risk_biased_prediction / risk_biased /models /latent_distributions.py
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from typing import Optional, Callable, Tuple
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from einops import rearrange, repeat
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
def relaxed_one_hot_categorical_without_replacement(temperature, logits, num_samples=1):
# See paper Stochastic Beams and Where to Find Them: The Gumbel-Top-k Trick for Sampling Sequences Without Replacement (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.06059.pdf)
# for explanation of the trick
scores = (
(torch.distributions.Gumbel(logits, 1).rsample() / temperature)
top_scores, top_indices = torch.topk(
return scores, top_indices
class AbstractLatentDistribution(nn.Module, ABC):
"""Base class for latent distribution"""
def sample(
self, num_samples: int, *args, **kwargs
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""Sample from the latent distribution."""
def kl_loss(
other: "GaussianLatentDistribution",
threshold: float = 0,
mask_z: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Compute the KL divergence between two latent distributions."""
def sampling_loss(self) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Loss of the latent distribution."""
def average(
self, other: "AbstractLatentDistribution", weight_other: torch.Tensor
) -> "AbstractLatentDistribution":
"""Average of the latent distribution."""
def log_dict(self, type: str) -> dict:
"""Log the latent distribution values."""
class GaussianLatentDistribution(AbstractLatentDistribution):
"""Gaussian latent distribution"""
def __init__(self, latent_representation: torch.Tensor):
mu, logvar = torch.chunk(latent_representation, 2, dim=-1)
self.register_buffer("mu", mu, False)
self.register_buffer("logvar", logvar, False)
def sample(
self, n_samples: int = 0, *args, **kwargs
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""Sample from Gaussian with a reparametrization trick
n_samples (optional): number of samples to make, (if 0 one sample with no extra
dimension). Defaults to 0.
Random Gaussian sample of size (some_shape, (n_samples), latent_dim)
std = (self.logvar / 2).exp()
if n_samples <= 0:
eps = torch.randn_like(std)
latent_samples = self.mu + eps * std
weights = torch.ones_like(latent_samples[..., 0])
eps = torch.randn(
[*std.shape[:-1], n_samples, self.mu.shape[-1]], device=std.device
# Reshape
latent_samples = self.mu.unsqueeze(-2) + eps * std.unsqueeze(-2)
weights = torch.ones_like(latent_samples[..., 0]) / n_samples
return latent_samples, weights
def kl_loss(
other: "GaussianLatentDistribution",
threshold: float = 0,
mask_z: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Compute the KL divergence between two latent distributions."""
assert type(other) == GaussianLatentDistribution
kl_loss = (
- self.logvar
+ ((self.mu - other.mu).square() + self.logvar.exp()) / other.logvar.exp()
- 1)*0.5
if mask_z is None:
return kl_loss.mean()
assert mask_z.any()
return torch.sum(kl_loss.mean(-1) * mask_z) / torch.sum(mask_z)
def sampling_loss(self) -> torch.Tensor:
return torch.zeros(1, device=self.mu.device)
def average(
self, other: "GaussianLatentDistribution", weight_other: torch.Tensor
) -> "GaussianLatentDistribution":
assert type(other) == GaussianLatentDistribution
assert other.mu.shape == self.mu.shape
average_log_var = (
self.logvar.exp() * (1 - weight_other) + other.logvar.exp() * weight_other
return GaussianLatentDistribution(
self.mu * (1 - weight_other) + other.mu * weight_other,
def log_dict(self, type: str) -> dict:
return {
f"latent/{type}/abs_mean": self.mu.abs().mean(),
f"latent/{type}/std": (self.logvar * 0.5).exp().mean(),
class QuantizedLatentDistribution(AbstractLatentDistribution):
"""Quantized latent distribution.
It is defined with a codebook of quantized latents and a continuous latent.
The distribution is based on distances of the continuous latent to the codebook.
