Quantx-WhatsApp / utility.py
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Update utility.py
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import re
import os
from datetime import datetime
import openai
from google.cloud import firestore
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# Make API connection
# gemini_api_key = os.environ['Gemini']
o_api_key = os.getenv("openai_api_key")
openai.api_key = o_api_key
# Authenticate to Firesotre with the JSON account key
db = firestore.Client.from_service_account_json("firestore-key.json")
# Generate AI response from user input
def generateResponse(prompt,model='Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct'):
#----- Call API to classify and extract relevant transaction information
# These templates help provide a unified response format for use as context clues when
# parsing the AI generated response into a structured data format
relevant_info_template = """
Intent: The CRUD operation, one of create, read, update, or delete
Transaction Type: The type of transaction such as purchases, sales
Details: as a sublist of the key details like name of item, quantity, cost price, currency, unit for the quantity, description, among other details you are able to extract.
sample_single_transaction_template = """
The information provided indicates that you want to **create/record** a new transaction.
**Extracted Information**:
**Intent**: Create
**Transaction Type**: Purchase
- Item: Car
- Purpose: Business
- Quantity: 1
- Unit: None
- Cost: 10000
- Tax: 200
- Currency: USD
- Note: A new car for business
sample_multi_transaction_template = """
The information provided indicates that you want to **create/record** a new transaction.
**Extracted Information**:
**Intent**: Create
Transaction 1:
**Transaction Type**: Purchase
- Item: Car
- Purpose: Business
- Quantity: 1
- Unit: None
- Cost: 10000
- Tax: 200
- Currency: USD
- Note: A new car for business
Transaction 2:
**Transaction Type**: Expense
- Item: Office Chair
- Quantity: 2
- Unit: None
- Cost: 300
- Currency: USD
- Category: Furniture
response = client.chat.completions.create(
model = model,
# model="gpt-4o",
{"role": "system", "content": f"You are a helpful assistant that classifies transactions written in natural language into CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) and extracts relevant information. You should be able to recognize the currency being used and any quantity units into separate fields. Format the relevant information extracted from the transaction text in this format: {relevant_info_template}. Use markdown syntax to present a nicely formated and readable response to the user, but make sure the user does not see the markdown keyword. Keywords and field names must be in bold face. A sample response for a single transaction could look like this: {sample_single_transaction_template}, while multiple transactions could look like this: {sample_multi_transaction_template}. There should be only one intent even in the case of multiple transactions."},
{"role": "user", "content": prompt}
#----- Process response
response = response.choices[0].message.content
except Exception as e:
print(f'An error occurred: {str(e)}')
response = None
return response
def parse_value(value):
Parses a value string into the appropriate data type and detects currency.
Handles various currencies, percentages, numbers, and text.
value = value.strip()
# Match currency codes or symbols dynamically
currency_match = re.search(r"([A-Z]{3}|\$|€|£)", value)
currency = currency_match.group(1) if currency_match else None
# Remove currency symbols or codes for numeric conversion
cleaned_value = re.sub(r"[A-Z]{3}|\$|€|£", "", value).replace(",", "").strip()
# Handle percentages
if "%" in cleaned_value:
return float(cleaned_value.replace("%", "")), currency
# Handle plain numbers (integers or floats)
elif cleaned_value.replace(".", "", 1).isdigit():
return float(cleaned_value) if "." in cleaned_value else int(cleaned_value), currency
# Return as text if no numeric parsing is possible
return value, currency
except ValueError:
# Fallback to original value if parsing fails
return value, None
def extract_transaction_details(text):
Extracts transaction details from a given text input.
Handles both bold (**field**) and non-bold (field) formats.
