updating with better example table
Browse files
@@ -184,89 +184,50 @@ It performs nearly on par with GPTTurbo16k at around 93% sentence similarity. Bu
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Take for example this output.
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Original: CantbelieveImissedthelastbus!
228 |
Corrected: Can't believe I missed the last bus!
229 |
Original: Needanysuggestionsforagoodmovieatnight?
230 |
Corrected: Need any suggestions for a good movie night?
231 |
Original: Feelingproudaccomplishedsomethingbigtoday!
232 |
Corrected: Feeling proud of something big today!
233 |
Original: Wishcouldteleportmyselftothebeachrightnow.
234 |
Corrected: Wish could teleport myself to the beach right now.
235 |
Original: Justsawthecutestaudiofapuppylearningtotalk.
236 |
Corrected: Just saw the cutest audio from puppy learning to talk.
237 |
Original: Excitedtostartafreshnewprojectthistoday.
238 |
Corrected: Excited to start a fresh new project this today.
239 |
Original: Havingtroubledecidingwhichoptionistobetter.
240 |
Corrected: Having trouble deciding which option is to better.
241 |
Original: Finallyfinishedorganizingmyclosetfeelsamazing!
242 |
Corrected: Finally finished organizing my closet feels amazing!
243 |
Original: Learnedsomethingnewtodayitssoneversadtoolate!
244 |
Corrected: Learned something new today it's so wonderful too late!
245 |
Original: Cravingapizzabuttryingtoresisttemptation.
246 |
Corrected: Craving a pizza, but trying to resist temptation.
247 |
Original: Planningweekendgettogetheranyonesinterested?
248 |
Corrected: Planning weekend get together anyone's interested?
249 |
Original: Canwaittousethisnewlyacquiredskillsoon.
250 |
Corrected: Can wait to use this newly acquired skill soon.
251 |
Original: Feelinggratefulforallofthesupportivepeopleinmylife.
252 |
Corrected: Feeling grateful for all of the supportive people in my life.
253 |
Original: Whatshappeningonthelatestseasonofyourfavoriteshow?
254 |
Corrected: What's happening on the latest season of your favorites, though?
255 |
Original: Anyoneelseafraidofthedarkadmitnojudgement.
256 |
Corrected: Anyone else afraid of the dark admit no judgement.
257 |
Original: Justreadafascinatingarticleaboutancientcivilizations.
258 |
Corrected: Just read a fascinating article about ancient civilizations.
259 |
Original: Feelingaccomplishedcrossedofeverythingontmylisttoday.
260 |
Corrected: Feeling accomplished crossed of everything on my list today.
261 |
Original: Strugglingtofindmotivationanyadviceisappreciated.
262 |
Corrected: Struggling to find motivation any advice is appreciated.
263 |
Original: Cantw waittoseeyouagainletsmakesoonplans!
264 |
Corrected: Can't wait to see you again, let's make soon plans!
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We hope to build on this by further fine-tuning in time on real corpous of indviduals using AAC
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# Technical Specifications
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## Model Architecture and Objective
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Take for example this output.
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| | Input | Output |
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| 0 | Didyoucatchthegamelastnight? | Did you catch the game last night? |
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| 1 | Wannagrabcoffeetomorrow? | Wanna grab coffee tomorrow? |
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| 2 | ImdyingsomeonecancellsoIcandogsitter! | I'm dying someone cancell so I can do dogsitter! |
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| 3 | Hahahahahahahathats hilarious! | Hahahahahahahahaha that's hilarious! |
193 |
| 4 | OMGyouneedtoseethelatestmeme! | OMG, you need to see the latest me! |
194 |
| 5 | Seriouslythisweatherissocrazy! | Seriously, this weather is so crazy! |
195 |
| 6 | Whatchauptomefriend? | What's your friend? |
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| 7 | Feelingburntoutaftettodayhelp! | Feeling burnt out aftet today, help! |
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| 8 | Guesswhosingleagain! | Guess who single again! |
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| 9 | Youwontyoubelievewhatjusthappened! | You wont you believe what just happened! |
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| 10 | Moviemarathonatmyplacethisweekend? | Movie marathon at my place this weekend? |
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| 11 | Needstudymotivationanyideas? | Need study motivation, any ideas? |
201 |
| 12 | Sostressedaboutthispresentation! | So stressed about this presentation! |
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| 13 | Finallyfinishedthatbookyourecommended! | Finally finished that book you recommended! |
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| 14 | Anygoodshowsbingeablelately? | Any good shows being possible lately? |
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| 15 | Justsawthecraziestthingonthebus! | Just saw the craziest thing on the bus! |
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| 16 | Sendhelpfoodistrappedintheoven! | Send help food is wrapped in the oven! |
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| 17 | Cantwaittoseeyouattheparty! | Cant wait to see you at the party! |
207 |
| 18 | Missyoutonsalreadyletshangsoon! | Miss youtons already let's hang soon! |
208 |
| 19 | CantbelieveImissedthelastbus! | Can't believe I missed the last bus! |
209 |
| 20 | Needanysuggestionsforagoodmovieatnight? | Need any suggestions for a good movie night? |
210 |
| 21 | Feelingproudaccomplishedsomethingbigtoday! | Feeling proud of something big today! |
211 |
| 22 | Wishcouldteleportmyselftothebeachrightnow. | Wish could teleport myself to the beach right now. |
212 |
| 23 | Justsawthecutestaudiofapuppylearningtotalk. | Just saw the cutest audio from puppy learning to talk. |
213 |
| 24 | Excitedtostartafreshnewprojectthistoday. | Excited to start a fresh new project this today. |
214 |
| 25 | Havingtroubledecidingwhichoptionistobetter. | Having trouble deciding which option is to better. |
215 |
| 26 | Finallyfinishedorganizingmyclosetfeelsamazing! | Finally finished organizing my closet feels amazing! |
216 |
| 27 | Learnedsomethingnewtodayitssoneversadtoolate! | Learned something new today it's so wonderful too late! |
217 |
| 28 | Cravingapizzabuttryingtoresisttemptation. | Craving a pizza, but trying to resist temptation. |
218 |
| 29 | Planningweekendgettogetheranyonesinterested? | Planning weekend get together anyone's interested? |
219 |
| 30 | Canwaittousethisnewlyacquiredskillsoon. | Can wait to use this newly acquired skill soon. |
220 |
| 31 | Feelinggratefulforallofthesupportivepeopleinmylife. | Feeling grateful for all of the supportive people in my life. |
221 |
| 32 | Whatshappeningonthelatestseasonofyourfavoriteshow? | What's happening on the latest season of your favorites, though? |
222 |
| 33 | Anyoneelseafraidofthedarkadmitnojudgement. | Anyone else afraid of the dark admit no judgement. |
223 |
| 34 | Justreadafascinatingarticleaboutancientcivilizations. | Just read a fascinating article about ancient civilizations. |
224 |
| 35 | Feelingaccomplishedcrossedofeverythingontmylisttoday. | Feeling accomplished crossed of everything on my list today. |
225 |
| 36 | Strugglingtofindmotivationanyadviceisappreciated. | Struggling to find motivation any advice is appreciated. |
226 |
| 37 | Cantw waittoseeyouagainletsmakesoonplans! | Can't wait to see you again, let's make soon plans! |
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We hope to build on this by further fine-tuning in time on real corpous of indviduals using AAC
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# Technical Specifications
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## Model Architecture and Objective