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nav: | |
- Home: | |
- Overview: "" | |
# - The Vision: "swarms/framework/" | |
# - Docker Setup: "swarms/install/" | |
- Our Goal; The Ultimate Multi-Agent LLM Framework for Developers: "swarms/concept/" | |
- Swarm Ecosystem: "swarms/concept/" | |
- Onboarding: | |
- Installation: "swarms/install/" | |
- Environment Configuration: "swarms/install/" | |
- Quickstart: "swarms/install/" | |
- Swarms CLI: "swarms/cli/" | |
# - Swarms + Docker: | |
- Swarms Framework Architecture: "swarms/concept/" | |
# - Prelimary: | |
# - 80/20 Rule For Agents: "swarms/prompting/" | |
- Managing Prompts in Production: "swarms/prompts/" | |
- Agents: | |
# - Overview: "swarms/structs/" | |
# - Build Custom Agents: "swarms/structs/" | |
- Agent Architecture: "swarms/framework/" | |
- Complete Agent API: "swarms/structs/" | |
- OpenAI Assistant: "swarms/agents/" | |
- Create and Run Agents from YAML: "swarms/agents/" | |
- Integrating External Agents from Griptape, Langchain, etc: "swarms/agents/" | |
- Tools: | |
- Overview: "swarms/tools/" | |
- What are tools?: "swarms/tools/" | |
- ToolAgent: "swarms/agents/" | |
- Tool Storage & tool_registry decorator: "swarms/tools/" | |
- RAG || Long Term Memory: | |
- Integrating RAG with Agents: "swarms/memory/" | |
- Swarm Architectures: | |
- Why MultiAgent Collaboration is Necessary: "swarms/concept/" | |
- Swarm Architectures: "swarms/concept/" | |
- Choosing the right Swarm Architecture: "swarms/concept/" | |
- Building Custom Swarms: "swarms/structs/" | |
- Architectures Available: | |
- MajorityVoting: "swarms/structs/" | |
- AgentRearrange: "swarms/structs/" | |
- RoundRobin: "swarms/structs/" | |
- Mixture of Agents: "swarms/structs/" | |
- GraphWorkflow: "swarms/structs/" | |
- GroupChat: "swarms/structs/" | |
- AgentRegistry: "swarms/structs/" | |
- SpreadSheetSwarm: "swarms/structs/" | |
- ForestSwarm: "swarms/structs/" | |
- SwarmRouter: "swarms/structs/" | |
- TaskQueueSwarm: "swarms/structs/" | |
- SwarmRearrange: "swarms/structs/" | |
- Various Execution Methods: "swarms/structs/" | |
- Workflows: | |
- ConcurrentWorkflow: "swarms/structs/" | |
- AsyncWorkflow: "swarms/structs/" | |
- SequentialWorkflow: "swarms/structs/" | |
- Structs: | |
- Conversation: "swarms/structs/" | |
# - Task: "swarms/structs/" | |
- Full API Reference: "swarms/framework/" | |
- Swarm Models: | |
- Overview: "swarms/models/" | |
# - Models Available: "swarms/models/" | |
# - Available Models from OpenAI, Huggingface, TogetherAI, and more: "swarms/models/" | |
# - Model Router | |
- Quickstart: "swarms/models/" | |
- How to Create A Custom Language Model: "swarms/models/" | |
- Language Models: | |
- BaseLLM: "swarms/models/" | |
- HuggingFaceLLM: "swarms/models/" | |
- Anthropic: "swarms/models/" | |
- OpenAIChat: "swarms/models/" | |
- OpenAIFunctionCaller: "swarms/models/" | |
- Groq: "swarms/models/" | |
# - Ollama: | |
# - Fireworks | |
# - Octo | |
# - Liquid AI | |
- MultiModal Models: | |
- BaseMultiModalModel: "swarms/models/" | |
- Multi Modal Models Available: "swarms/models/" | |
- GPT4VisionAPI: "swarms/models/" | |
# - Swarms Cloud API: | |
# # - Overview: "swarms_cloud/" | |
# - Overview: "swarms_cloud/" | |
# - Swarms Cloud CLI: "swarms_cloud/" | |
# # - Add Agents to Marketplace: "swarms_cloud/" | |
# - Available Models: "swarms_cloud/" | |
# - Agent API: "swarms_cloud/" | |
# - Migrate from OpenAI to Swarms in 3 lines of code: "swarms_cloud/" | |
# - Getting Started with SOTA Vision Language Models VLM: "swarms_cloud/" | |
- Swarms Memory: | |
- Overview: "swarms_memory/" | |
- Memory Systems: | |
- ChromaDB: "swarms_memory/" | |
- Pinecone: "swarms_memory/" | |
- Faiss: "swarms_memory/" | |
- Swarms Marketplace: | |
- Overview: "swarms_platform/" | |
- Share & Discover Prompts, Agents, Tools, and more: "swarms_platform/" | |
- Prompts API: | |
- Add Prompts: "swarms_platform/prompts/" | |
- Edit Prompts: "swarms_platform/prompts/" | |
- Query Prompts: "swarms_platform/prompts/" | |
- Agents API: | |
- Add Agents: "swarms_platform/agents/" | |
- Query Agents: "swarms_platform/agents/" | |
- Edit Agents: "swarms_platform/agents/" | |
- Telemetry API: | |
- PUT: "swarms_platform/telemetry/" | |
# - Tools API: | |
# - Overview: "swarms_platform/" | |
# - Add Tools: "swarms_platform/" | |
# - Guides: | |
# - Unlocking Efficiency and Cost Savings in Healthcare; How Swarms of LLM Agents Can Revolutionize Medical Operations and Save Millions: "guides/" | |
# - Understanding Agent Evaluation Mechanisms: "guides/" | |
# - Agent Glossary: "swarms/" | |
# - The Ultimate Technical Guide to the Swarms CLI; A Step-by-Step Developers Guide: "swarms/cli/" | |
# - Prompting Guide: | |
# - The Essence of Enterprise-Grade Prompting: "swarms/prompts/" | |
# - An Analysis on Prompting Strategies: "swarms/prompts/" | |
# - Managing Prompts in Production: "swarms/prompts/" | |
- Community: | |
- Bounty Program: "corporate/" | |
- Contributing: | |
- Contributing: "swarms/" | |
- Tests: "swarms/framework/" | |
- Code Cleanliness: "swarms/framework/" | |
- Philosophy: "swarms/concept/" | |
- Changelog: | |
- Swarms 5.6.8: "swarms/changelog/" | |
- Swarms 5.8.1: "swarms/changelog/" | |
- Swarms 5.9.2: "swarms/changelog/" | |
- Corporate: | |
- Culture: "corporate/" | |
- Hiring: "corporate/" | |
- Swarms Goals & Milestone Tracking; A Vision for 2024 and Beyond: "corporate/" | |
# - Clusterops: | |
# - Overview: "clusterops/" |