Can split passages into sentences. Improved embedding, LLM representation models, improved zero shot capabilities
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import gradio as gr | |
import plotly.graph_objects as go | |
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots | |
from bertopic._utils import check_documents_type, validate_distance_matrix | |
from bertopic.plotting._hierarchy import _get_annotations | |
import plotly.figure_factory as ff | |
from packaging import version | |
import math | |
from umap import UMAP | |
from typing import List, Union, Callable | |
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix | |
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as sch | |
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity | |
from sklearn import __version__ as sklearn_version | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
import itertools | |
import numpy as np | |
# Following adapted from Bertopic original implementation here (Maarten Grootendorst): | |
def visualize_documents_custom(topic_model, | |
docs: List[str], | |
hover_labels: List[str], | |
topics: List[int] = None, | |
embeddings: np.ndarray = None, | |
reduced_embeddings: np.ndarray = None, | |
sample: float = None, | |
hide_annotations: bool = False, | |
hide_document_hover: bool = False, | |
custom_labels: Union[bool, str] = False, | |
title: str = "<b>Documents and Topics</b>", | |
width: int = 1200, | |
height: int = 750, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): | |
""" Visualize documents and their topics in 2D | |
Arguments: | |
topic_model: A fitted BERTopic instance. | |
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform` | |
topics: A selection of topics to visualize. | |
Not to be confused with the topics that you get from `.fit_transform`. | |
For example, if you want to visualize only topics 1 through 5: | |
`topics = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`. | |
embeddings: The embeddings of all documents in `docs`. | |
reduced_embeddings: The 2D reduced embeddings of all documents in `docs`. | |
sample: The percentage of documents in each topic that you would like to keep. | |
Value can be between 0 and 1. Setting this value to, for example, | |
0.1 (10% of documents in each topic) makes it easier to visualize | |
millions of documents as a subset is chosen. | |
hide_annotations: Hide the names of the traces on top of each cluster. | |
hide_document_hover: Hide the content of the documents when hovering over | |
specific points. Helps to speed up generation of visualization. | |
custom_labels: If bool, whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using | |
`topic_model.set_topic_labels`. | |
If `str`, it uses labels from other aspects, e.g., "Aspect1". | |
title: Title of the plot. | |
width: The width of the figure. | |
height: The height of the figure. | |
Examples: | |
To visualize the topics simply run: | |
```python | |
topic_model.visualize_documents(docs) | |
``` | |
Do note that this re-calculates the embeddings and reduces them to 2D. | |
The advised and prefered pipeline for using this function is as follows: | |
```python | |
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups | |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer | |
from bertopic import BERTopic | |
from umap import UMAP | |
# Prepare embeddings | |
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))['data'] | |
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2") | |
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=False) | |
# Train BERTopic | |
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs, embeddings) | |
# Reduce dimensionality of embeddings, this step is optional | |
# reduced_embeddings = UMAP(n_neighbors=10, n_components=2, min_dist=0.0, metric='cosine').fit_transform(embeddings) | |
# Run the visualization with the original embeddings | |
topic_model.visualize_documents(docs, embeddings=embeddings) | |
# Or, if you have reduced the original embeddings already: | |
topic_model.visualize_documents(docs, reduced_embeddings=reduced_embeddings) | |
``` | |
Or if you want to save the resulting figure: | |
```python | |
fig = topic_model.visualize_documents(docs, reduced_embeddings=reduced_embeddings) | |
fig.write_html("path/to/file.html") | |
``` | |
<iframe src="../../getting_started/visualization/documents.html" | |
style="width:1000px; height: 800px; border: 0px;""></iframe> | |
""" | |
topic_per_doc = topic_model.topics_ | |
# Add <br> tags to hover labels to get them to appear on multiple lines | |
def wrap_by_word(s, n): | |
'''returns a string up to 300 words where \\n is inserted between every n words''' | |
a = s.split()[:300] | |
ret = '' | |
for i in range(0, len(a), n): | |
ret += ' '.join(a[i:i+n]) + '<br>' | |
return ret | |
# Apply the function to every element in the list | |
hover_labels = [wrap_by_word(s, n=20) for s in hover_labels] | |
# Sample the data to optimize for visualization and dimensionality reduction | |
if sample is None or sample > 1: | |
sample = 1 | |
indices = [] | |
for topic in set(topic_per_doc): | |
s = np.where(np.array(topic_per_doc) == topic)[0] | |
size = len(s) if len(s) < 100 else int(len(s) * sample) | |