Sampling is only quantizing the continuous latent.
continuous_latent : Continuous latent representation of shape (some_shape, latent_dim)
codebook : Codebook of shape (num_embeddings, latent_dim)
def __init__(
continuous_latent: torch.Tensor,
codebook: torch.Tensor,
flush_weights: Callable[[], None],
get_weights: Callable[[], torch.Tensor],
index_add_one_weights: Callable[[torch.Tensor], None],
self.register_buffer("continuous_latent", continuous_latent, False)
self.register_buffer("codebook", codebook, False)
self.flush_weights = flush_weights
self.get_weights = get_weights
self.index_add_one_weights = index_add_one_weights
self.quantization_loss = None
self.accuracy = None
def sample(
self, n_samples: int = 0, *args, **kwargs
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""Quantize the continuous latent from the latent dictionary.
latent: (batch_size, num_agents, latent_dim) Continuous latent input
quantized_latent, quantization_loss
assert n_samples == 0, "Only one sample is supported for quantized latent"
distances_to_quantized = (
self.codebook.view(1, 1, *self.codebook.shape)
- self.continuous_latent.unsqueeze(-2)
batch_size, num_agents, num_vq = distances_to_quantized.shape
self.soft_one_hot = (
(-100 * distances_to_quantized)
.view(batch_size, num_agents, num_vq)
# quantized, args_selected = self.sample(soft_one_hot)
_, args_selected = torch.min(distances_to_quantized, dim=-1)
quantized = self.codebook[args_selected, :]
args_selected = args_selected.view(-1)
# Update weights
distances_to_quantized = distances_to_quantized.view(
batch_size * num_agents, num_vq
# Resample useless latent vectors
random_latents = self.continuous_latent.view(
batch_size * num_agents, self.codebook.shape[-1]
)[torch.randint(batch_size * num_agents, (num_vq,))]
codebook_weights = self.get_weights()
total_samples = codebook_weights.sum()
# TODO: The value 100 is arbitrary, should it be a parameter?
# The uselessness of a codebook vector is defined by the number of times it has been sampled
# if it has been sampled less than 1% of the time, it is pushed towards a random continuous latent sample
# this prevents the codebook from being dominated by a few vectors
self.uselessness = (
(codebook_weights < total_samples / (100 * num_vq)).unsqueeze(-1),
random_latents.detach() - self.codebook,
+ 1
# TODO: The value 1e6 is arbitrary, should it be a parameter?
if total_samples > 1e6 * num_vq:
# Flush the codebook weights when the number of samples is too high
# This prevents the codebook from being dominated by its history
# if a few vectors were visited a lot and also prevents overflows
# commit_loss = (self.continuous_latent - quantized.detach()).square().clamp_min(self.distance_threshold).sum(-1).mean()
self.quantization_loss = (
(self.continuous_latent - quantized).square().sum(-1).mean()
quantized = (
+ self.continuous_latent
- self.continuous_latent.detach()
self.latent_diversity = (
(self.continuous_latent[None, ...] - self.continuous_latent[:, None, ...])
return quantized, torch.ones_like(quantized[..., 0]) / num_vq
def kl_loss(
other: "ClassifiedLatentDistribution",
threshold: float = 0,
mask_z: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Compute the cross entropy between two latent distributions."""
assert type(other) == ClassifiedLatentDistribution
min_logits = -10
max_logits = 10
pred_log = other.logits.clamp(min_logits, max_logits).log_softmax(-1)
self_pred = self.soft_one_hot
self.accuracy = (self_pred.argmax(-1) == other.logits.argmax(-1)).float().mean()
return -2 * (pred_log * self_pred).sum(-1).mean()
def sampling_loss(self) -> torch.Tensor:
if self.quantization_loss is None:
return 0.5 * (
self.quantization_loss + self.uselessness + 0.001 * self.latent_diversity
def average(
self, other: "QuantizedLatentDistribution", weight_other: torch.Tensor
) -> "QuantizedLatentDistribution":
raise NotImplementedError(
"Average is not implemented for QuantizedLatentDistribution"
def log_dict(self, type: str) -> dict:
log_dict = {
f"latent/{type}/quantization_loss": self.quantization_loss,
f"latent/{type}/uselessness": self.uselessness,
f"latent/{type}/latent_diversity": self.latent_diversity,
f"latent/{type}/codebook_abs_mean": self.codebook.abs().mean(),
f"latent/{type}/codebook_std": self.codebook.std(),
f"latent/{type}/latent_abs_mean": self.continuous_latent.abs().mean(),
f"latent/{type}/latent_std": self.continuous_latent.std(),
if self.accuracy is not None:
log_dict[f"latent/{type}/accuracy"] = self.accuracy
return log_dict
class ClassifiedLatentDistribution(AbstractLatentDistribution):
"""Classified latent distribution.
