not working well when function calling

by huayranus - opened

I tried both curl command as well as openai chat completion calls, not working well, the generation varies
Screenshot 2024-04-23 145652.png

Screenshot 2024-04-23 145824.png
Screenshot 2024-04-23 145902.png

Thanks for testing this out.

  1. Curl Commands
    This is tricky to do because you need to have the prompt correctly formatted. One option is to copy-paste the sample formatted prompt on the model card and use that.

  2. OpenAI Style requests
    The problem you're having there is that the end token for Llama 3 is not the same as the eos_token in the tokenizer_config.json file. I've swapped the eos_token now, so if you re-run with an openai style endpoint (whether tgi or vllm) it should produce clean results.

Note still the following caveats:

  1. The model correctly calls functions, but does not do a good job making use of function responses.
  2. Unlike openchat 3.5 (the function calling fine-tune), the model is weak at chaining function calls.

Thanks a lot, now it works!

RonanMcGovern changed discussion status to closed

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