hhguo's picture
import re
import regex
import inflect
import unicodedata
from lingua import Language, LanguageDetectorBuilder
from builtins import str as unicode
from tn.chinese.normalizer import Normalizer as ZhNormalizer
from tn.english.normalizer import Normalizer as EnNormalizer
from fireredtts.modules.text_normalizer.regex_common import *
from fireredtts.modules.text_normalizer.utils import *
def preprocess_text(sentence):
# preprocessing
sentence = bytes(sentence, "utf-8").decode("utf-8", "ignore")
sentence = regex.sub("[\p{Cf}--[\u200d]]", "", sentence, flags=regex.V1)
sentence = regex.sub("\p{Co}", "", sentence)
sentence = sentence.replace("\u00a0", " ")
sentence = sentence.replace("\ufffd", "")
sentence = regex.sub("\p{Zl}", "\n", sentence)
sentence = regex.sub("\p{Zp}", "\n", sentence)
sentence = unicode(sentence)
sentence = "".join(
for char in unicodedata.normalize("NFD", sentence)
if unicodedata.category(char) != "Mn"
) # Strip accents
sentence = strip_kaomoji(sentence)
# full to half with exemption (to be converted after number TN): 。,:
sentence = f2b(sentence, exemption="。,:")
# clean spaces
sentence = sentence.replace("\n", ",")
sentence = sentence.replace("\t", ",")
sentence = sentence.replace("\r", ",")
sentence = re.sub(r"[。.]{3,}", "…", sentence)
sentence = re.sub(r"[…⋯]{1,}", "…", sentence)
sentence = re.sub(r"[ ]+", " ", sentence)
sentence = sentence.strip()
# punctuation reduction
result = ""
for idx, char in enumerate(sentence):
if char in symbol_reduction:
char = symbol_reduction[char]
if char == " ":
if idx == 0:
if is_chinese(sentence[idx + 1]) and (
is_chinese(sentence[idx - 1]) or sentence[idx - 1] in '") '
result += ","
result += " "
if is_valid_char(char):
result += char
result = re.sub(r"[ ]+", " ", result)
return result
def rettt(sentence):
# handle abbreviations for all languages
sentence = sentence.replace("&nd", "and")
sentence = sentence.replace("Jan.", "january")
sentence = sentence.replace("Feb.", "febrary")
sentence = sentence.replace("Mar.", "march")
sentence = sentence.replace("Apr.", "april")
sentence = sentence.replace("May.", "may")
sentence = sentence.replace("Jun.", "june")
sentence = sentence.replace("Jul.", "july")
sentence = sentence.replace("Aug.", "august")
sentence = sentence.replace("Sept.", "september")
sentence = sentence.replace("Sep.", "september")
sentence = sentence.replace("Oct.", "october")
sentence = sentence.replace("Nov.", "november")
sentence = sentence.replace("Dec.", "december")
sentence = sentence.replace("Mon.", "monday")
sentence = sentence.replace("Tues.", "tuesday")
sentence = sentence.replace("Wed.", "wednesday")
sentence = sentence.replace("Thur.", "thursday")
sentence = sentence.replace("Fri.", "friday")
sentence = sentence.replace("Sat.", "saturday")
if sentence != "Sun.":
sentence = sentence.replace("Sun.", "sunday")
sentence = re.sub(r" St\. ([A-Z])", r" saint \1", sentence)
sentence = re.sub(r" St\.", " street", sentence)
sentence = re.sub(r" Rd\.", " road", sentence)
sentence = re.sub(r"[Aa]\.[Mm]\.", "A_M", sentence)
sentence = re.sub(r"[Pp]\.[Mm]\.", "P_M", sentence)
sentence = re.sub(r"[Bb]\.[Cc]\.", "B_C", sentence)
sentence = re.sub(r"[Ad]\.[Dd]\.", "A_D", sentence)
sentence = sentence.replace("Mr.", "mister")
sentence = sentence.replace("Ms.", "miss")
sentence = sentence.replace("Mrs.", "misses")
sentence = sentence.replace("Ph.D", "P_H_D")
sentence = sentence.replace("i.e.", "that is")
sentence = sentence.replace("e.g.", "for example")
sentence = sentence.replace("btw.", "by the way")
sentence = sentence.replace("btw", "by the way")
sentence = sentence.replace("b.t.w.", "by the way")
sentence = sentence.replace("@", " at ")
return sentence
class TextNormalizer:
def __init__(self):
self.language_detector = LanguageDetectorBuilder.from_languages(
Language.ENGLISH, Language.CHINESE
self.zh_normalizer = ZhNormalizer()
self.en_normalizer = EnNormalizer()
self.inflect_parser = inflect.engine()
self.lang2token = {Language.ENGLISH: "en", Language.CHINESE: "zh"}
def tn(self, text):
text = preprocess_text(text)
text = rettt(text) # regex replacements
# for non chinese languages
language = self.language_detector.detect_language_of(text)
# enforce chinese if text contains any chinese character
if contains_chinese(text):
language = Language.CHINESE
text_lang = self.lang2token.get(language, "zh")
if is_upper_eng_and_digit(text):
language = Language.CHINESE
if language == Language.CHINESE:
text = self.zh_normalizer.normalize(text)
text = text.replace("\n", "")
text = re.sub(r"[,,]+$", "。", text)
text = re.sub(r"[^ 0-9A-Za-z\[\]'.,:?!_\-]", "", text)
text = self.en_normalizer.normalize(text)
# fallback number normalization
pieces = re.split(r"(\d+)", text)
text = "".join(
self.inflect_parser.number_to_words(p) if p.isnumeric() else p
for p in pieces
if len(p) > 0
# cleanup
text = text.replace("_", " ")
text = re.sub(r"[ ]+", " ", text)
# spell caplital words
pieces = re.split(r"([A-Z]{2,4}|[ ])", text)
for idx, p in enumerate(pieces):
if re.match("[A-Z]{2,4}", p):
pieces[idx] = " ".join(p)
text = " ".join([p for p in pieces if p != " "])
# post TN full to half
text = text.replace("。", ".")
text = text.replace(",", ",")
text = text.replace(":", ":")
# model limitations
text = text.lower().strip()
text = text.replace('"', "")
text = text.replace("·", " ")
text = re.sub("[…~、!,?:;!?:;]+", ",", text)
text = re.sub("[,]+", ",", text)
text = re.sub(r"[,. ]+$", ".", text)
if len(text) > 0 and text[-1] != ".":
text = text + "."
return text, text_lang