const { | |
cmd | |
} = require('../command'); | |
const config = require("../config"); | |
cmd({ | |
'on': "body" | |
}, async (_0x4be391, _0x2bbd0c, _0x558f90, { | |
from: _0x529db2, | |
body: _0x572277, | |
isGroup: _0xffba41, | |
isAdmins: _0x5e74ad, | |
isBotAdmins: _0x26676b, | |
reply: _0x53a5ce, | |
sender: _0x3dfc05 | |
}) => { | |
try { | |
const _0x3b3c8f = ["wtf", "mia", "xxx", "fuck", 'sex', "ass", "pussy", 'ponnaya', "hutto"]; | |
if (!_0xffba41 || _0x5e74ad || !_0x26676b) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const _0x157c8a = _0x572277.toLowerCase(); | |
const _0x371867 = _0x3b3c8f.some(_0x2e3bd4 => _0x157c8a.includes(_0x2e3bd4)); | |
if (_0x371867 & config.ANTI_BAD_WORD === "true") { | |
await _0x4be391.sendMessage(_0x529db2, { | |
'delete': _0x2bbd0c.key | |
}, { | |
'quoted': _0x2bbd0c | |
}); | |
await _0x4be391.sendMessage(_0x529db2, { | |
'text': "๐ซ โ ๏ธBAD WORDS NOT ALLOWEDโ ๏ธ ๐ซ" | |
}, { | |
'quoted': _0x2bbd0c | |
}); | |
} | |
} catch (_0x47eee8) { | |
console.error(_0x47eee8); | |
_0x53a5ce("An error occurred while processing the message."); | |
} | |
}); | |
const linkPatterns = [/https?:\/\/(?:chat\.whatsapp\.com|wa\.me)\/\S+/gi, /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?whatsapp\.com\/channel\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$/, /wa\.me\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:t\.me|telegram\.me)\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?youtube\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/youtu\.be\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?facebook\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/fb\.me\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?instagram\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?twitter\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?tiktok\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?linkedin\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?snapchat\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?pinterest\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?reddit\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/ngl\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?discord\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?twitch\.tv\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vimeo\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?dailymotion\.com\/\S+/gi, /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?medium\.com\/\S+/gi]; | |
cmd({ | |
'on': "body" | |
}, async (_0x488fe3, _0x4807fa, _0x524921, { | |
from: _0x49635a, | |
body: _0x3c0765, | |
sender: _0x36e9e2, | |
isGroup: _0x5cc616, | |
isAdmins: _0x4f15b6, | |
isBotAdmins: _0x148963, | |
reply: _0x3855a2 | |
}) => { | |
try { | |
if (!_0x5cc616 || _0x4f15b6 || !_0x148963) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const _0x58c73c = linkPatterns.some(_0x332817 => _0x332817.test(_0x3c0765)); | |
if (_0x58c73c && config.ANTI_LINK === 'true') { | |
await _0x488fe3.sendMessage(_0x49635a, { | |
'delete': _0x4807fa.key | |
}, { | |
'quoted': _0x4807fa | |
}); | |
await _0x488fe3.sendMessage(_0x49635a, { | |
'text': "โ ๏ธ Links are not allowed in this group.\n@" + _0x36e9e2.split('@')[0x0] + " has been removed. ๐ซ", | |
'mentions': [_0x36e9e2] | |
}, { | |
'quoted': _0x4807fa | |
}); | |
await _0x488fe3.groupParticipantsUpdate(_0x49635a, [_0x36e9e2], "remove"); | |
} | |
} catch (_0x2e5577) { | |
console.error(_0x2e5577); | |
_0x3855a2("An error occurred while processing the message."); | |
} | |
}); | |