indices.extend(np.random.choice(s, size=size, replace=False)) | |
indices = np.array(indices) | |
df = pd.DataFrame({"topic": np.array(topic_per_doc)[indices]}) | |
df["doc"] = [docs[index] for index in indices] | |
df["hover_labels"] = [hover_labels[index] for index in indices] | |
df["topic"] = [topic_per_doc[index] for index in indices] | |
# Extract embeddings if not already done | |
if sample is None: | |
if embeddings is None and reduced_embeddings is None: | |
embeddings_to_reduce = topic_model._extract_embeddings(df.doc.to_list(), method="document") | |
else: | |
embeddings_to_reduce = embeddings | |
else: | |
if embeddings is not None: | |
embeddings_to_reduce = embeddings[indices] | |
elif embeddings is None and reduced_embeddings is None: | |
embeddings_to_reduce = topic_model._extract_embeddings(df.doc.to_list(), method="document") | |
# Reduce input embeddings | |
if reduced_embeddings is None: | |
umap_model = UMAP(n_neighbors=10, n_components=2, min_dist=0.0, metric='cosine').fit(embeddings_to_reduce) | |
embeddings_2d = umap_model.embedding_ | |
elif sample is not None and reduced_embeddings is not None: | |
embeddings_2d = reduced_embeddings[indices] | |
elif sample is None and reduced_embeddings is not None: | |
embeddings_2d = reduced_embeddings | |
unique_topics = set(topic_per_doc) | |
if topics is None: | |
topics = unique_topics | |
# Combine data | |
df["x"] = embeddings_2d[:, 0] | |
df["y"] = embeddings_2d[:, 1] | |
# Prepare text and names | |
trace_name_char_length = 60 | |
if isinstance(custom_labels, str): | |
names = [[[str(topic), None]] + topic_model.topic_aspects_[custom_labels][topic] for topic in unique_topics] | |
names = ["_".join([label[0] for label in labels[:4]]) for labels in names] | |
names = [label if len(label) < 30 else label[:27] + "..." for label in names] | |
elif topic_model.custom_labels_ is not None and custom_labels: | |
#print("Using custom labels: ", topic_model.custom_labels_) | |
#names = [topic_model.custom_labels_[topic + topic_model._outliers] for topic in unique_topics] | |
# Limit label length to 100 chars | |
names = [label[:trace_name_char_length] for label in (topic_model.custom_labels_[topic + topic_model._outliers] for topic in unique_topics)] | |
else: | |
#print("Not using custom labels") | |
# Limit label length to 100 chars | |
names = [f"{topic} " + ", ".join([word for word, value in topic_model.get_topic(topic)][:3])[:trace_name_char_length] for topic in unique_topics] | |
#names = [f"{topic} " + ", ".join([word for word, value in topic_model.get_topic(topic)][:3]) for topic in unique_topics] | |
#print(names) | |
# Visualize | |
fig = go.Figure() | |
# Outliers and non-selected topics | |
non_selected_topics = set(unique_topics).difference(topics) | |
if len(non_selected_topics) == 0: | |
non_selected_topics = [-1] | |
selection = df.loc[df.topic.isin(non_selected_topics), :] | |
selection["text"] = "" | |
selection.loc[len(selection), :] = [None, None, None, selection.x.mean(), selection.y.mean(), "Other documents"] | |
fig.add_trace( | |
go.Scattergl( | |
x=selection.x, | |
y=selection.y, | |
hovertext=selection.hover_labels if not hide_document_hover else None, | |
hoverinfo="text", | |
mode='markers+text', | |
name="other", | |
showlegend=False, | |
marker=dict(color='#CFD8DC', size=5, opacity=0.5), | |
hoverlabel=dict(align='left') | |
) | |
) | |
# Selected topics | |
for name, topic in zip(names, unique_topics): | |
#print(name) | |
#print(topic) | |
if topic in topics and topic != -1: | |
selection = df.loc[df.topic == topic, :] | |
selection["text"] = "" | |
if not hide_annotations: | |
selection.loc[len(selection), :] = [None, None, selection.x.mean(), selection.y.mean(), name] | |
fig.add_trace( | |
go.Scattergl( | |
x=selection.x, | |
y=selection.y, | |
hovertext=selection.hover_labels if not hide_document_hover else None, | |
hoverinfo="text", | |
text=selection.text, | |
mode='markers+text', | |
name=name, | |
textfont=dict( | |
size=12, | |
), | |
marker=dict(size=5, opacity=0.5), | |
hoverlabel=dict(align='left') | |
)) | |
# Add grid in a 'plus' shape | |
x_range = (df.x.min() - abs((df.x.min()) * .15), df.x.max() + abs((df.x.max()) * .15)) | |
y_range = (df.y.min() - abs((df.y.min()) * .15), df.y.max() + abs((df.y.max()) * .15)) | |
fig.add_shape(type="line", | |
x0=sum(x_range) / 2, y0=y_range[0], x1=sum(x_range) / 2, y1=y_range[1], | |
line=dict(color="#CFD8DC", width=2)) | |
fig.add_shape(type="line", | |
x0=x_range[0], y0=sum(y_range) / 2, x1=x_range[1], y1=sum(y_range) / 2, | |
line=dict(color="#9E9E9E", width=2)) | |
fig.add_annotation(x=x_range[0], y=sum(y_range) / 2, text="D1", showarrow=False, yshift=10) | |
fig.add_annotation(y=y_range[1], x=sum(x_range) / 2, text="D2", showarrow=False, xshift=10) | |
# Stylize layout | |
fig.update_layout( | |
template="simple_white", | |
title={ | |
'text': f"{title}", | |
'x': 0.5, | |
'xanchor': 'center', | |
'yanchor': 'top', | |
'font': dict( | |
size=22, | |
color="Black") | |
}, | |
hoverlabel_align = 'left', | |
width=width, | |
height=height | |
) | |
fig.update_xaxes(visible=False) | |
fig.update_yaxes(visible=False) | |
return fig | |
def hierarchical_topics_custom(self, | |
docs: List[str], | |
