Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 15,609 Bytes
022601f 1de1fd2 5a72dbb 016285f 2424844 1de1fd2 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 022601f 016285f 022601f 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 34ac887 016285f 34ac887 016285f 34ac887 022601f 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 022601f 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 34ac887 016285f 34ac887 016285f 5a72dbb 022601f 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 5a72dbb 34ac887 5a72dbb 022601f 016285f 022601f 016285f 022601f 016285f 022601f 5a72dbb 016285f 022601f 016285f 5a72dbb 016285f 34ac887 5a72dbb 016285f |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 |
import gradio as gr
from response_db import ResponseDb
from response_db import get_code
from create_cache import Game_Cache
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import pandas as pd
import torch
import pickle
import uuid
import nltk'punkt')
db = ResponseDb()
css = """
.chatbot {display:flex;flex-direction:column}
.msg {padding:4px;margin-bottom:4px;border-radius:4px;width:80%}
.msg.user {background-color:cornflowerblue;color:white;align-self:self-end} {background-color:lightgray}
.na_button {background-color:red;color:red}
get_window_url_params = """
function(url_params) {
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
url_params = Object.fromEntries(params);
return url_params;
quals = {1001:99, 1002:136, 1003:56, 1004:105}
from model.run_question_asking_model import return_modules, return_modules_yn
question_model, response_model_simul, response_model_gtruth, caption_model = return_modules()
question_model_yn, response_model_simul_yn, response_model_gtruth_yn, caption_model_yn = return_modules_yn()
class Game_Session:
def __init__(self, taskid, yn, hard_setting):
self.yn = yn
self.hard_setting = hard_setting
global question_model, response_model_simul, response_model_gtruth, caption_model
global question_model_yn, response_model_simul_yn, response_model_gtruth_yn, caption_model_yn
self.question_model = question_model
self.response_model_simul = response_model_simul
self.response_model_gtruth = response_model_gtruth
self.caption_model = caption_model
self.question_model_yn = question_model_yn
self.response_model_simul_yn = response_model_simul_yn
self.response_model_gtruth_yn = response_model_gtruth_yn
self.caption_model_yn = caption_model_yn
global image_files, images_np, p_y_x, p_r_qy, p_y_xqr, captions, questions, target_questions
self.image_files, self.image_np, self.p_y_x, self.p_r_qy, self.p_y_xqr = None, None, None, None, None
self.captions, self.questions, self.target_questions = None, None, None
self.history = []
self.game_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
def set_curr_models(self):
if self.yn:
self.curr_question_model, self.curr_caption_model, self.curr_response_model_simul, self.curr_response_model_gtruth = self.question_model_yn, self.caption_model_yn, self.response_model_simul_yn, self.response_model_gtruth_yn
self.curr_question_model, self.curr_caption_model, self.curr_response_model_simul, self.curr_response_model_gtruth = self.question_model, self.caption_model, self.response_model_simul, self.response_model_gtruth
def get_next_question(self):
return self.curr_question_model.select_best_question(self.p_y_x, self.questions, self.images_np, self.captions, self.curr_response_model_simul)
def get_model_gtruth_response(self, question):
return self.response_model_gtruth.get_response(question, self.images_np[0], self.captions[0], self.target_questions, is_a=self.yn)
def ask_a_question(input, taskid, gs):
# input = gs.get_model_gtruth_response(gs.history[-1])
if input not in ["n/a", "yes", "no"] and input not in gs.curr_response_model_simul.model.config.label2id:
html = "<div class='chatbot'>"
for m, msg in enumerate(gs.history):
cls = "bot" if m%2 == 0 else "user"
html += "<div class='msg {}'> {}</div>".format(cls, msg)
html += "</div>"
return html, gs, gr.Dropdown.update(visible=True, value=''), gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Number.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Number.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Textbox.update(visible=False), gr.HTML.update(visible=True)
gs.p_r_qy = gs.curr_response_model_simul.get_p_r_qy(input, gs.history[-2], gs.images_np, gs.captions)
gs.p_y_xqr = gs.p_y_x*gs.p_r_qy
gs.p_y_xqr = gs.p_y_xqr/torch.sum(gs.p_y_xqr)if torch.sum(gs.p_y_xqr) != 0 else torch.zeros_like(gs.p_y_xqr)
gs.p_y_x = gs.p_y_xqr
if taskid not in quals: db.add(gs.game_id, taskid, len(gs.history)//2-1, gs.history[-2], gs.history[-1])
top_prob = torch.max(gs.p_y_x).item()
top_pred = torch.argmax(gs.p_y_x).item()
