import os |
import google.generativeai as ai |
import pandas as pd |
import gradio as gr |
import markdown |
import time |
import boto3 |
import json |
import string |
import re |
from gradio import Progress |
from typing import List, Tuple |
from io import StringIO |
from chatfuncs.prompts import prompt1, prompt2, prompt3, system_prompt, summarise_system_prompt, summarise_prompt |
from chatfuncs.helper_functions import output_folder, detect_file_type, get_file_path_end, read_file, get_or_create_env_var |
class ResponseObject: |
def __init__(self, text, usage_metadata): |
self.text = text |
self.usage_metadata = usage_metadata |
max_tokens = 4096 |
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = get_or_create_env_var('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'eu-west-2') |
print(f'The value of AWS_DEFAULT_REGION is {AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}') |
bedrock_runtime = boto3.client('bedrock-runtime', region_name=AWS_DEFAULT_REGION) |
def normalise_string(text): |
text = re.sub(r'-{2,}', '-', text) |
text = re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', text) |
return text |
def load_in_file(file_path: str, colname:str): |
""" |
Loads in a tabular data file and returns data and file name. |
Parameters: |
- file_path (str): The path to the file to be processed. |
""" |
file_type = detect_file_type(file_path) |
print("File type is:", file_type) |
out_file_part = get_file_path_end(file_path) |
file_data = read_file(file_path) |
file_data[colname].fillna("", inplace=True) |
file_data[colname] = file_data[colname].astype(str).str.replace("\bnan\b", "", regex=True) |
print(file_data[colname]) |
return file_data, out_file_part |
def load_in_data_file(file_paths:List[str], in_colnames:List[str], batch_size:int=50, ): |
'''Load in data table, work out how many batches needed.''' |
try: |
file_data, file_name = load_in_file(file_paths[0], colname=in_colnames) |
num_batches = (len(file_data) // batch_size) + 1 |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
file_data = pd.DataFrame() |
file_name = "" |
num_batches = 1 |
return file_data, file_name, num_batches |
def data_file_to_markdown_table(file_data:pd.DataFrame, file_name:str, chosen_cols: List[str], output_folder: str, batch_number: int, batch_size: int) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: |
""" |
Processes a file by simplifying its content based on chosen columns and saves the result to a specified output folder. |
Parameters: |
- file_data (pd.DataFrame): Tabular data file with responses. |
- file_name (str): File name with extension. |
- chosen_cols (List[str]): A list of column names to include in the simplified file. |
- output_folder (str): The directory where the simplified file will be saved. |
- batch_number (int): The current batch number for processing. |
- batch_size (int): The number of rows to process in each batch. |
Returns: |
- Tuple[str, str, str]: A tuple containing the path to the simplified CSV file, the simplified markdown table as a string, and the file path end (used for naming the output file). |
""" |
normalised_simple_markdown_table = "" |
simplified_csv_table_path = "" |
simple_file = file_data[[chosen_cols]].reset_index(names="Reference") |
simple_file["Reference"] = simple_file["Reference"].astype(int) + 1 |
simple_file = simple_file.rename(columns={chosen_cols: "Response"}) |
simple_file["Response"] = simple_file["Response"].str.strip() |
file_len = len(simple_file["Reference"]) |
start_row = batch_number * batch_size |
if start_row > file_len + 1: |
print("Start row greater than file row length") |
return simplified_csv_table_path, normalised_simple_markdown_table, file_name |
if (start_row + batch_size) <= file_len + 1: |
end_row = start_row + batch_size |
else: |
end_row = file_len + 1 |
simple_file = simple_file[start_row:end_row] |
simple_file["Response"] = simple_file["Response"].str.replace(r'[\x00-\x1F\x7F]|["“”‘’<>]|\\', '', regex=True) |
simple_file["Response"] = simple_file["Response"].str.strip() |
simple_file["Response"] = simple_file["Response"].str.replace(r'\s+', ' ', regex=True) |
simple_file = simple_file.loc[~(simple_file["Response"].isnull()) & ~(simple_file["Response"].str.len() < 5), :] |
simplified_csv_table_path = output_folder + 'simple_markdown_table_' + file_name + '_row_' + str(start_row) + '_to_' + str(end_row) + '.csv' |