linkage_function: Callable[[csr_matrix], np.ndarray] = None, | |
distance_function: Callable[[csr_matrix], csr_matrix] = None, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
""" Create a hierarchy of topics | |
To create this hierarchy, BERTopic needs to be already fitted once. | |
Then, a hierarchy is calculated on the distance matrix of the c-TF-IDF | |
representation using `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage`. | |
Based on that hierarchy, we calculate the topic representation at each | |
merged step. This is a local representation, as we only assume that the | |
chosen step is merged and not all others which typically improves the | |
topic representation. | |
Arguments: | |
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform` | |
linkage_function: The linkage function to use. Default is: | |
`lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'ward', optimal_ordering=True)` | |
distance_function: The distance function to use on the c-TF-IDF matrix. Default is: | |
`lambda x: 1 - cosine_similarity(x)`. | |
You can pass any function that returns either a square matrix of | |
shape (n_samples, n_samples) with zeros on the diagonal and | |
non-negative values or condensed distance matrix of shape | |
(n_samples * (n_samples - 1) / 2,) containing the upper | |
triangular of the distance matrix. | |
Returns: | |
hierarchical_topics: A dataframe that contains a hierarchy of topics | |
represented by their parents and their children | |
Examples: | |
```python | |
from bertopic import BERTopic | |
topic_model = BERTopic() | |
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs) | |
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs) | |
``` | |
A custom linkage function can be used as follows: | |
```python | |
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as sch | |
from bertopic import BERTopic | |
topic_model = BERTopic() | |
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs) | |
# Hierarchical topics | |
linkage_function = lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'ward', optimal_ordering=True) | |
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs, linkage_function=linkage_function) | |
``` | |
""" | |
check_documents_type(docs) | |
if distance_function is None: | |
distance_function = lambda x: 1 - cosine_similarity(x) | |
if linkage_function is None: | |
linkage_function = lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'ward', optimal_ordering=True) | |
# Calculate distance | |
embeddings = self.c_tf_idf_[self._outliers:] | |
X = distance_function(embeddings) | |
X = validate_distance_matrix(X, embeddings.shape[0]) | |
# Use the 1-D condensed distance matrix as an input instead of the raw distance matrix | |
Z = linkage_function(X) | |
# Calculate basic bag-of-words to be iteratively merged later | |
documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, | |
"ID": range(len(docs)), | |
"Topic": self.topics_}) | |
documents_per_topic = documents.groupby(['Topic'], as_index=False).agg({'Document': ' '.join}) | |
documents_per_topic = documents_per_topic.loc[documents_per_topic.Topic != -1, :] | |
clean_documents = self._preprocess_text(documents_per_topic.Document.values) | |
# Scikit-Learn Deprecation: get_feature_names is deprecated in 1.0 | |
# and will be removed in 1.2. Please use get_feature_names_out instead. | |
if version.parse(sklearn_version) >= version.parse("1.0.0"): | |
words = self.vectorizer_model.get_feature_names_out() | |
else: | |
words = self.vectorizer_model.get_feature_names() | |
bow = self.vectorizer_model.transform(clean_documents) | |
# Extract clusters | |
hier_topics = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Parent_ID", "Parent_Name", "Topics", | |
"Child_Left_ID", "Child_Left_Name", | |
"Child_Right_ID", "Child_Right_Name"]) | |
for index in tqdm(range(len(Z))): | |
# Find clustered documents | |
clusters = sch.fcluster(Z, t=Z[index][2], criterion='distance') - self._outliers | |
nr_clusters = len(clusters) | |
# Extract first topic we find to get the set of topics in a merged topic | |
topic = None | |
val = Z[index][0] | |
while topic is None: | |
if val - len(clusters) < 0: | |
topic = int(val) | |
else: | |
val = Z[int(val - len(clusters))][0] | |
clustered_topics = [i for i, x in enumerate(clusters) if x == clusters[topic]] | |
# Group bow per cluster, calculate c-TF-IDF and extract words | |
grouped = csr_matrix(bow[clustered_topics].sum(axis=0)) | |
c_tf_idf = self.ctfidf_model.transform(grouped) | |
selection = documents.loc[documents.Topic.isin(clustered_topics), :] | |
selection.Topic = 0 | |
words_per_topic = self._extract_words_per_topic(words, selection, c_tf_idf, calculate_aspects=False) | |
# Extract parent's name and ID | |
parent_id = index + len(clusters) | |
parent_name = ", ".join([x[0] for x in words_per_topic[0]][:5]) | |
# Extract child's name and ID | |
Z_id = Z[index][0] | |
child_left_id = Z_id if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0 else Z_id - nr_clusters | |
if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0: | |
child_left_name = ", ".join([x[0] for x in self.get_topic(Z_id)][:5]) | |
else: | |
child_left_name = hier_topics.iloc[int(child_left_id)].Parent_Name | |
