updating with new data and eval results
Browse files
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ It has been training on
79 |
- [Comm2 - AAC Text](https://www.aactext.org/comm2/)
80 |
- [C4-200M - 25K Subset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/leslyarun/c4_200m_gec_train100k_test25k)
81 |
- [JFLEG](https://huggingface.co/datasets/jhu-clsp/jfleg)
82 |
83 |
84 |
Then injecting typos from a range of places
@@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ Then injecting typos from a range of places
88 |
- **TOEFL Spell** A dataset of Spelling Annotations for English language learner essays written for TOEFL exams.
89 |
- Find this [here](https://github.com/EducationalTestingService/TOEFL-Spell/tree/master)
90 |
- **Homonyms** We replace words in BNC and Dialy Dialog occasionally with homonyms from this list https://github.com/pimentel/homophones/
91 |
92 |
And then compressing versions of the sentences (i.e. removing spaces)- both correct and typod we add to our dataset. (This is to solve a problem where some people write without spaces)
93 |
Note we use a ``grammar: `` prefix for each sentence in training.
@@ -113,7 +117,7 @@ Full script to build the [dataset is here](https://colab.research.google.com/dri
113 |
- The model is fine-tuned from `t5-small`.
114 |
115 |
## Resources for more information:
116 |
- [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/
117 |
118 |
# Uses
119 |
@@ -141,10 +145,23 @@ The model was trained on a curated subset of the DailyDialog and BNC corpora (20
141 |
Sentences were stripped of apostrophes and commas, spaces were removed, and typos were introduced programmatically to simulate common errors in user-generated content.
142 |
143 |
### Speeds, Sizes, Times
144 |
- Training was conducted on LlambdaLabs, taking approximately
145 |
146 |
# Evaluation
147 |
148 |
## Testing Data, Factors & Metrics
149 |
150 |
### Testing Data
@@ -156,59 +173,91 @@ The model demonstrates high efficacy in correcting short, erroneous sentences, w
156 |
157 |
It performs nearly on par with GPTTurbo16k at around 93% sentence similarity. But there are gaps.
158 |
159 |
Take for example this output
160 |
161 |
162 |
Original: Didyoucatchthegamelastnight?
163 |
Corrected: Did you catch the game last night?
164 |
165 |
Original: Wannagrabcoffeetomorrow?
166 |
Corrected: Wanna grab coffee tomorrow?
167 |
168 |
Original: ImdyingsomeonecancellsoIcandogsitter!
169 |
Corrected: I'm dying someone
170 |
171 |
Original: Hahahahahahahathats hilarious!
172 |
173 |
174 |
Original: OMGyouneedtoseethelatestmeme!
175 |
Corrected: OMG you need to see the latest
176 |
177 |
Original: Seriouslythisweatherissocrazy!
178 |
Corrected: Seriously this weather is so crazy!
179 |
180 |
Original: Whatchauptomefriend?
181 |
Corrected: What's
182 |
183 |
Original: Feelingburntoutaftettodayhelp!
184 |
Corrected: Feeling burnt out today help!
185 |
186 |
Original: Guesswhosingleagain!
187 |
Corrected: Guess who single again!
188 |
189 |
Original: Youwontyoubelievewhatjusthappened!
190 |
Corrected: You
191 |
192 |
Original: Moviemarathonatmyplacethisweekend?
193 |
Corrected: Movie
194 |
195 |
Original: Needstudymotivationanyideas?
196 |
Corrected: Need study motivation any ideas?
197 |
198 |
Original: Sostressedaboutthispresentation!
199 |
Corrected: So stressed about this presentation!
200 |
201 |
Original: Finallyfinishedthatbookyourecommended!
202 |
Corrected: Finally finished that book
203 |
204 |
Original: Anygoodshowsbingeablelately?