simple_file.to_csv(simplified_csv_table_path, index=None) |
simple_markdown_table = simple_file.to_markdown(index=None) |
normalised_simple_markdown_table = normalise_string(simple_markdown_table) |
return simplified_csv_table_path, normalised_simple_markdown_table, file_name, start_row, end_row |
def construct_gemini_generative_model(in_api_key: str, temperature: float, model_choice: str, system_prompt: str, max_tokens: int) -> Tuple[object, dict]: |
""" |
Constructs a GenerativeModel for Gemini API calls. |
Parameters: |
- in_api_key (str): The API key for authentication. |
- temperature (float): The temperature parameter for the model, controlling the randomness of the output. |
- model_choice (str): The choice of model to use for generation. |
- system_prompt (str): The system prompt to guide the generation. |
- max_tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens to generate. |
Returns: |
- Tuple[object, dict]: A tuple containing the constructed GenerativeModel and its configuration. |
""" |
try: |
if in_api_key: |
api_key = in_api_key |
ai.configure(api_key=api_key) |
elif "GOOGLE_API_KEY" in os.environ: |
api_key = os.environ["GOOGLE_API_KEY"] |
ai.configure(api_key=api_key) |
else: |
print("No API key foound") |
raise gr.Error("No API key found.") |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
config = ai.GenerationConfig(temperature=temperature, max_output_tokens=max_tokens) |
model = ai.GenerativeModel(model_name='models/' + model_choice, system_instruction=system_prompt, generation_config=config) |
return model, config |
def call_aws_claude(prompt: str, system_prompt: str, temperature: float, max_tokens: int, model_choice: str) -> ResponseObject: |
""" |
This function sends a request to AWS Claude with the following parameters: |
- prompt: The user's input prompt to be processed by the model. |
- system_prompt: A system-defined prompt that provides context or instructions for the model. |
- temperature: A value that controls the randomness of the model's output, with higher values resulting in more diverse responses. |
- max_tokens: The maximum number of tokens (words or characters) in the model's response. |
- model_choice: The specific model to use for processing the request. |
The function constructs the request configuration, invokes the model, extracts the response text, and returns a ResponseObject containing the text and metadata. |
""" |
prompt_config = { |
"anthropic_version": "bedrock-2023-05-31", |
"max_tokens": max_tokens, |
"top_p": 0.999, |
"temperature":temperature, |
"system": system_prompt, |
"messages": [ |
{ |
"role": "user", |
"content": [ |
{"type": "text", "text": prompt}, |
], |
} |
], |
} |
body = json.dumps(prompt_config) |
modelId = model_choice |
accept = "application/json" |
contentType = "application/json" |
request = bedrock_runtime.invoke_model( |
body=body, modelId=modelId, accept=accept, contentType=contentType |
) |
response_body = json.loads(request.get("body").read()) |
text = response_body.get("content")[0].get("text") |
response = ResponseObject( |
text=text, |
usage_metadata=request['ResponseMetadata'] |
) |
print("Metadata:", response.usage_metadata) |
return response |
def send_request(prompt: str, conversation_history: List[dict], model: object, config: dict, model_choice: str, system_prompt: str, temperature: float, progress=Progress(track_tqdm=True)) -> Tuple[str, List[dict]]: |
""" |
This function sends a request to a language model with the given prompt, conversation history, model configuration, model choice, system prompt, and temperature. |
It constructs the full prompt by appending the new user prompt to the conversation history, generates a response from the model, and updates the conversation history with the new prompt and response. |
If the model choice is specific to AWS Claude, it calls the `call_aws_claude` function; otherwise, it uses the `model.generate_content` method. |
The function returns the response text and the updated conversation history. |
""" |
full_prompt = "Conversation history:\n" |
for entry in conversation_history: |
role = entry['role'].capitalize() |
message = ' '.join(entry['parts']) |
full_prompt += f"{role}: {message}\n" |
full_prompt += f"\nUser: {prompt}" |
