmation suppoLrts the aOnswer by resXonding with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 94.5, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 92.2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "qnli", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 88.8, | |
"origin_prompt": "In the capacity of a language evaluator, examine if the given context justifies the answer to the question and indicate your assessment with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", | |
"atk_acc": 44.5, | |
"atk_prompt": "bn the cUapacity of a langtage valuator, Cxamine if the givcen contjxt jYustifies the anbwer to the qPuestion and idicate your assetssment with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 93.60000000000001, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 93.2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "qqp", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 88.1, | |
"origin_prompt": "Are the following two questions equivalent or not? Answer me with \"equivalent\" or \"not_equivalent\".", | |
"atk_acc": 77.3, | |
"atk_prompt": "re the flolowing two questFons equivalent or not? Answe me with \"equivalent\" or \"not_equivalent\". ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 88.5, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 88.8 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "qqp", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 86.5, | |
"origin_prompt": "As an instrument for question comparison evaluation, consider the questions and determine if their meaning is the same, responding with 'equivalent' for similar questions or 'not_equivalent' for different questions.", | |
"atk_acc": 81.8, | |
"atk_prompt": "As an instrument for question cotmparison evaluVtion, consider the questionPs and determbine if their maening is the same, responRing with 'equivalent' for similar questins or 'not_equivalent' for difserent questions. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 89.0, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 89.3 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "rte", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 85.2, | |
"origin_prompt": "Are the following two sentences entailment or not_entailment? Answer me with \"entailment\" or \"not_entailment\", just one word.", | |
"atk_acc": 80.87, | |
"atk_prompt": "Aer the followig mwo sentences entailment or not_entailment? nswer me with \"entailment\" or \"not_entailment\", just noe word. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 93.14079422382672, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 93.14079422382672 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "rte", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 84.12, | |
"origin_prompt": "Acting as an entailment detection instrument, determine if the given pair of sentences demonstrates entailment or not_entailment. Answer with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", | |
"atk_acc": 81.59, | |
"atk_prompt": "Acting as an entailment detection instrument, dGetermine if the given pair of sentences demonstpates entailment or not_entailment. AVswer with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 93.50180505415162, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 93.50180505415162 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "sst2", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 95.3, | |
"origin_prompt": "Considering the given phrase, would you say it carries a 'positive' or 'negative' connotation?", | |
"atk_acc": 93.92, | |
"atk_prompt": "Considering the given phraes, wouHd you Fay it carries a 'positive' or 'negative' connotavtion? ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 95.64220183486239, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 95.64220183486239 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "sst2", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 95.41, | |
"origin_prompt": "Acting as a sentiment evaluator, identify if the given sentence is 'positive' or 'negative'.", | |
"atk_acc": 94.61, | |
"atk_prompt": "Acting as a seniment valuator, dientify if the giveIn sentence is 'positive' or 'negative'. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 96.55963302752293, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 96.78899082568807 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "wnli", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 64.79, | |
"origin_prompt": "Assess the connection between the following sentences and classify it as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", | |
"atk_acc": 54.93, | |
"atk_prompt": "Assses the connection between the followoing sentence and classify it as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 76.05633802816901, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 77.46478873239437 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "wnli", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 66.2, | |
"origin_prompt": "In the capacity of an entailment assessment system, indicate if the link between the following sentences is 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", | |
"atk_acc": 56.34, | |
"atk_prompt": "In the capaciy of an entailment assessment system, inDdicate if the liQk between the followign sentences is 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 76.05633802816901, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 76.05633802816901 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "mmlu", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 46.81, | |
"origin_prompt": "In relation to the multiple-choice question on {}, please provide the accurate answer by choosing 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", | |
"atk_acc": 43.44, | |
"atk_prompt": "In relation to the ultiple-choice question on {}, lease rovide the accuraet answer by choosieg 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 53.54609929078015, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 53.54609929078015 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "mmlu", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 46.99, | |
"origin_prompt": "Considering your familiarity with {}, attend to the following multiple-choice question by picking 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", | |
"atk_acc": 43.44, | |
"atk_prompt": "Considering your familiarity with {}, attePd to the following multiple-hcoice question by pickiGng 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 54.43262411347518, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 53.54609929078015 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "squad_v2", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 87.91, | |
"origin_prompt": "From the context, provide the most precise answer. If the answer is not in the context, respond with 'unanswerable'.", | |
"atk_acc": 86.55, | |
"atk_prompt": "Frmo the context, provide the most precise answer. If the answer is not in the context, respond with 'unanswerable'.", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 89.38229949874687, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 89.54896616541353 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "squad_v2", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 87.05, | |
"origin_prompt": "As a subject matter expert, extract the correct answer from the context. If an answer is not present, indicate 'unanswerable'.", | |
"atk_acc": 86.59, | |
"atk_prompt": "As a subject matter expert, extract the ocrrect anser from the contNext. If an answer is not present, indicate 'unanswerable'.", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 89.54896616541353, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 90.88229949874687 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "iwslt", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 0.22, | |
"origin_prompt": "Convert the following sentence from its original {} language to the target language {}.", | |
"atk_acc": 0.21, | |
"atk_prompt": "tonvert the following senvtence from its original {} language to the target language {}. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 0.23981220411098694, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 0.23553793529356767 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "iwslt", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 0.22, | |
"origin_prompt": "In the role of a language expert, perform a machine translation for the provided sentence, changing it from {} to {}.", | |
"atk_acc": 0.14, | |
"atk_prompt": "In the role of a langauge expert, perforF a machine kranslation for the pLovided senteSce, changing it from {} to {}. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 0.236844571841243, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 0.23819751870596426 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "un_multi", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 0.31, | |
"origin_prompt": "Translate the provided sentence from {} to {} while maintaining the original meaning and context.", | |
"atk_acc": 0.3, | |
"atk_prompt": "Translate the proviWded entence from {} to {} while maintaining the oriinal meanin and conEtext. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 0.35929731147922295, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 0.354154230790244 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "un_multi", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 0.31, | |
"origin_prompt": "Taking on the role of a certified translator, perform a translation of the given sentence from {} to {}.", | |
"atk_acc": 0.26, | |
"atk_prompt": "Taking on the roEle of a certifLed ltranslator, perofrm a trasnlation of the giDven senence from {} to {}. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 0.35510202593913104, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 0.3540073096648902 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "math", | |
"type": "task", | |
"origin_acc": 17.5, | |
"origin_prompt": "Figure out the solution for the following mathematical task with {}.", | |
"atk_acc": 15.62, | |
"atk_prompt": "Figure out the slution for the following mathemaitcal task with {}. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 16.25, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 15.0 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"dataset": "math", | |
"type": "role", | |
"origin_acc": 17.5, | |
"origin_prompt": "As a mathematics instructor, calculate the answer to the following problem related to {}.", | |
"atk_acc": 15.0, | |
"atk_prompt": "sA a mathematics instructor, calculate the anvwer to the following problem relDated to {}. ", | |
"transfer_ori_acc": 15.625, | |
"transfer_atk_acc": 15.0 | |
} | |
] |