from abc import ABC, abstractmethod |
from typing import Any, List, Dict, Optional, Union |
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed |
import json, time |
from .prompts import * |
from .config import * |
from .utils import * |
from .models import * |
from functools import partial |
from .model_loader import * |
import math |
import numpy as np |
import re |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup |
from lxml import html, etree |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
class ExtractionStrategy(ABC): |
""" |
Abstract base class for all extraction strategies. |
""" |
def __init__(self, input_format: str = "markdown", **kwargs): |
""" |
Initialize the extraction strategy. |
Args: |
input_format: Content format to use for extraction. |
Options: "markdown" (default), "html", "fit_markdown" |
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments |
""" |
self.input_format = input_format |
self.DEL = "<|DEL|>" |
self.name = self.__class__.__name__ |
self.verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False) |
@abstractmethod |
def extract(self, url: str, html: str, *q, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: |
""" |
Extract meaningful blocks or chunks from the given HTML. |
:param url: The URL of the webpage. |
:param html: The HTML content of the webpage. |
:return: A list of extracted blocks or chunks. |
""" |
pass |
def run(self, url: str, sections: List[str], *q, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: |
""" |
Process sections of text in parallel by default. |
:param url: The URL of the webpage. |
:param sections: List of sections (strings) to process. |
:return: A list of processed JSON blocks. |
""" |
extracted_content = [] |
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: |
futures = [executor.submit(self.extract, url, section, **kwargs) for section in sections] |
for future in as_completed(futures): |
extracted_content.extend(future.result()) |
return extracted_content |
class NoExtractionStrategy(ExtractionStrategy): |
""" |
A strategy that does not extract any meaningful content from the HTML. It simply returns the entire HTML as a single block. |
""" |
def extract(self, url: str, html: str, *q, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: |
""" |
Extract meaningful blocks or chunks from the given HTML. |
""" |
return [{"index": 0, "content": html}] |
def run(self, url: str, sections: List[str], *q, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: |
return [{"index": i, "tags": [], "content": section} for i, section in enumerate(sections)] |
class LLMExtractionStrategy(ExtractionStrategy): |
""" |
A strategy that uses an LLM to extract meaningful content from the HTML. |
Attributes: |
provider: The provider to use for extraction. It follows the format <provider_name>/<model_name>, e.g., "ollama/llama3.3". |
api_token: The API token for the provider. |
instruction: The instruction to use for the LLM model. |
schema: Pydantic model schema for structured data. |
extraction_type: "block" or "schema". |
chunk_token_threshold: Maximum tokens per chunk. |
overlap_rate: Overlap between chunks. |
word_token_rate: Word to token conversion rate. |
apply_chunking: Whether to apply chunking. |
base_url: The base URL for the API request. |
api_base: The base URL for the API request. |
extra_args: Additional arguments for the API request, such as temprature, max_tokens, etc. |
verbose: Whether to print verbose output. |
usages: List of individual token usages. |
total_usage: Accumulated token usage. |
""" |
def __init__(self, |
provider: str = DEFAULT_PROVIDER, api_token: Optional[str] = None, |
instruction:str = None, schema:Dict = None, extraction_type = "block", **kwargs): |
""" |
Initialize the strategy with clustering parameters. |
Args: |
provider: The provider to use for extraction. It follows the format <provider_name>/<model_name>, e.g., "ollama/llama3.3". |
api_token: The API token for the provider. |
instruction: The instruction to use for the LLM model. |
