Runtime error
Runtime error
program: | |
entity: wandb | |
project: hf-flax-dalle-mini | |
method: random | |
metric: | |
name: eval/loss | |
goal: minimize | |
parameters: | |
learning_rate: | |
distribution: log_uniform | |
# from exp(min) to exp(max), ie 5e-5 to 5e-3 on log scale | |
min: -9.9 | |
max: -5.3 | |
gradient_accumulation_steps: | |
value: 8 | |
warmup_steps: | |
# in term of optimization steps so multiplied by gradient accumulation | |
value: 125 | |
command: | |
- python3 | |
- ${program} | |
- "--train_file" | |
- "/data/CC12M/encoded-small-train.tsv" | |
- "--validation_file" | |
- "/data/CC12M/encoded-small-valid.tsv" | |
- "--output_dir" | |
- "./output_sweep" | |
- "--overwrite_output_dir" | |
- "--adafactor" | |
- "--num_train_epochs" | |
- 1 | |
- "--max_train_samples" | |
- 1500000 | |
- "--per_device_train_batch_size" | |
- 56 | |
- "--per_device_eval_batch_size" | |
- 56 | |
- "--preprocessing_num_workers" | |
- 80 | |
- "--no_decay" | |
- "--do_train" | |
- "--do_eval" | |
- ${args} | |