# Extract child's name and ID | |
Z_id = Z[index][1] | |
child_right_id = Z_id if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0 else Z_id - nr_clusters | |
if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0: | |
child_right_name = ", ".join([x[0] for x in self.get_topic(Z_id)][:5]) | |
else: | |
child_right_name = hier_topics.iloc[int(child_right_id)].Parent_Name | |
# Save results | |
hier_topics.loc[len(hier_topics), :] = [parent_id, parent_name, | |
clustered_topics, | |
int(Z[index][0]), child_left_name, | |
int(Z[index][1]), child_right_name] | |
hier_topics["Distance"] = Z[:, 2] | |
hier_topics = hier_topics.sort_values("Parent_ID", ascending=False) | |
hier_topics[["Parent_ID", "Child_Left_ID", "Child_Right_ID"]] = hier_topics[["Parent_ID", "Child_Left_ID", "Child_Right_ID"]].astype(str) | |
return hier_topics | |
def visualize_hierarchy_custom(topic_model, | |
orientation: str = "left", | |
topics: List[int] = None, | |
top_n_topics: int = None, | |
custom_labels: Union[bool, str] = False, | |
title: str = "<b>Hierarchical Clustering</b>", | |
width: int = 1000, | |
height: int = 600, | |
hierarchical_topics: pd.DataFrame = None, | |
linkage_function: Callable[[csr_matrix], np.ndarray] = None, | |
distance_function: Callable[[csr_matrix], csr_matrix] = None, | |
color_threshold: int = 1) -> go.Figure: | |
""" Visualize a hierarchical structure of the topics | |
A ward linkage function is used to perform the | |
hierarchical clustering based on the cosine distance | |
matrix between topic embeddings. | |
Arguments: | |
topic_model: A fitted BERTopic instance. | |
orientation: The orientation of the figure. | |
Either 'left' or 'bottom' | |
topics: A selection of topics to visualize | |
top_n_topics: Only select the top n most frequent topics | |
custom_labels: If bool, whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using | |
`topic_model.set_topic_labels`. | |
If `str`, it uses labels from other aspects, e.g., "Aspect1". | |
NOTE: Custom labels are only generated for the original | |
un-merged topics. | |
title: Title of the plot. | |
width: The width of the figure. Only works if orientation is set to 'left' | |
height: The height of the figure. Only works if orientation is set to 'bottom' | |
hierarchical_topics: A dataframe that contains a hierarchy of topics | |
represented by their parents and their children. | |
NOTE: The hierarchical topic names are only visualized | |
if both `topics` and `top_n_topics` are not set. | |
linkage_function: The linkage function to use. Default is: | |
`lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'ward', optimal_ordering=True)` | |
NOTE: Make sure to use the same `linkage_function` as used | |
in `topic_model.hierarchical_topics`. | |
distance_function: The distance function to use on the c-TF-IDF matrix. Default is: | |
`lambda x: 1 - cosine_similarity(x)`. | |
You can pass any function that returns either a square matrix of | |
shape (n_samples, n_samples) with zeros on the diagonal and | |
non-negative values or condensed distance matrix of shape | |
(n_samples * (n_samples - 1) / 2,) containing the upper | |
triangular of the distance matrix. | |
NOTE: Make sure to use the same `distance_function` as used | |
in `topic_model.hierarchical_topics`. | |
color_threshold: Value at which the separation of clusters will be made which | |
will result in different colors for different clusters. | |
A higher value will typically lead in less colored clusters. | |
Returns: | |
fig: A plotly figure | |
Examples: | |
To visualize the hierarchical structure of | |
topics simply run: | |
```python | |
topic_model.visualize_hierarchy() | |
``` | |
If you also want the labels visualized of hierarchical topics, | |
run the following: | |
```python | |
# Extract hierarchical topics and their representations | |
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs) | |
# Visualize these representations | |
topic_model.visualize_hierarchy(hierarchical_topics=hierarchical_topics) | |
``` | |
If you want to save the resulting figure: | |
```python | |
fig = topic_model.visualize_hierarchy() | |
fig.write_html("path/to/file.html") | |
``` | |
<iframe src="../../getting_started/visualization/hierarchy.html" | |
style="width:1000px; height: 680px; border: 0px;""></iframe> | |
""" | |
if distance_function is None: | |
distance_function = lambda x: 1 - cosine_similarity(x) | |
if linkage_function is None: | |
linkage_function = lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'ward', optimal_ordering=True) | |
# Select topics based on top_n and topics args | |
freq_df = topic_model.get_topic_freq() | |
freq_df = freq_df.loc[freq_df.Topic != -1, :] | |
if topics is not None: | |
topics = list(topics) | |
elif top_n_topics is not None: | |
topics = sorted(freq_df.Topic.to_list()[:top_n_topics]) | |
else: | |
topics = sorted(freq_df.Topic.to_list()) | |
# Select embeddings | |
all_topics = sorted(list(topic_model.get_topics().keys())) | |
indices = np.array([all_topics.index(topic) for topic in topics]) | |
# Select topic embeddings | |
if topic_model.c_tf_idf_ is not None: | |
embeddings = topic_model.c_tf_idf_[indices] | |
else: | |
embeddings = np.array(topic_model.topic_embeddings_)[indices] | |