schema: Pydantic model schema for structured data. |
extraction_type: "block" or "schema". |
chunk_token_threshold: Maximum tokens per chunk. |
overlap_rate: Overlap between chunks. |
word_token_rate: Word to token conversion rate. |
apply_chunking: Whether to apply chunking. |
base_url: The base URL for the API request. |
api_base: The base URL for the API request. |
extra_args: Additional arguments for the API request, such as temprature, max_tokens, etc. |
verbose: Whether to print verbose output. |
usages: List of individual token usages. |
total_usage: Accumulated token usage. |
""" |
super().__init__(**kwargs) |
self.provider = provider |
self.api_token = api_token or PROVIDER_MODELS.get(provider, "no-token") or os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") |
self.instruction = instruction |
self.extract_type = extraction_type |
self.schema = schema |
if schema: |
self.extract_type = "schema" |
self.chunk_token_threshold = kwargs.get("chunk_token_threshold", CHUNK_TOKEN_THRESHOLD) |
self.overlap_rate = kwargs.get("overlap_rate", OVERLAP_RATE) |
self.word_token_rate = kwargs.get("word_token_rate", WORD_TOKEN_RATE) |
self.apply_chunking = kwargs.get("apply_chunking", True) |
self.base_url = kwargs.get("base_url", None) |
self.api_base = kwargs.get("api_base", kwargs.get("base_url", None)) |
self.extra_args = kwargs.get("extra_args", {}) |
if not self.apply_chunking: |
self.chunk_token_threshold = 1e9 |
self.verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False) |
self.usages = [] |
self.total_usage = TokenUsage() |
if not self.api_token: |
raise ValueError("API token must be provided for LLMExtractionStrategy. Update the config.py or set OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.") |
def extract(self, url: str, ix:int, html: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: |
""" |
Extract meaningful blocks or chunks from the given HTML using an LLM. |
How it works: |
1. Construct a prompt with variables. |
2. Make a request to the LLM using the prompt. |
3. Parse the response and extract blocks or chunks. |
Args: |
url: The URL of the webpage. |
ix: Index of the block. |
html: The HTML content of the webpage. |
Returns: |
A list of extracted blocks or chunks. |
""" |
if self.verbose: |
print(f"[LOG] Call LLM for {url} - block index: {ix}") |
variable_values = { |
"URL": url, |
"HTML": escape_json_string(sanitize_html(html)), |
} |
prompt_with_variables = PROMPT_EXTRACT_BLOCKS |
if self.instruction: |
variable_values["REQUEST"] = self.instruction |
if self.extract_type == "schema" and self.schema: |
variable_values["SCHEMA"] = json.dumps(self.schema, indent=2) |
for variable in variable_values: |
prompt_with_variables = prompt_with_variables.replace( |
"{" + variable + "}", variable_values[variable] |
) |
response = perform_completion_with_backoff( |
self.provider, |
prompt_with_variables, |
self.api_token, |
base_url=self.api_base or self.base_url, |
extra_args = self.extra_args |
) |
usage = TokenUsage( |
completion_tokens=response.usage.completion_tokens, |
prompt_tokens=response.usage.prompt_tokens, |
total_tokens=response.usage.total_tokens, |
completion_tokens_details=response.usage.completion_tokens_details.__dict__ if response.usage.completion_tokens_details else {}, |
prompt_tokens_details=response.usage.prompt_tokens_details.__dict__ if response.usage.prompt_tokens_details else {} |
) |
self.usages.append(usage) |
self.total_usage.completion_tokens += usage.completion_tokens |
self.total_usage.prompt_tokens += usage.prompt_tokens |
self.total_usage.total_tokens += usage.total_tokens |
try: |
blocks = extract_xml_data(["blocks"], response.choices[0].message.content)['blocks'] |
blocks = json.loads(blocks) |
for block in blocks: |
block['error'] = False |
except Exception as e: |
parsed, unparsed = split_and_parse_json_objects(response.choices[0].message.content) |
blocks = parsed |
if unparsed: |
blocks.append({ |
"index": 0, |
"error": True, |
"tags": ["error"], |
"content": unparsed |
}) |
if self.verbose: |
