license: apache-2.0
library_name: timm
WD SwinV2 Tagger v3
Supports ratings, characters and general tags.
Trained using
TPUs used for training kindly provided by the TRC program.
Last image id: 7220105
Trained on Danbooru images with IDs modulo 0000-0899.
Validated on images with IDs modulo 0950-0999.
Images with less than 10 general tags were filtered out.
Tags with less than 600 images were filtered out.
Validation results
P=R: threshold = 0.xxxx, F1 = 0.xxxx
What's new
Model v1.0/Dataset v3:
More training images, more and up-to-date tags (up to 2024-02-28).
Now timm
compatible! Load it up and give it a spin using the canonical one-liner!
ONNX model is compatible with code developed for the v2 series of models.
The batch dimension of the ONNX model is not fixed to 1 anymore. Now you can go crazy with batch inference.
Final words
Subject to change and updates. Downstream users are encouraged to use tagged releases rather than relying on the head of the repo.