205 |
Corrected: Any good shows
206 |
207 |
We hope to build on this by further fine-tuning in time on real corpous of indviduals using AAC
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
# Technical Specifications
214 |
79 |
- [Comm2 - AAC Text](https://www.aactext.org/comm2/)
80 |
- [C4-200M - 25K Subset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/leslyarun/c4_200m_gec_train100k_test25k)
81 |
- [JFLEG](https://huggingface.co/datasets/jhu-clsp/jfleg)
82 |
- [Coedit](https://huggingface.co/datasets/grammarly/coedit)
83 |
- [Conversation Enders](https://huggingface.co/Chakshu/conversation_ender)
84 |
- [Conversation Starters](https://huggingface.co/Langame/conversation-starters)
85 |
86 |
87 |
Then injecting typos from a range of places
91 |
- **TOEFL Spell** A dataset of Spelling Annotations for English language learner essays written for TOEFL exams.
92 |
- Find this [here](https://github.com/EducationalTestingService/TOEFL-Spell/tree/master)
93 |
- **Homonyms** We replace words in BNC and Dialy Dialog occasionally with homonyms from this list https://github.com/pimentel/homophones/
94 |
- **Our own typo augment function** This would make likely errors found in a English Qwerty layout as well as subsitutions, deletions etc
95 |
96 |
And then compressing versions of the sentences (i.e. removing spaces)- both correct and typod we add to our dataset. (This is to solve a problem where some people write without spaces)
97 |
Note we use a ``grammar: `` prefix for each sentence in training.
117 |
- The model is fine-tuned from `t5-small`.
118 |
119 |
## Resources for more information:
120 |
- [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/AceCentre/Correct-A-Sentence/tree/main/helper-scripts/)
121 |
122 |
# Uses
123 |
145 |
Sentences were stripped of apostrophes and commas, spaces were removed, and typos were introduced programmatically to simulate common errors in user-generated content.
146 |
147 |
### Speeds, Sizes, Times
148 |
- Training was conducted on LlambdaLabs, taking approximately 6 hrs to complete.
149 |
150 |
# Evaluation
151 |
152 |
| Phase | Metric | Value |
153 |
154 |
| Train | Loss | 0.1642 |
155 |
| Train | Global Step | 375876 |
156 |
| Train | Total FLoPs | 8.33E+15 |
157 |
| Train | Training Time | ~6.5 hr |
158 |
| Eval | Loss | 0.1199 |
159 |
| Eval | Samples per Second | 1159.375 |
160 |
| Eval | Steps per Second | 72.462 |
161 |
| Hyperparam | Learning Rate | 5.02E-06 |
162 |
| Hyperparam | Grad Norm | 1.1725 |
163 |
| Hyperparam | Epoch | 3 |
164 |
165 |
## Testing Data, Factors & Metrics
166 |
167 |
### Testing Data
173 |
174 |
It performs nearly on par with GPTTurbo16k at around 93% sentence similarity. But there are gaps.
175 |
176 |
Take for example this output.
177 |
178 |
179 |
Original: Howwasyafternoonanyway?
180 |
Corrected: How was my afternoon anyway?
181 |
Original: Didyoucatchthegamelastnight?
182 |
Corrected: Did you catch the game last night?
183 |
Original: Wannagrabcoffeetomorrow?
184 |
Corrected: Wanna grab coffee tomorrow?
185 |
Original: ImdyingsomeonecancellsoIcandogsitter!
186 |
Corrected: I'm dying someone cancell so I can do dogsitter!
187 |
Original: Hahahahahahahathats hilarious!
188 |
Corrected: Hahahahahahahahaha that's hilarious!
189 |
Original: OMGyouneedtoseethelatestmeme!
190 |
Corrected: OMG, you need to see the latest me!
191 |
Original: Seriouslythisweatherissocrazy!
192 |
Corrected: Seriously, this weather is so crazy!
193 |
Original: Whatchauptomefriend?
194 |
Corrected: What's your friend?
195 |
Original: Feelingburntoutaftettodayhelp!
196 |
Corrected: Feeling burnt out aftet today, help!
197 |
Original: Guesswhosingleagain!
198 |
Corrected: Guess who single again!
199 |
Original: Youwontyoubelievewhatjusthappened!
