initial commit
Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
1 |
import numpy as np
2 |
import pandas as pd
3 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4 |
from scipy.integrate import odeint
5 |
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
6 |
import gradio as gr
7 |
8 |
# Population and time settings
9 |
population_size = 100
10 |
time_points = np.linspace(0, 24, 100)
11 |
12 |
# PK parameters for Enrofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin
13 |
pk_parameters = {
14 |
'Enrofloxacin': {
15 |
'Cmax_mean': 1.35, 'Cmax_std': 0.15,
16 |
'Tmax_mean': 4.00, 'Tmax_std': 1,
17 |
'Ke_mean': 0.03, 'Ke_std': 0.003,
18 |
'F_mean': 0.7, 'F_std': 0.1,
19 |
'Vd_mean': 24.76, 'Vd_std': 3.67,
20 |
'pKa': 6.0,
21 |
'type': 'acidic'
22 |
23 |
'Ciprofloxacin': {
24 |
'Cmax_mean': 0.08, 'Cmax_std': 0.01,
25 |
'Tmax_mean': 3.44, 'Tmax_std': 1.01,
26 |
'Ke_mean': 0.04, 'Ke_std': 0.01,
27 |
'F_mean': 0.6, 'F_std': 0.1,
28 |
'Vd_mean': 17.46, 'Vd_std': 6.40,
29 |
'pKa': 7.7,
30 |
'type': 'acidic'
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
# MIC values for pathogens
35 |
MIC_values = {
36 |
'E.coli': 0.06,
37 |
'S.Enteritidis': 0.1,
38 |
'M.gallisepticum': 0.1,
39 |
'C.perfringens': 0.12
40 |
41 |
42 |
# Ionization calculations
43 |
def unionized_fraction_acidic(pH, pKa):
44 |
return 1 / (1 + 10 ** (pH - pKa))
45 |
46 |
def unionized_fraction_basic(pH, pKa):
47 |
return 1 / (1 + 10 ** (pKa - pH))
48 |
49 |
def calculate_unionized_concentration(concentration, pH, pKa, drug_type):
50 |
if drug_type == "acidic":
51 |
unionized_fraction = unionized_fraction_acidic(pH, pKa)
52 |
elif drug_type == "basic":
53 |
unionized_fraction = unionized_fraction_basic(pH, pKa)
54 |
55 |
raise ValueError("Invalid drug type. Must be 'acidic' or 'basic'.")
56 |
return concentration * unionized_fraction
57 |
58 |
# Simulate drug concentration
59 |
def pk_model(C, t, ka, ke, Vd, F, dose):
60 |
dCdt = (F * dose * ka / Vd) * np.exp(-ka * t) - (ke * C[0])
61 |
return dCdt
62 |
63 |
def solve_for_ka(Tmax_target, ke):
64 |
ka_guess = max(ke * 2, 0.01)
65 |
def equation(ka): return (np.log(ka) - np.log(ke)) / (ka - ke) - Tmax_target
66 |
ka_solution = fsolve(equation, ka_guess)
67 |
return ka_solution[0] if ka_solution[0] > 0 else 0.05
68 |
69 |
def simulate_concentration(dose, ke, Vd, F, Cmax_target, drug_type, pH, pKa):
70 |
ka = solve_for_ka(pk_parameters['Enrofloxacin']['Tmax_mean'], ke)
71 |
concentration = odeint(pk_model, [0], time_points, args=(ka, ke, Vd, F, dose))[:, 0]
72 |
if np.max(concentration) > 0:
73 |
concentration *= (Cmax_target / np.max(concentration))
74 |
return calculate_unionized_concentration(concentration, pH, pKa, drug_type)
75 |
76 |
def simulate_multiple_doses(pk_params, doses, pH):
77 |
all_data = []
78 |
for molecule, params in pk_params.items():
79 |
for i in range(population_size):
80 |
F = np.random.normal(params['F_mean'], params['F_std'])
81 |
ke = np.random.normal(params['Ke_mean'], params['Ke_std'])
82 |
Vd = np.random.normal(params['Vd_mean'], params['Vd_std'])
83 |
Cmax_target = np.random.normal(params['Cmax_mean'], params['Cmax_std'])
84 |
pKa = params['pKa']
85 |
ref_conc = simulate_concentration(10, ke, Vd, F, Cmax_target, params['type'], pH, pKa)
86 |
for dose in doses:
87 |