if model_choice in ["gemini-1.5-flash-002", "gemini-1.5-pro-002"]: |
try: |
response = model.generate_content(contents=full_prompt, generation_config=config) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
try: |
print("Calling Gemini model") |
out_message = "API limit hit - waiting 30 seconds to retry." |
print(out_message) |
progress(0.5, desc=out_message) |
time.sleep(30) |
response = model.generate_content(contents=full_prompt, generation_config=config) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
return "", conversation_history |
else: |
try: |
print("Calling AWS Claude model") |
response = call_aws_claude(prompt, system_prompt, temperature, max_tokens, model_choice) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
try: |
out_message = "API limit hit - waiting 30 seconds to retry." |
print(out_message) |
progress(0.5, desc=out_message) |
time.sleep(30) |
response = call_aws_claude(prompt, system_prompt, temperature, max_tokens, model_choice) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
return "", conversation_history |
conversation_history.append({'role': 'user', 'parts': [prompt]}) |
conversation_history.append({'role': 'assistant', 'parts': [response.text]}) |
return response, conversation_history |
def process_requests(prompts: List[str], system_prompt_with_table: str, conversation_history: List[dict], whole_conversation: List[str], whole_conversation_metadata: List[str], model: object, config: dict, model_choice: str, temperature: float, batch_no:int = 1, master:bool = False) -> Tuple[List[ResponseObject], List[dict], List[str], List[str]]: |
""" |
Processes a list of prompts by sending them to the model, appending the responses to the conversation history, and updating the whole conversation and metadata. |
Args: |
prompts (List[str]): A list of prompts to be processed. |
system_prompt_with_table (str): The system prompt including a table. |
conversation_history (List[dict]): The history of the conversation. |
whole_conversation (List[str]): The complete conversation including prompts and responses. |
whole_conversation_metadata (List[str]): Metadata about the whole conversation. |
model (object): The model to use for processing the prompts. |
config (dict): Configuration for the model. |
model_choice (str): The choice of model to use. |
temperature (float): The temperature parameter for the model. |
batch_no (int): Batch number of the large language model request. |
master (bool): Is this request for the master table. |
Returns: |
Tuple[List[ResponseObject], List[dict], List[str], List[str]]: A tuple containing the list of responses, the updated conversation history, the updated whole conversation, and the updated whole conversation metadata. |
""" |
responses = [] |
for prompt in prompts: |
response, conversation_history = send_request(prompt, conversation_history, model=model, config=config, model_choice=model_choice, system_prompt=system_prompt_with_table, temperature=temperature) |
print(response.usage_metadata) |
responses.append(response) |
whole_conversation.append(prompt) |
whole_conversation.append(response.text) |
if master == False: |
whole_conversation_metadata.append(f"Query batch {batch_no} prompt {len(responses)} metadata:") |
else: |
whole_conversation_metadata.append(f"Query summary metadata:") |
whole_conversation_metadata.append(str(response.usage_metadata)) |
return responses, conversation_history, whole_conversation, whole_conversation_metadata |
def replace_punctuation_with_underscore(input_string): |
translation_table = str.maketrans(string.punctuation, '_' * len(string.punctuation)) |
return input_string.translate(translation_table) |
def clean_markdown_table(text: str): |
lines = text.splitlines() |
cleaned_lines = [line for line in lines if not re.match(r'^\s*\|?\s*\|?\s*$', line)] |
merged_lines = [] |
buffer = "" |
for line in cleaned_lines: |
if line.lstrip().startswith('|'): |
if buffer: |
merged_lines.append(buffer) |
buffer = line |
else: |
buffer += ' ' + line.strip() |
if buffer: |
merged_lines.append(buffer) |
header_pipes = merged_lines[0].count('|') |
result = [] |
for line in merged_lines: |
line = re.sub(r'\s*\|\s*', '|', line.strip()) |
line = re.sub(r'(?<=\|)(\s*\d+)(,\s*\d+)+(?=\|)', lambda m: ', '.join(m.group(0).split(',')), line) |
line = re.sub(r'(?<=\|)(\s*\d+)(\s+\d+)+(?=\|)', lambda m: ', '.join(m.group(0).split()), line) |
