videodiffusion / assets /chatgpt_custom_animal_clothes.txt
A dog in a red shirt, running in a park.
A cat in a blue shirt, sitting on a windowsill.
A rabbit in a green shirt, pretending to cook.
A bear in a yellow shirt, splashing in puddles.
A penguin in a red scarf, waddling on ice.
A squirrel in a blue scarf, collecting acorns.
A monkey in a green scarf, juggling balls.
A lion in a yellow scarf, sitting on a rock.
A dolphin in a red hat, jumping out of the water.
A turtle in a blue hat, relaxing on a beach.
A dog in a firefighter hat, standing by a toy fire truck.
A cat in a ballet hat, practicing dance moves.
A rabbit in a magician's hat, pulling a carrot from a hat.
A bear in a cowboy hat, pretending to chop wood.
A penguin in a Santa hat, sliding on ice.
A squirrel in a knight's hat, holding a tiny sword.
A monkey in a detective hat, holding a magnifying glass.
A lion in a wizard's hat, looking at the stars.
A dolphin in a red shirt, hitting a ball with its nose.
A turtle in a blue shirt, holding a small wand.
A dog in a green shirt, skateboarding in a park.
A cat in a yellow shirt, sleeping on a bed.
A rabbit in a red shirt, picking flowers.
A bear in a blue shirt, fishing by a river.
A penguin in a green shirt, walking to an office.
A squirrel in a yellow shirt, collecting nuts.
A monkey in a red shirt, playing on a jungle gym.
A lion in a blue shirt, playing catch.
A dolphin in a green shirt, swimming near a boat.
A turtle in a yellow shirt, hiking on a trail.
A dog in a red hat, walking down an aisle.
A cat in a blue hat, sitting at a table.
A rabbit in a green hat, holding a diploma.
A bear in a yellow hat, trick-or-treating.
A penguin in a red scarf, decorating a Christmas tree.
A squirrel in a blue scarf, celebrating a birthday.
A monkey in a green scarf, holding confetti.
A lion in a yellow scarf, sitting by a cake.
A dolphin in a red hat, jumping in a pool.
A turtle in a blue hat, at a garden party.
A dog in a red jacket, playing in the snow.
A cat in a blue jacket, lounging under an umbrella.
A rabbit in a green jacket, hopping in a garden.
A bear in a yellow jacket, sitting by a campfire.
A penguin in a red jacket, skating on ice.
A squirrel in a blue jacket, enjoying a sunny day.
A monkey in a green jacket, swinging from trees.
A lion in a yellow jacket, building a sandcastle.
A dolphin in a red jacket, jumping through hoops.
A turtle in a blue jacket, celebrating a holiday.