import requests |
import folium |
from streamlit_folium import folium_static |
def get_data(): |
url = "https://opendata.bordeaux-metropole.fr/api/records/1.0/search/?dataset=met_etablissement_rse&q=&rows=100" |
response = requests.get(url) |
if response.status_code == 200: |
data = response.json() |
records = data.get("records", []) |
cleaned_data = [] |
for record in records: |
fields = record.get("fields", {}) |
point_geo = fields.get("geolocalisation") |
if point_geo and isinstance(point_geo, list) and len(point_geo) == 2: |
fields["latitude"], fields["longitude"] = point_geo[0], point_geo[1] |
cleaned_data.append(fields) |
return cleaned_data |
else: |
return [] |
def display_map(data): |
m = folium.Map(location=[44.837789, -0.57918], zoom_start=12) |
for item in data: |
lat, lon = item.get("latitude"), item.get("longitude") |
if lat and lon: |
folium.Marker( |
[lat, lon], |
icon=folium.Icon(color="green", icon="leaf"), |
popup=item.get('nom_courant_denomination', 'Information non disponible'), |
).add_to(m) |
folium_static(m) |