# Image Captioning using ViT and GPT2 architecture |
This is my attempt to make a transformer model which takes image as the input and provides a caption for the image |
## Model Architecture |
It comprises of 12 ViT encoder and 12 GPT2 decoders |
![Model Architecture](images/model.png) |
## Training |
The model was trained on the dataset Flickr30k which comprises of 30k images and 5 captions for each image |
The model was trained for 8 epochs (which took 10hrs on kaggle's P100 GPU) |
## Results |
The model acieved a BLEU-4 score of 0.2115, CIDEr score of 0.4, METEOR score of 0.25, and SPICE score of 0.19 on the Flickr8k dataset |
These are the loss curves. |
![Loss graph](images/loss.png) |
![perplexity graph](images/perplexity.png) |
## Predictions |
To predict your own images download the models.py, predict.py and the requirements.txt and then run the following commands-> |
`pip install -r requirements.txt` |
`python predict.py` |
*Predicting for the first time will take time as it has to download the model weights (1GB)* |
Here are a few examples of the prediction done on the Validation dataset |
![Test 1](images/test1.png) |
![Test 2](images/test2.png) |
![Test 3](images/test3.png) |
![Test 4](images/test4.png) |
![Test 5](images/test5.png) |
![Test 6](images/test6.png) |
![Test 7](images/test7.png) |
![Test 8](images/test8.png) |
![Test 9](images/test9.png) |
As we can see these are not the most amazing predictions. The performance could be improved by training it further and using an even bigger dataset like MS COCO (500k captioned images) |
## FAQ |
Check the [full notebook](./imagecaptioning.ipynb) or [Kaggle](https://www.kaggle.com/code/ayushman72/imagecaptioning) |
Download the [weights](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X51wAI7Bsnrhd2Pa4WUoHIXvvhIcRH7Y/view?usp=drive_link) of the model |