songhieng's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
c1b3a0c verified
from ultralytics import YOLO
import cv2
import numpy as np
import util
from sort.sort import *
from util import get_car, read_license_plate
import os
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import storage
import datetime
current_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
#Firebase Information Server
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import credentials, db
cred = credentials.Certificate("anpr-5a023-firebase-adminsdk-mrrmo-d159fa0e4d.json")
firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {
'databaseURL': '',
'storageBucket': ''
ref = db.reference('/')
users_ref = ref.child('users_detected')
#Firebase Information Server
# Directories for saving detected cars and license plates
car_output_dir = "detected_cars"
plate_output_dir = "detected_plates"
if not os.path.exists(car_output_dir):
if not os.path.exists(plate_output_dir):
results = {}
mot_tracker = Sort()
# Load models
coco_model = YOLO('')
license_plate_detector = YOLO('./models/')
# Load video
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('./f1.mp4')
vehicles = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
frame_skip = 40
# Read frames
frame_nmr = -1
ret = True
def upload_to_firebase(filename, destination_blob_name):
Uploads a file to Firebase Cloud Storage.
- filename: Path to the file to upload.
- destination_blob_name: Storage object name.
bucket = storage.bucket()
blob = bucket.blob(destination_blob_name)
print(f"File {filename} uploaded to {destination_blob_name}.")
# Return the public URL of the uploaded image
return blob.public_url
while ret:
frame_nmr += 1
ret, frame =
if ret and frame_nmr % frame_skip == 0:
print(f"Processing frame {frame_nmr}") # Debug print
results[frame_nmr] = {}
# Detect vehicles
detections = coco_model(frame)[0]
detections_ = []
for detection in
x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class_id = detection
if int(class_id) in vehicles:
detections_.append([x1, y1, x2, y2, score])
# Debug print
if detections_:
print(f"Vehicle detections with confidence: {[(d[4], 'Confidence') for d in detections_]}")
# Track vehicles
track_ids = mot_tracker.update(np.asarray(detections_))
# Debug print
if len(track_ids) > 0:
print(f"Tracking IDs: {track_ids}")
# Detect license plates
license_plates = license_plate_detector(frame)[0]
# Debug print
if license_plates:
print(f"License plates detected: {len(}")
for license_plate in
x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class_id = license_plate
# Assign license plate to car
xcar1, ycar1, xcar2, ycar2, car_id = get_car(license_plate, track_ids)
if car_id != -1:
print(f"Car ID: {car_id}, Confidence: {score}") # Debug print
# Crop and process license plate
license_plate_crop = frame[int(y1):int(y2), int(x1): int(x2), :]
license_plate_crop_gray = cv2.cvtColor(license_plate_crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
_, license_plate_crop_thresh = cv2.threshold(license_plate_crop_gray, 64, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
# Read license plate number
license_plate_text, license_plate_text_score = read_license_plate(license_plate_crop_thresh)
# # Resize the thresholded license plate for better visibility
# scale_factor = 2 # Change this value as needed
# h, w = license_plate_crop_thresh.shape[:2]
# resized_license_plate = cv2.resize(license_plate_crop_thresh, (int(w * scale_factor), int(h * scale_factor)))
# # Display the resized thresholded license plate
# cv2.imshow('License Plate Thresholded', resized_license_plate)
# key = cv2.waitKey(0) # Wait until a key is pressed
# if key == 27: # ESC key
# break
if license_plate_text is not None:
print(f"License Plate Text: {license_plate_text}") # Debug print
# Save the image of the detected car
car_image = frame[int(ycar1):int(ycar2), int(xcar1): int(xcar2), :]
car_image_filename = os.path.join(car_output_dir, f"car_{license_plate_text}.jpg")
cv2.imwrite(car_image_filename, car_image)
car_image_url = upload_to_firebase(car_image_filename, f"detected_cars/car_{license_plate_text}.jpg")
# Save the image of the detected license plate
license_plate_image_filename = os.path.join(plate_output_dir, f"plate_{license_plate_text}.jpg")
cv2.imwrite(license_plate_image_filename, license_plate_crop)
license_plate_url = upload_to_firebase(license_plate_image_filename, f"detected_plates/plate_{license_plate_text}.jpg")
new_user = users_ref.push({
'license_plate': license_plate_text,
'timestamp': current_time
results[frame_nmr][car_id] = {
'car': {'bbox': [xcar1, ycar1, xcar2, ycar2], 'score': score},
'license_plate': {'bbox': [x1, y1, x2, y2],
'text': license_plate_text,
'bbox_score': score,
'text_score': license_plate_text_score}
# Fetch data from Firebase
users_detected_data = users_ref.get()
users_database_ref = ref.child('users_database')
users_database_data = users_database_ref.get()
# Extract license plate values
detected_license_plates = {uid: details['license_plate'] for uid, details in users_detected_data.items()}
database_license_plates = {uid: entry['License_Plate'] for uid, entry in enumerate(users_database_data) if 'License_Plate' in entry}
# Find matching license plates and store the complete data
flagged_data = {}
for uid, license_plate in detected_license_plates.items():
if license_plate in database_license_plates.values():
flagged_data[uid] = users_detected_data[uid]
# Write flagged data to Firebase if any matches found
if flagged_data:
flagged_ref = ref.child('flagged')
flagged_details_data = {} # Dictionary to store detailed flagged data
# Collect details from users_database for flagged License_Plate and upload to Firebase
for uid in flagged_data:
license_plate = flagged_data[uid]['license_plate']
for user_id, user_data in enumerate(users_database_data):
if user_data.get('License_Plate') == license_plate:
print("\nFlagged User Details:")
flagged_user_detail = {} # Dictionary to store details of this flagged user
for key, value in user_data.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")
flagged_user_detail[key] = value
flagged_details_data[user_id] = flagged_user_detail # Append to main dictionary
# Push flagged user details to Firebase
if flagged_details_data:
flagged_details_ref = ref.child('flagged_details')
print("Suspected data")
if flagged_data:
flagged_ref = ref.child('flagged')
# Collect details from users_database for flagged License_Plate and upload to Firebase
# ...
if flagged_details_data:
flagged_details_ref = ref.child('flagged_details')