import streamlit as st |
import google.generativeai as genai |
st.header("Candidate Outreach Using Ai") |
genai.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) |
st.subheader("Enter Candidate Details:") |
candidate_name = st.text_input('Candidate Name', '') |
candidate_designation = st.text_input('Candidate Designation', '') |
candidate_details = st.text_input('Candidate Details- Skills, Experience. (comma separated)', '') |
job_description = st.text_area('Your Job Description: ', '') |
st.subheader("Select the Tone of the Message:") |
tone_options = ["Formal", "Friendly", "Persuasive", "Neutral"] |
selected_tone = st.selectbox("Tone", tone_options) |
st.subheader("Select Message Type:") |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) |
with col1: |
linkedin_invite = st.button("LinkedIn Invite") |
with col2: |
email_invite = st.button("Email Invite") |
with col3: |
whatsapp_invite = st.button("Whatsapp Invite") |
if linkedin_invite or email_invite or whatsapp_invite: |
if not candidate_name or not candidate_designation or not candidate_details or not job_description: |
st.error("Please fill in all the above details before proceeding.") |
else: |
if linkedin_invite: |
message_type = "LinkedIn Invite" |
elif email_invite: |
message_type = "Email Invite" |
else: |
message_type = "WhatsApp Invite" |
st.info(f"Generating {message_type}...") |