print("[LOG] Extracted", len(blocks), "blocks from URL:", url, "block index:", ix) |
return blocks |
def _merge(self, documents, chunk_token_threshold, overlap): |
""" |
Merge documents into sections based on chunk_token_threshold and overlap. |
""" |
chunks = [] |
sections = [] |
total_tokens = 0 |
for document in documents: |
total_tokens += len(document.split(' ')) * self.word_token_rate |
num_sections = math.floor(total_tokens / chunk_token_threshold) |
if num_sections < 1: |
num_sections = 1 |
adjusted_chunk_threshold = total_tokens / num_sections |
total_token_so_far = 0 |
current_chunk = [] |
for document in documents: |
tokens = document.split(' ') |
token_count = len(tokens) * self.word_token_rate |
if total_token_so_far + token_count <= adjusted_chunk_threshold: |
current_chunk.extend(tokens) |
total_token_so_far += token_count |
else: |
if len(sections) == num_sections - 1: |
current_chunk.extend(tokens) |
continue |
if overlap > 0 and current_chunk: |
overlap_tokens = current_chunk[-overlap:] |
current_chunk.extend(overlap_tokens) |
sections.append(' '.join(current_chunk)) |
current_chunk = tokens |
total_token_so_far = token_count |
if current_chunk: |
sections.append(' '.join(current_chunk)) |
return sections |
def run(self, url: str, sections: List[str]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: |
""" |
Process sections sequentially with a delay for rate limiting issues, specifically for LLMExtractionStrategy. |
Args: |
url: The URL of the webpage. |
sections: List of sections (strings) to process. |
Returns: |
A list of extracted blocks or chunks. |
""" |
merged_sections = self._merge( |
sections, self.chunk_token_threshold, |
overlap= int(self.chunk_token_threshold * self.overlap_rate) |
) |
extracted_content = [] |
if self.provider.startswith("groq/"): |
for ix, section in enumerate(merged_sections): |
extract_func = partial(self.extract, url) |
extracted_content.extend(extract_func(ix, sanitize_input_encode(section))) |
time.sleep(0.5) |
else: |
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor: |
extract_func = partial(self.extract, url) |
futures = [executor.submit(extract_func, ix, sanitize_input_encode(section)) for ix, section in enumerate(merged_sections)] |
for future in as_completed(futures): |
try: |
extracted_content.extend(future.result()) |
except Exception as e: |
if self.verbose: |
print(f"Error in thread execution: {e}") |
extracted_content.append({ |
"index": 0, |
"error": True, |
"tags": ["error"], |
"content": str(e) |
}) |
return extracted_content |
def show_usage(self) -> None: |
"""Print a detailed token usage report showing total and per-request usage.""" |
print("\n=== Token Usage Summary ===") |
print(f"{'Type':<15} {'Count':>12}") |
print("-" * 30) |
print(f"{'Completion':<15} {self.total_usage.completion_tokens:>12,}") |
print(f"{'Prompt':<15} {self.total_usage.prompt_tokens:>12,}") |
print(f"{'Total':<15} {self.total_usage.total_tokens:>12,}") |
print("\n=== Usage History ===") |
print(f"{'Request #':<10} {'Completion':>12} {'Prompt':>12} {'Total':>12}") |
print("-" * 48) |
for i, usage in enumerate(self.usages, 1): |
print(f"{i:<10} {usage.completion_tokens:>12,} {usage.prompt_tokens:>12,} {usage.total_tokens:>12,}") |
class CosineStrategy(ExtractionStrategy): |
""" |
Extract meaningful blocks or chunks from the given HTML using cosine similarity. |
How it works: |
1. Pre-filter documents using embeddings and semantic_filter. |
2. Perform clustering using cosine similarity. |
3. Organize texts by their cluster labels, retaining order. |
4. Filter clusters by word count. |
5. Extract meaningful blocks or chunks from the filtered clusters. |
Attributes: |
semantic_filter (str): A keyword filter for document filtering. |
word_count_threshold (int): Minimum number of words per cluster. |
max_dist (float): The maximum cophenetic distance on the dendrogram to form clusters. |
linkage_method (str): The linkage method for hierarchical clustering. |
top_k (int): Number of top categories to extract. |