# Annotations | |
if hierarchical_topics is not None and len(topics) == len(freq_df.Topic.to_list()): | |
annotations = _get_annotations(topic_model=topic_model, | |
hierarchical_topics=hierarchical_topics, | |
embeddings=embeddings, | |
distance_function=distance_function, | |
linkage_function=linkage_function, | |
orientation=orientation, | |
custom_labels=custom_labels) | |
else: | |
annotations = None | |
# wrap distance function to validate input and return a condensed distance matrix | |
distance_function_viz = lambda x: validate_distance_matrix( | |
distance_function(x), embeddings.shape[0]) | |
# Create dendogram | |
fig = ff.create_dendrogram(embeddings, | |
orientation=orientation, | |
distfun=distance_function_viz, | |
linkagefun=linkage_function, | |
hovertext=annotations, | |
color_threshold=color_threshold) | |
# Create nicer labels | |
axis = "yaxis" if orientation == "left" else "xaxis" | |
if isinstance(custom_labels, str): | |
new_labels = [[[str(x), None]] + topic_model.topic_aspects_[custom_labels][x] for x in fig.layout[axis]["ticktext"]] | |
new_labels = [", ".join([label[0] for label in labels[:4]]) for labels in new_labels] | |
new_labels = [label if len(label) < 30 else label[:27] + "..." for label in new_labels] | |
elif topic_model.custom_labels_ is not None and custom_labels: | |
new_labels = [topic_model.custom_labels_[topics[int(x)] + topic_model._outliers] for x in fig.layout[axis]["ticktext"]] | |
else: | |
new_labels = [[[str(topics[int(x)]), None]] + topic_model.get_topic(topics[int(x)]) | |
for x in fig.layout[axis]["ticktext"]] | |
new_labels = [", ".join([label[0] for label in labels[:4]]) for labels in new_labels] | |
new_labels = [label if len(label) < 30 else label[:27] + "..." for label in new_labels] | |
# Stylize layout | |
fig.update_layout( | |
plot_bgcolor='#ECEFF1', | |
template="plotly_white", | |
title={ | |
'text': f"{title}", | |
'x': 0.5, | |
'xanchor': 'center', | |
'yanchor': 'top', | |
'font': dict( | |
size=22, | |
color="Black") | |
}, | |
hoverlabel=dict( | |
bgcolor="white", | |
font_size=16, | |
font_family="Rockwell" | |
), | |
) | |
# Stylize orientation | |
if orientation == "left": | |
fig.update_layout(height=200 + (15 * len(topics)), | |
width=width, | |
yaxis=dict(tickmode="array", | |
ticktext=new_labels)) | |
# Fix empty space on the bottom of the graph | |
y_max = max([trace['y'].max() + 5 for trace in fig['data']]) | |
y_min = min([trace['y'].min() - 5 for trace in fig['data']]) | |
fig.update_layout(yaxis=dict(range=[y_min, y_max])) | |
else: | |
fig.update_layout(width=200 + (15 * len(topics)), | |
height=height, | |
xaxis=dict(tickmode="array", | |
ticktext=new_labels)) | |
if hierarchical_topics is not None: | |
for index in [0, 3]: | |
axis = "x" if orientation == "left" else "y" | |
xs = [data["x"][index] for data in if (data["text"] and data[axis][index] > 0)] | |
ys = [data["y"][index] for data in if (data["text"] and data[axis][index] > 0)] | |
hovertext = [data["text"][index] for data in if (data["text"] and data[axis][index] > 0)] | |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=xs, y=ys, marker_color='black', | |
hovertext=hovertext, hoverinfo="text", | |
mode='markers', showlegend=False)) | |
return fig | |
def visualize_hierarchical_documents_custom(topic_model, | |
docs: List[str], | |
hover_labels: List[str], | |
hierarchical_topics: pd.DataFrame, | |
topics: List[int] = None, | |
embeddings: np.ndarray = None, | |
reduced_embeddings: np.ndarray = None, | |
sample: Union[float, int] = None, | |
hide_annotations: bool = False, | |
hide_document_hover: bool = True, | |
nr_levels: int = 10, | |
level_scale: str = 'linear', | |
custom_labels: Union[bool, str] = False, | |
title: str = "<b>Hierarchical Documents and Topics</b>", | |
width: int = 1200, | |
height: int = 750, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)) -> go.Figure: | |
""" Visualize documents and their topics in 2D at different levels of hierarchy | |
Arguments: | |
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform` | |
hierarchical_topics: A dataframe that contains a hierarchy of topics | |
represented by their parents and their children | |
topics: A selection of topics to visualize. | |
Not to be confused with the topics that you get from `.fit_transform`. | |
For example, if you want to visualize only topics 1 through 5: | |
`topics = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`. | |
embeddings: The embeddings of all documents in `docs`. | |
reduced_embeddings: The 2D reduced embeddings of all documents in `docs`. | |
sample: The percentage of documents in each topic that you would like to keep. | |
Value can be between 0 and 1. Setting this value to, for example, | |
0.1 (10% of documents in each topic) makes it easier to visualize | |
millions of documents as a subset is chosen. | |
hide_annotations: Hide the names of the traces on top of each cluster. | |
hide_document_hover: Hide the content of the documents when hovering over | |
specific points. Helps to speed up generation of visualizations. | |
nr_levels: The number of levels to be visualized in the hierarchy. First, the distances | |
