Browse files
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
1 |
import face_recognition
2 |
import numpy as np
3 |
import pickle
4 |
from mtcnn import MTCNN
5 |
from PIL import Image
6 |
import cv2
7 |
import faiss
8 |
import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
9 |
import os
10 |
import gradio as gr
11 |
12 |
def detect_and_align_face(image_path):
13 |
detector = MTCNN()
14 |
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
15 |
image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
16 |
detections = detector.detect_faces(image_rgb)
17 |
18 |
if len(detections) == 0:
19 |
raise ValueError("No face detected in the image.")
20 |
21 |
detection = detections[0]
22 |
x, y, width, height = detection['box']
23 |
keypoints = detection['keypoints']
24 |
face = image_rgb[y:y+height, x:x+width]
25 |
26 |
left_eye = keypoints['left_eye']
27 |
right_eye = keypoints['right_eye']
28 |
delta_x = right_eye[0] - left_eye[0]
29 |
delta_y = right_eye[1] - left_eye[1]
30 |
angle = np.arctan2(delta_y, delta_x) * (180.0 / np.pi)
31 |
32 |
center = ((x + x + width) // 2, (y + y + height) // 2)
33 |
rot_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale=1.0)
34 |
aligned_image = cv2.warpAffine(image_rgb, rot_matrix, (image_rgb.shape[1], image_rgb.shape[0]))
35 |
aligned_face = aligned_image[y:y+height, x:x+width]
36 |
37 |
return Image.fromarray(aligned_face)
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def load_encodings(file_path):
40 |
with open(file_path, "rb") as file:
41 |
data = pickle.load(file)
42 |
return np.array(data["encodings"]), data["labels"]
43 |
44 |
def save_encodings(encodings, labels, file_path):
45 |
data = {"encodings": encodings, "labels": labels}
46 |
with open(file_path, "wb") as file:
47 |
pickle.dump(data, file)
48 |
49 |
def create_faiss_index(known_encodings):
50 |
dimension = known_encodings.shape[1]
51 |
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(dimension)
52 |
53 |
return index
54 |
55 |
def encode_face(image):
56 |
img_array = np.array(image)
57 |
encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(img_array)
58 |
return encodings[0] if encodings else None
59 |
60 |
def augment_image(image, num_augmented=5):
61 |
image = np.array(image)
62 |
aug = iaa.Sequential([
63 |
iaa.Fliplr(0.5), # horizontal flips
64 |
iaa.Affine(rotate=(-25, 25)), # rotation
65 |
iaa.AdditiveGaussianNoise(scale=(0, 0.05*255)), # noise
66 |
iaa.Multiply((0.8, 1.2)), # brightness
67 |
iaa.GaussianBlur(sigma=(0.0, 1.0)) # blur
68 |
69 |
augmented_images = [Image.fromarray(aug(image=image)) for _ in range(num_augmented)]
70 |
return augmented_images
71 |
72 |
def update_dataset_with_verified_image(image, encodings_file, label, num_augmented=5):
73 |
known_encodings, known_labels = load_encodings(encodings_file)
74 |
augmented_images = augment_image(image, num_augmented=num_augmented)
75 |
images_to_encode = [image] + augmented_images
76 |
for img in images_to_encode:
77 |
img_array = np.array(img)
78 |
encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(img_array)[0]
79 |
known_encodings = np.append(known_encodings, [encoding], axis=0)
80 |
81 |
save_encodings(known_encodings, known_labels, encodings_file)
82 |
83 |
def verify_face_with_faiss(image, encodings_file, similarity_threshold=70, num_augmented=5):
84 |
aligned_face = image.convert("RGB")
85 |
target_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(np.array(aligned_face))[0].reshape(1, -1)
86 |
87 |
known_encodings, known_labels = load_encodings(encodings_file)
88 |
known_encodings = np.array(known_encodings)
89 |
90 |
index = create_faiss_index(known_encodings)
91 |
92 |
distances, indices =, 1)
93 |
94 |
best_match_index = indices[0][0]
95 |
best_similarity_percentage = (1 - distances[0][0]) * 100
96 |
97 |
is_match = best_similarity_percentage >= similarity_threshold
98 |
99 |
if is_match:
100 |
matched_label = known_labels[best_match_index]
101 |
update_dataset_with_verified_image(image, encodings_file, matched_label, num_augmented=num_augmented)
102 |
return True, f"Match found: {matched_label}, Similarity: {best_similarity_percentage:.2f}%"
103 |
104 |
return False, "No match found."
105 |
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# Define the Gradio interface
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def gradio_interface(image, similarity_threshold=70):
108 |
encodings_file = "face_encoding.pkl"
109 |
result, message = verify_face_with_faiss(image, encodings_file, similarity_threshold=similarity_threshold)
110 |
return message
111 |
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# Launch the Gradio interface
113 |
iface = gr.Interface(fn=gradio_interface,
114 |
inputs=[gr.Image(type="pil"), gr.Slider(0, 100, value=70, label="Similarity Threshold")],
115 |
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title="Face Recognition with MTCNN and FAISS",
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description="Upload an image to see if it matches any face in the database.")
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