pokemon-polynomial-2-gbar / scheduler /scheduler_config.py
AltLuv's picture
End of training
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax
import torch
from dataclasses import dataclass
import sympy
import sympy as sp
from sympy import Matrix, Symbol
import math
from sde_redefined_param import SDEDimension
class SDEPolynomialConfig:
name = "Custom"
initial_variable_value = 0
max_variable_value = 1# math.inf
min_sample_value = 1e-6
variable = Symbol('t', nonnegative=True, real=True, domain=sympy.Interval(initial_variable_value, max_variable_value, left_open=False, right_open=False))
drift_dimension = SDEDimension.SCALAR
diffusion_dimension = SDEDimension.SCALAR
diffusion_matrix_dimension = SDEDimension.SCALAR
drift_degree = 20
diffusion_degree = 20
drift_parameters = Matrix([sympy.symbols(f"f:{drift_degree}", real=True, nonzero=True)])
diffusion_parameters = Matrix([sympy.symbols(f"l:{diffusion_degree}", real=True, nonzero=True)])
def drift(self):
transformed_variable = self.variable
return -sympy.Abs(sum(sympy.HadamardProduct(Matrix([[transformed_variable**i for i in range(1,self.drift_degree+1)]]), self.drift_parameters).doit()))
def diffusion(self):
return self.variable**(sum(sympy.HadamardProduct(Matrix([[self.variable**i for i in range(0,self.diffusion_degree)]]),self.diffusion_parameters.applyfunc(lambda x: x**2)).doit()))
# TODO (KLAUS) : in the SDE SAMPLING CHANGING Q impacts how we sample z ~ N(0, Q*(delta t))
diffusion_matrix = 1
module = 'jax'
diffusion_integral_decomposition = 'cholesky' # ldl
target = "epsilon" # x0
non_symbolic_parameters = {'drift': torch.ones(drift_degree), 'diffusion': torch.ones(diffusion_degree)}