Inquiry on Latest Update for flux1-dev-fp8

by torealise - opened

I noticed you recently updated the weights for flux1-dev-fp8. Could you clarify if the changes were just technical or if there were any improvements in performance? I’m wondering if it’s worth re-downloading the new version.

The flux1-dev-fp8 was just renamed to flux1-dev-fp8-e4m3fn to better reflect the format of the weights, nothing in the file has changed, no need to re-download that.

Alternative version for fp8-e5m2 was added due to a request, they do give slightly different results, but it's hard/impossible to say which is better.

You know that this change broken so many apps and links that depends on original weights. You could keep it

@Kijai please upload also original file name so apps and links depends on that will remain working as they are

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