import streamlit as st |
from st_copy_to_clipboard import st_copy_to_clipboard |
import pandas as pd |
from data_manager_bziiit import get_prompts |
from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, HumanMessage |
from session import get_rag |
prompts = [] |
def get_prompts_list(): |
st.header("Prompts") |
prompts = get_prompts() |
if isinstance(prompts, list) and all(isinstance(i, dict) for i in prompts): |
df = pd.DataFrame(prompts) |
if 'name' in df.columns and 'context' in df.columns and 'text' in df.columns: |
df = df[df['id_context'].isin([ |
'identifier-parties-prenantes-organisation', |
'animer-parties-prenantes-organisation', |
'pour-accelerer-la-demarche-rse', |
'pour-accelerer-la-demarche-transition-ecologique', |
'ressources-humaines' |
])] |
df['context'] = df['context'].apply(lambda x: x.get('name') if isinstance(x, dict) else x) |
df['text'] = df['text'].apply(lambda x: x[:50] + "..." if isinstance(x, str) else x) |
grouped = df.groupby('context') |
for name, group in grouped: |
num = 1 |
with st.expander(name): |
for i, row in group.iterrows(): |
col1, col3, col4 = st.columns((0.4, 4, 2)) |
col1.write(num) |
col3.write(row['text']) |
num += 1 |
button_phold = col4.empty() |
but1, but2 = button_phold.columns(2) |
do_action = but1.button('Voir plus', key=f"v{i}") |
execute = but2.button('Executer', key=f"e{i}") |
if execute: |
st.session_state.chat_history.append(HumanMessage(content=prompts[i]['text'])) |
st.rerun() |
if do_action: |
prompt_html = prompts[i]['text'].replace('\n', '<br>') |
prompt_metadata = extract_metadata(prompts[i]) |
for text in prompt_metadata: |
prompt_html = prompt_html.replace(f"{text}", f"<span style='font-weight:bold'>{text}</span>") |
st.html(prompt_html) |
else: |
st.write("Data does not contain 'name', 'context', and 'text' fields.") |
else: |
st.write("Data is not in the expected format (list of dictionaries).") |
def prompt_execution(): |
prompts = get_prompts() |
selected_prompt = st.selectbox("Choisissez un prompt", prompts, index=None, format_func=lambda prompt: prompt['name']) |
if selected_prompt: |
return selected_prompt |
return None |
def execute_prompt(prompt): |
vectorstore, chain = get_rag() |
prompt_metadata = extract_metadata(prompt) |
prompt['metadata'] = prompt['text'] |
prompt['html'] = prompt['text'].replace('\n', '<br>') |
if prompt_metadata: |
st.info("Données à compléter") |
user_inputs = {} |
for text in prompt_metadata: |
prompt['html'] = prompt['html'].replace(f"{text}", f"<span style='font-weight:bold'>{text}</span>") |
user_input = st.text_input(f"{text}") |
user_inputs[text] = user_input |
for key, value in user_inputs.items(): |
if value: |
prompt['html'] = prompt['html'].replace(f"{key}", f"<span style='color:#63ABDF;font-weight:bold' title='{key}'>{value}</span>") |
prompt['metadata'] = prompt['metadata'].replace(f"{key}", f"{value}") |
if prompt_metadata: |
st.markdown("---") |
st.html(prompt.get('html', 'No Text Provided')) |
if vectorstore and chain: |
if st.button("Exécuter le prompt"): |
with st.spinner("Processing..."): |
ambition = chain.invoke(prompt['metadata']) |
st.markdown("### Réponse :") |
st.markdown(ambition.content) |
else: |
st.error("RAG non configuré. Veuillez configurer votre RAG pour exécuter le prompt.") |
def extract_metadata(prompt): |
extracted_text = [] |
if 'text' in prompt: |
extracted_text = [word for word in prompt['text'].split() if word.startswith("[") and word.endswith("]")] |
prompt_metadata = list(set(extracted_text)) |
prompt_metadata.sort(key=extracted_text.index) |
return prompt_metadata |