if top_prob > 0.8 or len(gs.history) > 19:
gs.history = gs.history[:-1]
if taskid not in quals: db.add(gs.game_id, taskid, len(gs.history)//2, f"Guess: Image {top_pred}", "")
# write some HTML
html = "<div class='chatbot'>"
for m, msg in enumerate(gs.history):
cls = "bot" if m%2 == 0 else "user"
html += "<div class='msg {}'> {}</div>".format(cls, msg)
html += "</div>"
### Game finished:
if top_prob > 0.8 or len(gs.history) > 19:
html += f"<p>The model identified <b>Image {top_pred+1}</b> as the image. Please select a new task ID to continue.</p>"
finish_html = "<h2>Congratulations on finishing the game! Please copy the Task Finish Code below to MTurk to complete your task. You can now exit this window.</h2>"
return html, gs, gr.Dropdown.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Number.update(visible=False), gr.HTML.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Number.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Textbox.update(value=get_code(taskid, gs.history, top_pred), visible=True), gr.HTML.update(value=finish_html, visible=True)
if not gs.yn:
return html, gs, gr.Dropdown.update(visible=True, value=''), gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Number.update(visible=False), gr.HTML.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Number.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Textbox.update(visible=False), gr.HTML.update(visible=False)
return html, gs, gr.Dropdown.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Number.update(visible=False), gr.HTML.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Number.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Textbox.update(visible=False), gr.HTML.update(visible=False)
def set_images(taskid):
pilot_study = pd.read_csv("pilot-study.csv")
taskid_original = taskid
if int(taskid) in quals: taskid = quals[int(taskid)]
taskid = pilot_study['mscoco-id'].tolist()[int(taskid)]
with open(f'cache-soft/{int(taskid)}.p', 'rb') as fp:
game_cache = pickle.load(fp)
gs = Game_Session(int(taskid), game_cache.yn, game_cache.hard_setting)
id1 = f"./mscoco-images/val2014/{game_cache.image_files[0]}"
id2 = f"./mscoco-images/val2014/{game_cache.image_files[1]}"
id3 = f"./mscoco-images/val2014/{game_cache.image_files[2]}"
id4 = f"./mscoco-images/val2014/{game_cache.image_files[3]}"
id5 = f"./mscoco-images/val2014/{game_cache.image_files[4]}"
id6 = f"./mscoco-images/val2014/{game_cache.image_files[5]}"
id7 = f"./mscoco-images/val2014/{game_cache.image_files[6]}"
id8 = f"./mscoco-images/val2014/{game_cache.image_files[7]}"
id9 = f"./mscoco-images/val2014/{game_cache.image_files[8]}"
id10 = f"./mscoco-images/val2014/{game_cache.image_files[9]}"
gs.image_files = [id1, id2, id3, id4, id5, id6, id7, id8, id9, id10]
gs.image_files = [x[15:] for x in gs.image_files]
gs.images_np = [np.asarray("./mscoco-images/{i}")) for i in gs.image_files]
gs.images_np = [np.dstack([i]*3) if len(i.shape)==2 else i for i in gs.images_np]
gs.p_y_x = (torch.ones(10)/10).to(gs.curr_question_model.device)
gs.captions = gs.curr_caption_model.get_captions(gs.image_files)
gs.questions, gs.target_questions = gs.curr_question_model.get_questions(gs.image_files, gs.captions, 0)
gs.curr_question_model.question_bank = game_cache.question_dict
first_question = gs.curr_question_model.select_best_question(gs.p_y_x, gs.questions, gs.images_np, gs.captions, gs.curr_response_model_simul)
first_question_html = f"<div class='chatbot'><div class='msg bot'>{first_question}</div></div>"
# html = f"<p>Current Task ID: <b>{int(taskid_original)}</b></p>"
if not gs.yn:
return id1, id1, id2, id3, id4, id5, id6, id7, id8, id9, id10, gs, first_question_html, gr.Dropdown.update(visible=True, value=''), gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Number.update(visible=False), gr.HTML.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False)
return id1, id1, id2, id3, id4, id5, id6, id7, id8, id9, id10, gs, first_question_html, gr.Dropdown.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Number.update(visible=False), gr.HTML.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=True)
def reset_dropdown():
return gr.Dropdown.update(visible=True, value='')
with gr.Blocks(title="Image Q&A Guessing Game", css=css) as demo:
gr.HTML("<h1>Image Q&A Guessing Game</h1>\
<p style='font-size:120%;'>\
Imagine you are playing 20-questions with an AI model.<br>\
The AI model plays the role of the question asker. You play the role of the responder. <br>\
There are 10 images. <b>Your image is Image 1</b>. The other images are distraction images.\
The model can see all 10 images and all the questions and answers for the current set of images. It will ask a question based on the available information.<br>\
