from unittest import mock |
from unittest.mock import patch, mock_open, MagicMock |
import pytest |
from pytube import Caption, CaptionQuery, captions |
def test_float_to_srt_time_format(): |
caption1 = Caption( |
{"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en"} |
) |
assert caption1.float_to_srt_time_format(3.89) == "00:00:03,890" |
def test_caption_query_sequence(): |
caption1 = Caption( |
{"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en"} |
) |
caption2 = Caption( |
{"url": "url2", "name": {"simpleText": "name2"}, "languageCode": "fr"} |
) |
caption_query = CaptionQuery(captions=[caption1, caption2]) |
assert len(caption_query) == 2 |
assert caption_query["en"] == caption1 |
assert caption_query["fr"] == caption2 |
with pytest.raises(KeyError): |
not_exists = caption_query["nada"] |
assert not_exists is not None |
def test_caption_query_get_by_language_code_when_exists(): |
caption1 = Caption( |
{"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en"} |
) |
caption2 = Caption( |
{"url": "url2", "name": {"simpleText": "name2"}, "languageCode": "fr"} |
) |
caption_query = CaptionQuery(captions=[caption1, caption2]) |
assert caption_query["en"] == caption1 |
def test_caption_query_get_by_language_code_when_not_exists(): |
caption1 = Caption( |
{"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en"} |
) |
caption2 = Caption( |
{"url": "url2", "name": {"simpleText": "name2"}, "languageCode": "fr"} |
) |
caption_query = CaptionQuery(captions=[caption1, caption2]) |
with pytest.raises(KeyError): |
not_found = caption_query["hello"] |
assert not_found is not None |
@mock.patch("pytube.captions.Caption.generate_srt_captions") |
def test_download(srt): |
open_mock = mock_open() |
with patch("builtins.open", open_mock): |
srt.return_value = "" |
caption = Caption( |
{"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en"} |
) |
caption.download("title") |
assert open_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0].split("/")[-1] == "title (en).srt" |
@mock.patch("pytube.captions.Caption.generate_srt_captions") |
def test_download_with_prefix(srt): |
open_mock = mock_open() |
with patch("builtins.open", open_mock): |
srt.return_value = "" |
caption = Caption( |
{"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en"} |
) |
caption.download("title", filename_prefix="1 ") |
assert open_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0].split("/")[-1] == "1 title (en).srt" |
@mock.patch("pytube.captions.Caption.generate_srt_captions") |
def test_download_with_output_path(srt): |
open_mock = mock_open() |
captions.target_directory = MagicMock(return_value="/target") |
with patch("builtins.open", open_mock): |
srt.return_value = "" |
caption = Caption( |
{"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en"} |
) |
file_path = caption.download("title", output_path="blah") |
assert file_path == "/target/title (en).srt" |
captions.target_directory.assert_called_with("blah") |
@mock.patch("pytube.captions.Caption.xml_captions") |
def test_download_xml_and_trim_extension(xml): |
open_mock = mock_open() |
with patch("builtins.open", open_mock): |
xml.return_value = "" |
caption = Caption( |
{"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en"} |
) |
caption.download("title.xml", srt=False) |
assert open_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0].split("/")[-1] == "title (en).xml" |
def test_repr(): |
caption = Caption( |
{"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en"} |
) |
assert str(caption) == '<Caption lang="name1" code="en">' |
caption_query = CaptionQuery(captions=[caption]) |
assert repr(caption_query) == '{\'en\': <Caption lang="name1" code="en">}' |
@mock.patch("pytube.request.get") |
def test_xml_captions(request_get): |
request_get.return_value = "test" |
caption = Caption( |
{"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en"} |
) |
assert caption.xml_captions == "test" |
@mock.patch("pytube.captions.request") |
def test_generate_srt_captions(request): |
request.get.return_value = ( |
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><transcript><text start="6.5" dur="1.7">[' |
'Herb, Software Engineer]\n本影片包含隱藏式字幕。</text><text start="8.3" dur="2.7">' |
"如要啓動字幕,請按一下這裡的圖示。</text></transcript>" |
) |
caption = Caption( |
{"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en"} |
) |
assert caption.generate_srt_captions() == ( |
"1\n" |
"00:00:06,500 --> 00:00:08,200\n" |
"[Herb, Software Engineer] 本影片包含隱藏式字幕。\n" |
"\n" |
"2\n" |
"00:00:08,300 --> 00:00:11,000\n" |
"如要啓動字幕,請按一下這裡的圖示。" |
) |