model_name (str): The name of the sentence-transformers model. |
sim_threshold (float): The similarity threshold for clustering. |
""" |
def __init__(self, semantic_filter = None, word_count_threshold=10, max_dist=0.2, linkage_method='ward', top_k=3, model_name = 'sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2', sim_threshold = 0.3, **kwargs): |
""" |
Initialize the strategy with clustering parameters. |
Args: |
semantic_filter (str): A keyword filter for document filtering. |
word_count_threshold (int): Minimum number of words per cluster. |
max_dist (float): The maximum cophenetic distance on the dendrogram to form clusters. |
linkage_method (str): The linkage method for hierarchical clustering. |
top_k (int): Number of top categories to extract. |
""" |
super().__init__(**kwargs) |
import numpy as np |
self.semantic_filter = semantic_filter |
self.word_count_threshold = word_count_threshold |
self.max_dist = max_dist |
self.linkage_method = linkage_method |
self.top_k = top_k |
self.sim_threshold = sim_threshold |
self.timer = time.time() |
self.verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False) |
self.buffer_embeddings = np.array([]) |
self.get_embedding_method = "direct" |
self.device = get_device() |
self.default_batch_size = calculate_batch_size(self.device) |
if self.verbose: |
print(f"[LOG] Loading Extraction Model for {self.device.type} device.") |
self.tokenizer, self.model = load_HF_embedding_model(model_name) |
self.model.to(self.device) |
self.model.eval() |
self.get_embedding_method = "batch" |
self.buffer_embeddings = np.array([]) |
if self.verbose: |
print(f"[LOG] Loading Multilabel Classifier for {self.device.type} device.") |
self.nlp, _ = load_text_multilabel_classifier() |
if self.verbose: |
print(f"[LOG] Model loaded {model_name}, models/reuters, took " + str(time.time() - self.timer) + " seconds") |
def filter_documents_embeddings(self, documents: List[str], semantic_filter: str, at_least_k: int = 20) -> List[str]: |
""" |
Filter and sort documents based on the cosine similarity of their embeddings with the semantic_filter embedding. |
Args: |
documents (List[str]): A list of document texts. |
semantic_filter (str): A keyword filter for document filtering. |
at_least_k (int): The minimum number of documents to return. |
Returns: |
List[str]: A list of filtered and sorted document texts. |
""" |
if not semantic_filter: |
return documents |
if len(documents) < at_least_k: |
at_least_k = len(documents) // 2 |
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity |
query_embedding = self.get_embeddings([semantic_filter])[0] |
document_embeddings = self.get_embeddings(documents) |
similarities = cosine_similarity([query_embedding], document_embeddings).flatten() |
filtered_docs = [(doc, sim) for doc, sim in zip(documents, similarities) if sim >= self.sim_threshold] |
if len(filtered_docs) < at_least_k: |
remaining_docs = [(doc, sim) for doc, sim in zip(documents, similarities) if sim < self.sim_threshold] |
remaining_docs.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) |
filtered_docs.extend(remaining_docs[:at_least_k - len(filtered_docs)]) |
filtered_docs = [doc for doc, _ in filtered_docs] |
return filtered_docs[:at_least_k] |
def get_embeddings(self, sentences: List[str], batch_size=None, bypass_buffer=False): |
""" |
Get BERT embeddings for a list of sentences. |
Args: |
sentences (List[str]): A list of text chunks (sentences). |
Returns: |
NumPy array of embeddings. |
""" |
if self.device.type in [ "cpu", "gpu", "cuda", "mps"]: |
import torch |
if batch_size is None: |
batch_size = self.default_batch_size |
all_embeddings = [] |
for i in range(0, len(sentences), batch_size): |
batch_sentences = sentences[i:i + batch_size] |
encoded_input = self.tokenizer(batch_sentences, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt') |
encoded_input = {key: tensor.to(self.device) for key, tensor in encoded_input.items()} |
with torch.no_grad(): |
model_output = self.model(**encoded_input) |