pipe_count = line.count('|') |
if pipe_count < header_pipes: |
line += '|' * (header_pipes - pipe_count) |
elif pipe_count > header_pipes: |
columns = line.split('|')[:header_pipes + 1] |
line = '|'.join(columns) |
result.append(line) |
cleaned_text = '\n'.join(result) |
return cleaned_text |
def write_llm_output_and_logs(responses: List[ResponseObject], whole_conversation: List[str], whole_conversation_metadata: List[str], out_file_part: str, latest_batch_completed: int, start_row:int, end_row:int, model_choice_clean: str, temperature: float, log_files_output_paths: List[str], existing_reference_df:pd.DataFrame, existing_topics_df:pd.DataFrame, first_run: bool = False) -> None: |
""" |
Writes the output of the large language model requests and logs to files. |
Parameters: |
- responses (List[ResponseObject]): A list of ResponseObject instances containing the text and usage metadata of the responses. |
- whole_conversation (List[str]): A list of strings representing the complete conversation including prompts and responses. |
- whole_conversation_metadata (List[str]): A list of strings representing metadata about the whole conversation. |
- out_file_part (str): The base part of the output file name. |
- latest_batch_completed (int): The index of the current batch. |
- start_row (int): Start row of the current batch. |
- end_row (int): End row of the current batch. |
- model_choice_clean (str): The cleaned model choice string. |
- temperature (float): The temperature parameter used in the model. |
- log_files_output_paths (List[str]): A list of paths to the log files. |
- existing_reference_df (pd.DataFrame): The existing reference dataframe mapping response numbers to topics. |
- existing_topics_df (pd.DataFrame): The existing unique topics dataframe |
- first_run (bool): A boolean indicating if this is the first run through this function in this process. Defaults to False. |
""" |
unique_topics_df_out_path = [] |
topic_table_out_path = "topic_table_error.csv" |
reference_table_out_path = "reference_table_error.csv" |
unique_topics_df_out_path = "unique_topic_table_error.csv" |
topic_with_response_df = pd.DataFrame() |
markdown_table = "" |
out_reference_df = pd.DataFrame() |
out_unique_topics_df = pd.DataFrame() |
batch_out_file_part = "error" |
is_error = False |
whole_conversation_str = '\n'.join(whole_conversation) |
whole_conversation_metadata_str = '\n'.join(whole_conversation_metadata) |
start_row_reported = start_row + 1 |
if first_run == True: |
batch_out_file_part = f"{out_file_part}_batch_{latest_batch_completed + 1}" |
batch_part = f"Rows {start_row_reported} to {end_row}: " |
else: |
batch_out_file_part = f"{out_file_part}_combined_batch_{latest_batch_completed + 1}" |
batch_part = f"Rows {start_row_reported} to {end_row}: " |
whole_conversation_path = output_folder + batch_out_file_part + "_full_conversation_" + model_choice_clean + "_temp_" + str(temperature) + ".txt" |
whole_conversation_path_meta = output_folder + batch_out_file_part + "_metadata_" + model_choice_clean + "_temp_" + str(temperature) + ".txt" |
with open(whole_conversation_path, "w", encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: |
f.write(whole_conversation_str) |
with open(whole_conversation_path_meta, "w", encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: |
f.write(whole_conversation_metadata_str) |
log_files_output_paths.append(whole_conversation_path) |
log_files_output_paths.append(whole_conversation_path_meta) |
cleaned_response = clean_markdown_table(responses[-1].text) |
markdown_table = markdown.markdown(cleaned_response, extensions=['tables']) |
html_table = re.sub(r'<p>(.*?)</p>', r'\1', markdown_table) |
html_table = html_table.replace('<p>', '').replace('</p>', '').strip() |
if "<table>" not in html_table: |
html_table = f""" |
<table> |
{html_table} |
</table> |
""" |
html_buffer = StringIO(html_table) |
try: |
topic_with_response_df = pd.read_html(html_buffer)[0] |
except Exception as e: |
print("Error when trying to parse table:", e) |
is_error = True |
return topic_table_out_path, reference_table_out_path, unique_topics_df_out_path, topic_with_response_df, markdown_table, out_reference_df, out_unique_topics_df, batch_out_file_part, is_error |
