What is the GEN of DMR-V2?

by Politrees - opened

Hi, before adding the DMR-V2 models to the README, it was mentioned that it would be trained on a new GEN. Is this true, and if so, which one?

Sorry for the late response but DMR V2 is currently trained with HiFi-GAN there were plans to train it with some new gan like RefineGAN or BigVGAN but since RefineGAN is still being worked on and Bigv was dropped i decided to just use HiFi.

But when RefineGAN is done being worked on it will retrain DMR with it.

Will there be versions for sampling rates of 40k and 48k?

Probably not since all of the data in the set is from yt and yt doesnt have true 40k or 48k

Razer112 changed discussion status to closed

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