import logging
from io import StringIO
import pytest
from openhands.core.config import AppConfig, LLMConfig
from openhands.core.logger import openhands_logger as openhands_logger
def test_handler():
stream = StringIO()
handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream)
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
yield openhands_logger, stream
def test_openai_api_key_masking(test_handler):
logger, stream = test_handler
api_key = 'sk-1234567890abcdef'
message = f"OpenAI API key: api_key='{api_key}'and there's some stuff here"
log_output = stream.getvalue()
assert "api_key='******'" in log_output
assert api_key not in log_output
def test_azure_api_key_masking(test_handler):
logger, stream = test_handler
api_key = '1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j'
message = f"Azure API key: api_key='{api_key}' and chatty chat with ' and \" and '"
log_output = stream.getvalue()
assert "api_key='******'" in log_output
assert api_key not in log_output
def test_google_vertex_api_key_masking(test_handler):
logger, stream = test_handler
api_key = 'AIzaSyA1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0'
message = f"Google Vertex API key: api_key='{api_key}' or not"
log_output = stream.getvalue()
assert "api_key='******'" in log_output
assert api_key not in log_output
def test_anthropic_api_key_masking(test_handler):
logger, stream = test_handler
api_key = 'sk-ant-1234567890abcdef-some-more-stuff-here'
message = f"Anthropic API key: api_key='{api_key}' and there's some 'stuff' here"
log_output = stream.getvalue()
assert "api_key='******'" in log_output
assert api_key not in log_output
def test_llm_config_attributes_masking(test_handler):
logger, stream = test_handler
llm_config = LLMConfig(
logger.info(f'LLM Config: {llm_config}')
log_output = stream.getvalue()
assert "api_key='******'" in log_output
assert "aws_access_key_id='******'" in log_output
assert "aws_secret_access_key='******'" in log_output
assert 'sk-abc123' not in log_output
assert 'AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE' not in log_output
assert 'wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY' not in log_output
def test_app_config_attributes_masking(test_handler):
logger, stream = test_handler
app_config = AppConfig(e2b_api_key='e2b-xyz789')
logger.info(f'App Config: {app_config}')
log_output = stream.getvalue()
assert "e2b_api_key='******'" in log_output
assert 'github_token' not in log_output
assert 'e2b-xyz789' not in log_output
assert 'ghp_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' not in log_output
def test_sensitive_env_vars_masking(test_handler):
logger, stream = test_handler
sensitive_data = {
log_message = ' '.join(
f"{attr}='{value}'" for attr, value in sensitive_data.items()
log_output = stream.getvalue()
for attr, value in sensitive_data.items():
assert f"{attr}='******'" in log_output
assert value not in log_output
def test_special_cases_masking(test_handler):
logger, stream = test_handler
sensitive_data = {
log_message = ' '.join(
f"{attr}={value} with no single quotes' and something"
for attr, value in sensitive_data.items()
log_output = stream.getvalue()
for attr, value in sensitive_data.items():
assert f"{attr}='******'" in log_output
assert value not in log_output