experiment_id: stage_c_3b_lora | |
checkpoint_path: /path/to/checkpoint | |
output_path: /path/to/output | |
model_version: 3.6B | |
# WandB | |
wandb_project: StableCascade | |
wandb_entity: wandb_username | |
lr: 1.0e-4 | |
batch_size: 32 | |
image_size: 768 | |
multi_aspect_ratio: [1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 3/4, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 1/6, 5/6, 9/16] | |
grad_accum_steps: 4 | |
updates: 10000 | |
backup_every: 1000 | |
save_every: 100 | |
warmup_updates: 1 | |
# use_fsdp: True -> FSDP doesn't work at the moment for LoRA | |
use_fsdp: False | |
# GDF | |
# adaptive_loss_weight: True | |
# LoRA specific | |
module_filters: ['.attn'] | |
rank: 4 | |
train_tokens: | |
# - ['^snail', null] # token starts with "snail" -> "snail" & "snails", don't need to be reinitialized | |
- ['[fernando]', '^dog</w>'] # custom token [snail], initialize as avg of snail & snails | |
# ema_start_iters: 5000 | |
# ema_iters: 100 | |
# ema_beta: 0.9 | |
webdataset_path: | |
- s3://path/to/your/first/dataset/on/s3 | |
- s3://path/to/your/second/dataset/on/s3 | |
effnet_checkpoint_path: models/effnet_encoder.safetensors | |
previewer_checkpoint_path: models/previewer.safetensors | |
generator_checkpoint_path: models/stage_c_bf16.safetensors |