topic_with_response_df.columns = ["General Topic", "Subtopic", "Sentiment", "Summary", "Response References"] |
topic_with_response_df = topic_with_response_df.ffill() |
topic_table_out_path = output_folder + batch_out_file_part + "_topic_table_" + model_choice_clean + "_temp_" + str(temperature) + ".csv" |
reference_data = [] |
for index, row in topic_with_response_df.iterrows(): |
references = re.split(r',\s*|\s+', str(row.iloc[4])) |
topic = row.iloc[0] |
subtopic = row.iloc[1] |
sentiment = row.iloc[2] |
summary = row.iloc[3] |
summary = batch_part + summary |
for ref in references: |
reference_data.append({ |
'Response References': ref, |
'General Topic': topic, |
'Subtopic': subtopic, |
'Sentiment': sentiment, |
'Summary': summary, |
"Start row of group": start_row_reported |
}) |
new_reference_df = pd.DataFrame(reference_data) |
out_reference_df = pd.concat([new_reference_df, existing_reference_df]) |
out_reference_df.drop_duplicates(["Response References", "General Topic", "Subtopic", "Sentiment"], inplace=True) |
out_reference_df.sort_values(["Start row of group", "Response References", "General Topic", "Subtopic", "Sentiment"], inplace=True) |
reference_counts = out_reference_df.groupby(["General Topic", "Subtopic", "Sentiment"]).agg({ |
'Response References': 'size', |
'Summary': lambda x: '<br>'.join( |
sorted(set(x), key=lambda summary: out_reference_df.loc[out_reference_df['Summary'] == summary, 'Start row of group'].min()) |
) |
}).reset_index() |
reference_table_out_path = output_folder + batch_out_file_part + "_reference_table_" + model_choice_clean + "_temp_" + str(temperature) + ".csv" |
new_unique_topics_df = topic_with_response_df[["General Topic", "Subtopic", "Sentiment"]] |
out_unique_topics_df = pd.concat([new_unique_topics_df, existing_topics_df]).drop_duplicates(["Subtopic"]).drop(["Response References", "Summary"], axis = 1, errors="ignore") |
out_unique_topics_df = out_unique_topics_df.merge(reference_counts, how='left', on=["General Topic", "Subtopic", "Sentiment"]).sort_values("Response References", ascending=False) |
unique_topics_df_out_path = output_folder + batch_out_file_part + "_unique_topics_" + model_choice_clean + "_temp_" + str(temperature) + ".csv" |
return topic_table_out_path, reference_table_out_path, unique_topics_df_out_path, topic_with_response_df, markdown_table, out_reference_df, out_unique_topics_df, batch_out_file_part, is_error |
def llm_query(file_data:pd.DataFrame, existing_topics_w_references_table:pd.DataFrame, existing_reference_df:pd.DataFrame, existing_unique_topics_df:pd.DataFrame, display_table:str, file_name:str, num_batches:int, in_api_key:str, temperature:float, chosen_cols:List[str], model_choice:str, candidate_topics: List=[],latest_batch_completed:int=0, out_message:List=[], out_file_paths:List = [], log_files_output_paths:List = [], first_loop_state:bool=False, whole_conversation_metadata_str:str="", prompt1:str=prompt1, prompt2:str=prompt2, prompt3:str=prompt3, system_prompt:str=system_prompt, summarise_system_prompt:str=summarise_system_prompt, summarise_prompt:str=summarise_prompt, number_of_requests:int=1, batch_size:int=50, max_tokens:int=max_tokens, progress=Progress(track_tqdm=True)): |
''' |
Query an LLM (Gemini or AWS Anthropic-based) with up to three prompts about a table of open text data. Up to 'batch_size' rows will be queried at a time. |
Parameters: |
- file_data (pd.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the consultation response data. |
- existing_topics_w_references_table (pd.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the latest master topic table that has been iterated through batches. |
- existing_reference_df (pd.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the list of Response reference numbers alongside the derived topics and subtopics. |
- existing_unique_topics_df (pd.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the unique list of topics, subtopics, sentiment and summaries until this point. |
- display_table (str): Table for display in markdown format. |
- file_name (str): File name of the data file. |
- num_batches (int): Number of batches required to go through all the response rows. |
- in_api_key (str): The API key for authentication. |
- temperature (float): The temperature parameter for the model. |
- chosen_cols (List[str]): A list of chosen columns to process. |
