MaskTextSpotterV3-OCR / evaluation /
3v324v23's picture
def weighted_edit_distance(word1, word2, scores):
m = len(word1)
n = len(word2)
dp = [[0 for __ in range(m + 1)] for __ in range(n + 1)]
for j in range(m + 1):
dp[0][j] = j
for i in range(n + 1):
dp[i][0] = i
for i in range(1, n + 1): ## word2
for j in range(1, m + 1): ## word1
delect_cost = ed_delect_cost(j-1, i-1, word1, word2, scores) ## delect a[i]
insert_cost = ed_insert_cost(j-1, i-1, word1, word2, scores) ## insert b[j]
if word1[j - 1] != word2[i - 1]:
replace_cost = ed_replace_cost(j-1, i-1, word1, word2, scores) ## replace a[i] with b[j]
replace_cost = 0
dp[i][j] = min(dp[i-1][j] + insert_cost, dp[i][j-1] + delect_cost, dp[i-1][j-1] + replace_cost)
return dp[n][m]
def ed_delect_cost(j, i, word1, word2, scores):
## delect a[i]
c = char2num(word1[j])
return scores[c][j]
def ed_insert_cost(i, j, word1, word2, scores):
## insert b[j]
if i < len(word1) - 1:
c1 = char2num(word1[i])
c2 = char2num(word1[i + 1])
return (scores[c1][i] + scores[c2][i+1])/2
c1 = char2num(word1[i])
return scores[c1][i]
def ed_replace_cost(i, j, word1, word2, scores):
## replace a[i] with b[j]
c1 = char2num(word1[i])
c2 = char2num(word2[j])
# if word1 == "eeatpisaababarait".upper():
# print(scores[c2][i]/scores[c1][i])
return max(1 - scores[c2][i]/scores[c1][i]*5, 0)
def char2num(char):
if char in '0123456789':
num = ord(char) - ord('0') + 1
elif char in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ':
num = ord(char.lower()) - ord('a') + 11
print('error symbol', char)
return num - 1