embeddings = model_output.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1).cpu().numpy() |
all_embeddings.append(embeddings) |
self.buffer_embeddings = np.vstack(all_embeddings) |
elif self.device.type == "cpu": |
if batch_size is None: |
batch_size = self.default_batch_size |
all_embeddings = [] |
for i in range(0, len(sentences), batch_size): |
batch_sentences = sentences[i:i + batch_size] |
embeddings = self.model(batch_sentences) |
all_embeddings.append(embeddings) |
self.buffer_embeddings = np.vstack(all_embeddings) |
return self.buffer_embeddings |
def hierarchical_clustering(self, sentences: List[str], embeddings = None): |
""" |
Perform hierarchical clustering on sentences and return cluster labels. |
Args: |
sentences (List[str]): A list of text chunks (sentences). |
Returns: |
NumPy array of cluster labels. |
""" |
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, fcluster |
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist |
self.timer = time.time() |
embeddings = self.get_embeddings(sentences, bypass_buffer=True) |
distance_matrix = pdist(embeddings, 'cosine') |
linked = linkage(distance_matrix, method=self.linkage_method) |
labels = fcluster(linked, self.max_dist, criterion='distance') |
return labels |
def filter_clusters_by_word_count(self, clusters: Dict[int, List[str]]) -> Dict[int, List[str]]: |
""" |
Filter clusters to remove those with a word count below the threshold. |
Args: |
clusters (Dict[int, List[str]]): Dictionary of clusters. |
Returns: |
Dict[int, List[str]]: Filtered dictionary of clusters. |
""" |
filtered_clusters = {} |
for cluster_id, texts in clusters.items(): |
full_text = " ".join(texts) |
word_count = len(full_text.split()) |
if word_count >= self.word_count_threshold: |
filtered_clusters[cluster_id] = texts |
return filtered_clusters |
def extract(self, url: str, html: str, *q, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: |
""" |
Extract clusters from HTML content using hierarchical clustering. |
Args: |
url (str): The URL of the webpage. |
html (str): The HTML content of the webpage. |
Returns: |
List[Dict[str, Any]]: A list of processed JSON blocks. |
""" |
t = time.time() |
text_chunks = html.split(self.DEL) |
text_chunks = self.filter_documents_embeddings(text_chunks, self.semantic_filter) |
if not text_chunks: |
return [] |
labels = self.hierarchical_clustering(text_chunks) |
t = time.time() |
clusters = {} |
for index, label in enumerate(labels): |
clusters.setdefault(label, []).append(text_chunks[index]) |
filtered_clusters = self.filter_clusters_by_word_count(clusters) |
cluster_list = [{"index": int(idx), "tags" : [], "content": " ".join(filtered_clusters[idx])} for idx in sorted(filtered_clusters)] |
if self.verbose: |
print(f"[LOG] 🚀 Assign tags using {self.device}") |
if self.device.type in ["gpu", "cuda", "mps", "cpu"]: |
labels = self.nlp([cluster['content'] for cluster in cluster_list]) |
for cluster, label in zip(cluster_list, labels): |
cluster['tags'] = label |
if self.verbose: |
print(f"[LOG] 🚀 Categorization done in {time.time() - t:.2f} seconds") |
return cluster_list |
def run(self, url: str, sections: List[str], *q, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: |
""" |
Process sections using hierarchical clustering. |
Args: |
url (str): The URL of the webpage. |
sections (List[str]): List of sections (strings) to process. |
Returns: |
""" |
return self.extract(url, self.DEL.join(sections), **kwargs) |
class JsonElementExtractionStrategy(ExtractionStrategy): |
""" |
Abstract base class for extracting structured JSON from HTML content. |
How it works: |
1. Parses HTML content using the `_parse_html` method. |
2. Uses a schema to define base selectors, fields, and transformations. |
3. Extracts data hierarchically, supporting nested fields and lists. |
4. Handles computed fields with expressions or functions. |
Attributes: |
DEL (str): Delimiter used to combine HTML sections. Defaults to '\n'. |
schema (Dict[str, Any]): The schema defining the extraction rules. |