- candidate_topics (List): A list of existing candidate topics submitted by the user. |
- model_choice (str): The choice of model to use. |
- latest_batch_completed (int): The index of the latest file completed. |
- out_message (list): A list to store output messages. |
- out_file_paths (list): A list to store output file paths. |
- log_files_output_paths (list): A list to store log file output paths. |
- first_loop_state (bool): A flag indicating the first loop state. |
- whole_conversation_metadata_str (str): A string to store whole conversation metadata. |
- prompt1 (str): The first prompt for the model. |
- prompt2 (str): The second prompt for the model. |
- prompt3 (str): The third prompt for the model. |
- system_prompt (str): The system prompt for the model. |
- summarise_system_prompt (str): The system prompt for the summary part of the model. |
- summarise_prompt (str): The prompt for the model summary. |
- number of requests (int): The number of prompts to send to the model. |
- batch_size (int): The number of data rows to consider in each request. |
- max_tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens for the model. |
- progress (Progress): A progress tracker. |
''' |
tic = time.perf_counter() |
model = "" |
config = "" |
final_time = 0.0 |
whole_conversation_metadata = [] |
all_topic_tables_df = [] |
all_markdown_topic_tables = [] |
is_error = False |
model_choice_clean = replace_punctuation_with_underscore(model_choice) |
if first_loop_state==True: |
latest_batch_completed = 0 |
out_message = [] |
out_file_paths = [] |
print("latest_batch_completed:", str(latest_batch_completed)) |
if num_batches > 0: |
progress_measure = round(latest_batch_completed / num_batches, 1) |
progress(progress_measure, desc="Querying large language model") |
else: |
progress(0.1, desc="Querying large language model") |
if isinstance(out_message, str): |
out_message = [out_message] |
if not out_file_paths: |
out_file_paths = [] |
if file_data.empty: |
out_message = "Please enter text or a file to redact." |
return out_message, existing_topics_w_references_table, existing_reference_df, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, latest_batch_completed, log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, whole_conversation_metadata_str, final_time, out_message |
if model_choice == "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0" and file_data.shape[1] > 300: |
out_message = "Your data has more than 300 rows, using the Sonnet model will be too expensive. Please choose the Haiku model instead." |
return out_message, existing_topics_w_references_table, existing_reference_df, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, latest_batch_completed, log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, whole_conversation_metadata_str, final_time, out_message |
if latest_batch_completed >= num_batches: |
print("Last batch reached, returning batch:", str(latest_batch_completed)) |
latest_batch_completed = 999 |
toc = time.perf_counter() |
final_time = toc - tic |
final_out_message = '\n'.join(out_message) |
return display_table, existing_topics_w_references_table, existing_unique_topics_df, existing_reference_df, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, latest_batch_completed, log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, whole_conversation_metadata_str, final_time, final_out_message |
reported_batch_no = latest_batch_completed + 1 |
print("Running query batch", str(reported_batch_no)) |
simplified_csv_table_path, normalised_simple_markdown_table, out_file_part, start_row, end_row = data_file_to_markdown_table(file_data, file_name, chosen_cols, output_folder, latest_batch_completed, batch_size) |
log_files_output_paths.append(simplified_csv_table_path) |
conversation_history = [] |
if latest_batch_completed >= 1 or candidate_topics: |
if model_choice in ["gemini-1.5-flash-002", "gemini-1.5-pro-002"]: |
print("Using Gemini model:", model_choice) |
model, config = construct_gemini_generative_model(in_api_key=in_api_key, temperature=temperature, model_choice=model_choice, system_prompt=summarise_system_prompt, max_tokens=max_tokens) |
else: |
print("Using AWS Bedrock model:", model_choice) |
if candidate_topics: |
zero_shot_topics = read_file(candidate_topics.name) |
