import { |
ClientDuplexStream, |
ClientReadableStream, |
ClientUnaryCall, |
ClientWritableStream, |
ServiceError, |
} from './call'; |
import { CallCredentials, OAuth2Client } from './call-credentials'; |
import { StatusObject } from './call-interface'; |
import { Channel, ChannelImplementation } from './channel'; |
import { CompressionAlgorithms } from './compression-algorithms'; |
import { ConnectivityState } from './connectivity-state'; |
import { ChannelCredentials } from './channel-credentials'; |
import { |
CallOptions, |
Client, |
ClientOptions, |
CallInvocationTransformer, |
CallProperties, |
UnaryCallback, |
} from './client'; |
import { LogVerbosity, Status, Propagate } from './constants'; |
import * as logging from './logging'; |
import { |
Deserialize, |
loadPackageDefinition, |
makeClientConstructor, |
MethodDefinition, |
Serialize, |
ServiceDefinition, |
} from './make-client'; |
import { Metadata, MetadataOptions, MetadataValue } from './metadata'; |
import { |
Server, |
UntypedHandleCall, |
UntypedServiceImplementation, |
} from './server'; |
import { KeyCertPair, ServerCredentials } from './server-credentials'; |
import { StatusBuilder } from './status-builder'; |
import { |
handleBidiStreamingCall, |
handleServerStreamingCall, |
handleClientStreamingCall, |
handleUnaryCall, |
sendUnaryData, |
ServerUnaryCall, |
ServerReadableStream, |
ServerWritableStream, |
ServerDuplexStream, |
ServerErrorResponse, |
} from './server-call'; |
export { OAuth2Client }; |
export const credentials = { |
combineChannelCredentials: ( |
channelCredentials: ChannelCredentials, |
...callCredentials: CallCredentials[] |
): ChannelCredentials => { |
return callCredentials.reduce( |
(acc, other) => acc.compose(other), |
channelCredentials |
); |
}, |
combineCallCredentials: ( |
first: CallCredentials, |
...additional: CallCredentials[] |
): CallCredentials => { |
return additional.reduce((acc, other) => acc.compose(other), first); |
}, |
createInsecure: ChannelCredentials.createInsecure, |
createSsl: ChannelCredentials.createSsl, |
createFromSecureContext: ChannelCredentials.createFromSecureContext, |
createFromMetadataGenerator: CallCredentials.createFromMetadataGenerator, |
createFromGoogleCredential: CallCredentials.createFromGoogleCredential, |
createEmpty: CallCredentials.createEmpty, |
}; |
export { Metadata, MetadataOptions, MetadataValue }; |
export { |
LogVerbosity as logVerbosity, |
Status as status, |
ConnectivityState as connectivityState, |
Propagate as propagate, |
CompressionAlgorithms as compressionAlgorithms, |
}; |
export { |
Client, |
ClientOptions, |
loadPackageDefinition, |
makeClientConstructor, |
makeClientConstructor as makeGenericClientConstructor, |
CallProperties, |
CallInvocationTransformer, |
ChannelImplementation as Channel, |
Channel as ChannelInterface, |
UnaryCallback as requestCallback, |
}; |
export const closeClient = (client: Client) => client.close(); |
export const waitForClientReady = ( |
client: Client, |
deadline: Date | number, |
callback: (error?: Error) => void |
) => client.waitForReady(deadline, callback); |
export { |
sendUnaryData, |
ChannelCredentials, |
CallCredentials, |
Deadline, |
Serialize as serialize, |
Deserialize as deserialize, |
ClientUnaryCall, |
ClientReadableStream, |
ClientWritableStream, |
ClientDuplexStream, |
CallOptions, |
MethodDefinition, |
StatusObject, |
ServiceError, |
ServerUnaryCall, |
ServerReadableStream, |
ServerWritableStream, |
ServerDuplexStream, |
ServerErrorResponse, |
ServiceDefinition, |
UntypedHandleCall, |
UntypedServiceImplementation, |
}; |
export { |
handleBidiStreamingCall, |
handleServerStreamingCall, |
handleUnaryCall, |
handleClientStreamingCall, |
}; |
export type Call = |
| ClientUnaryCall |
| ClientReadableStream<any> |
| ClientWritableStream<any> |
| ClientDuplexStream<any, any>; |
export const loadObject = (value: any, options: any): never => { |
throw new Error( |
'Not available in this library. Use @grpc/proto-loader and loadPackageDefinition instead' |
); |
}; |
export const load = (filename: any, format: any, options: any): never => { |
throw new Error( |
'Not available in this library. Use @grpc/proto-loader and loadPackageDefinition instead' |
); |
}; |
export const setLogger = (logger: Partial<Console>): void => { |
logging.setLogger(logger); |
}; |
export const setLogVerbosity = (verbosity: LogVerbosity): void => { |
logging.setLoggerVerbosity(verbosity); |
}; |
export { Server }; |
export { ServerCredentials }; |
export { KeyCertPair }; |
export const getClientChannel = (client: Client) => { |
return Client.prototype.getChannel.call(client); |
}; |
export { StatusBuilder }; |
export { Listener, InterceptingListener } from './call-interface'; |
export { |
Requester, |
ListenerBuilder, |
RequesterBuilder, |
Interceptor, |
InterceptorOptions, |
InterceptorProvider, |
InterceptingCall, |
InterceptorConfigurationError, |
NextCall, |
} from './client-interceptors'; |
export { |
GrpcObject, |
ServiceClientConstructor, |
ProtobufTypeDefinition, |
} from './make-client'; |
export { ChannelOptions } from './channel-options'; |
export { getChannelzServiceDefinition, getChannelzHandlers } from './channelz'; |
export { addAdminServicesToServer } from './admin'; |
import * as experimental from './experimental'; |
export { experimental }; |
import * as resolver_dns from './resolver-dns'; |
import * as resolver_uds from './resolver-uds'; |
import * as resolver_ip from './resolver-ip'; |
import * as load_balancer_pick_first from './load-balancer-pick-first'; |
import * as load_balancer_round_robin from './load-balancer-round-robin'; |
import * as load_balancer_outlier_detection from './load-balancer-outlier-detection'; |
import * as channelz from './channelz'; |
import { Deadline } from './deadline'; |
(() => { |
resolver_dns.setup(); |
resolver_uds.setup(); |
resolver_ip.setup(); |
load_balancer_pick_first.setup(); |
load_balancer_round_robin.setup(); |
load_balancer_outlier_detection.setup(); |
channelz.setup(); |
})(); |