200 |
Corrected: You wont you believe what just happened!
201 |
Original: Moviemarathonatmyplacethisweekend?
202 |
Corrected: Movie marathon at my place this weekend?
203 |
Original: Needstudymotivationanyideas?
204 |
Corrected: Need study motivation, any ideas?
205 |
Original: Sostressedaboutthispresentation!
206 |
Corrected: So stressed about this presentation!
207 |
Original: Finallyfinishedthatbookyourecommended!
208 |
Corrected: Finally finished that book you recommended!
209 |
Original: Anygoodshowsbingeablelately?
210 |
Corrected: Any good shows being possible lately?
211 |
Original: Justsawthecraziestthingonthebus!
212 |
Corrected: Just saw the craziest thing on the bus!
213 |
Original: Sendhelpfoodistrappedintheoven!
214 |
Corrected: Send help food is wrapped in the oven!
215 |
Original: Cantwaittoseeyouattheparty!
216 |
Corrected: Cant wait to see you at the party!
217 |
Original: Missyoutonsalreadyletshangsoon!
218 |
Corrected: Miss youtons already let's hang soon!
219 |
Original: CantbelieveImissedthelastbus!
220 |
Corrected: Can't believe I missed the last bus!
221 |
Original: Needanysuggestionsforagoodmovieatnight?
222 |
Corrected: Need any suggestions for a good movie night?
223 |
Original: Feelingproudaccomplishedsomethingbigtoday!
224 |
Corrected: Feeling proud of something big today!
225 |
Original: Wishcouldteleportmyselftothebeachrightnow.
226 |
Corrected: Wish could teleport myself to the beach right now.
227 |
Original: Justsawthecutestaudiofapuppylearningtotalk.
228 |
Corrected: Just saw the cutest audio from puppy learning to talk.
229 |
Original: Excitedtostartafreshnewprojectthistoday.
230 |
Corrected: Excited to start a fresh new project this today.
231 |
Original: Havingtroubledecidingwhichoptionistobetter.
232 |
Corrected: Having trouble deciding which option is to better.
233 |
Original: Finallyfinishedorganizingmyclosetfeelsamazing!
234 |
Corrected: Finally finished organizing my closet feels amazing!
235 |
Original: Learnedsomethingnewtodayitssoneversadtoolate!
236 |
Corrected: Learned something new today it's so wonderful too late!
237 |
Original: Cravingapizzabuttryingtoresisttemptation.
238 |
Corrected: Craving a pizza, but trying to resist temptation.
239 |
Original: Planningweekendgettogetheranyonesinterested?
240 |
Corrected: Planning weekend get together anyone's interested?
241 |
Original: Canwaittousethisnewlyacquiredskillsoon.
242 |
Corrected: Can wait to use this newly acquired skill soon.
243 |
Original: Feelinggratefulforallofthesupportivepeopleinmylife.
244 |
Corrected: Feeling grateful for all of the supportive people in my life.
245 |
Original: Whatshappeningonthelatestseasonofyourfavoriteshow?
246 |
Corrected: What's happening on the latest season of your favorites, though?
247 |
Original: Anyoneelseafraidofthedarkadmitnojudgement.
248 |
Corrected: Anyone else afraid of the dark admit no judgement.
249 |
Original: Justreadafascinatingarticleaboutancientcivilizations.
250 |
Corrected: Just read a fascinating article about ancient civilizations.
251 |
Original: Feelingaccomplishedcrossedofeverythingontmylisttoday.
252 |
Corrected: Feeling accomplished crossed of everything on my list today.
253 |
Original: Strugglingtofindmotivationanyadviceisappreciated.
254 |
Corrected: Struggling to find motivation any advice is appreciated.
255 |
Original: Cantw waittoseeyouagainletsmakesoonplans!
256 |
Corrected: Can't wait to see you again, let's make soon plans!
257 |
258 |
We hope to build on this by further fine-tuning in time on real corpous of indviduals using AAC
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
# Technical Specifications
263 |