scaled_conc = ref_conc * (dose / 10)
88 |
89 |
'Individual': i + 1,
90 |
'Molecule': molecule,
91 |
'Dose': dose,
92 |
'Time': t,
93 |
'Concentration': conc
94 |
} for t, conc in zip(time_points, scaled_conc)])
95 |
return pd.DataFrame(all_data)
96 |
97 |
def calculate_pkpd_metrics(concentrations, time_points, MIC):
98 |
AUC = np.trapz(concentrations, time_points)
99 |
Cmax = np.max(concentrations)
100 |
T_above_MIC = time_points[concentrations > MIC]
101 |
T_above_MIC_duration = (T_above_MIC[-1] - T_above_MIC[0]) if len(T_above_MIC) > 0 else 0
102 |
AUIC = np.trapz(concentrations[concentrations > MIC] - MIC, time_points[concentrations > MIC]) if np.any(concentrations > MIC) else 0
103 |
return AUC, Cmax, T_above_MIC_duration, AUIC
104 |
105 |
def plot_pkpd_and_ionization(pk_params, df, MIC, doses, pH_range):
106 |
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(pk_params), len(doses) + 1, figsize=(20, len(pk_params) * 5))
107 |
for row, (molecule, params) in enumerate(pk_params.items()):
108 |
pKa = params['pKa']
109 |
for col, dose in enumerate(doses):
110 |
group = df[(df['Molecule'] == molecule) & (df['Dose'] == dose)]
111 |
mean_conc = group.groupby('Time')['Concentration'].mean().values
112 |
ax = axes[row, col]
113 |
ax.plot(time_points[:len(mean_conc)], mean_conc, label=f"{molecule}, Dose: {dose} mg/kg")
114 |
ax.axhline(MIC, color='red', linestyle='--', label=f'MIC = {MIC:.2f}')
115 |
116 |
# Calculate PKPD metrics
117 |
AUC, Cmax, T_above_MIC, AUIC = calculate_pkpd_metrics(mean_conc, time_points[:len(mean_conc)], MIC)
118 |
119 |
# Fill AUIC area
120 |
ax.fill_between(time_points[:len(mean_conc)], MIC, mean_conc, where=(mean_conc > MIC), color='green', alpha=0.3, label="AUIC")
121 |
ax.text(0.6 * time_points[-1], 0.8 * np.max(mean_conc),
122 |
f"AUC: {AUC:.2f}\nCmax: {Cmax:.2f}\nT>MIC: {T_above_MIC:.2f} h\nAUIC: {AUIC:.2f}",
123 |
fontsize=9, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.8))
124 |
125 |
ax.set_title(f"{molecule} - Dose {dose} mg/kg")
126 |
ax.set_xlabel('Time (h)')
127 |
ax.set_ylabel('Concentration (mg/L)')
128 |
129 |
ax = axes[row, -1]
130 |
unionized = [unionized_fraction_acidic(pH, pKa) for pH in pH_range]
131 |
ax.plot(pH_range, unionized, label=f"Ionization Profile ({molecule})")
132 |
ax.set_title(f"Ionization Profile: {molecule}")
133 |
134 |
ax.set_ylabel('Unionized Fraction')
135 |
136 |
137 |
return fig
138 |
139 |
# Gradio Function
140 |
def gradio_function(pH_input, pathogen, dose_input):
141 |
if pathogen not in MIC_values:
142 |
raise ValueError("Invalid pathogen.")
143 |
MIC = MIC_values[pathogen]
144 |
doses = [int(d) for d in dose_input.split(',')]
145 |
pH_range = np.linspace(0, 14, 100)
146 |
df = simulate_multiple_doses(pk_parameters, doses, pH_input)
147 |
fig = plot_pkpd_and_ionization(pk_parameters, df, MIC, doses, pH_range)
148 |
return fig
149 |
150 |
151 |
# Gradio Interface
152 |
interface = gr.Interface(
153 |
154 |
155 |
gr.Slider(0, 14, step=0.1, label="Water pH Value"),
156 |
gr.Dropdown(list(MIC_values.keys()), label="Pathogen"),
157 |
gr.Textbox(value="5,15,20", label="Doses (mg/kg, comma-separated)")
158 |
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title="Qomics All Rights Reserved (C)",
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