Runtime error
Runtime error
""" | |
Utilities for processing text. | |
""" | |
import html | |
import math | |
import random | |
import re | |
from pathlib import Path | |
import ftfy | |
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download | |
from unidecode import unidecode | |
# based on wiki word occurence | |
person_token = [("a person", 282265), ("someone", 121194), ("somebody", 12219)] | |
temp_token = "xtokx" # avoid repeating chars | |
class HashtagProcessor: | |
# Adapted from wordninja library | |
# We use our wikipedia word count + a good heuristic to make it work | |
def __init__(self): | |
wiki_word_frequency = hf_hub_download( | |
"dalle-mini/dalle-mini", filename="enwiki-words-frequency.txt" | |
) | |
self._word_cost = ( | |
l.split()[0] for l in Path(wiki_word_frequency).read_text().splitlines() | |
) | |
self._word_cost = { | |
str(k): math.log(float(i + 1)) for i, k in enumerate(self._word_cost) | |
} | |
self._max_word = max(len(x) for x in self._word_cost.keys()) | |
self._SPLIT_RE = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9']+") | |
def __call__(self, s): | |
"""Uses dynamic programming to infer the location of spaces in a string without spaces.""" | |
l = [self._split(x) for x in self._SPLIT_RE.split(s)] | |
return " ".join([item for sublist in l for item in sublist]) | |
def _split(self, s): | |
# Find the best match for the i first characters, assuming cost has | |
# been built for the i-1 first characters. | |
# Returns a pair (match_cost, match_length). | |
def best_match(i): | |
candidates = enumerate(reversed(cost[max(0, i - self._max_word) : i])) | |
return min( | |
(c + self._word_cost.get(s[i - k - 1 : i].lower(), 9e999), k + 1) | |
for k, c in candidates | |
) | |
# Build the cost array | |
cost = [0] | |
for i in range(1, len(s) + 1): | |
c, k = best_match(i) | |
cost.append(c) | |
# Backtrack to recover the minimal-cost string. | |
out = [] | |
i = len(s) | |
while i > 0: | |
c, k = best_match(i) | |
assert c == cost[i] | |
newToken = True | |
if not s[i - k : i] == "'": # ignore a lone apostrophe | |
if len(out) > 0: | |
# re-attach split 's and split digits | |
if out[-1] == "'s" or ( | |
s[i - 1].isdigit() and out[-1][0].isdigit() | |
): # digit followed by digit | |
out[-1] = ( | |
s[i - k : i] + out[-1] | |
) # combine current token with previous token | |
newToken = False | |
if newToken: | |
out.append(s[i - k : i]) | |
i -= k | |
return reversed(out) | |
def replace_person_token(t): | |
"Used for CC12M" | |
t = re.sub("<person>([,\s]*(and)*[,\s]*<person>)+", " people ", t) | |
while "<person>" in t: | |
t = t.replace( | |
"<person>", f" {random.choices(*tuple(zip(*person_token)))[0]} ", 1 | |
) | |
return t | |
def fix_html(t): | |
# from OpenAI CLIP | |
return html.unescape(html.unescape(t)) | |
def replace_punctuation_with_commas(t): | |
return re.sub("[()[\].,|:;?!=+~\-\/{}]", ",", t) | |
def simplify_quotes(t): | |
return re.sub("""['"`]""", ' " ', t) | |
def merge_quotes(t): | |
return re.sub('(\s*"+\s*)+', ' " ', t) | |
def remove_comma_numbers(t): | |
def _f(t): | |
return re.sub("(\d),(\d{3})", r"\1\2", t) | |
return _f(_f(t)) | |
def pre_process_dot_numbers(t): | |
return re.sub("(\w)\.(\w)", fr"\1{temp_token}dot{temp_token}\2", t) | |
def post_process_dot_numbers(t): | |
return re.sub(f"{temp_token}dot{temp_token}", ".", t) | |
def pre_process_quotes(t): | |
