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"use strict";
module.exports = tokenize;
var delimRe = /[\s{}=;:[\],'"()<>]/g,
stringDoubleRe = /(?:"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)")/g,
stringSingleRe = /(?:'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)')/g;
var setCommentRe = /^ *[*/]+ */,
setCommentAltRe = /^\s*\*?\/*/,
setCommentSplitRe = /\n/g,
whitespaceRe = /\s/,
unescapeRe = /\\(.?)/g;
var unescapeMap = {
"0": "\0",
"r": "\r",
"n": "\n",
"t": "\t"
* Unescapes a string.
* @param {string} str String to unescape
* @returns {string} Unescaped string
* @property {Object.<string,string>} map Special characters map
* @memberof tokenize
function unescape(str) {
return str.replace(unescapeRe, function($0, $1) {
switch ($1) {
case "\\":
case "":
return $1;
return unescapeMap[$1] || "";
tokenize.unescape = unescape;
* Gets the next token and advances.
* @typedef TokenizerHandleNext
* @type {function}
* @returns {string|null} Next token or `null` on eof
* Peeks for the next token.
* @typedef TokenizerHandlePeek
* @type {function}
* @returns {string|null} Next token or `null` on eof
* Pushes a token back to the stack.
* @typedef TokenizerHandlePush
* @type {function}
* @param {string} token Token
* @returns {undefined}
* Skips the next token.
* @typedef TokenizerHandleSkip
* @type {function}
* @param {string} expected Expected token
* @param {boolean} [optional=false] If optional
* @returns {boolean} Whether the token matched
* @throws {Error} If the token didn't match and is not optional
* Gets the comment on the previous line or, alternatively, the line comment on the specified line.
* @typedef TokenizerHandleCmnt
* @type {function}
* @param {number} [line] Line number
* @returns {string|null} Comment text or `null` if none
* Handle object returned from {@link tokenize}.
* @interface ITokenizerHandle
* @property {TokenizerHandleNext} next Gets the next token and advances (`null` on eof)
* @property {TokenizerHandlePeek} peek Peeks for the next token (`null` on eof)
* @property {TokenizerHandlePush} push Pushes a token back to the stack
* @property {TokenizerHandleSkip} skip Skips a token, returns its presence and advances or, if non-optional and not present, throws
* @property {TokenizerHandleCmnt} cmnt Gets the comment on the previous line or the line comment on the specified line, if any
* @property {number} line Current line number
* Tokenizes the given .proto source and returns an object with useful utility functions.
* @param {string} source Source contents
* @param {boolean} alternateCommentMode Whether we should activate alternate comment parsing mode.
* @returns {ITokenizerHandle} Tokenizer handle
function tokenize(source, alternateCommentMode) {
/* eslint-disable callback-return */
source = source.toString();
var offset = 0,
length = source.length,
line = 1,
lastCommentLine = 0,
comments = {};
var stack = [];
var stringDelim = null;
/* istanbul ignore next */
* Creates an error for illegal syntax.
* @param {string} subject Subject
* @returns {Error} Error created
* @inner
function illegal(subject) {
return Error("illegal " + subject + " (line " + line + ")");
* Reads a string till its end.
* @returns {string} String read
* @inner
function readString() {
var re = stringDelim === "'" ? stringSingleRe : stringDoubleRe;
re.lastIndex = offset - 1;
var match = re.exec(source);
if (!match)
throw illegal("string");
offset = re.lastIndex;
stringDelim = null;
return unescape(match[1]);
* Gets the character at `pos` within the source.
* @param {number} pos Position
* @returns {string} Character
* @inner
function charAt(pos) {
return source.charAt(pos);
* Sets the current comment text.
* @param {number} start Start offset
* @param {number} end End offset
* @param {boolean} isLeading set if a leading comment
* @returns {undefined}
* @inner
function setComment(start, end, isLeading) {
var comment = {
type: source.charAt(start++),
lineEmpty: false,
leading: isLeading,
var lookback;
if (alternateCommentMode) {
lookback = 2; // alternate comment parsing: "//" or "/*"
} else {
lookback = 3; // "///" or "/**"
var commentOffset = start - lookback,
do {
if (--commentOffset < 0 ||
(c = source.charAt(commentOffset)) === "\n") {
comment.lineEmpty = true;
} while (c === " " || c === "\t");
var lines = source
.substring(start, end)
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i)
lines[i] = lines[i]
.replace(alternateCommentMode ? setCommentAltRe : setCommentRe, "")
comment.text = lines
comments[line] = comment;
lastCommentLine = line;
function isDoubleSlashCommentLine(startOffset) {
var endOffset = findEndOfLine(startOffset);
// see if remaining line matches comment pattern
var lineText = source.substring(startOffset, endOffset);
var isComment = /^\s*\/\//.test(lineText);
return isComment;
function findEndOfLine(cursor) {
// find end of cursor's line
var endOffset = cursor;
while (endOffset < length && charAt(endOffset) !== "\n") {
return endOffset;
* Obtains the next token.