verbose (bool): Enables verbose logging for debugging purposes. |
Methods: |
extract(url, html_content, *q, **kwargs): Extracts structured data from HTML content. |
_extract_item(element, fields): Extracts fields from a single element. |
_extract_single_field(element, field): Extracts a single field based on its type. |
_apply_transform(value, transform): Applies a transformation to a value. |
_compute_field(item, field): Computes a field value using an expression or function. |
run(url, sections, *q, **kwargs): Combines HTML sections and runs the extraction strategy. |
Abstract Methods: |
_parse_html(html_content): Parses raw HTML into a structured format (e.g., BeautifulSoup or lxml). |
_get_base_elements(parsed_html, selector): Retrieves base elements using a selector. |
_get_elements(element, selector): Retrieves child elements using a selector. |
_get_element_text(element): Extracts text content from an element. |
_get_element_html(element): Extracts raw HTML from an element. |
_get_element_attribute(element, attribute): Extracts an attribute's value from an element. |
""" |
DEL = '\n' |
def __init__(self, schema: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs): |
""" |
Initialize the JSON element extraction strategy with a schema. |
Args: |
schema (Dict[str, Any]): The schema defining the extraction rules. |
""" |
super().__init__(**kwargs) |
self.schema = schema |
self.verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) |
def extract(self, url: str, html_content: str, *q, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: |
""" |
Extract structured data from HTML content. |
How it works: |
1. Parses the HTML content using the `_parse_html` method. |
2. Identifies base elements using the schema's base selector. |
3. Extracts fields from each base element using `_extract_item`. |
Args: |
url (str): The URL of the page being processed. |
html_content (str): The raw HTML content to parse and extract. |
*q: Additional positional arguments. |
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for custom extraction. |
Returns: |
List[Dict[str, Any]]: A list of extracted items, each represented as a dictionary. |
""" |
parsed_html = self._parse_html(html_content) |
base_elements = self._get_base_elements(parsed_html, self.schema['baseSelector']) |
results = [] |
for element in base_elements: |
item = {} |
if 'baseFields' in self.schema: |
for field in self.schema['baseFields']: |
value = self._extract_single_field(element, field) |
if value is not None: |
item[field['name']] = value |
field_data = self._extract_item(element, self.schema['fields']) |
item.update(field_data) |
if item: |
results.append(item) |
return results |
@abstractmethod |
def _parse_html(self, html_content: str): |
"""Parse HTML content into appropriate format""" |
pass |
@abstractmethod |
def _get_base_elements(self, parsed_html, selector: str): |
"""Get all base elements using the selector""" |
pass |
@abstractmethod |
def _get_elements(self, element, selector: str): |
"""Get child elements using the selector""" |
pass |
def _extract_field(self, element, field): |
try: |
if field['type'] == 'nested': |
nested_elements = self._get_elements(element, field['selector']) |
nested_element = nested_elements[0] if nested_elements else None |
return self._extract_item(nested_element, field['fields']) if nested_element else {} |
if field['type'] == 'list': |
elements = self._get_elements(element, field['selector']) |
return [self._extract_list_item(el, field['fields']) for el in elements] |
if field['type'] == 'nested_list': |
elements = self._get_elements(element, field['selector']) |
return [self._extract_item(el, field['fields']) for el in elements] |
return self._extract_single_field(element, field) |
except Exception as e: |
if self.verbose: |
print(f"Error extracting field {field['name']}: {str(e)}") |
return field.get('default') |
def _extract_single_field(self, element, field): |
""" |
Extract a single field based on its type. |
How it works: |
1. Selects the target element using the field's selector. |