in `hierarchical_topics.Distance` are split in `nr_levels` lists of distances. | |
Then, for each list of distances, the merged topics are selected that have a | |
distance less or equal to the maximum distance of the selected list of distances. | |
NOTE: To get all possible merged steps, make sure that `nr_levels` is equal to | |
the length of `hierarchical_topics`. | |
level_scale: Whether to apply a linear or logarithmic (log) scale levels of the distance | |
vector. Linear scaling will perform an equal number of merges at each level | |
while logarithmic scaling will perform more mergers in earlier levels to | |
provide more resolution at higher levels (this can be used for when the number | |
of topics is large). | |
custom_labels: If bool, whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using | |
`topic_model.set_topic_labels`. | |
If `str`, it uses labels from other aspects, e.g., "Aspect1". | |
NOTE: Custom labels are only generated for the original | |
un-merged topics. | |
title: Title of the plot. | |
width: The width of the figure. | |
height: The height of the figure. | |
Examples: | |
To visualize the topics simply run: | |
```python | |
topic_model.visualize_hierarchical_documents(docs, hierarchical_topics) | |
``` | |
Do note that this re-calculates the embeddings and reduces them to 2D. | |
The advised and prefered pipeline for using this function is as follows: | |
```python | |
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups | |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer | |
from bertopic import BERTopic | |
from umap import UMAP | |
# Prepare embeddings | |
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))['data'] | |
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2") | |
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=False) | |
# Train BERTopic and extract hierarchical topics | |
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs, embeddings) | |
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs) | |
# Reduce dimensionality of embeddings, this step is optional | |
# reduced_embeddings = UMAP(n_neighbors=10, n_components=2, min_dist=0.0, metric='cosine').fit_transform(embeddings) | |
# Run the visualization with the original embeddings | |
topic_model.visualize_hierarchical_documents(docs, hierarchical_topics, embeddings=embeddings) | |
# Or, if you have reduced the original embeddings already: | |
topic_model.visualize_hierarchical_documents(docs, hierarchical_topics, reduced_embeddings=reduced_embeddings) | |
``` | |
Or if you want to save the resulting figure: | |
```python | |
fig = topic_model.visualize_hierarchical_documents(docs, hierarchical_topics, reduced_embeddings=reduced_embeddings) | |
fig.write_html("path/to/file.html") | |
``` | |
NOTE: | |
This visualization was inspired by the scatter plot representation of Doc2Map: | | | |
<iframe src="../../getting_started/visualization/hierarchical_documents.html" | |
style="width:1000px; height: 770px; border: 0px;""></iframe> | |
""" | |
topic_per_doc = topic_model.topics_ | |
# Add <br> tags to hover labels to get them to appear on multiple lines | |
def wrap_by_word(s, n): | |
'''returns a string up to 300 words where \\n is inserted between every n words''' | |
a = s.split()[:300] | |
ret = '' | |
for i in range(0, len(a), n): | |
ret += ' '.join(a[i:i+n]) + '<br>' | |
return ret | |
# Apply the function to every element in the list | |
hover_labels = [wrap_by_word(s, n=20) for s in hover_labels] | |
# Sample the data to optimize for visualization and dimensionality reduction | |
if sample is None or sample > 1: | |
sample = 1 | |
indices = [] | |
for topic in set(topic_per_doc): | |
s = np.where(np.array(topic_per_doc) == topic)[0] | |
size = len(s) if len(s) < 100 else int(len(s)*sample) | |
indices.extend(np.random.choice(s, size=size, replace=False)) | |
indices = np.array(indices) | |
df = pd.DataFrame({"topic": np.array(topic_per_doc)[indices]}) | |
df["doc"] = [docs[index] for index in indices] | |
df["hover_labels"] = [hover_labels[index] for index in indices] | |
df["topic"] = [topic_per_doc[index] for index in indices] | |
# Extract embeddings if not already done | |
if sample is None: | |
if embeddings is None and reduced_embeddings is None: | |
embeddings_to_reduce = topic_model._extract_embeddings(df.doc.to_list(), method="document") | |
else: | |
embeddings_to_reduce = embeddings | |
else: | |
if embeddings is not None: | |
embeddings_to_reduce = embeddings[indices] | |
elif embeddings is None and reduced_embeddings is None: | |
embeddings_to_reduce = topic_model._extract_embeddings(df.doc.to_list(), method="document") | |
# Reduce input embeddings | |
if reduced_embeddings is None: | |
umap_model = UMAP(n_neighbors=10, n_components=2, min_dist=0.0, metric='cosine').fit(embeddings_to_reduce) | |
embeddings_2d = umap_model.embedding_ | |
elif sample is not None and reduced_embeddings is not None: | |
embeddings_2d = reduced_embeddings[indices] | |
elif sample is None and reduced_embeddings is not None: | |
embeddings_2d = reduced_embeddings | |
# Combine data | |
df["x"] = embeddings_2d[:, 0] | |
df["y"] = embeddings_2d[:, 1] | |
# Create topic list for each level, levels are created by calculating the distance | |
distances = hierarchical_topics.Distance.to_list() | |