* @returns {string|null} Next token or `null` on eof
* @inner
function next() {
if (stack.length > 0)
return stack.shift();
if (stringDelim)
return readString();
var repeat,
isLeadingComment = offset === 0;
do {
if (offset === length)
return null;
repeat = false;
while (whitespaceRe.test(curr = charAt(offset))) {
if (curr === "\n") {
isLeadingComment = true;
if (++offset === length)
return null;
if (charAt(offset) === "/") {
if (++offset === length) {
throw illegal("comment");
if (charAt(offset) === "/") { // Line
if (!alternateCommentMode) {
// check for triple-slash comment
isDoc = charAt(start = offset + 1) === "/";
while (charAt(++offset) !== "\n") {
if (offset === length) {
return null;
if (isDoc) {
setComment(start, offset - 1, isLeadingComment);
// Trailing comment cannot not be multi-line,
// so leading comment state should be reset to handle potential next comments
isLeadingComment = true;
repeat = true;
} else {
// check for double-slash comments, consolidating consecutive lines
start = offset;
isDoc = false;
if (isDoubleSlashCommentLine(offset - 1)) {
isDoc = true;
do {
offset = findEndOfLine(offset);
if (offset === length) {
if (!isLeadingComment) {
// Trailing comment cannot not be multi-line
} while (isDoubleSlashCommentLine(offset));
} else {
offset = Math.min(length, findEndOfLine(offset) + 1);
if (isDoc) {
setComment(start, offset, isLeadingComment);
isLeadingComment = true;
repeat = true;
} else if ((curr = charAt(offset)) === "*") { /* Block */
// check for /** (regular comment mode) or /* (alternate comment mode)
start = offset + 1;
isDoc = alternateCommentMode || charAt(start) === "*";
do {
if (curr === "\n") {
if (++offset === length) {
throw illegal("comment");
prev = curr;
curr = charAt(offset);
} while (prev !== "*" || curr !== "/");
if (isDoc) {
setComment(start, offset - 2, isLeadingComment);
isLeadingComment = true;
repeat = true;
} else {
return "/";
} while (repeat);
// offset !== length if we got here
var end = offset;
delimRe.lastIndex = 0;
var delim = delimRe.test(charAt(end++));
if (!delim)
while (end < length && !delimRe.test(charAt(end)))
var token = source.substring(offset, offset = end);
if (token === "\"" || token === "'")
stringDelim = token;
return token;
* Pushes a token back to the stack.
* @param {string} token Token
* @returns {undefined}
* @inner
function push(token) {
* Peeks for the next token.
* @returns {string|null} Token or `null` on eof
* @inner
function peek() {
if (!stack.length) {
var token = next();
if (token === null)
return null;
return stack[0];
* Skips a token.
* @param {string} expected Expected token
* @param {boolean} [optional=false] Whether the token is optional
* @returns {boolean} `true` when skipped, `false` if not
* @throws {Error} When a required token is not present
* @inner
function skip(expected, optional) {
var actual = peek(),
equals = actual === expected;
if (equals) {
return true;
if (!optional)
throw illegal("token '" + actual + "', '" + expected + "' expected");
return false;
* Gets a comment.
* @param {number} [trailingLine] Line number if looking for a trailing comment
* @returns {string|null} Comment text
* @inner
function cmnt(trailingLine) {
var ret = null;
var comment;
if (trailingLine === undefined) {
comment = comments[line - 1];
delete comments[line - 1];
if (comment && (alternateCommentMode || comment.type === "*" || comment.lineEmpty)) {
ret = comment.leading ? comment.text : null;
} else {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (lastCommentLine < trailingLine) {
comment = comments[trailingLine];
delete comments[trailingLine];
if (comment && !comment.lineEmpty && (alternateCommentMode || comment.type === "/")) {
ret = comment.leading ? null : comment.text;
return ret;
return Object.defineProperty({
next: next,
peek: peek,
push: push,
skip: skip,
cmnt: cmnt
}, "line", {
get: function() { return line; }
/* eslint-enable callback-return */