2. Extracts the field value based on its type (e.g., text, attribute, regex). |
3. Applies transformations if defined in the schema. |
Args: |
element: The base element to extract the field from. |
field (Dict[str, Any]): The field definition in the schema. |
Returns: |
Any: The extracted field value. |
""" |
if 'selector' in field: |
selected = self._get_elements(element, field['selector']) |
if not selected: |
return field.get('default') |
selected = selected[0] |
else: |
selected = element |
value = None |
if field['type'] == 'text': |
value = self._get_element_text(selected) |
elif field['type'] == 'attribute': |
value = self._get_element_attribute(selected, field['attribute']) |
elif field['type'] == 'html': |
value = self._get_element_html(selected) |
elif field['type'] == 'regex': |
text = self._get_element_text(selected) |
match = re.search(field['pattern'], text) |
value = match.group(1) if match else None |
if 'transform' in field: |
value = self._apply_transform(value, field['transform']) |
return value if value is not None else field.get('default') |
def _extract_list_item(self, element, fields): |
item = {} |
for field in fields: |
value = self._extract_single_field(element, field) |
if value is not None: |
item[field['name']] = value |
return item |
def _extract_item(self, element, fields): |
""" |
Extracts fields from a given element. |
How it works: |
1. Iterates through the fields defined in the schema. |
2. Handles computed, single, and nested field types. |
3. Updates the item dictionary with extracted field values. |
Args: |
element: The base element to extract fields from. |
fields (List[Dict[str, Any]]): The list of fields to extract. |
Returns: |
Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the extracted item. |
""" |
item = {} |
for field in fields: |
if field['type'] == 'computed': |
value = self._compute_field(item, field) |
else: |
value = self._extract_field(element, field) |
if value is not None: |
item[field['name']] = value |
return item |
def _apply_transform(self, value, transform): |
""" |
Apply a transformation to a value. |
How it works: |
1. Checks the transformation type (e.g., `lowercase`, `strip`). |
2. Applies the transformation to the value. |
3. Returns the transformed value. |
Args: |
value (str): The value to transform. |
transform (str): The type of transformation to apply. |
Returns: |
str: The transformed value. |
""" |
if transform == 'lowercase': |
return value.lower() |
elif transform == 'uppercase': |
return value.upper() |
elif transform == 'strip': |
return value.strip() |
return value |
def _compute_field(self, item, field): |
try: |
if 'expression' in field: |
return eval(field['expression'], {}, item) |
elif 'function' in field: |
return field['function'](item) |
except Exception as e: |
if self.verbose: |
print(f"Error computing field {field['name']}: {str(e)}") |
return field.get('default') |
def run(self, url: str, sections: List[str], *q, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: |
""" |
Run the extraction strategy on a combined HTML content. |
How it works: |
1. Combines multiple HTML sections using the `DEL` delimiter. |
2. Calls the `extract` method with the combined HTML. |
Args: |
url (str): The URL of the page being processed. |
sections (List[str]): A list of HTML sections. |
*q: Additional positional arguments. |
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for custom extraction. |
Returns: |
List[Dict[str, Any]]: A list of extracted items. |
""" |
combined_html = self.DEL.join(sections) |
return self.extract(url, combined_html, **kwargs) |
@abstractmethod |
def _get_element_text(self, element) -> str: |
"""Get text content from element""" |
pass |
@abstractmethod |
def _get_element_html(self, element) -> str: |
"""Get HTML content from element""" |
pass |
@abstractmethod |
def _get_element_attribute(self, element, attribute: str): |
"""Get attribute value from element""" |
pass |
class JsonCssExtractionStrategy(JsonElementExtractionStrategy): |
""" |