if level_scale == 'log' or level_scale == 'logarithmic': | |
log_indices = np.round(np.logspace(start=math.log(1,10), stop=math.log(len(distances)-1,10), num=nr_levels)).astype(int).tolist() | |
log_indices.reverse() | |
max_distances = [distances[i] for i in log_indices] | |
elif level_scale == 'lin' or level_scale == 'linear': | |
max_distances = [distances[indices[-1]] for indices in np.array_split(range(len(hierarchical_topics)), nr_levels)][::-1] | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("level_scale needs to be one of 'log' or 'linear'") | |
for index, max_distance in enumerate(max_distances): | |
# Get topics below `max_distance` | |
mapping = {topic: topic for topic in df.topic.unique()} | |
selection = hierarchical_topics.loc[hierarchical_topics.Distance <= max_distance, :] | |
selection.Parent_ID = selection.Parent_ID.astype(int) | |
selection = selection.sort_values("Parent_ID") | |
for row in selection.iterrows(): | |
for topic in row[1].Topics: | |
mapping[topic] = row[1].Parent_ID | |
# Make sure the mappings are mapped 1:1 | |
mappings = [True for _ in mapping] | |
while any(mappings): | |
for i, (key, value) in enumerate(mapping.items()): | |
if value in mapping.keys() and key != value: | |
mapping[key] = mapping[value] | |
else: | |
mappings[i] = False | |
# Create new column | |
df[f"level_{index+1}"] = | |
df[f"level_{index+1}"] = df[f"level_{index+1}"].astype(int) | |
# Prepare topic names of original and merged topics | |
trace_names = [] | |
topic_names = {} | |
trace_name_char_length = 60 | |
for topic in range(hierarchical_topics.Parent_ID.astype(int).max()): | |
if topic < hierarchical_topics.Parent_ID.astype(int).min(): | |
if topic_model.get_topic(topic): | |
if isinstance(custom_labels, str): | |
trace_name = f"{topic} " + ", ".join(list(zip(*topic_model.topic_aspects_[custom_labels][topic]))[0][:5]) | |
elif topic_model.custom_labels_ is not None and custom_labels: | |
trace_name = topic_model.custom_labels_[topic + topic_model._outliers] | |
else: | |
trace_name = f"{topic} " + ", ".join([word[:20] for word, _ in topic_model.get_topic(topic)][:5]) | |
topic_names[topic] = {"trace_name": trace_name[:trace_name_char_length], "plot_text": trace_name[:trace_name_char_length]} | |
trace_names.append(trace_name) | |
else: | |
trace_name = f"{topic} " + hierarchical_topics.loc[hierarchical_topics.Parent_ID == str(topic), "Parent_Name"].values[0] | |
plot_text = ", ".join([name[:20] for name in trace_name.split(" ")[:5]]) | |
topic_names[topic] = {"trace_name": trace_name[:trace_name_char_length], "plot_text": plot_text[:trace_name_char_length]} | |
trace_names.append(trace_name) | |
# Prepare traces | |
all_traces = [] | |
for level in range(len(max_distances)): | |
traces = [] | |
# Outliers | |
if topic_model._outliers: | |
traces.append( | |
go.Scattergl( | |
x=df.loc[(df[f"level_{level+1}"] == -1), "x"], | |
y=df.loc[df[f"level_{level+1}"] == -1, "y"], | |
mode='markers+text', | |
name="other", | |
hoverinfo="text", | |
hovertext=df.loc[(df[f"level_{level+1}"] == -1), "hover_labels"] if not hide_document_hover else None, | |
showlegend=False, | |
marker=dict(color='#CFD8DC', size=5, opacity=0.5), | |
hoverlabel=dict(align='left') | |
) | |
) | |
# Selected topics | |
if topics: | |
selection = df.loc[(df.topic.isin(topics)), :] | |
unique_topics = sorted([int(topic) for topic in selection[f"level_{level+1}"].unique()]) | |
else: | |
unique_topics = sorted([int(topic) for topic in df[f"level_{level+1}"].unique()]) | |
for topic in unique_topics: | |
if topic != -1: | |
if topics: | |
selection = df.loc[(df[f"level_{level+1}"] == topic) & | |
(df.topic.isin(topics)), :] | |
else: | |
selection = df.loc[df[f"level_{level+1}"] == topic, :] | |
if not hide_annotations: | |
selection.loc[len(selection), :] = None | |
selection["text"] = "" | |
selection.loc[len(selection) - 1, "x"] = selection.x.mean() | |
selection.loc[len(selection) - 1, "y"] = selection.y.mean() | |
selection.loc[len(selection) - 1, "text"] = topic_names[int(topic)]["plot_text"] | |
traces.append( | |
go.Scattergl( | |
x=selection.x, | |
y=selection.y, | |
text=selection.text if not hide_annotations else None, | |
hovertext=selection.hover_labels if not hide_document_hover else None, | |
hoverinfo="text", | |
name=topic_names[int(topic)]["trace_name"], | |
mode='markers+text', | |
marker=dict(size=5, opacity=0.5), | |
hoverlabel=dict(align='left') | |
) | |
) | |
all_traces.append(traces) | |
# Track and count traces | |
nr_traces_per_set = [len(traces) for traces in all_traces] | |
trace_indices = [(0, nr_traces_per_set[0])] | |
for index, nr_traces in enumerate(nr_traces_per_set[1:]): | |
start = trace_indices[index][1] | |
end = nr_traces + start | |
trace_indices.append((start, end)) | |
# Visualization | |
fig = go.Figure() | |
for traces in all_traces: | |
for trace in traces: | |
fig.add_trace(trace) | |
for index in range(len( | |
if index >= nr_traces_per_set[0]: | |[index].visible = False | |
# Create and add slider | |
steps = [] | |
for index, indices in enumerate(trace_indices): | |
step = dict( | |
method="update", | |
label=str(index), | |
args=[{"visible": [False] * len(}] | |