It is defined with a codebook of quantized latents and a probability distribution over the codebook elements.
logits : Logits of shape (some_shape, num_embeddings)
codebook : Codebook of shape (num_embeddings, latent_dim)
def __init__(self, logits: torch.Tensor, codebook: torch.Tensor):
self.register_buffer("logits", logits, persistent=False)
self.register_buffer("codebook", codebook, persistent=False)
def sample(
self, n_samples: int = 0, replacement: bool = True, *args, **kwargs
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
batch_size, num_agents, num_vq = self.logits.shape
squeeze_out = False
if n_samples == 0:
squeeze_out = True
n_samples = 1
elif n_samples > self.codebook.shape[0]:
f"Requested {n_samples} samples but only {self.codebook.shape[0]} are available in the descrete latent space. Switching to replacement=True to support it."
replacement = True
if self.training:
# TODO: should we make the temperature a parameter?
all_weights, indices = relaxed_one_hot_categorical_without_replacement(
logits=self.logits, temperature=1, num_samples=n_samples
selected_latents = self.codebook[indices, :]
# Cumulative mask of indices that have been sampled in order of probability
mask_selection = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(indices, num_vq).cumsum(-2)
mask_selection[..., 1:, :] = mask_selection[..., :-1, :]
mask_selection[..., 0, :] = 0.0
# Remove the probability of previous samples to account for sampling without replacement
masked_weights = all_weights.unsqueeze(-2) * (1 - mask_selection.float())
# Renormalize the probabilities to sum to 1
masked_weights = masked_weights / masked_weights.sum(-1, keepdim=True)
latent_samples = (
* self.codebook[None, None, None, ...].detach()
latent_samples = (
selected_latents.detach() + latent_samples - latent_samples.detach()
probs = torch.gather(self.logits.softmax(-1), -1, indices)
probs = self.logits.softmax(-1)
samples = torch.multinomial(
probs.view(batch_size * num_agents, num_vq),
latent_samples = self.codebook[samples]
probs = torch.gather(
probs, -1, samples.view(batch_size, num_agents, num_vq)
if squeeze_out:
latent_samples = latent_samples.view(
batch_size, num_agents, self.codebook.shape[-1]
latent_samples = latent_samples.view(
batch_size, num_agents, n_samples, self.codebook.shape[-1]
return latent_samples, probs
def kl_loss(
other: "ClassifiedLatentDistribution",
threshold: float = 0,
mask_z: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Compute the cross entropy between two latent distributions. Self being the reference distribution and other the distribution to compare."""
assert type(other) == ClassifiedLatentDistribution
min_logits = -10
max_logits = 10
pred_log = other.logits.clamp(min_logits, max_logits).log_softmax(-1)
self_pred = (
(0.5 * (self.logits.detach() + self.logits))
.clamp(min_logits, max_logits)
return -2 * (pred_log * self_pred).sum(-1).mean()
def sampling_loss(self) -> torch.Tensor:
return torch.zeros(1, device=self.logits.device)
def average(
self, other: "ClassifiedLatentDistribution", weight_other: torch.Tensor
) -> "ClassifiedLatentDistribution":
assert type(other) == ClassifiedLatentDistribution
assert (self.codebook == other.codebook).all()
return ClassifiedLatentDistribution(
self.logits.exp() * (1 - weight_other)
+ other.logits.exp() * weight_other
def log_dict(self, type: str) -> dict:
max_probs, _ = self.logits.softmax(-1).max(-1)
return {
f"latent/{type}/codebook_abs_mean": self.codebook.abs().mean(),
f"latent/{type}/codebook_std": self.codebook.std(),
f"latent/{type}/class_max_mean": max_probs.mean(),
f"latent/{type}/class_max_std": max_probs.std(),
class QuantizedDistributionCreator(nn.Module):
"""Creates a distribution from a latent vector."""
def __init__(
latent_dim: int,
num_embeddings: int,
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
self.num_embeddings = num_embeddings
self.codebook = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_embeddings, latent_dim))
torch.ones(num_embeddings, requires_grad=False),
def _flush_codebook_weights(self):
self.codebook_weights = torch.ones_like(self.codebook_weights)
def _get_codebook_weights(self):
return self.codebook_weights
def _index_add_one_codebook_weight(self, indices: torch.Tensor):
self.codebook_weights = self.codebook_weights.index_add(
def forward(self, latent: torch.Tensor) -> AbstractLatentDistribution:
if latent.shape[-1] == self.latent_dim:
return QuantizedLatentDistribution(
elif latent.shape[-1] == self.num_embeddings:
return ClassifiedLatentDistribution(
raise ValueError(f"Latent vector has wrong dimension: {latent.shape[-1]}")