zero_shot_topics_series = zero_shot_topics.iloc[:, 0] |
if len(zero_shot_topics_series) > 120: |
print("Maximum 120 topics allowed to fit within large language model context limits.") |
zero_shot_topics_series = zero_shot_topics_series.iloc[:120] |
zero_shot_topics_list = list(zero_shot_topics_series) |
print("Zero shot topics are:", zero_shot_topics_list) |
existing_unique_topics_df["Response References"] = "" |
if candidate_topics and existing_unique_topics_df.empty: |
existing_unique_topics_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'General Topic':'', 'Subtopic':zero_shot_topics_list, 'Sentiment':''}) |
elif candidate_topics and not existing_unique_topics_df.empty: |
zero_shot_topics_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'General Topic':'', 'Subtopic':zero_shot_topics_list, 'Sentiment':''}) |
existing_unique_topics_df = pd.concat([existing_unique_topics_df, zero_shot_topics_df]).drop_duplicates("Subtopic") |
existing_unique_topics_df.to_csv(output_folder + "Existing topics with zero shot dropped.csv") |
unique_topics_markdown = existing_unique_topics_df[["General Topic", "Subtopic", "Sentiment"]].drop_duplicates(["General Topic", "Subtopic", "Sentiment"]).to_markdown(index=False) |
existing_unique_topics_df.to_csv(output_folder + f"{out_file_part}_master_all_topic_tables_df_merged_" + model_choice_clean + "_temp_" + str(temperature) + "_batch_" + str(latest_batch_completed) + ".csv") |
formatted_summary_prompt = summarise_prompt.format(response_table=normalised_simple_markdown_table, topics=unique_topics_markdown) |
formatted_prompt_output_path = output_folder + out_file_part + "_full_prompt_" + model_choice_clean + "_temp_" + str(temperature) + ".txt" |
try: |
with open(formatted_prompt_output_path, "w", encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: |
f.write(formatted_summary_prompt) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error writing prompt to file {formatted_prompt_output_path}: {e}") |
summary_prompt_list = [formatted_summary_prompt] |
print("master_summary_prompt_list:", summary_prompt_list[0]) |
summary_conversation_history = [] |
summary_whole_conversation = [] |
master_summary_response, summary_conversation_history, whole_summary_conversation, whole_conversation_metadata = process_requests(summary_prompt_list, summarise_system_prompt, summary_conversation_history, summary_whole_conversation, whole_conversation_metadata, model, config, model_choice, temperature, reported_batch_no, master = True) |
print("master_summary_response:", master_summary_response[-1].text) |
print("Whole conversation metadata:", whole_conversation_metadata) |
new_topic_table_out_path, new_reference_table_out_path, new_unique_topics_df_out_path, new_topic_df, new_markdown_table, new_reference_df, new_unique_topics_df, master_batch_out_file_part, is_error = write_llm_output_and_logs(master_summary_response, whole_summary_conversation, whole_conversation_metadata, out_file_part, latest_batch_completed, start_row, end_row, model_choice_clean, temperature, log_files_output_paths, existing_reference_df, existing_unique_topics_df, first_run=False) |
if is_error == True: |
final_message_out = "Could not complete summary, error in LLM output." |
display_table, new_topic_df, new_unique_topics_df, new_reference_df, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, latest_batch_completed, log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, whole_conversation_metadata_str, final_time, final_message_out |
new_topic_df.to_csv(new_topic_table_out_path, index=None) |
log_files_output_paths.append(new_topic_table_out_path) |
new_reference_df.to_csv(new_reference_table_out_path, index=None) |
log_files_output_paths.append(new_reference_table_out_path) |
new_unique_topics_df.to_csv(new_unique_topics_df_out_path, index=None) |
out_file_paths.append(new_unique_topics_df_out_path) |
all_topic_tables_df.append(new_topic_df) |
all_markdown_topic_tables.append(new_markdown_table) |
display_table = new_unique_topics_df.to_markdown(index=False) |
whole_conversation_metadata.append(whole_conversation_metadata_str) |
whole_conversation_metadata_str = ' '.join(whole_conversation_metadata) |
try: |
new_final_table_output_path = output_folder + master_batch_out_file_part + "_full_final_response_" + model_choice_clean + "_temp_" + str(temperature) + ".txt" |
