Runtime error
Runtime error
import pickle | |
import sklearn.preprocessing as pp | |
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
from scipy.sparse import vstack | |
def add_row_train(df, list_tid): | |
new_pid_add = df.iloc[-1].name +1 | |
list_tid_add = list_tid | |
list_pos_add = list(range(len(list_tid_add))) | |
df.loc[new_pid_add] = {'tid': list_tid_add,'pos': list_pos_add} | |
return df | |
def inference_row(list_tid, ps_matrix): | |
ps_matrix_norm = pp.normalize(ps_matrix, axis=1) | |
length_tid = len(list_tid) | |
n_songs = ps_matrix.shape[1] | |
sparse_row = csr_matrix((np.ones(length_tid), (np.zeros(length_tid), list_tid)), shape=(1, n_songs)) | |
sparse_row_norm = pp.normalize(sparse_row, axis=1) | |
return sparse_row_norm * ps_matrix_norm.T, sparse_row | |
def get_best_tid(current_list, ps_matrix_row, K=50, MAX_tid=10): | |
df_ps_train = pd.read_hdf('model/df_ps_train_new.hdf') | |
df_ps_train_extra = pd.read_hdf('model/df_ps_train_extra.hdf') | |
df_ps_train = pd.concat([df_ps_train,df_ps_train_extra]) | |
sim_vector, sparse_row = inference_row(current_list, ps_matrix_row) | |
sim_vector = sim_vector.toarray()[0].tolist() | |
# Enumerate index and rating | |
counter_list = list(enumerate(sim_vector, 0)) | |
# Sort by rating | |
sortedList = sorted(counter_list, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) | |
topK_pid = [i for i, _ in sortedList[1:K + 1]] | |
n = 0 | |
new_list = [] | |
while (1): | |
top_pid = topK_pid[n] | |
add_tid_list = df_ps_train.loc[top_pid].tid | |
# Form new list | |
new_tid_list = new_list + add_tid_list | |
new_tid_list = [x for x in new_tid_list if x not in current_list] | |
new_tid_list = list(dict.fromkeys(new_tid_list)) | |
# Check number of songs and Add to data for prediction | |
total_song = len(new_tid_list) | |
# print("n: {}\t total_song: {}".format(n,total_song)) | |
if (total_song > MAX_tid): | |
new_tid_list = new_tid_list[:MAX_tid] | |
# Add | |
new_list = new_tid_list | |
break | |
else: | |
new_list = new_tid_list | |
n += 1 | |
if (n == K): | |
break | |
df_ps_train_extra = add_row_train(df_ps_train_extra, current_list) | |
df_ps_train_extra.to_hdf('model/df_ps_train_extra.hdf', key='abc') | |
return new_list, sparse_row | |
def inference_from_tid(list_tid, K=50, MAX_tid=10): | |
pickle_path = 'model/giantMatrix_new.pickle' | |
# pickle_path = 'data/giantMatrix_truth_new.pickle' | |
with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as f: | |
ps_matrix = pickle.load(f) | |
with open("model/giantMatrix_extra.pickle",'rb') as f: | |
ps_matrix_extra = pickle.load(f) | |
ps_matrix = vstack((ps_matrix,ps_matrix_extra)) | |
result, sparse_row = get_best_tid(list_tid, ps_matrix.tocsr(), K, MAX_tid) | |
ps_matrix_extra = vstack((ps_matrix_extra,sparse_row.todok())) | |
with open("model/giantMatrix_extra.pickle", 'wb') as f: | |
pickle.dump(ps_matrix_extra, f) | |
return result | |
def inference_from_uri(list_uri, K=50, MAX_tid=10): | |
with open('model/dict_uri2tid.pkl', 'rb') as f: | |
dict_uri2tid = pickle.load(f) | |
list_tid = [dict_uri2tid[x] for x in list_uri if x in dict_uri2tid] | |
best_tid = inference_from_tid(list_tid, K, MAX_tid) | |
with open('model/dict_tid2uri.pkl', 'rb') as f: | |
dict_tid2uri = pickle.load(f) | |
best_uri = [dict_tid2uri[x] for x in best_tid] | |
return best_uri | |