File size: 8,528 Bytes
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import spacy
import os
def is_model_installed(model_name):
# Try to load the model
return True
except OSError:
return False
model_name = "en_core_web_sm"
if not is_model_installed(model_name):
os.system(f"python -m spacy download {model_name}")
# Need to overwrite version of gradio present in Huggingface spaces as it doesn't have like buttons/avatars (Oct 2023)
#os.system("pip uninstall -y gradio")
#os.system("pip install gradio==3.50.0")
#os.system("python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg")
import re
import secrets
import base64
import time
import pandas as pd
import gradio as gr
from faker import Faker
from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, BatchAnalyzerEngine
from presidio_anonymizer import AnonymizerEngine, BatchAnonymizerEngine
from presidio_anonymizer.entities import OperatorConfig
def anon_consistent_names(df):
# ## Pick out common names and replace them with the same person value
df_dict = df.to_dict(orient="list")
analyzer = AnalyzerEngine()
batch_analyzer = BatchAnalyzerEngine(analyzer_engine=analyzer)
analyzer_results = batch_analyzer.analyze_dict(df_dict, language="en")
analyzer_results = list(analyzer_results)
# + tags=[]
text = analyzer_results[3].value
# + tags=[]
recognizer_result = str(analyzer_results[3].recognizer_results)
# + tags=[]
# + tags=[]
data_str = recognizer_result # abbreviated for brevity
# Adjusting the parse_dict function to handle trailing ']'
# Splitting the main data string into individual list strings
list_strs = data_str[1:-1].split('], [')
def parse_dict(s):
s = s.strip('[]') # Removing any surrounding brackets
items = s.split(', ')
d = {}
for item in items:
key, value = item.split(': ')
if key == 'score':
d[key] = float(value)
elif key in ['start', 'end']:
d[key] = int(value)
d[key] = value
return d
# Re-running the improved processing code
result = []
for lst_str in list_strs:
# Splitting each list string into individual dictionary strings
dict_strs = lst_str.split(', type: ')
dict_strs = [dict_strs[0]] + ['type: ' + s for s in dict_strs[1:]] # Prepending "type: " back to the split strings
# Parsing each dictionary string
dicts = [parse_dict(d) for d in dict_strs]
# + tags=[]
names = []
for idx, paragraph in enumerate(text):
paragraph_texts = []
for dictionary in result[idx]:
if dictionary['type'] == 'PERSON':
# + tags=[]
# Flatten the list of lists and extract unique names
unique_names = list(set(name for sublist in names for name in sublist))
# + tags=[]
fake_names = pd.Series(unique_names).apply(fake_first_name)
# + tags=[]
mapping_df = pd.DataFrame(data={"Unique names":unique_names,
"Fake names": fake_names})
# + tags=[]
# Convert mapping dataframe to dictionary
# Convert mapping dataframe to dictionary, adding word boundaries for full-word match
name_map = {r'\b' + k + r'\b': v for k, v in zip(mapping_df['Unique names'], mapping_df['Fake names'])}
# + tags=[]
# + tags=[]
scrubbed_df_consistent_names = df.replace(name_map, regex = True)
# + tags=[]
return scrubbed_df_consistent_names
def detect_file_type(filename):
"""Detect the file type based on its extension."""
if (filename.endswith('.csv')) | (filename.endswith('.csv.gz')) | (filename.endswith('.zip')):
return 'csv'
elif filename.endswith('.xlsx'):
return 'xlsx'
elif filename.endswith('.parquet'):
return 'parquet'
raise ValueError("Unsupported file type.")
def read_file(filename):
"""Read the file based on its detected type."""
file_type = detect_file_type(filename)
if file_type == 'csv':
return pd.read_csv(filename, low_memory=False)
elif file_type == 'xlsx':
return pd.read_excel(filename)
elif file_type == 'parquet':
return pd.read_parquet(filename)
def anonymise_script(df, chosen_col, anon_strat):
# DataFrame to dict
df_dict = pd.DataFrame(data={chosen_col:df[chosen_col].astype(str)}).to_dict(orient="list")
analyzer = AnalyzerEngine()
batch_analyzer = BatchAnalyzerEngine(analyzer_engine=analyzer)
anonymizer = AnonymizerEngine()
batch_anonymizer = BatchAnonymizerEngine(anonymizer_engine = anonymizer)
print("Identifying personal data")
analyse_tic = time.perf_counter()
analyzer_results = batch_analyzer.analyze_dict(df_dict, language="en")
analyzer_results = list(analyzer_results)
analyse_toc = time.perf_counter()
analyse_time_out = f"Cleaning the text took {analyse_toc - analyse_tic:0.1f} seconds."
# Generate a 128-bit AES key. Then encode the key using base64 to get a string representation
key = secrets.token_bytes(16) # 128 bits = 16 bytes
key_string = base64.b64encode(key).decode('utf-8')
# Create faker function (note that it has to receive a value)
fake = Faker("en_UK")
def fake_first_name(x):
return fake.first_name()
# Set up the anonymization configuration WITHOUT DATE_TIME
replace_config = eval('{"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("replace")}')
redact_config = eval('{"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("redact")}')
hash_config = eval('{"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("hash")}')
mask_config = eval('{"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("mask", {"masking_char":"*", "chars_to_mask":100, "from_end":True})}')
people_encrypt_config = eval('{"PERSON": OperatorConfig("encrypt", {"key": key_string})}') # The encryption is using AES cypher in CBC mode and requires a cryptographic key as an input for both the encryption and the decryption.
fake_first_name_config = eval('{"PERSON": OperatorConfig("custom", {"lambda": fake_first_name})}')
if anon_strat == "replace": chosen_mask_config = replace_config
if anon_strat == "redact": chosen_mask_config = redact_config
if anon_strat == "hash": chosen_mask_config = hash_config
if anon_strat == "mask": chosen_mask_config = mask_config
if anon_strat == "encrypt": chosen_mask_config = people_encrypt_config
elif anon_strat == "fake_first_name": chosen_mask_config = fake_first_name_config
# I think in general people will want to keep date / times
keep_date_config = eval('{"DATE_TIME": OperatorConfig("keep")}')
combined_config = {**chosen_mask_config, **keep_date_config}
anonymizer_results = batch_anonymizer.anonymize_dict(analyzer_results, operators=combined_config)
scrubbed_df = pd.DataFrame(anonymizer_results)
# Create reporting message
out_message = "Successfully anonymised"
if anon_strat == "encrypt":
out_message = out_message + ". Your decryption key is " + key_string + "."
return scrubbed_df, out_message
def do_anonymise(in_file, anon_strat, chosen_cols):
# Load file
anon_df = pd.DataFrame()
if in_file:
for match_file in in_file:
match_temp_file = pd.read_csv(, delimiter = ",", low_memory=False)#, encoding='cp1252')
anon_df = pd.concat([anon_df, match_temp_file])
# Split dataframe to keep only selected columns
all_cols_original_order = list(anon_df.columns)
anon_df_part = anon_df[chosen_cols]
anon_df_remain = anon_df.drop(chosen_cols, axis = 1)
# Anonymise the selected columns
anon_df_part_out, out_message = anonymise_script(anon_df_part, anon_strat)
# Rejoin the dataframe together
anon_df_out = pd.concat([anon_df_part_out, anon_df_remain], axis = 1)
anon_df_out = anon_df_out[all_cols_original_order]
# Export file
out_file_part = re.sub(r'\.csv', '',
anon_export_file_name = out_file_part + "_anon_" + anon_strat + ".csv"
anon_df_out.to_csv(anon_export_file_name, index = None)
return out_message, anon_export_file_name