with open(new_final_table_output_path, "w", encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: |
f.write(display_table) |
log_files_output_paths.append(new_final_table_output_path) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
else: |
if model_choice in ["gemini-1.5-flash-002", "gemini-1.5-pro-002"]: |
print("Using Gemini model:", model_choice) |
model, config = construct_gemini_generative_model(in_api_key=in_api_key, temperature=temperature, model_choice=model_choice, system_prompt=system_prompt, max_tokens=max_tokens) |
else: |
print("Using AWS Bedrock model:", model_choice) |
formatted_prompt1 = prompt1.format(response_table=normalised_simple_markdown_table) |
if prompt2: formatted_prompt2 = prompt2.format(response_table=normalised_simple_markdown_table) |
else: formatted_prompt2 = prompt2 |
if prompt3: formatted_prompt3 = prompt3.format(response_table=normalised_simple_markdown_table) |
else: formatted_prompt3 = prompt3 |
batch_prompts = [formatted_prompt1, formatted_prompt2, formatted_prompt3][:number_of_requests] |
whole_conversation = [system_prompt] |
responses, conversation_history, whole_conversation, whole_conversation_metadata = process_requests(batch_prompts, system_prompt, conversation_history, whole_conversation, whole_conversation_metadata, model, config, model_choice, temperature, reported_batch_no) |
print("responses:", responses[-1].text) |
print("Whole conversation metadata:", whole_conversation_metadata) |
topic_table_out_path, reference_table_out_path, unique_topics_df_out_path, topic_table_df, markdown_table, reference_df, new_unique_topics_df, batch_out_file_part, is_error = write_llm_output_and_logs(responses, whole_conversation, whole_conversation_metadata, out_file_part, latest_batch_completed, start_row, end_row, model_choice_clean, temperature, log_files_output_paths, existing_reference_df, existing_unique_topics_df, first_run=True) |
if is_error == True: |
display_table, new_topic_df, new_unique_topics_df, new_reference_df, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, latest_batch_completed, log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, whole_conversation_metadata_str, final_time, final_message_out |
all_topic_tables_df.append(topic_table_df) |
topic_table_df.to_csv(topic_table_out_path, index=None) |
out_file_paths.append(topic_table_out_path) |
reference_df.to_csv(reference_table_out_path, index=None) |
log_files_output_paths.append(reference_table_out_path) |
new_unique_topics_df = pd.concat([new_unique_topics_df, existing_unique_topics_df]).drop_duplicates('Subtopic') |
print("new_unique_topics_df:", new_unique_topics_df) |
new_unique_topics_df.to_csv(unique_topics_df_out_path, index=None) |
out_file_paths.append(unique_topics_df_out_path) |
all_markdown_topic_tables.append(markdown_table) |
whole_conversation_metadata.append(whole_conversation_metadata_str) |
whole_conversation_metadata_str = ' '.join(whole_conversation_metadata) |
try: |
final_table_output_path = output_folder + batch_out_file_part + "_full_final_response_" + model_choice_clean + "_temp_" + str(temperature) + ".txt" |
with open(final_table_output_path, "w", encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: |
f.write(responses[-1].text) |
log_files_output_paths.append(final_table_output_path) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
display_table = responses[-1].text |
new_topic_df = topic_table_df |
new_reference_df = reference_df |
if latest_batch_completed != num_batches: |
print("Completed file number:", str(latest_batch_completed)) |
latest_batch_completed += 1 |
toc = time.perf_counter() |
final_time = toc - tic |
out_time = f"in {final_time:0.1f} seconds." |
print(out_time) |
out_message.append('All queries successfully completed in') |
final_message_out = '\n'.join(out_message) |
final_message_out = final_message_out + " " + out_time |
final_message_out = final_message_out + "\n\nGo to to the LLM settings tab to see redaction logs. Please give feedback on the results below to help improve this app." |
return display_table, new_topic_df, new_unique_topics_df, new_reference_df, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, latest_batch_completed, log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, whole_conversation_metadata_str, final_time, final_message_out |