LMM / mogen /datasets /utils.py
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import os
import json
import numpy as np
import torch
from imagebind import data
from imagebind.models.imagebind_model import ModalityType
from mogen.datasets.human_body_prior.body_model.body_model import BodyModel
from mogen.datasets.quaternion import qrot, qinv
from pytorch3d.transforms import axis_angle_to_matrix
def recover_root_rot_pos(data):
rot_vel = data[..., 0]
r_rot_ang = torch.zeros_like(rot_vel).to(data.device)
'''Get Y-axis rotation from rotation velocity'''
r_rot_ang[..., 1:] = rot_vel[..., :-1]
r_rot_ang = torch.cumsum(r_rot_ang, dim=-1)
r_rot_quat = torch.zeros(data.shape[:-1] + (4, )).to(data.device)
r_rot_quat[..., 0] = torch.cos(r_rot_ang)
r_rot_quat[..., 2] = torch.sin(r_rot_ang)
r_pos = torch.zeros(data.shape[:-1] + (3, )).to(data.device)
r_pos[..., 1:, [0, 2]] = data[..., :-1, 1:3]
'''Add Y-axis rotation to root position'''
r_pos = qrot(qinv(r_rot_quat), r_pos)
r_pos = torch.cumsum(r_pos, dim=-2)
r_pos[..., 1] = data[..., 3]
return r_rot_quat, r_pos
def recover_from_ric(data, joints_num):
r_rot_quat, r_pos = recover_root_rot_pos(data)
positions = data[..., 4:(joints_num - 1) * 3 + 4]
positions = positions.view(positions.shape[:-1] + (-1, 3))
'''Add Y-axis rotation to local joints'''
rot = qinv(r_rot_quat[..., None, :]).expand(positions.shape[:-1] + (4, ))
positions = qrot(rot, positions)
'''Add root XZ to joints'''
positions[..., 0] += r_pos[..., 0:1]
positions[..., 2] += r_pos[..., 2:3]
'''Concate root and joints'''
positions = torch.cat([r_pos.unsqueeze(-2), positions], dim=-2)
return positions
def create_data_item(meta_data,
assert os.path.exists(root_dir)
meta_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'metas')
motion_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'motions')
os.makedirs(meta_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(motion_dir, exist_ok=True)
motion_data = {}
if tomato_repr is not None:
motion_data['tomato_repr'] = tomato_repr
if keypoints3d is not None:
motion_data['keypoints3d'] = keypoints3d
num_frames = keypoints3d.shape[0]
keypoints3d = keypoints3d.reshape((num_frames, -1))
if expression is not None:
motion_data['expression'] = expression
if smpl_rot is not None:
motion_data['smpl_rot'] = smpl_rot
if bvh_rot is not None:
motion_data['bvh_rot'] = bvh_rot
motion_path = os.path.join(motion_dir, basename + '.npz')
meta_path = os.path.join(meta_dir, basename + '.json')
np.savez_compressed(motion_path, **motion_data)
json.dump(meta_data, open(meta_path, 'w'), indent=4)
def extract_text_feature(model, text, device):
text_list = text
inputs = {
ModalityType.TEXT: data.load_and_transform_text(text_list, device),
with torch.no_grad():
text_word_feat, text_seq_feat = model(inputs)
return text_word_feat, text_seq_feat
def extract_image_feature(model, image_paths, device):
inputs = {
ModalityType.VISION: data.load_and_transform_vision_data(image_paths, device),
with torch.no_grad():
_, embeddings = model(inputs)
return embeddings
def extract_audio_feature(model, audio_paths, device):
inputs = {
ModalityType.AUDIO: data.load_and_transform_audio_data(audio_paths, device, clips_per_video=1),
with torch.no_grad():
audio_word_feat, audio_seq_feat = model(inputs)
return audio_word_feat, audio_seq_feat
def copy_repr_data(src_data, src_idx, num_src_joints, tgt_data, tgt_idx, num_tgt_joints):
# ric_data
tgt_base1 = 4 + (tgt_idx - 1) * 3
src_base1 = 4 + (src_idx - 1) * 3
tgt_data[:, tgt_base1: tgt_base1 + 3] = \
src_data[:, src_base1: src_base1 + 3]
# rot_data
tgt_base2 = 4 + (num_tgt_joints - 1) * 3 + (tgt_idx - 1) * 6
src_base2 = 4 + (num_src_joints - 1) * 3 + (src_idx - 1) * 6
tgt_data[:, tgt_base2: tgt_base2 + 6] = \
src_data[:, src_base2: src_base2 + 6]
# local velocity
tgt_base3 = 4 + (num_tgt_joints - 1) * 9 + tgt_idx * 3
src_base3 = 4 + (num_src_joints - 1) * 9 + src_idx * 3
tgt_data[:, tgt_base3: tgt_base3 + 3] = \
src_data[:, src_base3: src_base3 + 3]
def extract_repr_data(data, idx, num_joints):
assert idx > 0
base1 = 4 + (idx - 1) * 3
ric_data = data[:, base1: base1 + 3]
base2 = 4 + (num_joints - 1) * 3 + (idx - 1) * 6
rot_data = data[:, base2: base2 + 6]
base3 = 4 + (num_joints - 1) * 9 + idx * 3
local_vel = data[:, base3: base3 + 3]
if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor):