Concrete implementation of `JsonElementExtractionStrategy` using CSS selectors. |
How it works: |
1. Parses HTML content with BeautifulSoup. |
2. Selects elements using CSS selectors defined in the schema. |
3. Extracts field data and applies transformations as defined. |
Attributes: |
schema (Dict[str, Any]): The schema defining the extraction rules. |
verbose (bool): Enables verbose logging for debugging purposes. |
Methods: |
_parse_html(html_content): Parses HTML content into a BeautifulSoup object. |
_get_base_elements(parsed_html, selector): Selects base elements using a CSS selector. |
_get_elements(element, selector): Selects child elements using a CSS selector. |
_get_element_text(element): Extracts text content from a BeautifulSoup element. |
_get_element_html(element): Extracts the raw HTML content of a BeautifulSoup element. |
_get_element_attribute(element, attribute): Retrieves an attribute value from a BeautifulSoup element. |
""" |
def __init__(self, schema: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs): |
kwargs['input_format'] = 'html' |
super().__init__(schema, **kwargs) |
def _parse_html(self, html_content: str): |
return BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') |
def _get_base_elements(self, parsed_html, selector: str): |
return parsed_html.select(selector) |
def _get_elements(self, element, selector: str): |
return element.select(selector) |
def _get_element_text(self, element) -> str: |
return element.get_text(strip=True) |
def _get_element_html(self, element) -> str: |
return str(element) |
def _get_element_attribute(self, element, attribute: str): |
return element.get(attribute) |
class JsonXPathExtractionStrategy(JsonElementExtractionStrategy): |
""" |
Concrete implementation of `JsonElementExtractionStrategy` using XPath selectors. |
How it works: |
1. Parses HTML content into an lxml tree. |
2. Selects elements using XPath expressions. |
3. Converts CSS selectors to XPath when needed. |
Attributes: |
schema (Dict[str, Any]): The schema defining the extraction rules. |
verbose (bool): Enables verbose logging for debugging purposes. |
Methods: |
_parse_html(html_content): Parses HTML content into an lxml tree. |
_get_base_elements(parsed_html, selector): Selects base elements using an XPath selector. |
_css_to_xpath(css_selector): Converts a CSS selector to an XPath expression. |
_get_elements(element, selector): Selects child elements using an XPath selector. |
_get_element_text(element): Extracts text content from an lxml element. |
_get_element_html(element): Extracts the raw HTML content of an lxml element. |
_get_element_attribute(element, attribute): Retrieves an attribute value from an lxml element. |
""" |
def __init__(self, schema: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs): |
kwargs['input_format'] = 'html' |
super().__init__(schema, **kwargs) |
def _parse_html(self, html_content: str): |
return html.fromstring(html_content) |
def _get_base_elements(self, parsed_html, selector: str): |
return parsed_html.xpath(selector) |
def _css_to_xpath(self, css_selector: str) -> str: |
"""Convert CSS selector to XPath if needed""" |
if '/' in css_selector: |
return css_selector |
return self._basic_css_to_xpath(css_selector) |
def _basic_css_to_xpath(self, css_selector: str) -> str: |
"""Basic CSS to XPath conversion for common cases""" |
if ' > ' in css_selector: |
parts = css_selector.split(' > ') |
return '//' + '/'.join(parts) |
if ' ' in css_selector: |
parts = css_selector.split(' ') |
return '//' + '//'.join(parts) |
return '//' + css_selector |
def _get_elements(self, element, selector: str): |
xpath = self._css_to_xpath(selector) |
if not xpath.startswith('.'): |
xpath = '.' + xpath |
return element.xpath(xpath) |
def _get_element_text(self, element) -> str: |
return ''.join(element.xpath('.//text()')).strip() |
def _get_element_html(self, element) -> str: |
return etree.tostring(element, encoding='unicode') |
def _get_element_attribute(self, element, attribute: str): |
return element.get(attribute) |