animation-execute-1 / Dockerfile
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# Install necessary dependencies using winget
RUN powershell -Command \
winget install --id=python.Python.3 --source=winget -e --silent; \
winget install --id=ffmpeg.FFmpeg -e --silent; \
winget install --id=MiKTeX.MiKTeX -e --silent
# Install Python dependencies
COPY ./requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN python -m pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r requirements.txt
# Create media directory
RUN mkdir C:/app/media
# (Optional) Set permissions for the newly created directory
RUN icacls C:/app/media /grant Everyone:F /T
# Copy application code into the container
COPY . C:/app
# Set the entrypoint for the application
CMD ["C:/Python39/python.exe", "C:/app/"]