<span style='color: #0000ff'>The goal of the model is to accurately guess the correct image (i.e. <b><span style='color: #0000ff'>Image 1</span></b>) in as few turns as possible.<br>\
Your goal is to help the model guess the image by answering as clearly and accurately as possible.</span><br><br>\
(Note: We are testing multiple game settings. In some instances, the game will be open-ended, while in other instances, the answer choices will be limited to yes/no.)<br><br>\
<b>Selecting N/A:</b><br>\
<ul style='font-size:120%;'>\
<li>In some games, there will be an N/A option. Please select N/A only if the question is unanswerable BECAUSE IT DOES NOT APPLY TO THE IMAGE.</li>\
<li>Otherwise, please select the closest possible option.</li>\
<li>e.g. Q:\"What is the dog doing?\" Please select N/A if there is no dog in the image.\
</ul> \
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
taskid = gr.Number(label="Task ID (Enter a number from 0 to 160)", visible=False)
with gr.Row():
start_instruction = gr.HTML("<h2>Press the start button to begin.</h2>")
with gr.Row():
start_button = gr.Button("Start")
with gr.Column() as img_block:
with gr.Row():
img1 = gr.Image(label="Image 1", show_label=True)
img2 = gr.Image(label="Image 2", show_label=True)
img3 = gr.Image(label="Image 3", show_label=True)
img4 = gr.Image(label="Image 4", show_label=True)
img5 = gr.Image(label="Image 5", show_label=True)
with gr.Row():
img6 = gr.Image(label="Image 6", show_label=True)
img7 = gr.Image(label="Image 7", show_label=True)
img8 = gr.Image(label="Image 8", show_label=True)
img9 = gr.Image(label="Image 9", show_label=True)
img10 = gr.Image(label="Image 10", show_label=True)
conversation = gr.HTML()
game_session_state = gr.State()
# answer = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Insert answer here.", label="Answer the given question.", visible=False)
full_vocab_dict = response_model_simul_yn.model.config.label2id
vocab_list_numbers, vocab_list_letters = [], []
for i in full_vocab_dict:
if i=="None" or i is None: continue
if i[0] in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']:
with gr.Row():
answer = gr.Dropdown(vocab_list_letters+vocab_list_numbers, label="Answer the given question.", \
info="If you cannot find your exact answer, pick the word you feel would be most appropriate. ONLY SELECT N/A IF THE QUESTION DOES NOT APPLY TO THE IMAGE.", visible=False)
clear_box = gr.Button("Reset Selection \n(Use this to clear the dropdown selection.)", visible=False)
with gr.Row():
vocab_warning = gr.HTML("<h3>The word you typed in is not a valid word in the model vocabulary. Please clear it and select a valid word from the dropdown menu.</h3>", visible=False)
null_answer = gr.Textbox("n/a", visible=False)
yes_answer = gr.Textbox("yes", visible=False)
no_answer = gr.Textbox("no", visible=False)
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
yes_box = gr.Button("Yes", visible=False)
no_box = gr.Button("No", visible=False)
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
na_box = gr.Button("N/A", visible=False, elem_classes="na_button")
submit = gr.Button("Submit", visible=False)
with gr.Row():
reward_code = gr.Textbox("", label="Task Finish Code", visible=False)
with gr.Column() as img_block0:
with gr.Row():
img0 = gr.Image(label="Image 1", show_label=True).style(height=700, width=700)
### Button click events, inputs=taskid, outputs=[img0, img1, img2, img3, img4, img5, img6, img7, img8, img9, img10, game_session_state, conversation, answer, na_box, clear_box, submit, taskid, start_instruction, start_button, yes_box, no_box]), inputs=[answer, taskid, game_session_state], outputs=[conversation, game_session_state, answer, na_box, clear_box, submit, taskid, start_instruction, start_button, yes_box, no_box, reward_code, vocab_warning]), inputs=[null_answer, taskid, game_session_state], outputs=[conversation, game_session_state, answer, na_box, clear_box, submit, taskid, start_instruction, start_button, yes_box, no_box, reward_code, vocab_warning]), inputs=[yes_answer, taskid, game_session_state], outputs=[conversation, game_session_state, answer, na_box, clear_box, submit, taskid, start_instruction, start_button, yes_box, no_box, reward_code, vocab_warning]), inputs=[no_answer, taskid, game_session_state], outputs=[conversation, game_session_state, answer, na_box, clear_box, submit, taskid, start_instruction, start_button, yes_box, no_box, reward_code, vocab_warning]), inputs=[], outputs=[answer])
url_params = gr.JSON({}, visible=False, label="URL Params")
demo.load(fn = lambda url_params : gr.Number.update(value=int(url_params['p'])), inputs=[url_params], outputs=taskid, _js=get_window_url_params)