from importlib import reload | |
import os | |
import numpy as np | |
import bezier | |
import freetype as ft | |
import pydiffvg | |
import torch | |
import save_svg | |
import os.path as osp | |
device = torch.device("cuda" if ( | |
torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.device_count() > 0) else "cpu") | |
reload(bezier) | |
def fix_single_svg(svg_path, all_word=False): | |
target_h_letter = 360 | |
target_canvas_width, target_canvas_height = 600, 600 | |
canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups = pydiffvg.svg_to_scene(svg_path) | |
letter_h = canvas_height | |
letter_w = canvas_width | |
if all_word: | |
if letter_w > letter_h: | |
scale_canvas_w = target_h_letter / letter_w | |
hsize = int(letter_h * scale_canvas_w) | |
scale_canvas_h = hsize / letter_h | |
else: | |
scale_canvas_h = target_h_letter / letter_h | |
wsize = int(letter_w * scale_canvas_h) | |
scale_canvas_w = wsize / letter_w | |
else: | |
scale_canvas_h = target_h_letter / letter_h | |
wsize = int(letter_w * scale_canvas_h) | |
scale_canvas_w = wsize / letter_w | |
for num, p in enumerate(shapes): | |
p.points[:, 0] = p.points[:, 0] * scale_canvas_w | |
p.points[:, 1] = p.points[:, 1] * scale_canvas_h + target_h_letter | |
w_min, w_max = min([torch.min(p.points[:, 0]) for p in shapes]), max([torch.max(p.points[:, 0]) for p in shapes]) | |
h_min, h_max = min([torch.min(p.points[:, 1]) for p in shapes]), max([torch.max(p.points[:, 1]) for p in shapes]) | |
for num, p in enumerate(shapes): | |
p.points[:, 0] = p.points[:, 0] + target_canvas_width/2 - int(w_min + (w_max - w_min) / 2) | |
p.points[:, 1] = p.points[:, 1] + target_canvas_height/2 - int(h_min + (h_max - h_min) / 2) | |
output_path = f"{svg_path[:-4]}_scaled.svg" | |
save_svg.save_svg(output_path, target_canvas_width, target_canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups) | |
def normalize_letter_size(dest_path, font, txt): | |
fontname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(font))[0] | |
for i, c in enumerate(txt): | |
fname = f"{dest_path}/{fontname}_{c}.svg" | |
fname = fname.replace(" ", "_") | |
fix_single_svg(fname) | |
fname = f"{dest_path}/{fontname}_{txt}.svg" | |
fname = fname.replace(" ", "_") | |
fix_single_svg(fname, all_word=True) | |
def glyph_to_cubics(face, x=0): | |
''' Convert current font face glyph to cubic beziers''' | |
def linear_to_cubic(Q): | |
a, b = Q | |
return [a + (b - a) * t for t in np.linspace(0, 1, 4)] | |
def quadratic_to_cubic(Q): | |
return [Q[0], | |
Q[0] + (2 / 3) * (Q[1] - Q[0]), | |
Q[2] + (2 / 3) * (Q[1] - Q[2]), | |
Q[2]] | |
beziers = [] | |
pt = lambda p: np.array([p.x + x, -p.y]) # Flipping here since freetype has y-up | |
last = lambda: beziers[-1][-1] | |
def move_to(a, beziers): | |
beziers.append([pt(a)]) | |
def line_to(a, beziers): | |
Q = linear_to_cubic([last(), pt(a)]) | |
beziers[-1] += Q[1:] | |
def conic_to(a, b, beziers): | |
Q = quadratic_to_cubic([last(), pt(a), pt(b)]) | |
beziers[-1] += Q[1:] | |
def cubic_to(a, b, c, beziers): | |
beziers[-1] += [pt(a), pt(b), pt(c)] | |
face.glyph.outline.decompose(beziers, move_to=move_to, line_to=line_to, conic_to=conic_to, cubic_to=cubic_to) | |
beziers = [np.array(C).astype(float) for C in beziers] | |
return beziers | |
def font_string_to_beziers(font, txt, size=30, spacing=1.0, merge=True, target_control=None): | |
''' Load a font and convert the outlines for a given string to cubic bezier curves, | |
if merge is True, simply return a list of all bezier curves, | |
otherwise return a list of lists with the bezier curves for each glyph''' | |
face = ft.Face(font) | |
face.set_char_size(64 * size) | |
slot = face.glyph | |
x = 0 | |
beziers = [] | |
previous = 0 | |
for c in txt: | |
face.load_char(c, ft.FT_LOAD_DEFAULT | ft.FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP) | |
bez = glyph_to_cubics(face, x) | |
# Check number of control points if desired | |
if target_control is not None: | |
if c in target_control.keys(): | |
nctrl = np.sum([len(C) for C in bez]) | |
while nctrl < target_control[c]: | |
longest = np.max( | |
sum([[bezier.approx_arc_length(b) for b in bezier.chain_to_beziers(C)] for C in bez], [])) | |
thresh = longest * 0.5 | |