output = torch.cat((ric_data, rot_data, local_vel), dim=-1)
output = np.concatenate((ric_data, rot_data, local_vel), axis=-1)
return output
def move_repr_data(data, idx, num_joints, output):
assert idx > 0
assert data.shape[1] == 12
base1 = 4 + (idx - 1) * 3
output[:, base1: base1 + 3] = data[:, :3]
base2 = 4 + (num_joints - 1) * 3 + (idx - 1) * 6
output[:, base2: base2 + 6] = data[:, 3: 9]
base3 = 4 + (num_joints - 1) * 9 + idx * 3
output[:, base3: base3 + 3] = data[:, 9:]
def estimate_repr_data(data, idx1, idx2, tgt, ratio, num_joints):
# direction: same as idx1
# position: |idx1 - tgt| / |idx1 - idx2| = ratio
assert 0 <= ratio <= 1, "ratio should be between 0 and 1"
assert 1 <= idx1 <= num_joints, "idx1 out of range"
assert 1 <= idx2 <= num_joints, "idx2 out of range"
assert 1 <= tgt <= num_joints, "tgt out of range"
# ric data
base1 = 4 + (idx1 - 1) * 3
base2 = 4 + (idx2 - 1) * 3
baset = 4 + (tgt - 1) * 3
pose1 = data[:, base1: base1 + 3]
pose2 = data[:, base2: base2 + 3]
poset = pose1 * (1 - ratio) + pose2 * ratio
data[:, baset: baset + 3] = poset
# rot_data
base1 = 4 + (num_joints - 1) * 3 + (idx1 - 1) * 6
baset = 4 + (num_joints - 1) * 3 + (tgt - 1) * 6
data[:, baset: baset + 6] = data[:, base1: base1 + 6]
# local velocity
base1 = 4 + (num_joints - 1) * 9 + idx1 * 3
base2 = 4 + (num_joints - 1) * 9 + idx2 * 3
baset = 4 + (num_joints - 1) * 9 + tgt * 3
vel1 = data[:, base1: base1 + 3]
vel2 = data[:, base2: base2 + 3]
velt = vel1 * (1 - ratio) + vel2 * ratio
data[:, baset: baset + 3] = velt
class BodyModelWrapper:
def __init__(self, device):
file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
body_model_dir = os.path.join(file_path, '../../data/motionverse/body_models')
male_bm_path = os.path.join(body_model_dir, 'smplh/male/model.npz')
male_dmpl_path = os.path.join(body_model_dir, 'dmpls/male/model.npz')
female_bm_path = os.path.join(body_model_dir, 'smplh/female/model.npz')
female_dmpl_path = os.path.join(body_model_dir, 'dmpls/female/model.npz')
neutral_bm_path = os.path.join(body_model_dir, 'smplh/neutral/model.npz')
neutral_dmpl_path = os.path.join(body_model_dir, 'dmpls/neutral/model.npz')
self.num_betas = 10 # number of body parameters
self.num_dmpls = 8 # number of DMPL parameters
self.male_bm = BodyModel(
self.female_bm = BodyModel(
self.neutral_bm = BodyModel(
self.device = device
def process_smplh(self, smplh_data, downsample=1):
poses = smplh_data['poses'][::downsample]
trans = smplh_data['trans'][::downsample]
betas = smplh_data['betas']
if len(betas.shape) == 1:
betas = betas[:self.num_betas][np.newaxis]
betas = np.repeat(betas, repeats=len(trans), axis=0)
betas = betas[:, :self.num_betas]
body_parms = {
'root_orient': torch.Tensor(poses[:, :3]).to(self.device),
'pose_body': torch.Tensor(poses[:, 3:66]).to(self.device),
'pose_hand': torch.Tensor(poses[:, 66:]).to(self.device),
'trans': torch.Tensor(trans).to(self.device),
'betas': torch.Tensor(betas).to(self.device),
gender = smplh_data.get('gender', 'neutral')
if gender == 'male' or gender == 'm':
bm = self.male_bm
elif gender == 'female' or gender == 'f':
bm = self.female_bm
bm = self.neutral_bm
with torch.no_grad():
body = bm(**body_parms)
pose_seq_np = body.Jtr.detach().cpu().numpy()
return pose_seq_np
def ang2joint(p3d0, pose,
parent={0: -1, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 1, 5: 2, 6: 3, 7: 4, 8: 5, 9: 6, 10: 7, 11: 8, 12: 9, 13: 9, 14: 9,
15: 12, 16: 13, 17: 14, 18: 16, 19: 17, 20: 18, 21: 19, 22: 20, 23: 21}):
:param p3d0:[batch_size, joint_num, 3]
:param pose:[batch_size, joint_num, 3]
:param parent:
def with_zeros(x):
Append a [0, 0, 0, 1] tensor to a [3, 4] tensor.
x: Tensor to be appended.
Tensor after appending of shape [4,4]
ones = torch.tensor(
[[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]], dtype=torch.float
).expand(x.shape[0], -1, -1).to(x.device)
ret = torch.cat((x, ones), dim=1)
return ret
batch_num = p3d0.shape[0]
jnum = len(parent.keys())
J = p3d0
R_cube_big = axis_angle_to_matrix(pose.contiguous().view(-1, 1, 3)).reshape(batch_num, -1, 3, 3)
results = []
with_zeros(torch.cat((R_cube_big[:, 0], torch.reshape(J[:, 0, :], (-1, 3, 1))), dim=2))
for i in range(1, jnum):
(R_cube_big[:, i], torch.reshape(J[:, i, :] - J[:, parent[i], :], (-1, 3, 1))),
stacked = torch.stack(results, dim=1)
J_transformed = stacked[:, :, :3, 3]
return J_transformed