import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
from backend.model import load_model |
import time |
import google.generativeai as genai |
st.set_page_config(page_title='Employee Turnover Predictor', layout='wide') |
st.title("🧿 Employee Turnover Prediction") |
st.markdown("""An example app powered by Streamlit to predict the likelihood of employee turnover using machine learning model""") |
with st.sidebar: |
toggle = st.toggle("Show Guidelines", True) |
st.write("**Input Details**") |
if toggle: |
with st.expander("💡 Guidelines", expanded=True): |
st.write("Follow the steps below to predict the likelihood of employee turnover:") |
st.write("1. Fill in the employee details, job-related information, salary information and satisfactory information in the form.") |
st.write("2. Click on the 'Predict' button to get the prediction results.") |
st.write("3. The prediction results will show whether the employee is likely to leave the company or not.") |
st.write("4. The 'Project Information' section provides details about employee turnover, statistics, case study, and data source.") |
st.write("5. The prediction results will be displayed below the 'Predict' button.") |
with st.sidebar: |
with st.expander("👤 Employee Details", expanded=False): |
age = st.number_input("Age", min_value=18, max_value=65, value=25) |
marital_status = st.selectbox("Marital Status", ["Single", "Married", "Divorced"]) |
total_working_years = st.number_input("Total Working Years", min_value=0, max_value=50, value=5) |
with st.expander("🏢 Job Related Information", expanded=False): |
job_involvement = st.slider("Job Involvement", min_value=1, max_value=4, value=3) |
overtime = st.radio("Overtime", ["Yes", "No"]) |
years_at_company = st.number_input("Years at Company", min_value=0, max_value=50, value=3) |
years_in_current_role = st.number_input("Years in Current Role", min_value=0, max_value=50, value=2) |
with st.expander("💰 Salary Information (RM)", expanded=False): |
monthly_income = st.number_input("Monthly Income", min_value=1000, max_value=20000, value=5000) |
daily_rate = st.number_input("Daily Rate", min_value=100, max_value=1500, value=500) |
hourly_rate = st.number_input("Hourly Rate", min_value=5, max_value=100, value=20) |
percent_salary_hike = st.number_input("Percent Salary Hike", min_value=0, max_value=50, value=12) |
with st.expander("😊 Satisfaction Information", expanded=False): |
job_satisfaction = st.slider("Job Satisfaction", min_value=1, max_value=4, value=3) |
environment_satisfaction = st.slider("Environment Satisfaction", min_value=1, max_value=4, value=3) |
submit = st.button("Compute", type="primary") |
st.divider() |
with st.expander("🧪 Experimental Features", expanded=False): |
st.caption("API token can be obtained at https://aistudio.google.com/.") |
gemini_api = st.text_input("Gemini Token", "", type='password') |
try: |
genai.configure(api_key=gemini_api) |
ai_model = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash") |
test = ai_model.generate_content("Explain how AI works") |
st.success("API key is valid. Experimental feature access granted.") |
except Exception as e: |
st.error("API key is invalid. You don't have access to experimental features.") |
with st.sidebar: |
st.caption("MIT License © 2025 Khor Kean Teng, Ng Jing Wen, Lim Sze Chie, Tan Yee Thong, Yee See Marn") |
model = load_model('model/model.pkl') |
monthly_income = (monthly_income - 1000)/(20000 - 1000) |
daily_rate = (daily_rate - 100)/(1500 - 100) |
hourly_rate = (hourly_rate - 5)/(100 - 5) |
marital_status = 1 if marital_status == "Divorced" else 2 if marital_status == "Married" else 3 |
overtime = 1 if overtime == "Yes" else 0 |
business_travel = 1 |
department = 1 |
distance_from_home = 2 |
education = 3 |
education_field = 1 |
gender = 1 |
job_role = 1 |
monthly_rate = 1 |
num_companies_worked = 2 |
performance_rating = 3 |
relationship_satisfaction = 3 |
stock_option_level = 0 |
training_times_last_year = 2 |
work_life_balance = 3 |
years_since_last_promotion = 0 |
years_with_curr_manager = 0 |
input_data = pd.DataFrame({ |
"Age": [age], |
"BusinessTravel": [business_travel], |
"DailyRate": [daily_rate], |
"Department": [department], |
"DistanceFromHome": [distance_from_home], |
"Education": [education], |
"EducationField": [education_field], |
"EnvironmentSatisfaction": [environment_satisfaction], |
"Gender": [gender], |
"HourlyRate": [hourly_rate], |
"JobInvolvement": [job_involvement], |
"JobRole": [job_role], |
"JobSatisfaction": [job_satisfaction], |
"MaritalStatus": [marital_status], |
"MonthlyIncome": [monthly_income], |
"MonthlyRate": [monthly_rate], |
"NumCompaniesWorked": [num_companies_worked], |
"OverTime": [overtime], |
"PercentSalaryHike": [percent_salary_hike], |
"PerformanceRating": [performance_rating], |
"RelationshipSatisfaction": [relationship_satisfaction], |
"StockOptionLevel": [stock_option_level], |
"TotalWorkingYears": [total_working_years], |
"TrainingTimesLastYear": [training_times_last_year], |
"WorkLifeBalance": [work_life_balance], |
"YearsAtCompany": [years_at_company], |
"YearsInCurrentRole": [years_in_current_role], |
"YearsSinceLastPromotion": [years_since_last_promotion], |
"YearsWithCurrManager": [years_with_curr_manager] |
}) |
if submit: |
prediction = model.predict(input_data) |
if prediction[0] == 0: |
message = "The employee is not likely to leave the company." |
else: |
message = "The employee is likely to leave the company." |
with st.status("Predicting...", expanded = True) as status: |
time.sleep(1) |
status.update( |
label = "Prediction Results", state="complete", expanded = True |
) |
if prediction[0] == 0: |
st.error(message) |
else: |
st.success(message) |
with st.status("AI Opinion", expanded=True): |
try: |
response = ai_model.generate_content(f"Give some opinions in about 100 word based on the prediction results where the employee is {message}") |
st.write(response.text) |
except Exception as e: |
st.write("You don't have access to this feature. Please authenticate to use this feature.") |