details = {}
transaction_currency = None # Default currency field
# Regex to match key-value pairs
detail_matches = re.findall(
r"-\s*\*{0,2}([\w\s]+)\*{0,2}:\s*([\w\s,.$%-]+?)(?:\s*[\n]|$)", # Stop matching before newline or end of string
# print("Detail matches:", detail_matches) # Debugging
for field, value in detail_matches:
# Standardize the field name (convert to snake_case)
field = field.strip().lower().replace(" ", "_")
# Parse the value and dynamically detect currency
parsed_value, detected_currency = parse_value(value)
if detected_currency and not transaction_currency:
transaction_currency = detected_currency # Set the transaction-level currency if not already set
details[field] = parsed_value
# Add currency as a separate field
if transaction_currency:
details["currency"] = transaction_currency
return details
# Parsing single transactions
def parse_ai_response(response_text):
# Initialize the structured data dictionary
data = {
"intent": None,
"transaction_type": None,
"details": {},
"created_at": datetime.now().isoformat() # Add current date and time
# Extract the intent
intent_match = re.search(r"\*\*Intent\*\*:\s*(\w+)", response_text)
if intent_match:
data["intent"] = intent_match.group(1)
# Extract the transaction type
transaction_type_match = re.search(r"\*\*Transaction Type\*\*:\s*(\w+)", response_text)
if transaction_type_match:
data["transaction_type"] = transaction_type_match.group(1)
# Store details in the structured data
data["details"] = extract_transaction_details(response_text)
return data
def parse_multiple_transactions(response_text):
transactions = []
# Split the response into transaction sections based on keyword 'Transaction #'
transaction_sections = re.split(r"Transaction \d+:", response_text, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
# Adjust regex to handle variations in "Transaction X:"
# transaction_sections = re.split(r"(?i)(?<=\n)transaction\s+\d+:", response_text)
transaction_sections = [section.strip() for section in transaction_sections if section.strip()]
# Remove the first section if it's not a valid transaction
if not re.search(r"\*\*Transaction Type\*\*", transaction_sections[0], re.IGNORECASE):
# if len(transaction_sections) == 1: # process single transaction
# transaction_data = parse_ai_response(response_text)
# transactions.append(transaction_data)
# return transactions
# Extract intent: with support for a single intent per user prompt
intent_match = re.search(r"\*\*Intent\*\*:\s*(\w+)", response_text)
if intent_match:
intent = intent_match.group(1)
for section in transaction_sections:
# Initialize transaction data
transaction_data = {
"intent": intent, # global intent
"transaction_type": None,
"details": {},
"created_at": datetime.now().isoformat()
# Extract transaction type
transaction_type_match = re.search(r"\*\*Transaction Type\*\*:\s*(\w+)", section)
if transaction_type_match:
transaction_data["transaction_type"] = transaction_type_match.group(1)
# Extract details
transaction_data["details"] = extract_transaction_details(section)
return transactions
def create_inventory(user_phone, transaction_data):
for transaction in transaction_data:
item_name = transaction['details']['item'] # assumes unique item name
doc_ref = db.collection("users").document(user_phone).collection("inventory").document(item_name)
# transaction_data['transaction_id'] # let's default to random generated document ids
# print("Transaction created successfully!")
return True
def create_sale(user_phone, transaction_data):
for transaction in transaction_data:
item_name = transaction['details']['item'] # assumes item names are unique per transactions
# fetch the inventory
inventory = fetch_transaction(user_phone, item_name)
# Do the sales calculations
new_stock_level = inventory['details']['quantity'] - transaction['details']['quantity']
inventory['details']['quantity'] = new_stock_level
# update the inventory
doc_ref = db.collection("users").document(user_phone).collection("inventory").document(item_name)
# Create the sale
doc_ref = db.collection("users").document(user_phone).collection("sales").document(item_name)
# print("Transaction created successfully!")
return True
# Update logic:
# -
def update_transaction(user_phone, transaction_id, update_data):
doc_ref = db.collection("users").document(user_phone).collection("transactions").document(transaction_id)
# print("Transaction updated successfully!")
return True
def fetch_transaction(user_phone, transaction_id=None):
if transaction_id:
doc_ref = db.collection("users").document(user_phone).collection("transactions").document(transaction_id)
transaction = doc_ref.get()
if transaction.exists:
return transaction.to_dict()
# print("Transaction not found.")
return None
collection_ref = db.collection("users").document(user_phone).collection("transactions")
transactions = [doc.to_dict() for doc in collection_ref.stream()]
return transactions
# Delete fields or an entire transaction document.
# Delete specific fields
def delete_transaction_fields(user_phone, transaction_id, fields_to_delete):
doc_ref = db.collection("users").document(user_phone).collection("transactions").document(transaction_id)
updates = {field: firestore.DELETE_FIELD for field in fields_to_delete}
print("Fields deleted successfully!")
# Delete an entire transaction
def delete_transaction(user_phone, transaction_id):
doc_ref = db.collection("users").document(user_phone).collection("transactions").document(transaction_id)
print("Transaction deleted successfully!")
# Example usage
# response_text = """
# The information provided indicates that you want to **create/record** a new transaction.
# **Extracted Information**:
# **Intent**: Create
# **Transaction Type**: Purchase
# **Details**:
# - Item: Car
# - Purpose: Business
# - Amount: 100000 USD
# - Tax: 1000 USD
# """
# parsed_data = parse_ai_response(response_text)
# print(parsed_data)