# allows quotes only for 's, 't, 'd, 'm, 'll, 're, 've | |
return re.sub( | |
r"'(?=([stdm]|(ll)|(re)|(ve)|(ll))\b)", fr"{temp_token}quote{temp_token}", t | |
) | |
def post_process_quotes(t): | |
return re.sub(f"{temp_token}quote{temp_token}", "'", t) | |
def pre_process_dates(t): | |
return re.sub("(\d)/(\d)", fr"\1{temp_token}slash{temp_token}\2", t) | |
def post_process_dates(t): | |
return re.sub(f"{temp_token}slash{temp_token}", "/", t) | |
def merge_commas(t): | |
return re.sub("(\s*,+\s*)+", ", ", t) | |
def add_space_after_commas(t): | |
return re.sub(",", ", ", t) | |
def handle_special_chars(t): | |
"Handle special characters" | |
# replace "-" with a space when between words without space | |
t = re.sub("(\w)-(\w)", r"\1 \2", t) | |
# always add space around some characters | |
return re.sub("([%&\/$*])", r" \1 ", t) | |
def expand_hashtags(t, hashtag_processor): | |
"Remove # and try to split words" | |
return re.sub("#(\w+)", lambda m: hashtag_processor(, t) | |
_re_ignore_chars = r"[_#\\]" | |
def ignore_chars(t): | |
"Ignore useless characters" | |
return re.sub(_re_ignore_chars, " ", t) | |
def remove_extra_spaces(t): | |
"Remove extra spaces (including \t and \n)" | |
return re.sub("\s+", " ", t) | |
def remove_repeating_chars(t): | |
"If the same character is present 4+ times (not 3 because of roman 'VIII'), replace with single instance" | |
return re.sub(r"(\D)(\1{3,})", r"\1", t) | |
def remove_urls(t): | |
return re.sub(r"http\S+", "", t) | |
def remove_html_tags(t): | |
return re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", t) | |
def remove_first_last_commas(t): | |
t = t.strip() | |
t = t[:-1] if t and t[-1] == "," else t | |
t = t[1:] if t and t[0] == "," else t | |
return t.strip() | |
def remove_wiki_ref(t): | |
t = re.sub(r"\A\s*\[\d+\]", "", t) | |
return re.sub(r"\[\d+\]\s*\Z", "", t) | |
class TextNormalizer: | |
"Normalize text" | |
def __init__(self): | |
self._hashtag_processor = HashtagProcessor() | |
def __call__(self, t): | |
# fix some characters | |
t = ftfy.fix_text(t) | |
# fix html | |
t = fix_html(t) | |
# decode and simplify text: see unidecode library | |
t = unidecode(t) | |
# lower case | |
t = t.lower() | |
# replace <PERSON> (for CC12M) | |
t = replace_person_token(t) | |
# remove wiki reference (for WIT) | |
t = remove_wiki_ref(t) | |
# remove html tags | |
t = remove_html_tags(t) | |
# remove urls | |
t = remove_urls(t) | |
# remove commas in numbers | |
t = remove_comma_numbers(t) | |
# handle dots in numbers and quotes - Part 1 | |
t = pre_process_dot_numbers(t) | |
t = pre_process_quotes(t) | |
t = pre_process_dates(t) | |
# handle special characters | |
t = handle_special_chars(t) | |
# handle hashtags | |
t = expand_hashtags(t, self._hashtag_processor) | |
# ignore useless characters | |
t = ignore_chars(t) | |
# simplify quotes | |
t = simplify_quotes(t) | |
# all punctuation becomes commas | |
t = replace_punctuation_with_commas(t) | |
# handle dots in numbers and quotes - Part 2 | |
t = post_process_dot_numbers(t) | |
t = post_process_quotes(t) | |
t = post_process_dates(t) | |
# handle repeating characters | |
t = remove_repeating_chars(t) | |
# merge quotes | |
t = merge_quotes(t) | |
# merge commas | |
t = merge_commas(t) | |
# remove multiple spaces | |
t = remove_extra_spaces(t) | |
# remove first and last comma | |
t = remove_first_last_commas(t) | |
# always start with a space | |
return f" {t}" | |