) | |
for index in range(indices[1]-indices[0]): | |
step["args"][0]["visible"][index+indices[0]] = True | |
steps.append(step) | |
sliders = [dict( | |
currentvalue={"prefix": "Level: "}, | |
pad={"t": 20}, | |
steps=steps | |
)] | |
# Add grid in a 'plus' shape | |
x_range = (df.x.min() - abs((df.x.min()) * .15), df.x.max() + abs((df.x.max()) * .15)) | |
y_range = (df.y.min() - abs((df.y.min()) * .15), df.y.max() + abs((df.y.max()) * .15)) | |
fig.add_shape(type="line", | |
x0=sum(x_range) / 2, y0=y_range[0], x1=sum(x_range) / 2, y1=y_range[1], | |
line=dict(color="#CFD8DC", width=2)) | |
fig.add_shape(type="line", | |
x0=x_range[0], y0=sum(y_range) / 2, x1=x_range[1], y1=sum(y_range) / 2, | |
line=dict(color="#9E9E9E", width=2)) | |
fig.add_annotation(x=x_range[0], y=sum(y_range) / 2, text="D1", showarrow=False, yshift=10) | |
fig.add_annotation(y=y_range[1], x=sum(x_range) / 2, text="D2", showarrow=False, xshift=10) | |
# Stylize layout | |
fig.update_layout( | |
sliders=sliders, | |
template="simple_white", | |
title={ | |
'text': f"{title}", | |
'x': 0.5, | |
'xanchor': 'center', | |
'yanchor': 'top', | |
'font': dict( | |
size=22, | |
color="Black") | |
}, | |
width=width, | |
height=height, | |
) | |
fig.update_xaxes(visible=False) | |
fig.update_yaxes(visible=False) | |
hierarchy_topics_df = df.filter(regex=r'topic|^level').drop_duplicates(subset="topic") | |
topic_names = pd.DataFrame(topic_names).T | |
return fig, hierarchy_topics_df, topic_names | |
def visualize_barchart_custom(topic_model, | |
topics: List[int] = None, | |
top_n_topics: int = 8, | |
n_words: int = 5, | |
custom_labels: Union[bool, str] = False, | |
title: str = "<b>Topic Word Scores</b>", | |
width: int = 250, | |
height: int = 250, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)) -> go.Figure: | |
""" Visualize a barchart of selected topics | |
Arguments: | |
topic_model: A fitted BERTopic instance. | |
topics: A selection of topics to visualize. | |
top_n_topics: Only select the top n most frequent topics. | |
n_words: Number of words to show in a topic | |
custom_labels: If bool, whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using | |
`topic_model.set_topic_labels`. | |
If `str`, it uses labels from other aspects, e.g., "Aspect1". | |
title: Title of the plot. | |
width: The width of each figure. | |
height: The height of each figure. | |
Returns: | |
fig: A plotly figure | |
Examples: | |
To visualize the barchart of selected topics | |
simply run: | |
```python | |
topic_model.visualize_barchart() | |
``` | |
Or if you want to save the resulting figure: | |
```python | |
fig = topic_model.visualize_barchart() | |
fig.write_html("path/to/file.html") | |
``` | |
<iframe src="../../getting_started/visualization/bar_chart.html" | |
style="width:1100px; height: 660px; border: 0px;""></iframe> | |
""" | |
colors = itertools.cycle(["#D55E00", "#0072B2", "#CC79A7", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442"]) | |
# Select topics based on top_n and topics args | |
freq_df = topic_model.get_topic_freq() | |
freq_df = freq_df.loc[freq_df.Topic != -1, :] | |
if topics is not None: | |
topics = list(topics) | |
elif top_n_topics is not None: | |
topics = sorted(freq_df.Topic.to_list()[:top_n_topics]) | |
else: | |
topics = sorted(freq_df.Topic.to_list()[0:6]) | |
# Initialize figure | |
if isinstance(custom_labels, str): | |
subplot_titles = [[[str(topic), None]] + topic_model.topic_aspects_[custom_labels][topic] for topic in topics] | |
subplot_titles = ["_".join([label[0] for label in labels[:4]]) for labels in subplot_titles] | |
subplot_titles = [label if len(label) < 30 else label[:27] + "..." for label in subplot_titles] | |
elif topic_model.custom_labels_ is not None and custom_labels: | |
subplot_titles = [topic_model.custom_labels_[topic + topic_model._outliers] for topic in topics] | |
else: | |
subplot_titles = [f"Topic {topic}" for topic in topics] | |
columns = 3 | |
rows = int(np.ceil(len(topics) / columns)) | |
fig = make_subplots(rows=rows, | |
cols=columns, | |
shared_xaxes=False, | |
horizontal_spacing=.1, | |
vertical_spacing=.4 / rows if rows > 1 else 0, | |
subplot_titles=subplot_titles) | |
# Add barchart for each topic | |
row = 1 | |
column = 1 | |
for topic in topics: | |
words = [word + " " for word, _ in topic_model.get_topic(topic)][:n_words][::-1] | |
scores = [score for _, score in topic_model.get_topic(topic)][:n_words][::-1] | |
fig.add_trace( | |
go.Bar(x=scores, | |
y=words, | |
orientation='h', | |
marker_color=next(colors)), | |
row=row, col=column) | |
if column == columns: | |
column = 1 | |
row += 1 | |
else: | |
column += 1 | |
# Stylize graph | |
fig.update_layout( | |
template="plotly_white", | |
showlegend=False, | |
title={ | |
'text': f"{title}", | |
'x': .5, | |
'xanchor': 'center', | |
'yanchor': 'top', | |
'font': dict( | |
size=14, | |
color="Black") | |
}, | |
width=width*4, | |
height=height*rows if rows > 1 else height * 1.3, | |
hoverlabel=dict( | |
bgcolor="white", | |
font_size=14, | |
font_family="Rockwell" | |
), | |
) | |
fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=True) | |
fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=True) | |
return fig |