bez = [bezier.subdivide_bezier_chain(C, thresh) for C in bez] | |
nctrl = np.sum([len(C) for C in bez]) | |
print(nctrl) | |
if merge: | |
beziers += bez | |
else: | |
beziers.append(bez) | |
kerning = face.get_kerning(previous, c) | |
x += (slot.advance.x + kerning.x) * spacing | |
previous = c | |
return beziers | |
def bezier_chain_to_commands(C, closed=True): | |
curves = bezier.chain_to_beziers(C) | |
cmds = 'M %f %f ' % (C[0][0], C[0][1]) | |
n = len(curves) | |
for i, bez in enumerate(curves): | |
if i == n - 1 and closed: | |
cmds += 'C %f %f %f %f %f %fz ' % (*bez[1], *bez[2], *bez[3]) | |
else: | |
cmds += 'C %f %f %f %f %f %f ' % (*bez[1], *bez[2], *bez[3]) | |
return cmds | |
def count_cp(file_name, font_name): | |
canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups = pydiffvg.svg_to_scene(file_name) | |
p_counter = 0 | |
for path in shapes: | |
p_counter += path.points.shape[0] | |
print(f"TOTAL CP: [{p_counter}]") | |
return p_counter | |
def write_letter_svg(c, header, fontname, beziers, subdivision_thresh, dest_path): | |
cmds = '' | |
svg = header | |
path = '<g><path d="' | |
for C in beziers: | |
if subdivision_thresh is not None: | |
print('subd') | |
C = bezier.subdivide_bezier_chain(C, subdivision_thresh) | |
cmds += bezier_chain_to_commands(C, True) | |
path += cmds + '"/>\n' | |
svg += path + '</g></svg>\n' | |
fname = f"{dest_path}/{fontname}_{c}.svg" | |
fname = fname.replace(" ", "_") | |
f = open(fname, 'w') | |
f.write(svg) | |
f.close() | |
return fname, path | |
def font_string_to_svgs(dest_path, font, txt, size=30, spacing=1.0, target_control=None, subdivision_thresh=None): | |
fontname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(font))[0] | |
glyph_beziers = font_string_to_beziers(font, txt, size, spacing, merge=False, target_control=target_control) | |
if not os.path.isdir(dest_path): | |
os.mkdir(dest_path) | |
# Compute boundig box | |
points = np.vstack(sum(glyph_beziers, [])) | |
lt = np.min(points, axis=0) | |
rb = np.max(points, axis=0) | |
size = rb - lt | |
sizestr = 'width="%.1f" height="%.1f"' % (size[0], size[1]) | |
boxstr = ' viewBox="%.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f"' % (lt[0], lt[1], size[0], size[1]) | |
header = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> | |
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:ev="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" baseProfile="full" ''' | |
header += sizestr | |
header += boxstr | |
header += '>\n<defs/>\n' | |
svg_all = header | |
for i, (c, beziers) in enumerate(zip(txt, glyph_beziers)): | |
print(f"==== {c} ====") | |
fname, path = write_letter_svg(c, header, fontname, beziers, subdivision_thresh, dest_path) | |
num_cp = count_cp(fname, fontname) | |
print(num_cp) | |
print(font, c) | |
# Add to global svg | |
svg_all += path + '</g>\n' | |
# Save global svg | |
svg_all += '</svg>\n' | |
fname = f"{dest_path}/{fontname}_{txt}.svg" | |
fname = fname.replace(" ", "_") | |
f = open(fname, 'w') | |
f.write(svg_all) | |
f.close() | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
fonts = ["KaushanScript-Regular"] | |
level_of_cc = 1 | |
if level_of_cc == 0: | |
target_cp = None | |
else: | |
target_cp = {"A": 120, "B": 120, "C": 100, "D": 100, | |
"E": 120, "F": 120, "G": 120, "H": 120, | |
"I": 35, "J": 80, "K": 100, "L": 80, | |
"M": 100, "N": 100, "O": 100, "P": 120, | |
"Q": 120, "R": 130, "S": 110, "T": 90, | |
"U": 100, "V": 100, "W": 100, "X": 130, | |
"Y": 120, "Z": 120, | |
"a": 120, "b": 120, "c": 100, "d": 100, | |
"e": 120, "f": 120, "g": 120, "h": 120, | |
"i": 35, "j": 80, "k": 100, "l": 80, | |
"m": 100, "n": 100, "o": 100, "p": 120, | |
"q": 120, "r": 130, "s": 110, "t": 90, | |
"u": 100, "v": 100, "w": 100, "x": 130, | |
"y": 120, "z": 120 | |
} | |
target_cp = {k: v * level_of_cc for k, v in target_cp.items()} | |
for f in fonts: | |
print(f"======= {f} =======") | |
font_path = f"data/fonts/{f}.ttf" | |
output_path = f"data/init" | |
txt = "BUNNY" | |
subdivision_thresh = None | |
font_string_to_svgs(output_path, font_path, txt, target_control=target_cp, | |
subdivision_thresh=subdivision_thresh) | |
normalize_letter_size(output_path, font_path, txt) | |
print("DONE") | |