import streamlit as st |
import os.path |
import re |
import pandas as pd |
from transformers import pipeline, Pipeline |
from time import sleep |
ID2LABEL = { |
'LABEL_0': { |
"Cause": "No Reason", |
"description": "There is no reason that identifies the cause of mental disorder, or the text does not reflect a mental disorder", |
}, |
'LABEL_1': { |
"Cause": "Bias / Abuse", |
"description": """ |
A strong inclination of the mind or a preconceived opinion about something or someone. To avoid someone intentionally, |
or to prevent someone from taking part in the social activities of a group because they dislike the person or disapprove |
of their activities. It includes body shaming, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. |
""", |
}, |
'LABEL_2': { |
"Cause": "Jobs and Career", |
"description": """ |
Financial loss can have catastrophic effects on mental illness, relationships and even physical health. Poor, meaningless |
and unmanageable education, unemployment, un-affordable home loans, poor financial advice, and losing a job are some of |
the major concerns. It includes gossiping and/or social cliques, aggressive bullying behavior, poor communication |
and unclear expectations, dictatorial management techniques that don’t embrace employee feedback. The educational problems |
like picking up courses under some external pressure and poor grades are also part of this category. |
""", |
}, |
'LABEL_3': { |
"Cause": "Medication", |
"description": """ |
The general drugs and other antiviral drugs can increase the risk of depression. The habit of using substances and alcohols |
can aggravate the problem of mental disorders. Moreover, medical problems like tumors, cancer, and other prolonged diseases |
can boost the presence of mental depression. |
""", |
}, |
'LABEL_4': { |
"Cause": "Relationships", |
"description": """ |
When two people or a group of people fight, it may lead to a relationship or friendship drifting apart, for example, regular |
fights, breakups, divorce, mistrust, jealousy, betrayal, difference in opinion, inconsistency, conflicts, bad company, |
noncommitment, priority, envy. Problems like bad parenting and childhood trauma are also part of this category. |
""", |
}, |
'LABEL_5': { |
"Cause": "Alienation", |
"description": """ |
Alienation is the feeling of life being worthless even after doing everything. There may be indicators of meaninglessness, |
loneliness, tired of daily routines, powerlessness, normlessness, isolation, and cultural estrangement. |
""", |
}, |
} |
""" |
Same dad, different day. I can't believe that my dad have no sense of humanity. He hit me in the head this morning. |
I felt nauseous all day, including when I take my exam just before this. If I kill myself, I will make sure that my dad |
got the most blame. |
""", |
""" |
My boss laid me off today. He said that my company was downsizing. I don't believe his cr*p though, I think he just hates |
me as the only women in my department. Now I don't know how to feed my four kids. I am officially, totally, completely, out |
of money and will to live. |
""", |
""" |
Last month, my doctor prescribed me some alprazolam to calm my nerves down. I churn through a bottle of the pill in a month. |
My doctor today told me that I'm quite healthy to go without some calming drugs, but I just can't stop consuming them. I |
just bought like 4 bottles of it through some shady middle-man and I'll go crazy if I went for half a day without |
swallowing one. |
""", |
""" |
My girlfriend dumped me because of some stupid nerdy dude at her office, my mother disowns me for not enlisting to the |
millitary like my brother did. It all just keeps on pinning me to the ground. When I asked my friends to go out, they all |
refused because my ex-girlfriend was spreading lies of how I cheated on her yada yada. I'm totally f*cked. |
""", |
""" |
Everything is worthless, everything is meaningless. All the things that I do literally contribute nothing to the |
society. I just want to go somewhere I can just lie down, sleep, eat, with no negative consequences for me. |
""", |
""" |
Yesterday, I bought an ice cream for myself at the city. It was really good. I will definitely tell everyone |
I know about this ice cream place. |
""", |
] |
@st.cache_resource(show_spinner=False) |
def load_model() -> Pipeline: |
model = "AIMH/mental-longformer-base-4096" |
tokenizer = "AIMH/mental-longformer-base-4096" |
if os.path.isfile("model/model.safetensors"): |
model = "model" |
if os.path.isfile("tokenizer/tokenizer.json"): |
tokenizer = "tokenizer" |
return pipeline("text-classification", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) |
@st.cache_data(show_spinner=False) |
def predict(text: str, _pipe: Pipeline): |
res = _pipe(text, return_all_scores=True)[0] |
res = sorted(res, key=lambda d: d['score'], reverse=True) |
res = [ |
dict(ID2LABEL[x["label"]], **{"Confidence": round(x["score"] * 100)}) |
for x in res] |
return pd.DataFrame(res) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
st.markdown('<h1 align="center">✨ Depression Causal Analysis ✨</h1>', unsafe_allow_html=True, ) |
st.error(""" |
DISCLAIMER: This project was only intended for research showcase purposes only. |
If you believe that you have mental health issues, please consult your physician.\n |
This project also contains triggering example words from social media that might not |
fit everybody. Continue with caution. Please love yourself and don't hesitate to reach |
out for professional help. ❤ |
""") |
left, center, right = st.columns(3) |
left.link_button("Go to project on GitHub", "https://github.com/stackofsugar/", use_container_width=True) |
center.link_button("Read the dataset's paper", "https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.04674v1", use_container_width=True) |
right.link_button("Read the model's paper", "https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.10447v1", use_container_width=True) |
example = st.selectbox("Load an example", EXAMPLES, index=None) |
with st.form("main_prediction"): |
text = st.text_area( |
"Text to analyze (tip: this model is better for long texts)", |
value=(re.sub(' +', ' ', example).strip().replace("\n", "") if example else ""), |
height=200 |
) |
left, middle, right = st.columns(3) |
submitted = middle.form_submit_button("Predict!", use_container_width=True) |
if submitted and text.strip(): |
pipe = None |
with st.spinner("Loading model..."): |
pipe = load_model() |
with st.spinner("Predicting..."): |
preds = predict(text.strip(), pipe) |
st.markdown(f"**Result: {preds.at[0, "Cause"]}**") |
col1, col2 = st.columns([1,2]) |
col1.dataframe(preds[["Cause", "Confidence"]], |
column_config={ |
"Confidence": st.column_config.NumberColumn( |
format="%d%%" |
) |
}, |
hide_index=True, |
use_container_width=True) |
col2.markdown(f"Explanation of **{preds.at[0, "Cause"]}**:") |
col2.write(preds.at[0, "description"]) |
st.write( |
"""Developed with :heart: by [stackofsugar](https://github.com/stackofsugar/). For more information on the |
project, please visit the project's GitHub page with the button above.""" |
) |